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Real Add-on Series, No.


Pilot’s Handbook


We aimed at developing the Boeing 787-8 with which anyone can enjoy without
spending many hours for learning the complicated aircraft system. The navigation
system is made easy to fly for the beginners and the less experienced flight simmers.

LNAV and VNAV work with the flight plan generated by FSX Flight Planner. LNAV
will control the lateral movement of the aircraft. VNAV directs the vertical movement of
the aircraft.

Any flight plan you made can be loaded to the FMS of B787-8 aircraft thereby the flight
plan route is depicted on the Navigation Display. Pressing the LNAV button commands
the aircraft to follow the flight plan route shown on the Navigation Display. Pressing
the VNAV button commands the aircraft to follow the vertical profile* as specified in the
flight plan. When there is the altitude constraint over certain waypoint in the plan,
VNAV commands the aircraft to cross this waypoint at that constrained altitude.

VNAV is capable of displaying the location of T/C (Top of Climb) and T/D (Top of
Descent) on the Navigation Display.

(* It works only when the flight plan is made with the altitude data)

Tutorial One

Easy Going Operation from Tokyo/RJTT to Osaka/RJOO

The Easy Going Operation requires minimal and simple manipulation in the cockpit. If
you are not the beginner for the flight simulator, skip this chapter and go to Tutorial

Select the Boeing 787-8 RR from the Free Flight menu of FSX.


Load approximately 43,600 lbs of fuel. This requires the setting of 35% in Main Wing
Tanks (Left and Right), and ZERO % in Center Tank.

From the Free Flight dialog, select the Flight Planner and load the flight plan, which is
stored in the Routes folder of AS_B7878_RR_FSX. It is usually here,

C:¥Program files¥Microsoft Games¥Flight Simulator X¥SimObjects¥

Airplanes¥AS_B7878_RR_FSX¥Routes¥AS IFR Tokyo Intl to Osaka Intl.PLN

When you load the PLN, you will be asked whether you want Flight Simulator to move
your aircraft to the departure airport listed on the flight plan or not. Select YES, so that
your aircraft are moved to the active runway (normally 34R) at RJTT. We recommend
that you operate the tutorial flight in daytime.

If/when the Virtual Cockpit is loaded by “Fly Now” button to start, then select the 2D
Cockpit by pressing the F10 button, or using the pop-up menu.
Press HYPHEN (-) three times to set 0.70 ZOOM Cockpit View. (Recommended)

PRE FLIGHT Preparation

Now, you have stepped through the cockpit door of the 777-200 and sitting on the left
seat of the 2D cockpit and ready to fly.

- Click CDU icon to open CDU

1. Click ACTIVATE at LSK (Line Select

Key) 6R (the bottom key on the right)
2. Press the EXEC button. (Light bar
is extinguished)

Click CDU icon to close CDU.

If you see the CDU with [PRF INT]
page instead of [RTE 1] page at start,
you are required to re-load the aircraft
from the FSX menu.

There is no need to end the flight.

Just click the “Select Aircraft” under
the Aircraft tab of the FSX pull down
wizard appears, just click OK button.

Then CDU will have the [RTE 1] page

instead of [PRF INT]

MCP Setup

l Turn the F/D (Flight Director) ON.

l Set ALT 24000.

l Set FLAPS to 5.


l Ensure FLAPS are set to 5, and then press “Ctrll+Shift+G keys” to activate the
TO/GA mode for takeoff.

You can use zoom control to zoom-in or zoom-out the above cockpit view.
Press the EQUAL SIGN (=) to zoom in.
Press the HYPHEN (-) to zoom out.

B787 for FSX 2D Cockpit view provides the pilot with the best matching view when it is
zoomed out to 0.70 ZOOM cockpit view.

l Press A/P button on MCP to
engage Auto Pilot when
IAS reaches 110 knots.

l Set the landing gear to UP,

when VS (vertical speed)
reaches 2000 ft / MIN.

Press the G key, or click the

Gear Lever by mouse for
Gear Up.

Aircraft is tending to level off

when passing 500 ft after takeoff,
but soon it will resume normal
rate of climb.

l Raise FLAPS to entirely UP,
when passing 3000 ft. (F5 key)

Press F5 key for flaps up to Zero.

During climb to the cruising level

of FL240, the aircraft will level off
twice at 9,000 ft and 10,000 ft.

DESCENT Preparation

After having flown at 24,000 ft

with 330 KIAS for a while, you
shall prepare for descent.

Click the [NAV RAD] button
to open the NAV RADIO page.

l Set ILS FREQ 110.10 for


Tune the ILS frequency 110.10 to

NAV L. Hover the mouse cursor
over the frequency and scroll the
mouse wheel to set 110, and scroll
the wheel over the digits after the
decimal point and set it to 100.

l Set AUTOBRAKES to 2.

l Reset the MCP ALT from 24000 to 3500.

Resetting of MCP ALT gives no command

to aircraft to start descent.
If you have failed to reset MCP ALT before reaching
T/D, aircraft will not descend at T/D.

l Arm the Speed brake

Press the Shift key with / keys

to arm the speed brake.


AUTOBRAKE status is
announced on the EICAS.


No action is required to commence


When the aircraft reaches at

T/D (Top of Descent), VNAV
commands the aircraft to start
descent to lower ALT, which is
in our case 3,500.

In other words, aircraft will not

descend if you have failed to
reset the MCP ALT to the lower
altitude before it is reaching T/D. .

When descending through
5000 ft (see above), take the
following actions.

l Enter 190 into

MCP IAS/MACH window.

Hover the mouse cursor over the speed selector

knob. When the cursor turns to hand icon (with
no + or – sign), click on the knob.
Thence, 240 KIAS will be displayed in the MCP
IAS/MACH window.
Hover the mouse cursor over the numbers
and use the mouse wheel to set 190 knots.

l Set FLAPS to 20.

Use F6 key for flaps set to 20.

l Lower the Landing gear

Press the G key.

Flaps 20 and Gear Down status are indicated

on the EICAS.


Autoland is feasible even in the Easy Going Operation.

l Push APP button on the MCP, while 3500 ft ALT is being maintained..

l When the ILS Glide Path is captured, enter 160 into MCP IAS/MACH window, and
set FLAPS to 30.

Now, sit back and enjoy the Autolanding!

l Engage FULL THRUST REVERSERS soon after touchdown

Press F1 key, thence F2 key to deploy the THRUST REVERSERS.

When the aircraft is decelerated, turn at first available taxiway and proceed
towards the gate.

Tutorial Two
Normal Operation from Tokyo/RJTT to Osaka/RJOO

Important Note:
When you make your flight plan with the FSX Flight Planner, ensure that
you enter the figure “1” in the box for Cruising altitude. This does not mean
that you need to fly the altitude of 1 foot for the destination. The cruising
altitude of your flight will have to be assigned on CDU when you do a
Preflight preparation. We would cruise at 26000 ft in this tutorial flight.
What would happen if you failed to enter the figure “1”, here? All the
altitude data, which were incorporated into the flight plans will simply be
ignored by VNAV.

The following altitude data have been incorporated in the flight plan of the
Tutorial Flight.

WP1 - 500FT
TAURA - 9,000FT
HYE - 10,000FT
HYE14 - 10,000FT
<TOC> or <T/C> Top of Climb A point at which aircraft reaches FL260
<TOD> or <T?D> Top of Descent A point from which aircraft shall start descent
YAMAT - 6,000FT
IKOMA - 3,500FT
MIDOH - 3,500FT

The aircraft is required to cross these waypoints at the specified altitudes as stated,
according to the SID/STAR procedures. In addition, VNAV will figure out T/C (Top of
Climb) and T/D (Top of Descent), and both locations will be displayed on the ND during
the flight.

How do we incorporate the altitude data in the Flight Plan?

You will have to modify the flight plan using the text editor. The following is a first part
of flight plan of the tutorial flight.
<SimBase.Document Type="AceXML" version="1,0">

<Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>


<Title>RJTT to RJOO</Title>





<DepartureLLA>N35ー 32' 34.41",E139ー 48' 10.36",+000021.00</DepartureLLA>


<DestinationLLA>N34ー 46' 21.05",E135ー 27' 5.39",+000039.00</DestinationLLA>

<Descr>RJTT, RJOO</Descr>

< D e p a rturePosition>34R</DeparturePosition>

<DepartureName>Tokyo (Haneda) Intl</DepartureName>

<DestinationName>Osaka Intl</DestinationName>



<AppVersionBuild>61355 </AppVersionBuild>


<ATCWaypoint id="RJTT">


<WorldPosition>N35ー 32' 34.41",E139ー 48' 10.36",+000021.00</WorldPosition>





<ATCWaypoint id="WP1">


<WorldPosition>N35ー 35' 31.17",E139ー 46' 23.28",+000500.00</WorldPosition>


<ATCWaypoint id="WP2">


<WorldPosition>N35ー 36' 38.19",E139ー 46' 46.96",+000000.00</WorldPosition>

There is an altitude data right after the longitude of the waypoint on the line of
<WorldPosition>. In case of “WP1” above, +000500.00 is the ALT data (500 feet)
assigned to this WP1. The ALT of 500 feet at WP1 is assigned, because the departed
aircraft is required to cross WP1 at 500 feet or above according to the official SID,
HAYAMA 5 Departure. When you need to assign 9000 feet to certain waypoint en route,
change the parameter [+000000.00] to [+009000.00].

You do not need to give your cruising altitude to the line of the <WorldPosition>. Entry
should be ZERO, when there is no need to assign any crossing altitude. On the 7th line
from the top of flight plan, there is a line for the Cruising Altitude.
Entry should always be “1” as shown below.



From the Free Flight dialog, select the Flight Planner and load the flight plan, which is
stored in the Routes folder of AS_B7878_RR_FSX. It is usually here,

C:¥Program files¥Microsoft Games¥Flight Simulator X¥SimObjects¥

Airplanes¥AS_B7878_RR_FSX¥Routes¥AS IFR Tokyo Intl to Osaka Intl.PLN

The route for the tutorial flight is as follows.


When you load the PLN, you will be asked whether you want Flight Simulator to move
your aircraft to the departure airport listed on the flight plan or not. Select YES, so that
your aircraft are moved to the active runway (normally 34R) at RJTT. We recommend
that you operate the tutorial flight in daytime.


Load approximately 63,315lbs of fuel. This requires the setting of 35% in Main Wing
Tanks (Left and Right), and ZERO % in Center Tank.
Do not take excess amount of fuel unnecessarily. Carrying unnecessary fuel increases
the aircraft operating weight, which in turn means increase of fuel consumption.

For the FSX user with SP2, please select Fair Weather in order to make an approach in
the condition that meets the condition required for the autolanding.
For the FSX user without SP2, select Clear Skies for the same reason.

If you are uncertain about your FSX version, whether your FSX has SP2 or not, you can
check it by access to the About Microsoft Flight Simulator under the Help tab of FSX
pull down menu.


Click CDU Icon to open CDU.

At first, we load the flight plan, “AS IFR Tokyo Intl to Osaka Intl.PLN”, which was
made with the entry of “1” cruise altitude. When the flight plan is not loaded yet,
ORIGIN and DEST boxes are left blank (dashed lines -----) as shown in the left side of
above CDU. When the flight plan has been loaded properly, then RJTT and RJOO are
visible as shown in the right side CDU. Push LSK (Line Select Key) 6R key (the bottom
key on right side) to ACTIVATE the RTE, and then press the [EXEC] button.

PRF INT page will then appear in the CDU as shown in the left CDU above. Press the
[LEGS] button to retrieve the ACT RTE LEGS pages. You may aware that ALT data is
missing in the data line for LSK 1R. (Line Select Key, Top key on the right). Dashed
lines are visible instead of the ALT after IAS 200 and slash. If this is not the case,
proceed to the next step.

In case when the ALT data is missing after IAS 200, you are required to re-load the
aircraft from the FSX menu. There is no need to end the flight. Just click the “Select
Aircraft” under the Aircraft tab of the FSX pull down menu. When SELECT AIRCRAFT
wizard appears, just click OK button.

Again, click CDU icon to open CDU and push LSK 6R key to ACTIVATE the RTE, and
press the [EXEC] button. Press the [LEGS] button to retrieve the ACT RTE LEGS
pages. Now, entry lines of some waypoints are filled with the IAS/ALT as shown in the
following two CDU display screens.

When the [RTE] button is pressed, RTE 1 page (see the left CDU, below) will appear.
Hover the mouse cursor over the digit 0 in the data line for LSK 2R, and use the mouse
wheel to set your Flight Number.

Press the [INIT REF] button to retrieve PRF INT page (see the right side CDU, above).
Use also the mouse wheel to set the CRZ ALT on the PRF INT page. Hover the mouse
cursor over FL240 and make it FL260 for the tutorial flight. The green light is
illuminated in [EXEC] key. Press the [EXEC] key to execute the change made to CRZ
ALT on PRF INT page.

The flight level entry (FL260 in this case) made in the data line for LSK 1R gives no
command to the autopilot system of aircraft. It is merely used as a basis for VNAV to
calculate the location of T/C and T/D. (Top of Climb and Top of Descent).

Ensure the correct FL entry in the data line for LSK 1R, since the location of T/D is a
key factor on which to control the vertical profile of the entire flight.

Click on Overhead Panel Icon to open OH panel.

l Set Hydraulic Primary/Demand pump selectors to OFF

l Set Engine Generator Control switches, L and R, to OFF
l Set Pack, L and Pack R, to OFF
l Rotate APU switch to START (selector spring back to ON position)
l Set APU GEN L & R to ON
l Switch on NAV lights. (WING and LOGO as required)
l Ensure that all doors are closed

These switches might have been set to either AUTO or NORM unless you started the
flight with Cold and Dark situation. If this is a case, you may leave them as they are.

When APU is running, APU status can
be checked on the Secondary EICAS.
(Click STAT on the mode menu)

MCP (Mode Control Panel) Set up

Click CDU ICON to open CDU.

Press the [INIT REF] mode button
on CDU to call in the PRF INT page.
TAKEOFF> prompt appears at the
right bottom corner,
Click the LSK 6R, then you get the

Take a note that

V2 is 151 knots

l Set MCP SPD to V2 151 knots
l Set HDG to 337 (Runway heading of RJTT 34R)
l Set MCP ALT to 26000.
l Turn Flight Director (F/D) ON
l Set AUTOTHROTTLE switch to ARM
l Press LNAV to ON
l Press VNAV to ON


l Switch on Beacon Lights

Push Back and Engine Start

l Release the Parking Brake

l Commence Push Back (SHIFT+P then 1 or 2)

SHIFT+P then 1 (main keyboard) to go back and turn nose to Right.

SHIFT+P then 2 (main keyboard) to go back and turn nose to Left.
SHIFT+P again to stop moving!

As soon as aircraft start moving, you can start your engines if you have started the
flight in the Cold & Dark situation. Otherwise, skip engine start process

ENGINE START (Skip ENG Start Process if ENGINS are running)

No.2 ENGINE (Right side engine) Start up

l Turn ON No.2 ENG Starter Switch, and then
l Turn No.2 ENG Fuel Control Switch to RUN.
Engine starts automatically when N2 reaches 20%,

No.1 ENGINE (Left side engine) Start up
l Turn ON No.1 ENG Starter Switch, and then
l Turn No.1 ENG Fuel Control Switch to RUN
Engine starts automatically when N2 reaches 20%,

Remember that you will have to stop the push back by pressing (SHIFT + P) key.

The traditional “CTRL+E” Auto Start feature of MSFS is enabled.

After Engine Start Check

l Ensure that the Hydraulic Primary/Demand switches are set to ON or AUTO

l Ensure that the Engine Generator Control switches are set to ON
l Set PACK, L and R, to ON
l Turn OFF the APU and set APU GEN L & R to OFF

Status of Electric system and Hydraulic system can be checked on the

Secondary EICAS. (Click ELEC and HYD on the mode menu). Select other
modes to call in as necessary.


Perform final check on the following items during taxi to the runway end.

l SPD, HDG, ALT and FD on the MCP.

l Set FLAP to 5
l Verify AUTOBRAKES are set to RTO.
l Perform Flight Controls checks.
On the Lower EICAS display, click
FCTL on the mode menu for FCTL

The ALT assigned to the NEXT waypoint can be abolished by pressing the center of ALT
selector by mouse cursor when the pointer turns to hand icon (without plus or minus

For the tutorial flight, we delete 499 feet crossing ALT at WP1. (Although, it is actually
500 according to SID, but 499 appears due to some FSX limitation).
Press the center of ALT selector. Thence IAS/ALT data, i.e. [200/499], in the data line for
LSK 1R (Line Select Key, top key on the right) will be changed to [200/ -----].

The ALT constrain of 500 ft is a part of SID, Hayama Five Departure. It requires the
departing aircraft to cross the WP1 at 500 ft or above. The ALT constrain of 500 in the
SID for the tutorial flight can be abolished, because of lower aircraft operating weight.

Take-off and Climb

When the ATC controller gives you a clearance to “LINE UP and WAIT”, then
taxi into take-off position on the runway.

l Ensure HDG on ND is 337 (RWY Heading)

l Switch on Strobe Lights.
l Switch on LANDING lights
l Move throttles slowly forward to N1 50% for engines check

When the engine check reveals no problem, and two engines are synchronized and
stabilized, then push TOGA button.
l Ctrl+Shift+G keys to activate TO/GA

PFD will be like below, when IAS is exceeding 80 knots. Airspeed indicator
on left end of PFD is indicating speed acceleration by its trend indicator
(green line extended upwards). Trend Indicator indicates predicted airspeed
in ten seconds, based on current acceleration.

Takeoff Reference Speeds (V1 and VR) selected on CDU are indicated along
the speed tape.

l At Rotate (136 knots), slowly and smoothly pull back on the controls

As soon as the needle of Vertical Speed indicates that the aircraft is positively climbing,

l Set Landing Gear to UP

AUTOBRAKE will automatically be set back to OFF after airborne.

LNAV is engaged when the aircraft is climbing through 100 feet AGL.

VNAV is engaged when the aircraft is passing 400 feet AGL.

VNAV controls the aircraft speed in conjunction with the thrust setting.
VNAV controls the aircraft pitch based on the aircraft speed
Minimum Maneuvering Speeds (Amber) and Minimum Speeds (Red) are indicated
along the speed tape. Your speed should stay above these speeds.

l Turn AUTOPLILOT switch to ON

You can, of-course, hand fly and follow FD command bars if you so desire.

l Raise Flaps to 1.
Flap Maneuvering Speeds (green) are marked along the speed tape (UP, 1, 5 and 15, etc).
This indicates the next and the current flap setting speed. Raise the Flaps to 5 when
speed goes above –5 marking along the tape. Raise the flaps to 1 when speed goes above
–1 marking along the tape.

l Raise Flaps to entirely up

Raise the Flaps to entirely up when speed increases and goes beyond –UP marking
along the speed tape.

Above PFD indicates that the airspeed is reaching 220 knots and yet accelerating.
It also indicates that the aircraft is climbing through 6600 ft at V/S 3150 ft.
On the ND display, a green “ALTITUDE RANGE ARC” shows where the aircraft will
reach at 9000 feet.

Above PFD indicates that the airspeed is reaching 235 knots, and the aircraft is about
to reach 9000 feet.

The aircraft will maintain 9000 feet until TAURA. After passing TAURA, the aircraft
will climb to and maintain 10,000 feet until WP HYE14. After passing WP HYE14, the
aircraft will climb further up to CRUISE ALT of FL260.

The following four altitude data were incorporated in the flight plan up to
T/C (top of climb) of the Tutorial Flight.

WP1 500 feet

TAURA 9,000 feet
HYE 10,000 feet
HYE14 10,000 feet
<T/C> Top of Climb. This is a location where the aircraft reaches cruising ALT FL260.

When the aircraft is climbing through 10,000 ft for a higher altitude, VNAV commands
the aircraft not to climb so steep for a while, enabling the aircraft to gain airspeed
required for climb to higher altitude. When the airspeed is increased enough to climb
higher, VNAV commands the aircraft to climb at an appropriate speed and climb rate.

l Turn Landing Light to OFF

The landing lights are normally turned OFF when climbing through 10,000 feet.

l Set altimeter to STD. (TR ALT 14,000 feet in Japan)

Change the altimeter setting from QNH to STD (1013.2 hPa, 29.92 in-hg), by pressing
the STD button on EFIS control panel.

PFD/ND above indicates that IAS is getting close to command IAS if 320 and climbing
through 19,000 feet. The distance to go to T/C (Top of Climb) is 18 nm.

PFD/ND above indicates that the aircraft will be reaching FL260, shortly.

Descent Preparation

PFD/ND above indicates that the aircraft is cruising at FL260 with IAS 330 knots.

IAS can be randomly changed.

When VNAV mode is engaged, MCP SPD window
(IAS/MACH) will usually be blanked.

However, the current IAS will be displayed

when the airspeed selector is pressed. Then,
the airspeed can be adjusted in usual way.

Press the airspeed selector again to blank the MCP SPD window.

PFD/ND below provides the pilot with the following information.

Ø Ground Speed, 467 knots, True Airspeed 491 knots.

Ø Current upper winds are indicated to be 277 degrees at 25 knots.
Ø Magnetic Heading 263
Ø The aircraft is on course, and is tracking the course
Ø Location of Top of Descent (T/D), approximately 30 NM ahead.
Ø Distance to the next waypoint XMC is 43.4 NM, and estimated time over 0337 UTC,

The next waypoint, XMA, can be found on the

LEGS page of CDU.

Now, see to it that the crossing altitudes at respective waypoints during descent are
properly set as follows.

YAMAT 6,000 feet

IKOMA 3,500 feet
MIDOH 3,500 feet.

These crossing altitudes are displayed

on LEGS page of CDU. The page on right
is page 2 of 2 pages. The aircraft is to
cross MIDOH at 3,500 ft.

IKOMA and YAMAT is displayed on the previous page, page 1 of 2 pages.

Set up HDG and ALT on the MCP as follows,

l Set ALT to 3500 (which is the final WP crossing ALT)

l Set HDG to 322 (ILS LOC course RWY 32L)

We now enter 3500 to MCP ALT window. Be sure to do this before reaching the T/D. The
programmed descent will not be commenced unless we reset the MCP ALT to the lower
ALT. (Do not press the center of the ALT button now or the aircraft will start to descend
to 3500 feet).

Set up VOR L and VOR R as follows.

l Set 110.10 MHz (ILS RW32L) to VOR L FREQ

l Set 322 (ILS course)
l Set 113.9 (VOR OWE) to VOR R FREQ
l Set AUTOBRAKES to 2 (or whatever at your choice)
l Arm the SPEED BRAKE (Shift + /)

Autobrake and Speed Brake status will be annunciated on the EICAS.

Descent preparation is completed. The aircraft would start the programmed descent
right after passing the T/D.

Click the [PROG] button on CDU to open the PROGRESS page.

Be aware of TIME and DIST to T/D is displayed at the bottom line of the PROGRESS
page. Estimated time over the T/D is 0335 UTC and distance to go to T/D is 16 NM.
The location of T/D (green) is indicated on ND display, as well.

Descent and Approach

Maximum Operating Speeds (Red) are indicated along the of speed tape (367 knots or
more). The altimeter and the V/S indicates that the aircraft had left FL260 for a lower

l Set altimeter to Area QNH. when descending through transition ALT. (14,000 ft)
l Turn Landing Light to ON when descending through 10,000 ft.

VNAV commands the aircraft to reduce the vertical airspeed so as to slow down the
airspeed to reach 240 knots before reaching 10,000 ft. Vertical speed has been reduced
to 550 feet per minutes.

An aircraft is descending down to reach 6000 ft by YAMAT, according to the

programmed descent. On the ND, a green “ALTITUDE RANGE ARC” shows where the
aircraft will reach at 6000 feet.

PFD/ND above indicates that the aircraft had already flown over YAMAT and now
descending to 3500 ft for IKOMA. From around here, lower the FLAPS and decrease the

l Lower the FLAPS

FLAP placard speeds are as follows.

1° 250kt
5° 230kt
15° 215kt
20° 210kt
25° 180kt
30° 170kt

Set IAS 200 in MCP SPD window.

The current airspeed will be displayed when the airspeed
selector is pressed. Then, the airspeed is adjustable.
Observe the Speed Tape in PFD, and
l Set FLAP to 1, when SPD below 250
l Set FLAP to 5, when SPD below 230
l Set FLSP to 15, when SPD below 215


Now that we are receiving the localizer signal, we push the LOC button. LNAV function
terminates when LOC is captured. LOC capture is indicated in the roll mode of the
Flight Mode Annunciator. (at the top of PFD).

We are also receiving the glide path signal, but we do not push the APP button at this
time. In the tutorial flight, we can level off at 3500 feet and we can maintain 3500 feet
for some time before we intercept the GP. Due to some limitation of FSX, the aircraft
intending to capture the glide path must always have a level flight before being able to
capture the glide path.

This may not always be possible under certain conditions, such as under unfavorable
wind condition, or when the GP intercept altitude is low. In the latter case, the aircraft
may not be able to intercept the GP from below the slope. Under these conditions, you
shall disengage the VNAV and fly the aircraft on the autopilot for altitude control.

l Set 190 knots in MCP SPD window.
l Set FLAPS to 20 when SPD below 210 knots
l Landing Gear Down


GP capture is indicated in the pitch mode of Flight Mode Annunciator at the top of

l Set 160 in MCP SPD window, at GP capture

l Set FLAP to 25, when SPD below 180
l Set FLAP to 30, when SPD below 170

Approach should be stabilized with gear down and flaps 30 early enough for the
accomplishment of the AUTOLANDING.

The autolanding will fully control all aspects of the aircraft landing, such as the speed
control and the timing of flare.
The following conditions shall be met.
When the aircraft are descending through 1,500 feet above the ground,
ü A/P and A/T are engaged, and APP is pushed.
ü Flaps are lowered to 30, (or 25)
ü Airspeed is not higher than 170 knots
ü The aircraft is aligned with the runway on the ILS LOC course, and the deviation
from the GP is kept within 0.8 dot.
ü The wind speed is less than 15 knots, and the wind direction are more less along
the runway direction.
² The throttle on the yoke or stick must be fully pulled back (Idling position).
² In the event of large deviation from the LOC or GP due to the winds shift during
the AUTOLAND approach, then discontinue the AUTOLAND for manual landing
or Go Around.

An aircraft is in the AUTOLAND mode.

Note: LAND3 annunciation, and see the Flight Mode Annunciator.

Now, passing over MM (Middle marker)

Flare is armed when nearing 50 feet AGL.

AT 30 feet AGL, the throttle is pulled to IDLE.

Aircraft is flared, ROLLOUT is annunciated (green). Use rudder to keep the aircraft
centered on the runway, if the aircraft is not aligned to the runway centerline.

As an aircraft touched down, the auto brake is activated and spoilers are deployed.

l Engage FULL THRUST REVERSERS right after touchdown.

When the REVERSERS are deployed, REV in green will appear above TPR in the

l Disengage the AUTOPILOT

l Set A/T ARM switch to OFF
l Turn the F/D to OFF

When the aircraft is decelerated to 30 knots,

the autobrake will be disarmed, and then it
turns to OFF.

l Set FLAPs to UP

l Switch off the landing lights

Parking and Shutdown.

APU is to be started before all engines cut off. The aircraft is then powered by APU until
the ground power equipment is connected to supply power to the aircraft.

l Rotate APU switch to START.

l Turn APU GEN to ON.

When the aircraft is being parked at the gate,

l Turn both Fuel Control switches to OFF
l Switch off Beacon Lights
l Turn OFF all internal and external lightings.
l Turn OFF all switches for HYD system.
l Turn OFF all switches for anti-ice system.
l Turn Engine Bleed Switches to OFF.
l Open the doors

Congratulations for Happy Landing!

Direct-To Waypoint.

Direct-To entry in CDU commands the aircraft to fly a course direct to particular
waypoint. Direct-To routings are useful for short cut the route whenever permitted by
ATC. Direct-To shortcut flight can be executed using the CDU of the 787-8.

How do we skip the next waypoint to fly to the other onward waypoints?

When we are flying towards WP4, we

decided to fly direct to TAURA from
present position.

Press the LSK 5L (Line Select Key,

5th from Top on the Left side), to
down-select TAURA into the scratch
pad of CDU.

This makes a change of page title from


Press the LSK 1L to up-select TAURA

(in the scratch pad) to the top position
of the waypoint.

Pressing the [EXEC] button will confirm

the change, or pressing LSK 6L for
prompt <ERASE will cancel Direct-To

When [EXEC] button is pressed, the
page title MOD RTE LEGS changes to
ACT RTE LEGS and CDU is being

As a consequence, it gives command to

aircraft to fly Direct-To TAURA.

As you can see in the above ND display, estimating time over the TAURA is 0411 UTC,
and distance to go to TAURA is 14.3 NM.

It must be noted that,
² When the WP that concerns T/C or T/D is selected for Direct-TO WP, it may happen
that the T/C and T/D may not be indicated on the Navigation Display.
² In case of above, the information of T/D can be found in the PROGRESS page of
² When the WP that has the altitude data is skipped, the altitude data of the WP
being skipped becomes invalid.
² Direct-To WP shall not skip the WP that has the FIRST altitude data during
descent. (YAMAT 6000 in case of the tutorial flight). If Direct-To WP skips YAMAT,
the location of T/D will not be indicated on ND display.
² The WP that has the LAST altitude data during descent shall not be skipped by
Direct-To selection. (MIDOH 3500 in case of the tutorial flight)

Appendix 1
Tutorial One
Easy Going Operation (Quick Guide)
PRE FLIGHT Preparation
l Open CDU and activate and EXEC the RTE1 on CDU.
l Turn F/D (Flight Director) ON.
l Set ALT 24000.
l Arm LNAV and VNAV
l Set FLAP to 5.


l Press TOGA (Ctrll+Shift+G keys) or N1 button for takeoff.
l Press A/P button to engage Auto Pilot when IAS reaches 110 knots.
l GEAR UP, when VS (vertical speed) reaches 2000 ft / MIN.
l Set FLAP to UP, when passing 3000 ft. (F5 key)

DESCENT Preparation
l Tune ILS FREQ 110.10 for RJOO RWY 32L on VOR L.
l Set AUTOBRAKES to 2.
l Reset MCP ALT to 3500.
l Arm SPOILER (Shift + / keys)


l Set MCP SPD to 190 (when descending through 5000 feet)
l Set FLAP to 20.
l GEAR DOWN (G key)

l APP push, while ALT HOLD at 3500 ft.
l When GP captured, set MCP SPD to 160
l Set FLAP to 30.
l At touchdown, engage FULL THRUST REVERSERS.
(F1 first, and then F2 key)

Appendix 2
Tutorial Two
Normal Operation (Quick Guide)
Preflight Preparation
Ø Open CDU and activate and EXEC the RTE1 on CDU
Ø Set FL260 in the data line for LSK 1R of PRF INT on CDU, and press [EXEC]

Open OVERHEAD panel (skip if engines are running)

Ø Set all Hydraulic Demand pump selectors to OFF
Ø Set ENG Generator Control Switches to OFF
Ø Set PACK, L and R, to OFF
Ø Rotate APU selector to START (selector spring back to ON position)
Ø Switch on NAV Lights. (WING and LOGO as required)
Ø Ensure that all doors are closed

MCP (Mode Control Panel) Set UP

Ø Set V2 speed, 151 knots, in MCP SPD Window
Ø Set HDG to 337 (Runway heading of RJTT 34R)
Ø Set MCP ALT to 26000.
Ø Turn Flight Director (F/D) ON
Ø Switch on Beacon Lights

Push Back & Engine Start ( Skip the engines start process if ENGs are running )
Ø Release the Parking Brake
Ø Start push back (shift+P and then 1 or 2 )
Ø Turn ON No.2 ENG Starter Switch
Ø Turn No.2 ENG Fuel Control Switch to RUN
Ø Repeat the same process for start ENG No.1
Ø Ensure that the Hydraulic Primary/Demand switches are set to ON or AUTO
Ø Ensure that the Engine Generator Control switches are set to ON
Ø Set PACK, L and R, to ON
Ø Turn OFF the APU

Ø Final check on SPD, HDG, ALT on MCP.
Ø Set FLSP to 5
Ø Verify AUTOBRAKES are set to RTO
Ø Perform Flight Controls checks

Ø Take Off and Climb

Ø Ensure HDG on ND is 337 ( RWY Heading )
Ø Turn Strobe Lights to ON
Ø Turn LANDING lights to ON
Ø Move throttles slowly forward to N1 50% for engines check
Ø Ctrl+Shift+G keys ( or N1 button ) to activate TO/GA
Ø At Rotate (VR 136kt), slowly and smoothly pull back on the controls
Ø At Positive Climb - Set the Landing Gear to UP
Ø Turn the AUTOPLILOT switch to ON
Ø Raise Flaps to 1, when speed goes above flap maneuvering speed 1
Ø Raise Flaps to UP, when speed goes beyond –UP indication along the speed tape
Ø Turn Landing Light to OFF (when climbing through 10,000 feet)
Ø Set altimeter to STD. (TR ALT 14,000 feet in Japan)

Ø Descent Preparation
Ø Set MCP ALT to 3500 (which is the final WP crossing ALT)
Ø Set MCP HDG to 322 (ILS LOC course RWY 32L)
Ø Set 110.10 MHz to NAV 1 FREQ
Ø Set 322 to NAV 1 CS
Ø Set 113.9 to NAV 2.
Ø Set AUTOBRAKES to 2 (or whatever at your choice)
Ø Arm the SPOILER (Shift + /)

Descent and Approach
Ø Set altimeter to Area QNH. (TR ALT 14,000 feet in Japan)
Ø Turn Landing Lights to ON when descending through 10,000 ft
Ø Set 200 in MCP SPD Window
Ø Set FLAP to 1, when SPD below 250
Ø Set FLAP to 5, when SPD below 230
Ø Set FLAP to 15, when SPD below 215
Ø LOC push
Ø Set 190 in MCP SPD Window
Ø Set FLAP to 20 (when speed below 210 knots)
Ø APP push (while maintaining 3,500 feet)
Ø Set 160 in MCP SPD Window
Ø Turn the landing lights to ON
Ø Set FLAP to 25 when SPD below 180
Ø Set FLAP to 30 when SPD below 170

When the aircraft are descending through 1,500 feet above the ground,
1. A/P and A/T are engaged, and APP is pushed.
2. Flaps are lowered to 30, (or 25)
3. Airspeed is not higher than 170 knots
4. The aircraft is aligned with the runway on the ILS LOC course, and the deviation
from the GP is kept within 0.8 dot.
5. The wind speed is less than 15 knots, and the wind direction are more less along the
runway direction.
² The throttle on the yoke or stick must be fully pulled back (Idling position).

Ø Use rudder to keep the aircraft centered on runway, if necessary.

Ø Engage FULL THRUST REVERSERS right after touchdown
Ø Disengage the AUTOPILOT
Ø Set A/T switch to OFF
Ø Turn the F/D to OFF
Ø Set FLAP to UP
Ø Turn the landing lights to OFF

Parking and Shutdown
Ø Rotate APU selector to START (selector spring back to ON position)
Ø Switch APU GEN to ON


Ø Turn both fuel control switches to CUTOFF
Ø Turn OFF all internal and external lightings.
Ø Turn OFF all switches for HYD system.
Ø Turn OFF the Nacelle and Wing Anti-Ice switches.
Ø Turn PACK L/R to OFF.
Ø Open the doors

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