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Journal of Food Protetcion, Vol. 53, No. 5, Pages 430-440 (May 1990)
Copyright© International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians

Light Effects on Food

Tiibitak-Marmara Research Center, Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, P.O. Box 21, 41401, Gebze-Kocaeli-Turkey

(Received for publication February 20, 1989)

ABSTRACT products are considered for the discoloration problem. Recent

developments in these fields have been specially consid-
Current research studies carried out on light-induced changes ered.
in dairy products, fats and oils, and meat products are reviewed.
General factors affecting thus formed off-flavors in these food
groups are the intensity of light, exposure interval, type of Dairy Products
packaging, and some specific nutritive constituents. In dairy The effects of light exposure on milk, cheese, and
products, riboflavin degradation, losses of vitamin A and C are butter are discussed separately. Special attention is paid
the major effects, whereas in fats and oils the effective constitu- upon the formation of off-flavors and riboflavin photode-
ents are B-carotene, tocopherols, the undesirable flavors being gradation.
related mainly to photosensitized oxidation. In case of meat
products, the visual appearance seems to be the most important Milk
effect due to the formation of oxidized pigment metmyoglobin Flavor deterioration. The deleterious effect of light
from oxymyoglobin upon light exposure. The effects of packag- on both the sensory properties and nutritional qualities of
ing materials and types on photooxidation are also being dis- milk has been studied extensively (2,3,9,18,36,140,149,
cussed for each of the above three food commodity groups. 162,173). Milk producers and processors place major
emphasis on quality assurance of milk. This assurance was
Light exposure may lead to some adverse effects on relatively easy when milk was purchased within 24 h after
foods. The light catalyzed reactions are considered to be processing. Formerly the effective light source on light-
complex in nature and the most-pronounced effects are induced off-flavor of milk was only sunlight since the
observed with light of the highest quantum energy, i.e. milk was left on doorsteps. Modern marketing conditions
light in the lower wavelengths of the visible spectrum and brought fluorescent lighting systems which have led to
in the ultra violet (UV) spectrum. The deleterious effects more intense exposure (34).
may be summarized as the oxidation of fats and oils, the General information on the consumer acceptance of
formation of unpleasant off-flavors, losses of vitamins A, fluid milk was given by Dimick (36). The effective factors
B,, C and the discoloration of pigments such as myoglobin were the quality measures of flavor, shelf-life, and nutri-
in meats. Some specific reactions may occur through tional value. Extended exposure to fluorescent light which
photosensitization processes in the presence of chromo- is used to illuminate the display cases was the main reason
phore impurities such as chlorophyll, porphyrins, myog- for flavor defects and nutrient losses. There are many terms
lobins, and phaeophytins. The photosensitized generation used to describe this flavor defect, namely "sunlight",
of activated oxygen species, namely singlet oxygen, hydroxyl "oxidized", and "activated" flavors (154). The term " light-
radical, ozone, and superoxide anion lead to various induced off-flavor" will also be used synonymously in this
undesirable chemical changes in food constituents (96). review. Consumer response to this defect was determined
The protective mechanisms already present in food sys- by numerous studies. Bray et al. (20) surveyed 2000
tems include singlet oxygen quenchers (B-carotene, toco- consumers to evaluate the detection of light-induced off-
pherols and synthetic antioxidants) and scavengers, such flavor in milk. More than 73% of the consumers preferred
as tocopherols. Besides the above mentioned light-induced the good sample and it was found that more females than
chemical changes in foods, the effects of display lighting males could differentiate the difference. 20.3% of all the
and packaging materials must also be considered from the consumers preferred the light-induced sample. Coleman et
consumer's point of view. al. (31) suggested that paperboard packages would be
The purpose of this article is to discuss the light action preferable for greater protection when compared with blow-
on certain foods that are known to be mostly affected. molded plastic containers. The results were evaluated
Milk and dairy products are viewed for off-flavor forma- organoleptically by an untrained panel.
tion and riboflavin degradation. Oils and fats are discussed Photochemically induced changes are directly related
from the photooxidation point of view. Meat and meat to the light-source, wavelength intensity, exposure time



and temperature, as well as the container material charac- acid contents were determined after 16 and 24 h 0.3% FD
teristics. Chemical constituents responsible for off-flavor & C Yellow No.5 gave the best protection for vitamin A
formation are proteins, amino acids (methionine), ribofla- and riboflavin, while Cyosorb 531, Tinuvin 326 afforded
vin, vitamin C, and added vitamin A (6). The contribution protection for only vitamin A. Nelson and Cathcart (120)
of the liquid constituents to the overall off-flavor forma- measured the light transmission through white and yellow
tion should also be considered. The reaction mechanism is pigmented polyethylene milk bottles in the 350-800 nm
ascribed to the oxidation of unsaturated fatty-acids. The region. It was found that the harmful 400-500 nm region
presence of inorganic ions such as copper or iron catalyze was not entirely blocked by the pigmented bottles.
the oxidation reaction (146,147). Schroder explained that
an oxygen concentration below 1 ppm was sufficient for Riboflavin degradation. Photodegradation of ribofla-
the development of oxidation flavor catalyzed by Cu at vin in milk was found to be dependent upon the wave-
0.6 ppm level (147). Organoleptic differentiation between length and intensity of light, exposure time, the protective
light-induced off-flavor and copper-induced off-flavor is effect of the packaging material, and on temperature
somewhat difficult. Moreover, the volatile flavor constitu- (40,76,77,140,160). Light-transmission at wavelengths of
ents of milk was studied intensively (7,11,12,13,55,105). about 450 nm was found to be effective in riboflavin
Evidence was given on the production of acetaldehyde, destruction. Riboflavin is destroyed by light of the same
methylsulfide, n-pentanal, and n-hexanal from GLC analy- wavelength as that produces light-induced off-flavor, and
sis of the headspace vapors of steam distillates of pasteur- there is a singular coincidence between the disappearance
ized and homogenized milk upon exposure to fluorescent of the yellow color in whey and the appearance of the off-
light and direct sunlight (11). Mehta and Basette (116) flavor (173). Maniere and Dimick (114,115) studied the
also showed that an increase in the concentrations of ac- localization and distribution of riboflavin in homogenized,
etaldehyde, propanal, pentanal, and hexanal was observed pasteurized cow's milk and in the fat, casein, and serum.
when UHT-sterilized milk was exposed to fluorescent light Following ultracentrifugation and acid precipitation of the
for 30 d at 22°C. remaining casein, riboflavin was determined fluorometri-
cally. Fifteen percent of the total riboflavin was found to
Effect of milk container on flavor deterioration. The be associated with the casein phase and about 4% with the
role of packaging material and the type of container must fat. The acid whey fraction contained 81% of total ribo-
be considered together with the degradation of nutrients flavin. The riboflavin destruction due to light exposure
and the formation of off-flavors (46,69,86,87, 139,148). 2150 lx for 48 h at 7°C was greatest in whey fraction
associated with immunoglobulin. The free riboflavin was
Container type: most labile to light exposure. Parks and Allen (125)
Barnard and Foley (10) examined the milk samples developed a simple, qualitative procedure for the detection
packaged in plastic purchased from stores, and 39.9% of of the photodegradation of riboflavin upon exposure to
the samples showed light-induced off-flavors. Hansen et sunlight. Pasteurized skim milk was taken into pyrex tubes
al. (74) studied the effect of 40 watt cool white fluorescent and exposed to sunlight for 0, 5, 10, and 20 min. The deg-
light on homogenized milk in polyethylene containers in radation of riboflavin was determined via thin layer chro-
terms of flavor and vitamin deterioration. Sunlight flavor matography under UV light for fluorescing compounds.
was detected after 2 to 4 h. Yellow or green filters were Lumichrome (7, 8-dimethylalloxazine) was identified as
recommended. White and Bulthaus (171) analyzed the the major product of the photodegradation.
samples in plastic jugs taken from grocery stores. The Singh et al. (155) investigated the riboflavin loss in
results of the triangle tests showed that 59% reflected whole milk packaged in blow-molded polyethylene, gold
moderate to strong light activated flavor, and 19% re- pigmented blow-molded polyethylene, paperboard, and glass
flected very slight to slight light activated flavor. Olsen containers. The milk samples were stored in controlled
and Ashoor (121) analyzed skim and whole milk samples temperature rooms. The light sources were fluorescent tubes
in non-returnable high density polyethylene and fiberboard (GE, 90 watt, cool white) of intensities 1614 lx, 3228 lx,
containers displayed under normal fluorescent light. The and 4842 lx. The kinetic analysis indicated that the ribo-
results of the sensory tests indicated that fat content, the flavin degradation could be described by a first-order reaction.
season of production, and size of container had no major The riboflavin loss after 48 h of exposure to 3228 lx light-
adverse effects on flavor, appearance, and odor. Bradley intensity and at 4°C storage was found to be 11 % in glass
(19) proposed a modification to polyethylene packaging. and blow-molded polyethylene containers, and only 3% in
The energy blocking agent Ti0 2 had the property of inhib- paperboard and gold pigmented blow-molded polyethyl-
iting the development of light activated oxidized flavor if ene containers. Later, Allen and Parks (2) studied the rate
incorporated into the matrix of the blow-molded polyeth- of photodegradation of riboflavin of fluid milks exposed
ylene container. However, deMan (34) showed that the to fluorescent light (2690 lx), which consisted of two 15
blocking effect of Ti0 2 in polyethylene matrix should be watt cool white fluorescent bulbs. The degradation fol-
considered as negligible. Fanelli et al. (46) studied the lowed first-order reaction kinetics and the reaction rate (s)
effect of commercial UV absorbers incorporated into high averages 1.86 x 10 5 in skim milk and 1.47 x 10 5 in whole
density polyethylene. Vitamin A, riboflavin, and ascorbic milk. It was concluded that the photodegradation of ribo-



flavin proceeds prior to the appearance of the light-in- under simulated retail conditions. The vitamin A content
duced off-flavor. Toyosaki et al. (167) studied the mecha- of milk was unchanged after storage of 3 d at 6°C for both
nism of riboflavin photolysis in cow's milk by monitoring types of containers, either in darkness or exposed to arti-
the reactions by HPLC. Hoskin and Dimick (81) demon- ficial light.
strated that the packaging material was a key to the pro-
tection of nutritional quality of fluid market milk. The Amino-acids and proteins. It was shown that essential
containers were clear polycarbonate, tinted polycarbonate, amino-acid methionine was responsible for the activated
high density polyethylene, glass, and non-returnable un- flavor in milk (128,137). Allen and Parks (7) showed that
printed fiberboard. Samples were exposed to fluorescent methionine was oxidized to methional in pasteurized skim
light (1076 lx) at 7 ± 1°C for 72 h. Sensory evaluation milk when exposed to direct sunlight in glass containers.
was carried out and riboflavin contents were determined The photoreduction of methionine to methional was achieved
by the fluorometric method. Hoskin (80) performed a study by 100% yield, at pH 7 (30). The threshold limit for the
to evaluate the effects of aluminum and oriented polypro- perception of methional was found to be 50 ppm (126).
pylene film to protect milk in half-gallon polyethylene The degradation of tryptophan and tyrosine in milk pro-
containers. Both films were found to be effective in the teins might lead to discoloration upon exposure to various
prevention of off-flavor and riboflavin degradation. The light sources (766). The experimental conditions that were
effect of filters was studied by Fukumoto and Nakashima applied in the study were sunlight for 1 to 2 h, cool white
(62). Sixty percent destruction in riboflavin content was fluorescent light (20 watt), and ultraviolet light (14 watt)
observed in liquid milk samples placed in petri dishes. for 4 to 5 h. Dimick and Kilara (37) discussed the influ-
The light source was a white-fluorescent bulb. With a blue ence of light in free amino-acids in model systems and
filter (400-560 nm) 20%; with a brown filter (500 nm) intact proteins (such as native proteins) and peptides. Photo
30%, and with a red filter (>550 nm) 10% destruction was aggregation and hydrolysis of whey proteins exposed to
recorded. Red glass bottles were recommended. Paik and sunlight or fluorescent light was demonstrated (170). The
Kim (123) investigated the riboflavin destruction in liquid effects of different light sources (incandescent and metal
milk and chocolate milk in clear glass and polyethylene halide lamps) on milk proteins and the development of
bottles. Plain milk retained only 25% of its initial ribofla- light-induced off-flavors were also considered in this study.
vin content after 1 h exposure to direct sunlight. Chocolate Gilmore (64) investigated the effect of light on the
milk retained 65 and 55% of its riboflavin content after 1 major whey proteins of cow's milk. Acid whey and solu-
and 2 h exposures respectively. Glass bottles and polyeth- tions of alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin were
ylene containers were found to be equally affected by exposed to fluorescent light and direct sunlight. Polymeri-
sunlight. zation of proteins was observed by disc-gel electrophoresis
and gel-filtration. The photocatalyst riboflavin caused the
Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Senyk and Shipe (150,151) cleavage of peptide bonds. New low molecular weight
observed the loss of vitamin A in low-fat milk exposed to fractions and an increase in amino groups were observed.
fluorescent light. The samples with whole-fat, 2% fat, 1% Gilmore and Dimick (65) studied the catalytic photoaggre-
fat, and skim milk in polyethylene containers were ex- gation and photodegradation of protein fractions of ho-
posed to 200 lx for 4 h. Added vitamin A was destroyed mogenized milk and milk whey. Fluorescent light and
at 37, 44, 49 and 57% levels respectively related to the fat sunlight exposed alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin
content. Fiber and gold tinted containers were found to changed to a high molecular weight protein fraction. Light
provide the best protection in vitamin A content. deMan exposed whey had diminished intensities in all the bands
(35) performed a similar study by taking whole-fat, 2% fat evaluated by disc-gel electrophoresis. Riboflavin was found
added skim milk, and skim milk samples packaged in plastic to be essential as a catalyst.
pouches. The samples were exposed to fluorescent light Upon illumination of bovine milk serum proteins with
(2200 lx) for 48 h at refrigerator temperature. The vitamin fluorescent light and in the presence of riboflavin, photo-
A content of whole-milk decreases to 67.7% of its initial generation of superoxide anion was investigated by Ko-
value after 30 h, and remained constant for a further 18 h. rycka-Dahl and Richardson (97). At pH 6.7 and in the
In 2% milk 23.6% and in skim milk 4.2% drops in vitamin presence of 3.2 |j.M riboflavin, three proteins of bovine
A value were recorded. The initial vitamin A content of milk serum served as oxidizable substrates for the photo-
skim milk was about twice that of the others due to for- generation of superoxide anion. Beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-
tification. The results indicated that added vitamin A was lactoglobin, and albumin yielded 6.3, 1.6, and 1.6 |xM
more susceptible to light destruction than native vitamin A superoxide anion respectively in 1 h.
was. Goussault et al. (66) studied the fate of some vita-
mins in relation to packaging and storage. The packaging Lipid oxidation. Riboflavin could also generate singlet
materials were polyethylene/cardboard and translucent oxygen that could react with polyunsaturated fatty acids
polyethylene. Samples were stored at 6°C for 3 to 6 d in promoting light-induced lipid oxidation (5,6,95,98,168).
darkness or exposed to artificial light for 10 h/d. Vitamin The oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids yielded peroxides
C contents remained unchanged in the dark after 3 d for which in turn degraded to carbonyl compounds. Milk
both types of containers, but a reduction was observed tocopherols posses the ability to resist the oxidized flavor



development. In the presence of light, tocopherols may wavelength of light, exposure time, distance of butter from
also act as free radical scavengers (97). light source, and B-carotene contents of butter. Butter is
exposed to fluorescent light during its production and in
Cheese retail display cabinets.
Although cheese is a major dairy product, little infor- Photocatalytic oxidation of butter could be followed
mation is available on light-induced changes in cheese by peroxide values (39). The photocatalysed oxidation was
either under controlled laboratory conditions or in the market studied as a function of butter composition. Butter samples
place. A study was conducted by Grigorov and Chebo- were stored in vegetable parchment and subjected to fluo-
tarev (70) on the effect of visible light and supplementary rescent light at 5°C. Peroxide values showed a decrease
addition of bivalent ions on lactic acid bacteria Leuconos- from surface to interior. Subsurface oxidation was explained
toc cremoris and Streptococcus cremoris. Fourfold increase by the absence of a dispersed aqueous phase and the reflection
was observed in the colony count of these bacteria upon and scattering of light (51). Grishchenko and Nakapyuk
addition of Mn and Mg ions, but exposure to visible light (71) studied the photocatalytic oxidation of butter. Sweet
showed no significant effect. Sweetsur and White (163) cream butter packaged in vegetable parchment were kept
studied the effect of light exposure in the heat stability of under illumination of 360±15 lx at 6±1°C for <120 h. The
milk protein. The increase in heat stability, thus the co- light sources were daylight (UV and short-wave visible
agulation that occurs upon exposure to light, was not caused light) and a white-light fluorescent lamp (560-650 nm).
by changes in pH. The presence of riboflavin in milk and Peroxide values were found to be 2 and 1.3 times higher
02 in the headspace atmosphere during storage were found (respectively to the light source) than those of the control
to be the necessary conditions for milk lability. Riboflavin samples. The deterioration of organoleptic quality occurred
content and oxygen in the headspace atmosphere have similar after 72 and 96 h respectively for the two illuminated
influences on rennet coagulation time. The causative reaction samples. Emmons et al. (44), studied the influence of light
was the stabilization of the heat and rennin sensitive on butter wrapped with various materials (5 polyethylene-
methionine-phenylalanine bond in kappa-casein by the based plastics, 2 parchment papers, 2 metallized Al-pa-
photooxidation of methionine to methionine sulfoxide. pers and A1-foil paper laminate). Oxidation was observed
In a study conducted by Deger and Ashoor (33), the in the surfaces of all of the light-exposed butters. Yellow
light-induced changes in taste, appearance, odor, and plastic transmitted very little light, below 500 nm. Oxida-
riboflavin content of common cheeses stored under con- tion was greater at lower intensities of light. Downey et al.
trolled laboratory conditions, and in the dairy cases of four (38), studied the effect of fluorescent light on packaged
local grocery stores were examined. The light sources were butter at 4°C upon exposure for one week. The photooxi-
white fluorescent bulbs; 538, 1614, 5380 lx; the cheese dation at surface layers was found to be evident. A1-foil
samples were Colby, Mozzarella, and Cheddar in transpar- laminate metallized cellophane, paperboard tub+foil over-
ent polyethylene wrapping. Sensory evaluation was car- lay, and black flofoil provided complete protection, but
ried out with 25 untrained panelists. Data were obtained vegetable parchment and plastic tubs failed. Harwalker et
for 12 d of controlled storage period; light intensity, type al. (75), evaluated the influence of light on the flavor of
of packaging paper, and piece thickness affected ribofla- butter oil, stored in high density polyethylene containers
vin retention and color. Under display conditions, retail via organoleptic tests. Light-induced flavor changes under
cheese retained its riboflavin after a display time of 14 d, conditions of an exposure interval longer than 2 weeks and
with no significant change in taste, appearance, or odor. at 5-10°C were found to be significant. Bakri (8) described
Bojkow and Foissy (17) investigated the keeping quality a respirometer that could be used to measure the photooxi-
under retail conditions of Gervais cheese. Samples were dation of butter fat by the uptake of oxygen. Radema (132)
stored for 1 week and 4°C and in a display cabinet at 7°C; performed various experiments to determine the effect of
samples reached the acceptability limit for sale after 1.5 light in butter under different conditions. It was found that
weeks when not protected against exposure to fluorescent the effects of light exposure were less severe if the butter
light for 11.5 h daily. If protected, the period for reaching portions were large. Increasing the dimension of portions
acceptability limit was 4.5 weeks. Shiler and Volodin (153) (lxlxlm) affected the peroxide value insignificantly. It
evaluated the effect of UV light applied for the purpose of was concluded that the windows of the processing room
surface sterilization in cheeses packaged in plastic films. should be covered with foil. Emmons et al. (45) gave the
DS, SKF-15, and VIM-ID polymer/paraffin coatings did result of a survey of butter from "top of the pile" showing
not transmit light due to their thickness (210-250 \im), that 11 % of the samples were more oxidized than butter
color, and structural characteristics. Italian Saran 12 |J.m, receiving 200 lx for 2 d. It was concluded that wrappers
thick 79 37 |^m, thick 50, red 24, milky modified Ti0 2 3 should transmit less than 1% of the illuminating light for
showed the transmission of light at 310 nm wavelength. adequate protection of butter from light under Canadian
retail conditions.
Butter Cholesterol oxidation was found to be a light-induced
Light-induced oxidation of butter may occur when it surface phenomenon occurring via singlet oxygen attack
is inadequately protected under illumination. The degree (108). Al-foil laminated packaging material was found to
of deterioration depends upon factors such as light source, be effective on the oxidative stability of cholesterol (109).



Also, daylight appeared to be more detrimental to butter Photosensitized oxidations

lipids than fluorescent light. The photo-product of choles- The presence of a sensitizer in the foodstuff initiates
terol, cholesterol a-oxide, is reported to show weak car- the photooxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and their esters
cinogenic activity and was suggested as a proximate car- (22,58,134,136). The products of photosensitized oxida-
cinogen in the process of photocarcinogenesis (107). From tion are hydroperoxides that can decompose to give radi-
the public health point of view the subject needs to be cals responsible for the free-radical autoxidation of the
further investigated. unsaturated lipids (102,164), Pigments in foods namely
chlorophyll, hematoporphyrins, flavins such as riboflavins,
and also synthetic colorants are known to act as photosen-
Fats and Oils sitizers (25). Through absorption of near UV-light or visible
The deteriorative effect of light on oils, fats, and fat light, the sensitizers become electronically excited and
containing products has been known since 1899. Oils and possess two excited states; the singlet ('Sens) and the triplet
fats can become rancid as a result of oxidation. The oxidation (3Sens). The longer lifetime of the triplet state makes the
process may be affected by energy in the form of light, initiation of the photosensitized oxidation more possible
heat, ionizing radiation, enzymes, or catalysis by metals (52). The formation of a radical after the absorption of
(72,102,107,141,156). The autoxidation of unsaturated light by the sensitizer indicates the free-radical autoxida-
components of fats and oils proceeds via a free-radical tion called type 1 by Gollnick. In the type II reaction
chain mechanism which consists of hydroperoxide forma- singlet oxygen is formed ('0 2 ) via energy transfer from the
tion and decomposition reactions (110,159). Unsaturated sensitizer to oxygen. The formation of monohydroperox-
pure fatty acids and their esters absorb UV radiations at ide (MH) isomers may be an indicator for the type of
wavelengths between 184 and 192 nm (174). Thus they reaction (29,145). Using this indicative isomer, research
are quite stable in the presence of visible light. However, was carried out to compare the sensitizers. Phaeophytins
it was found that the stability of oils did not correlate well a and b were found to be more effective than chlorophylls
with the degree of unsaturation (88). But photooxidative a and b in producing hydroperoxides. Riboflavin in metha-
rancidity is accelerated by the unsaturated fatty acids upon nol was identified as a type II sensitizer. Methyloleate and
exposure to artificial light or daylight (27,134). oleic acid were used for comparison of the sensitizers. The
formation of phaeophytins was achieved by the removal of
Mg ions from the chlorophylls during the storage of oils
Wavelength dependence of photooxidation (32). Kiritsakis and Dugan (90) used bleached olive oil to
The question of which wavelengths of light cause the remove most nonglyceride components. Chlorophyll acted
damaging effects was investigated thoroughly by many as a photo sensitizer, phaeophytin a and b acted as oxida-
researchers (24,124,129,130,131). The visible region of the tion promoters, and carotene acted as singlet oxygen
spectrum (325 - 460 nm) was found to be effective (124). quencher, d and a tocopherol showed no effect on oxida-
Koo and Kim (94) have studied the effect of sunlight, tion rate. It was evident that carotenes and tocopherols
incandescent, and fluorescent lights on the oxidation of were destroyed in the presence of chlorophyll. Terao and
edible soybean oil. Sunlight showed the strongest prooxi- Matsushita (164) evaluated the photosensitized oxidation
dant activity, whereas incandescent light showed the weak- of methyl oleate, methyl linolexate, and methyl linolenate
est activity. Peroxide value of 15 was chosen as the limit using methylene blue as the sensitizer. The kinetic data
for indicating oxidation. Fluorescent light was also found revealed that the relative rates were 1.0:1.7:2.3 respec-
to be effective in oxidation of corn oil (39). The photo- tively. Methyl oleate gave the 9- and 10-isomers; methyl
chemical oxidation of refined soybean oil was explained linolexate gave 9-, 10-, 12-, and 13-isomers, and methyl
to be wavelength-dependent (133). Decrease in the rate of linolenate gave the 9-, 10-, 12-, 13-, 15-, and 16-isomers
oxidation with increasing wavelength was observed in soy- via singlet oxygen reaction. Further, the authors conducted
bean, sunflower, and peanut oils. The light of shorter a research to clarify the photosensitized oxidation prod-
wavelengths was completely absorbed. Quantum yields ucts of triglycerides. The results indicated that the reactiv-
increased with increasing wavelength. It was evident that ity of each fatty acid methyl ester and triglyceride was not
the oxidation of oils was catalyzed most strongly by short proportional to the number of olefinic double bonds, but
wavelengths of light (131). In a study, rapeseed, corn, may be related to the number of allylic and doubly allylic
soybean, coconut oils, and milk fat were subjected to hydrogen in their olefinic double bonds (165). The pho-
fluorescent light (350 - 750 nm). The rate of the oxidation tooxidations can be retarded by 'O, quenchers. Tocophe-
was followed by peroxide values. The wavelength depend- rols and carotene may prevent singlet oxygen addition to
ence of oxidation rate was again proved. The photooxida- allylic double bonds (22,28,53,175). a-tocopherol is known
tive effect per unit of radiant energy intensity in relation to be the most reactive compound as singlet oxygen
to wavelength varied and was a characteristic of each oil quenchers (67). Yamauchi and Matsushita (175) studied
and fat. It was concluded that the degree of unsaturation the quenching effect a, 6 and y tocopherols on methylene
was not the only cause of photooxidation (142,143). The blue-sensitized photooxidation of methyl linoleate. The rate
amount of light absorbed was found to be proportional to constants for the chemical reaction of each tocopherol and
the quantity of hydroperoxides formed (110). the singlet oxygen were 6.6xl0 6 M's ', 2.6xl06M_1s_1 and



0.7xl06M ' s ' respectively for a, B, y tocopherols, indicat- Dugan (89,90). Glass packaging was found to be better
ing that a-tocopherol (vitamin E) was the most effective. than polyethylene plastics with respect to slowing down
The photo oxidation mechanism of these tocopherols was the oxidation of oil. Fedeli (48,49) determined chlorophyll
assumed to be different from that of autoxidation. The rate sensitized oxidation rates in the presence of light and in
of ' 0 2 quenching of tocopherols was much slower than the dark. Canned oil had longer storage life than glass
that of B-carotene. Naturally occurring metal chelates (eg. bottled oil. Glass, tin, polyethylene, and polyvinylchloride
chlorophyll and protoporphyrin) are known as ' 0 2 scaven- containers for olive oil were compared with each other.
gers rather than ' 0 2 quenchers (14). Ni (II) chelates were Peroxide values were evaluated at the end of the storage
investigated as singlet oxygen quenchers by Carlssen et al. period in a constant temperature room at 28±1°C at a light
(22). The study was carried out with soybean, peanut, olive, intensity of 1050 lx or in darkness. Significant changes
and corn oils. Oils were oxidized over a 60 min period occurred only in the samples stored in polyethylene (73).
when exposed to radiation exceeding 340 nm, and the
formation of hydroperoxides were followed. The oxida- Flavor and odor
tions of oils were retarded by singlet oxygen quenchers The development of objectionable flavors and odors
but not by free radical scavengers. The ' 0 2 quenching by oxidation has obvious detrimental effects on food quality
effect of a-tocopherol was found to be inefficient due to and consumer acceptability. The volatile odor and flavor
the self oxidation of the vitamin. All of the Ni II Chelates compounds derived from lipids have been studied
[Ni((2,2'-thiobis(4-tert-octyl phenolate))-n-butylamine), Ni (54,84,127). Although fat hydroperoxides are generally
bis (2-hydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl-N-n-butylaldimine), and tasteless and odorless, their decomposition products con-
Ni bis (di-n-butyl x dithiocarbamate)] retarded the light- tribute to the flavor. Volatile aldehyde cleavage products
initiated oxidation. The quenching effect of B-carotene was can affect the flavor of vegetable oils. Photosensitized
achieved through energy transfer from singlet oxygen to oxidation products from oleate hydroperoxides were found
B-carotene, forming ground state oxygen. Carotenes with to be a mixture of two trans allylic 9- and 10- hydroper-
11 through 19 conjugated double bonds from C14 to C18 oxides. Photosensitized oxidation products from linoleate
were found to be efficient ' 0 2 quenchers (52,53). The rate were cis, trans-conjugated hydroperoxides together with
of quenching as a sensitive function of the conjugated cis, trans-unconjugated hydroperoxides. Photosensitized
polyene chain was reported by Foote et al. (53). Removal oxidation products of linolenate produced cis, trans-un-
of naturally occurring pigments and peroxides during the conjugated triene 10- and 15- hydroperoxides, and a mixture
refining process may prevent deterioration due to singlet of 8 isomers of cis, trans and trans, trans-conjugated diene-
oxygen. Partial removal of B-carotene was observed dur- triene 9-, 12-, 13-, and 16- hydroperoxides (26,29,57,59,61,
ing the refining process of vegetable oils (56). Carnavale 119,164). Major volatile products were identified from the
et al. (23) performed a study on the fluorescent light catalyzed hydroperoxides of methyloleate, lineleate, and linolenate
autoxidation of B-carotene. Bleaching of B-carotene with by GC/MS analysis. The major volatiles produced from
lipoxidase-catalyzed autoxidation of oils was found to be methyloleate hydroperoxides were octane, nonanal, methyl
due to the attack of intermediates of the oxidation process. octanoate, 2 decenal, and methyl 9-oxononanoate. The major
The decoloration problem was interpreted to be due to the volatiles produced from methyl linoleate hydroperoxides
oxidation of B-carotene (138). Exposure to UV radiation were hexanal, 2-heptanal, methyl 9-oxononanoate, and
or day-light of vegetable oils caused bleaching. Oils would methyl 10-oxo-8-decenoate. The major volatiles produced
become opaque if refined since the oxidation products of from methyl linoleate hydroperoxides were 2-butenal,
triglycerides and contaminants would shift the absorption methyloctanoate, methyl 9-oxononanoate, and methyl 10-
maximum towards shorter wavelengths. A recent study oxo-8-decenoate (60). Soybean oil containing a mixture of
carried out by Faria and Mukai (47) revealed the use of a oleate, linoleate, and linoleate formed 14 positional iso-
GC reactor to follow lipid photooxidation. metric hydroperoxides (57,59). Durance et al. (43) per-
formed a study to reduce the linoleate content of canola-
Packaging material oil blending it with sunflower oil and cottonseed oil. The
Packaging materials that transmitted wavelengths oil was stored under fluorescent light (2690 lx) at 40°C
between 490 nm and 589.5 nm could prevent oils from de- for up to 4 d. TBA values showed a rate of oxidation upon
veloping rancidity. Lee and Kim (103) studied the effects blending with sunflower oil.
of transparent cellophane films, both colored and color- The flavor scores of oxidized fats showed excellent
less, coated with material containing pyridine, benzophe- correlation with oxygen absorption and peroxide values
none, or p-aminobenzoic acid. The peroxide values of edible (50). Recently much attention has been given to the rela-
soybean oils were determined and used to evaluate rancid- tion of sensory evaluation and volatile constituents by gas
ity. It was concluded that the retarding effects of films on chromatography (41,42,83,85,117,118,169,172). Flavor
peroxide values were in decreasing order respectively for stabilities of different vegetable oils to light were also
red, green, p-aminobenzoic acid-coated, control, pyridine - investigated. The use of filters that cut light below 500 nm
coated, and benzophenone-coated. Transparent glass and significantly improved the stability. Thus removal of chlo-
polyethylene plastic bottles were used as packaging mate- rophylls and/or the use of yellow filters may be solutions
rial in studies on olive oil carried out by Kiritsakis and to the deterioration problem.



Meat and Meat Products a cold room at 5°C. Total bacteria counts on the surface of
Fresh Meat. Visual appearance is one of the major the samples were determined. Electrophoresis was used to
criteria used by consumers to assess the quality and pal- determine the partial destruction of the pigment molecules
atability of a meat cut (21,93,100). The appearance of the by proteolytic enzymes after prolonged storage. Both
meat surface depends on the type of pigment molecule, on incandescent and fluorescent lamps of 2690 lx enhanced
its chemical state, and on the quantity of the pigment. the destruction of surface oxymyoglobin of beef. The soft
Most of the color differences on meat surfaces are due to white fluorescent lamp was the most detrimental, incan-
the chemical states of myoglobin molecules. The pigments descent was the least detrimental. Very little proteolytic
responsible for the color of meat is the haem protein destruction of the surface pigments occurred at 5°C under
myoglobin with small amounts of haemoglobin {113). Haem storage up to a period of 18 d, and surface bacteria counts
pigments possess an intense absorption band in the blue were in excess of 108 organisms per cm2. The effects of
region of the spectrum (410 - 430 nm-Soret band) (63,106). retail lighting type on fresh pork color were investigated
A freshly cut beef surface rapidly changes in color from by Calkins et al. (21). Light sources were delux cool white
the purple of ferrous myoglobin to the bright cherry red of (DCW), cool white, Surlyn coated (CWSC), or warm white
oxymyoglobin as air penetrates to a depth of about 2 mm (WW) fluorescent or cool flood (CF) incandescent lights.
in less that 1 h. Metmyoglobin is the most commonly oc- Hunter colorimeter values were recorded and percentages
curring undesirable pigment on meat surfaces. Relative of myoglobin, oxymyoglobin, and metmyoglobin were de-
amounts of myoglobin (mb), oxymyoglobin (MbO), and termined over 5 d of display. The most desirable color re-
metmyoglobin (MMb) determine the color of fresh and tention was provided by CF and DCW lights. Color dark-
frozen meat (101). The formation of the oxidized pigment ening was observed for CF lighting and greater myoglobin
MMb from MbO on the surface of the meat leads to the and less oxymyoglobin percentages were evaluated. Eleva-
undesired brown color (79). The reaction is accepted to be tion of surface temperature caused an increase in microbial
occurring in thermal and photochemical pathways. The growth. Therefore, precautions against temperature eleva-
hues of red oxymyoglobin and brown metmyoglobin from tion were recommended. The wavelength dependence of
beef and pork are different. The percentage of metmyog- quantum yields in relation to light discoloration of meat
lobin was found to be a useful objective measurement of was researched by Bertelsen and Skibsted (16). Irradiation
color in raw meat (68). It is recognized that incident light was carried out in the UV-visible region and the extent of
can be an effective factor in color deterioration. The extent photooxidation was followed by spectrophotometric meas-
of effect is dependent upon the wavelength and the inten- urements. Less significant wavelength dependence was
sity of the light, duration of the exposure, temperature, observed in the visible region. Relative rates of MMb
oxygen pressure, pH of the meat, and the presence of free formation could be estimated from quantum yields evalu-
transition metal ions (4,82,122,135,144,152,157,176). ated for two different wavelengths. The effect of fluores-
Sollberg and Franke (158) explained that a significant effect cent light on the discoloration of fresh beef was at a level
was observed on the oxidation of intact beef muscle at 1 of only about 6% MMb. The effect was found to be of
and 5°C upon exposure to visible fluorescent illumination. little practical importance in relation to temperature changes
Photosensitive compounds such as riboflavin may react and differences due to intermuscular variability under normal
with oxygenated haem pigments. Setser et al. (152) found display conditions.
that upon exposure of intact beef samples to illumination
of wavelengths in the region between 405 nm to 685 nm, Frozen meat. Frozen meat under retail conditions suf-
UV (254 nm) and low wavelength visible light (405 - 507 fers discoloration due to light-induced reaction
nm), there was a significant increase in metmyoglobin (15,99,104,113). Soft-white fluorescent or yellow light of
content. These results were found to be in good agreement 214 lx intensity was more detrimental than red or green
with the results obtained by Lynch et al. (777). Whether fluorescent light on the oxidation of myoglobin in frozen
bacteria, light or both were the contributing factors in the bovine muscle. The oxidation proceeds from the surface
discoloration of fresh intact meat has been researched for inwards. The rate is found to be temperature dependent
many years. Recent research revealed that light via en- and affected by illumination intensity and the type of muscle
hancement of bacterial growth affected color deteriora- (176). Lentz (104) also showed that the color of frozen
tion. The effect of UV light on fresh meat color was found beef retains the acceptability only for 3 d in the light, and
to be significantly effective (78). Besides, UV light with for 3 months under dark conditions. The effect of factors
principal energy at a wavelength at 253.7 nm was effec- in showcase color stability of frozen lamb was researched
tive in destroying surface bacteria of the fresh meat (161). by Hunt et al. (82). Besides the effect of lighting, the
Sattarlee and Hansmeyer (144) investigated the role of effects of freezing temperature, display temperature, and
light and surface bacteria on prepackaged beef. The light packaging film were also investigated. The light-intensity
sources were pink and soft white fluorescent and incandes- was 1070 lx at product level, the visual color of meat was
cent lamps. Soft white source emitted light primarily in evaluated by two panelists. Chops displayed under incan-
the region of 500 nm-590 nm, the pink fluorescent in the descent lighting had more desirable visual scores but higher
region of 540 nm-565 nm, and incandescent lamps in the metmyoglobin contents. Visual scores might have masked
region of 800 nm-1000 nm. Meat samples were stored in the color deterioration, The color stability of retail packed



frozen ground beef was investigated by Bertelson (75). 9. Barnard, S. E. 1972. Importance of shelf life for consumers of milk.
Samples were stored at -24°C, surface color was measured J. Dairy Sci. 55:134-136.
10. Barnard, S. E., and J. L. Foley. 1984. Flavor of store purchased milk
with a Hunter color difference meter. Unacceptable color samples. Dairy Food Sanitation 4:176-177.
was obtained after 6 to 12 d for samples with polyethylene 11. Bassette, R. 1976. Effects of light on concentration of some volatile
packaging. Vacuum packaging had no significant improve- materials in milk. J. Milk Food Technol. 39:10-12.
ment upon color stability. 12. Bassette, R., and G. Ward. 1969. Vapor sampling and gas-liquid
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14. Bellus, D. 1979. Quenchers of singlet oxygen, p. 91. In B. Ranby
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formed nitric oxide reacts with oxygen if present (112). 15. Bertelscn, G., and L. Boegh-Soerensen. 1984. The color stability of
Vacuum packaging may be helpful in improving the color retail packed frozen ground beef. p. 711. In P. Zeuthen, J. C.
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retention (113). Visual assessment of redness was found to G. Vos (eds.) Thermal processing and quality of foods. Elsevier
agree well with spectral measurements (91,92). Samples Publishing Co. London.
that were studied were raw fermented sausage, Bruhwurst 16. Bertelsen, G., and L. H. Skibsted. 1987. Photooxidation of ox-
sausage, and boiled ham. Sensory evaluation of the samples ymyoglobin. Wavelength dependence of quantum yields in relation
to light discoloration of meat. Meat Sci. 19:243-251.
revealed that illumination caused deterioration of quality. 17. Bojkow, E., and E. Foissy. 1978. Keeping quality under retail con-
Klettner (93) discussed the factors influencing the color ditions of Gervais cheese with 70% fat in DM in 60g. polystyrene
and color retention of sliced bruhwurst sausage on retail cups made on a form-fill-seal-machine. XX. International Dairy
display. Color loss was observed with respect to an in- Congress E, 997-998.
18. Bradley, R. L. Jr. 1980. Effect of light on alteration of nutritional
crease in the intensity of illumination and the type of lamp. value and flavor of milk. J. Food Prot. 43:314-320.
19. Bradley, R. L. Jr. 1983. Eliminating light-activated flavor. Dairy
CONCLUSION Record 84:168-170.
20. Bray. S. L., A. H. Duthie, and R. P. Rogers. 1977. Consumers can
detect light-induced flavor in milk. J. Food Prot. 40:586-587.
The studies referred to in this review clearly indicate
21. Calkins, C. R., S. J. Goll, and R. W. Mandigo. 1986. Retail display
the deteriorative effect of light on some food groups. Recent lighting type and fresh pork color. J. Food Sci. 51:1141-1143.
studies have centered on investigations of off-flavor for- 22. Carlsson, D. J., T. Supprunchuk, and D. M. Wiles. 1976. Photooxi-
mation and packaging materials. The obvious solution of dation of unsaturated oils: Effects of singlet oxygen quenchers. J.
Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 53:656-660.
excluding light is often not recommended for marketing
23. Carnavale, J., E. R. Cole, and G. Crank. 1979. Fluorescent light-cata-
reasons. Relatively simple and inexpensive changes in lyzed autoxidation of beta-carotene. J. Agric. Food Chem. 27:462-
packaging materials may bring greatly reduced light-trans- 463.
mittance that can ensure flavor quality and retention of 24. Chahine, M. H., and J. M. deMan. 1971. Autoxidation of corn oil
under the influence of fluorescent light. Can Inst. Food Sci. Technol.
light-sensitive vitamins. Inclusion of a nontoxic, effective 4:24-28.
singlet oxygen quencher in food containing unsaturated 25. Chan, H. W. S. 1975. Artificial food colors and the photooxidation
oils may improve their shelf-life. The visual color problem of unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters. The role of erythrosine.
of meat and meat products can be eliminated by using Chem. Ind. 14:612-614.
26. Chan, H. W. S. 1977. Photosensitized oxidation of unsaturated fatty
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between the light-source and the meat, reduced intensity Oil Chem. Soc. 54:100-104.
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and J. R. Nooi. 1973. Participation of singlet oxygen in photosensi-
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