What A Wonderful Teacher: Sat 5/9/2020 2:04 AM

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5/12/2020 Mail - Britney Sawyer - Outlook

What a wonderful teacher

Tacola Cates <tacola37@gmail.com>
Sat 5/9/2020 2:04 AM
To: britneysawyer83@outlook.com <britneysawyer83@outlook.com>
I am the mother of one of Mrs Sawyer’s student Nadia Staggers. I think Ms. Sawyer is a wonderful
 teacher. The e-learning that she is doing her class is amazing. She gives e-learning a better outlook.
From doing class assignments through video to allowing her students access to her 7 days a week. My
daughter is excited to get on e-learn because she knows that she gets to see her teacher face to face
and it also allows her to see her classmates. I came home from work and she was still online with her
class. They had time after class that they were allowed to watch a movie together. My daughter was so
excited just to see, talk, and laugh with her classmates that she haven’t had contact with since this
pandemic. And it made my day to see the smile on her face. I just want to send a huge thanks to Mrs
Sawyer for taking the time to make e-learning fun and a huge learning experience. Keep up the good
work that you are doing because parents like I do, really appreciate it. 

Thank you again

Tacola Cates 

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