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Robert Morales



05 May 2020

My Experience in English 1301

My experience with English was different from any past English classes I have taken

before. Even though we had to transition to online learning, in this class I have learned so much

from new techniques I can add to my writing style. I enjoyed how this class made me realize

how much I like writing and how my potential was more than what I imagined. The difficult

aspect of this course was the transition to online learning and readjusting to a new way of

learning. But even with such a big obstacle I was still able to learn as much as I would have in a


At first, I did not know how capable I was in writing. I would always second guess

myself and erase all my work and start all over again. But after taking this class I now

understand my first writing is my best writing, but it just needs work. When it comes to peer

edits, I don’t really like people reading my writing but stepping over that hurdle I realize it’s a

critical aspect in creating an essay you can enjoy and such a great learning tool.

In addition to writing an academic essay I have learned it's very important to use the

resource we have at San Antonio College. Our library resources have helped me so much in

researching for reliable information about a topic of interest. The hardest challenge for me of

writing an academic essay would be knowing the appropriate time to use your research to help

build my argument in my essay. But with the help of peer edits and strategies I have learned in

class I am successful in constructing an academic essay.

Although there are many steps to create a great essay the key points are keeping audience

and purpose in mind. From what I have learned you want to keep your reader engaged in your

writing so you may talk more about a topic the reader may relate to. But throughout the essay

you need to make sure you included your main point and purpose for writing your essay to get

your message across.

Because of this course I have achieved more in my writing than I thought I could. Going

forward I will continue to use the writing techniques I have learned and reaching out to the

resources I have available to me. I will continue to work on my own self-criticism to my writing

and open myself to writing techniques I am not use to.

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