The at Home Progrm Week 6: Exercises in Blue Are Scaling Options

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The At Home Progrm Week 6

As you are choosing to download this PDF we are assuming you or your gym is still on “lock down”.

Once again, this week starts the CrossFit Online competition that CrossFit HQ has taken out as part of their project to support boxes around the
world affected by the lockdown.

The participation is free and you can choose to donate some money to help affiliates during these hard times.

You can read more about the Fundraiser here:


We have aimed to make this programming as fully comprehensive as possible, to not only keep you entertained during lock down, but get you in the
best shape possible as well. All you need is your skipping rope, an object (KB/DB/Bag/water bottle etc), a bench/chair and yourself.

We will be keeping the colour coding from the previous weeks:

Exercises in blue are scaling options

Exercises in red at more advanced options

Exercises in black in normal “Rx”

A note for the runners this week:

For the last 5 weeks we have been focused on longer distances aiming to improve our 20 minute time trial. So Monday is a perfect day to
retest this!

Then over these next few weeks we are going to start focusing on shorter distances and looking at improving our sprint. So you will notice
the overall volume of the sessions is less, this however means that the intensity of the sessions must be higher. In these sessions we will be
using rate of perceived extension(RPE). Here is a useful article from WOD Science on RPE for those of you who are unfamiliar with the

Get ready to become quick!

As always - Saty home, stay strong and stay positive.

The Progrm @TheProgrm
At home Training 1 Run Training 1
Warm up:
2 rounds of:
Warm up:
10 Wrist flow Video
5-10 min easy jog

10 Kang squat Video

10 (5/5) Cossack squats Video

3 rounds of:
10 Plank walks Video
10 jumping jacks

20 high knees on the spot

10 alternating lunges with reach to the side

4 rounds:

12 (6/6) Forward lunges (front rack/goblet)

12 (each side) Single leg deadlifts

3-10 strict HSPU / eccentric HSPU / Box HSPU Video

Retest - 20 minutes for max distance

12 Bent over row with a 2 sec pause at the top

10-30 sec L-Sit hold / Tucked / Scaled hollow hold Video

Ideally run the same route as you did 5 weeks ago.

Rest as needed between exercises and rounds. Use an object of your choice or
KB/DB for the lunges, single leg DL and bent over row. For the strict HSPU and
the L-Sit hold, choose a rep scheme / time you can maintain over the 4 rounds.

Support Your Local Box - Fundraiser 3

For time:

50 DB Deadlifts 2 x 22.5/15kg

50 Sit-ups

50 Box step-ups 24/20in

50 Single-arm DB Thrusters 1 x 22.5/15kg

Time cap = 20 minutes

Full workout description can be found here. @TheProgrm
At home Training 2 Run Training 2
Warm up:
5 min AMRAP of:
Warm up:
10 (5/5) Lunge to high knee Video

10 Kneeling shoulder dislocates Video

1 mile (8 x 100m quick; 100m walk) each lap faster; last lap 200m sprint 

5 Inch worm

Split Jerk - warm up / technique
2 x 1000m @ 7RPE for 800m; last 200m @8RPE - 5 min rest between

10 Split walks

10 Jump in split position

15 min rest/easy walk, then:

10 Jump to split position

10 Split jerk w object w 3 sec pause in the receiving pos

2 x 400m @ 8RPE - 30 seconds rest between.

Static split squats

5 min rest/easy walk, then:

3x8 (each side)

4 x 80m spring - 20 seconds rest between.

Tuck jumps


Push-ups to plate / on knees


Floor press



30-25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:


Russian twists with object

Russian swings with object

Time cap = 20 minutes

For the Russian twists and swings choose whichever object you have available.
Choose a weight you can do unbroken for each set. @TheProgrm
At home Training 3 Run Training 3
Warm up: Warm up:
Bring Sally up with Air squats Video

3 Rounds:
20m high knees

12 min EMOM:
20m heel to bum

Min 1: Banded glute bridge Video

Min 2: Reverse bicep curls

20m karaoke drill

Min 3: alt. Step ups *Substitute Reverse lunges / Pistol squats tempo 31x0

Min 4: Prone floor angels Video

1 mile run (8 x 100m quick; 100m walk) each lap faster; last lap 200m sprint


6 x 2 min on - 1 min off:

8 x 400m @ 8 RPE (work:rest 1:2)

50 DU / Single unders / 20 Jumping jack

6 x 300m ideally up hill Slow run - rest is slow jog or walk back. 


1 Man maker Video

3 Devils Press

5 Squats with object

Choose an object you have available: KB, DB, Plate, cans, bottles. Only your
imagination can set a stopper. If you use a DB change GTOH for alternating DB
snatches. If you don’t have two objects that would be suitable to use for the
man makers, you can do the rows and push ups without weight and then add
the object (e.g. a heavy bag) for the cluster


100 Heel touches Video

50 Lying windmills Video

Divide anyhow. @TheProgrm
At home Training 4 Run Training 4
Warm up: Workout:


20-40 Hip flows Video

60 sec Wrist flow Video


10 Inch worms Video

20 reverse lunges

24 min EMOM:

Min 1: Teacup backwards L Video

Min 2: Teacup backwards R

Min 3: Lying pec stretch L Video

Min 4: Lying pec stretch R

Min 5: Couch stretch L Video

Min 6: Couch stretch R

Min 7: Shinbox L Video

Min 8: Shinbox R

Aim to work 45-50 sec of the minute and use 10-15 sec to transition.

The idea is to use this EMOM to get the body moving and feel fresh again.

Workout (Optional):

4 rounds for quality:

10 (5/5) Lunge with overhead back reach Video

20 (10/10) Side bends Video

10 (5/5) Lateral lunges w object in goblet hold Video

20 (10/10) Banded wood chops Video

Todays workout is not meant to be for intensity but for quality. Move carefully
through the different exercises and try to reach end range in the crab reach. @TheProgrm
At home Training 5 Run Training 5
Warm up: Warm Up:
6x 30 sec on - 30 sec off:

Bottom squat rotation Video

3 rounds of:
BTN Floor press Video
20m high knees

Walking lunges
20m heel to bum

20m karaoke drill

Strength: 1 mile run (8 x 100m quick; 100m walk) each lap faster; last lap 200m sprint

3 rounds for quality:

6-10 OHS with a 3 sec pause in the bottom and at the top

10-30 sec free standing HSH / 20 sec wall facing HSH

10 (5/5) alt. Pistols, tempo 31x1

5-10 Chair dips, tempo 33x1 Video

4 x 600m: first 400m @ 6 RPE; last 200m @ 8 RPE - rest 5 min between sets

15 min rest/easy walk, then:

10 min AMRAP:
2 x 400m @ 8 RPE - rest 30 seconds between sets

2 Box Jumps / Tuck jumps

2 Front squats
7 min rest/easy walk, then:

2 Plate sit ups Video

2 Bent over row

4 x 40m sprint - rest 30 seconds between sets

*Add 2 reps every round.

*If you have a KB or DB use it, if not pick another medium heavy object like
water bottles, a bag etc.


4 rounds of:

10 Hollow to arch roll Video

10 Side lateral raises L/R Video @TheProgrm
At home Training 6 Run Training 6
Warm up:
Warm up:
5 min AMRAP:

10 Single unders (alternating)

1 mile run (8 x 100m quick; 100m walk) each lap faster; last lap 200m sprint

3 Inch worm + push-up

10 Reverse lunges

10 Kang squat Video

5 min mobility making sure hips and hamstrings are feeling good.

The At Home Mash Workout: 
For Time:
1 x 700m @ race pace

50 Burpees over line

*Every 30 seconds (including 0:00) perform 2 Alt object snatches

10 min rest / easy walking

At min 10:

4 x 400m @ 8 RPE - rest 4 min between sets

15 Min AMRAP:

60 DU / 30 Jumping jacks

20 Swings with object

20 Down ups

20 Thrusters with object

Directly into:

50 Alternating object snatches*

*Every 30 seconds (including 0:00) perform 2 burpees over line

Have fun! @TheProgrm
At home Training 7 Run Training 7

Rest day / mindfullness Rest day

10 minutes mindfulness meditation.

Sunday. Our usual rest day, a chance to give back to our bodies.

This Sunday we are going to offer you something a little different:

A guided meditation.

There is no question things are a little crazy in the world at the moment, you
and others may be a little stressed about life and the current situation.

For the last 7 days if you have been following the programming your bodies will
have been working hard and therefore earnt this rest.

This is why we want to encourage you to take just 10 minutes today to calm
and focus the mind.

A lot of athletes use meditation in different ways, for some this simple practice
can bring quite profound effects. So find a nice quiet spot, turn on the audio
and allow yourself to be at peace for those 10 minutes.

Don’t worry on Monday we will get those bodies moving once again. @TheProgrm

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