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Perpetual Help College of Manila


1240 V. Concepcion St., Sampaloc, Manila 1008


Perpetual Help College of Manila
1240 V. Concepcion St., Sampaloc, Manila 1008

Good day! We are currently doing feasibility study and we are dedicated to know information that will help in
establishing and innovating new product in the market and also in improving customer satisfaction. Through this brief
survey, your answers will be helpful in enhancing our services and meeting your needs. Your response will only be used
for survey purposes. In case you have any questions regarding the survey, please call Ms. Jardinel at 915-646-4840. Thank
you very much for your time and effort.

Demographic Profile
Name (optional): __________________________________ Date: ______________
Age: ___11-18 ___19-40 ___41-60 Sex: ___ F ___M
Status: ___Single ___Married ___Widowed Occupation: __________________

Direction: Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these statements. Kindly place a check
mark in the box provided.

1. Are you willing to try something new? 7. How much are you willing to pay for the stated
¨ Yes variety of cupcakes above?
¨ No ¨ Php 35 – 40
2. Will you spend for buying something new? ¨ Php 40 – 50
¨ Yes ¨ Php 50 – 65
¨ No 8. When it comes to knowing new products, what
3. What is your monthly income/allowance? type of advertisement do you usually find?
¨ Php 2,000 - Below (Choose 1 or more)
¨ Social Media
¨ Php 2,000 – 5,000
¨ News Paper
¨ Php 5,000 – 8,000 ¨ Flyers
¨ Php 8,000 – 11,000 ¨ Radio
¨ Php 11,000 – Above ¨ Television
4. Do you consider sweets as for reducing stress? 9. Will you consider Cupcake shop as a hangout
¨ Yes place where you can chill or study?
¨ No ¨ Yes
5. Have you eaten cupcakes? ¨ No
¨ Yes 10. Where do you usually buy cupcakes?
¨ No ¨ RK Cakes
6. What variety of cupcakes will you like to try? ¨ Amor Bakery
(Choose 1 or more) ¨ Clydes Breads and Pastries
¨ Durian Feast ¨ Cafe Kivhan Coffee
¨ Goldilocks
¨ Langkatulad
¨ Others, specify:_______________
¨ Ubelicious 11. What promotional activities will you consider
¨ Pastillas de leche enjoying it? (Choose 1 or more)
¨ Pandan de berde ¨ Do It Yourself cupcake
¨ Yema Pastel ¨ Seasonal Cupcakes
¨ Banana Rum ¨ Mix It Up Cupcakes (choosing the frosting/icing
¨ Tsokolate Fudge and cake underneath)
¨ Mango Supreme ¨ Discounts (who order more than 8 pcs. of
¨ Avocado Obsession
¨ None
¨ La Trinidad Strawberry ¨ Others, specify:_______________


Perpetual Help College of Manila
1240 V. Concepcion St., Sampaloc, Manila 1008

March 14, 2019

Mrs. Ofelia C. Signo

Department Head
Principal of Junior High School
Perpetual Help College of Manila

Dear Mrs. Signo,

Warmest Greetings!

In partial fulfillment of our requirement in Business Enterprise Simulation, we are senior high
school students of Perpetual Help College of Manila, taking up Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM) Strand, would like to ask for your permission to conduct a survey for a feasibility
study with our product entitled “Filifestival Cupcakes”.

The survey would last only about 10-20 minutes of your time. All information will be kept in
utmost confidentiality and would be used for academic purposes. The names of the respondents will not
appear in any publications resulting from this study unless agreed to.

We, the researchers, believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance for our graduation and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive response on
this humble matter.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours, Noted by:

Nicole B. Jardinel Mr. Jomie M.

Group representative Adviser

Approved by:

Mrs. Ofelia C. Signo

Department Head, JHS

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