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Section 800

Table of Contents

801 MATERIALS SAMPLING AND TESTING METHODS .................................................................. 801-1
801.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 801-1
801.2.1 Standard Methods .......................................................................................................... 801-1
801.2.2 Standard Sieves ............................................................................................................. 801-1
801.3 THE COSTS OF TESTING ............................................................................................................ 801-2
801.3.1 Process Control .............................................................................................................. 801-2
801.3.2 Providing Certificates...................................................................................................... 801-2
801.3.3 Testing Materials and Products Covered By Certificates ............................................... 801-2
801.4 PROVISION OF TESTING EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................... 801-2
801.5 SAMPLING METHODS................................................................................................................. 801-2
801.6 SAMPLING AND TESTING ............................................................................................................ 801-2
802 MATERIALS SAMPLING............................................................................................................... 802-1
802.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 802-1
802.2.1 Standard Methods .......................................................................................................... 802-1
802.3 PROCESS CONTROL AND ROUTINE TESTING............................................................................... 802-8
802.3.1 Process Control .............................................................................................................. 802-8
802.3.2 Classification of Tests..................................................................................................... 802-8
802.3.3 Routine Tests and Inspection by the Engineer............................................................... 802-9
802.3.4 Minimum Sampling and Test Schedule ........................................................................ 802-10
802.4 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................... 802-21
802.4.1 Preamble ...................................................................................................................... 802-21
802.4.2 Testing Equipment........................................................................................................ 802-21
802.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................. 802-24

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801.1 Scope
This Division covers the general requirements for the methods of testing and sampling of materials.

801.2 Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and

Methods of Sampling and Testing
801.2.1 Standard Methods
Where National or International Standards for materials or equipment are referred to in this specification, the
test methods referred to therein shall be used.
Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be conducted in accordance with the standard methods specified
in the following, in order of precedence:
1 Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (abbreviated as ACCRA).
2 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (abbreviated as AASHTO).
3 American Society for Testing and Materials (abbreviated as ASTM).
4 British Standards Institute (abbreviated as BS).

In addition to the above standard methods of testing, standard specifications or test methods of other bodies
may also be referred to in these specifications, or test methods may be described where no acceptable
standard methods exist.
In all cases, the latest amendment or revision current at the closing date of the tender is implied when
reference is made to one of the above standards in the specification.

801.2.2 Standard Sieves

ISO sieves shall be used for all tests. The standard sieve series, based on ISO 565, shall be as:

Table 801.1
Standard ISO Sieve Series with ACCRA Designation
Aperture Superseded Aperture Superseded Aperture Superseded Aperture Superseded
Size Designation Size Designation Size Designation Size Designation
125 mm 5 in 19.0 mm 3/4 in 2.80 mm No.7 300 µm No.50
106 mm 4.24 in 16.0 mm 5/8 in 2.36 mm No.8 250 µm No.60
100 mm 4 in 13.2 mm 0.530 in 2.00 mm No.10 212 µm No.70
90.0 mm 3 1/2 in 12.5 mm 1/2 in 1.70 mm No.12 180 µm No.80
75.0 mm 3 in 11.2mm 7/16 in 1.40 mm No.14 150µm No.100
63.0 mm 2 in 9.50 mm 3/8 in 1.18 mm No.16 125 µm No.120
53.0 mm 2.12 in 8.00 mm 5/16 in 1.00 mm No.18 106 µm No.140
50.0 mm 2 in 6.70 mm 0.265 in 850 µm No.20 90 m No.170
45.0 mm 1 3/4 in 6.30 mm 1/4 in 710 µm No.25 75 µm No.200
37.5 mm 1 1/2 in 5.60 mm No.3 1/2 600 µm No.30 63 m No.230
31.5 mm 1 1/4 in 4.75 mm No.4 500 µm No.35 53 µm No.270
26.5 mm 1.06 in 4.00 mm No.5 425 µm No.40 45 µm No.325
25.0 mm 1 in 3.35 mm No.6 355 µm No.45 38 µm No.400
22.4 mm 7/8 in
The Engineer may require the use of additional ISO sieves.

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In various standard test procedures quoted in this Section, American or British sieves shall be replaced by the
nearest ISO sieves, eg.
19.0 mm shall be replaced by 20 mm
9.3 mm shall be replaced by 10 mm
4.75 mm shall be replaced by 5 mm
2.36 mm shall be replaced by 2 mm
1.18 mm shall be replaced by 1 mm

801.3 The Costs of Testing

801.3.1 Process Control
The cost of testing undertaken by the Contractor in terms of his obligations under Sub-clause 102.05 for
purposes of process control, including the taking of samples, reinstating where samples have been taken,
and all testing equipment labour, materials, etc, shall be included in the rates tendered for the various items
of work supplied and will not be paid for separately.

801.3.2 Providing Certificates

(a) Where the properties of materials or manufactured products are required in these specifications to
comply with specified specifications published by a Standards Authority, the Contractor shall provide,
when called upon to do so, certificates from the manufacturer confirming that the materials or
products supplied comply with the relevant specifications.
(b) The cost of providing such certificates shall be borne by the Contractor.

801.3.3 Testing Materials and Products Covered By Certificates

(a) The Engineer shall be entitled to take samples of and order tests to be made on products and
materials in respect of which certificates of compliance may be required as described in sub-clause
801.3.2 above.
(b) The Contractor shall be paid at the appropriate rates if the cost of such tests are itemised in the
schedule of quantities, and, if no appropriate rates exist, such tests shall be classed as a variation
under Clause 13 of the FIDIC General Conditions of Contract for Construction, Clause 10 of the
FIDIC Short Form of Contract or Clause 51 of AACRA Standard Conditions, provided that such tests
indicate compliance with the specifications, otherwise the cost shall be borne by the Contractor.

801.4 Provision of Testing Equipment

(a) The Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary for the testing of materials and workmanship.
(b) The equipment shall be delivered to the Engineer’s Laboratory in accordance with the requirements
of the Contract. All equipment shall be calibrated as necessary, maintained in good condition and
replaced when the Engineer considers that it is no longer serviceable.

801.5 Sampling Methods

Sampling of materials shall be carried out as specified for each material or as shown in the standard
methods or as directed by the Engineer.

801.6 Sampling and Testing

(a) The Contractor shall provide all samples of materials required for testing. In addition, the Contractor
shall render such assistance as may be required from time by the Engineer in taking and packing
samples in containers provided by the Contractor, and dispatching the samples for test.

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(b) All materials proposed to be used in the construction of the work shall be properly examined, tested,
and approved by the Engineer before being incorporated into the work, and any work in which such
materials are used without prior test and approval or written permission of the Engineer shall be
performed at the Contractor's risk and may be considered as defective and unauthorized and not be
paid for.
(c) All samples required to be taken shall be submitted by the Contractor in sufficient time for proper
(d) The Engineer's approval of any materials or mixtures shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his
obligations to provide materials, mixtures, and workmanship, which comply with the specifications.
(e) Tests will be made by and at the expense of the Employer unless otherwise noted in the
specifications or contract documents, and shall be made in accordance with the methods prescribed
in the AACRA Soils and Materials Manual. In case where no method is prescribed therein, the tests
shall be made in accordance with the methods prescribed by the AASHTO or ASTM that were
current on the date bids were advertised.
(f) All samples for testing shall be taken in a random pattern or as prescribed by the Engineer. Where
specified or required by the Engineer, stratified random sampling methods shall be followed. For the
testing of layer work stratified random sampling methods shall be used for obtaining all the sample
portions and for determining the locations for in situ tests.
(g) The Engineer shall have full access to the works for the purpose of taking samples. The Contractor
shall render any assistance necessary for taking the samples and shall be responsible for the
reinstatement of pavement layers or other structures at the positions where the samples have been
(h) Full compensation for rendering assistance with sampling and for reinstatement where samples have
been taken shall be included in the rates tendered for the various items of work tested, and no
additional payment will be made in this respect.
(i) The Contractor shall note that any samples submitted direct to the Engineer's laboratory for approval
shall be properly marked and shall be accompanied by a covering letter with all the required
information and countersigned by the Engineer's Representative.

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802.1 Scope
This Division covers matters that relate to recommended procedural tests and the frequency of testing that
are necessary to maintain a Construction Quality Control System.

802.2 Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and

Methods of Sampling and Testing
802.2.1 Standard Methods
Where National or International Standards for materials or equipment are referred to in this specification, the
test methods referred to therein shall be used.

AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

Test Methods for Soils and Stabilisation
S-1 AASHTO T 87 Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples
S-2 AASHTO T 146 Wet preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test
S-3 AASHTO T 265 Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils.
S-4 AASHTO T 27 Sieve Analysis of fine and Coarse Aggregates
S-5 AASHTO T 88 Particle Size Analysis of Soils
S-6 AASHTO T 11 Amount of Material Finer 75 µm Sieve in Aggregate
S-7 AASHTO T 100 Specific Gravity of Soils
S-8 AASHTO T 90 Determining The Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soil
S-9 AASHTO T 89 Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils
S-10 AASHTO M 145 The Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures
for Highway Construction Purposes
S-11 AASHTO T 180 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg
Rammer and a 457 mm Drop
S-12 AASHTO T 193 The California Bearing Ratio
S-13 ASTM D 2049 Relative Density of Cohesion-less Soils
S-14 AASHTO T 191 Density of Soil In-place by the Sand Cone Method
S-15 AASHTO T 224 Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test
S-16 AASHTO T 217 Determination of Moisture in Soils by means of a
Calcium Carbide Gas pressure Moisture Tester
S-17 AASHTO T 238 & T 239 Density and Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-
Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
S-18 AASHTO T 306 Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings.
S-19 AASHTO T 206 Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils
S- 20 AASHTO T 207 Thin walled Tube Sampling of Soils
S-21 AASHTO T 225 Diamond Drilling for Site Investigation
S-22 AASHTO T 223 Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soil
S-23 AASHTO T 258 Determining Expansive Soils and Remedial Actions
S-24 AASHTO T 208 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil

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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

S-25 AASHTO T 216 One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils
S-26 AASHTO T 226 Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core
Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measurement
S-27 AASHTO T 234 Strength Parameters of Soils by Triaxial Compression
S-28 AASHTO T 236 Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained
S-29 AASHTO T 235 Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread
S-30 AASHTO T 252 Measurements of Pore Pressure in Soils
S-31 AASHTO T 254 Installing, Monitoring and Processing Data for the Travelling
Type Slope Inclinometer
S-32 AASHTO T 221 Repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible
Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and Design of
Highway Pavements.
S-33 AASHTO T 256 Pavement Deflection Measurements
S-34 AASHTO T 215 Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)
S-35 AASHTO T 99 Moisture Density Relationships of Soils Using a 2.5 kg
Rammer and a 305 mm Drop

Tests Methods for Aggregates

A-1 AASHTO T 112 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Natural
A-2 AASHTO T 113 Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate Moisture Induced
A-3 AASHTO T 96 Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse
A-4 AASHTO T 104 Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium
Sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate.
A-5 AASHTO T 27 Sieve Analysis for Course and Fine Aggregates
A-6 AASHTO T 21 Organic Impurities in fine Aggregates for Concrete.
A-7 AASHTO T 71 Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on
Strength of Mortar Aggregates by Washing.
A-8 AASHTO T 11 Material Finer Than 75 µm (No.200) sieve in
Mineral Aggregates by washing
A-9 AASHTO T 19 Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate
A-10 AASHTO T 84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
A-11 AASHTO T 85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse
A-12 AASHTO T 142 Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregates
A-13 AASHTO T 248 Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing
A-14 AASHTO T 255 Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying
A-15 AASHTO T 2 Sampling Aggregates
A-16 AASHTO T 176 Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by

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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

Use of Sand Equivalent Test
A-17 AASHTO T 165 Effect of Water on Cohesion of Compacted
Bituminous Mixes
A-18 AASHTO T 283 Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to
Moisture Induced Damage
A-19 AASHTO M 80 Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete
A-20 AASHTO T 210 Aggregate Durability Index
A-21 AASHTO M 195 Lightweight Aggregate for Structural Concrete
A-22 AASHTO T 304 Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate
A-23 AASHTO M 6 Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete
Test Methods for Bituminous Materials
B-1 AASHTO T 40 Sampling of Bituminous Material
B-2 AASHTO T 44 Solubility of Bituminous Materials in Carbon-tetra
B-3 AASHTO T 47 Loss on Heating of Oil and Asphaltic compound
B-4 AASHTO T 48 Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Cup
B-5 AASHTO T 49 Penetration of Bituminous Materials
B-6 AASHTO T 50 Floating Test For Bituminous Material
B-7 AASHTO T 51 Ductility of Bituminous Material
B-8 AASHTO T 53 Softening Point of Asphalt (Bitumen) and Tar in
Ethylene Glycol (Ring-Ball)
B-9 AASHTO T 55 Water in Petroleum Products and Bituminous
Materials by Distillation.
B-10 AASHTO T 59 Testing of Emulsified Asphalt
B-11 AASHTO T 201 Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalt
B-12 AASHTO T 228 Specific Gravity of Semi-Solid Bituminous Material
B-13 AASHTO T 179 Effect of Heat and Air on Asphalt Material
B-14 AASHTO T 295 Specific Gravity of Liquid Asphalt by Hydrometer
B-15 AASHTO T 230 Determining Degree of Pavement Compaction of
Bituminous Aggregate Mixture
B-16 AASHTO T 245 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures
Using Marshall Apparatus
B-17 AASHTO T 283 Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to
Moisture Induced Damage
B-18 AASHTO T 182 Coating and Stripping of Bituminous Aggregate
B-19 AASHTO T 30 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate
B-20 AASHTO T 166 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Mixture Using
Saturated Surface-dry Specimen
B-21 AASHTO T 269 Percent Air Void in Compacted Dense and Open

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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

Bituminous Mixture
B-22 AASHTO T 167 Compressive Strength of Bituminous mixtures
B-23 AASHTO T 168 Sampling of Bituminous Mixture
B-24 AASHTO T 164 Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
B-25 AASHTO T 209 Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Mixture
B-26 AASHTO M 20 Penetration Graded Asphalt Cement (Bitumen)
B-27 AASHTO M 156 • Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-
Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures
B-28 AASHTO M 82 Cutback Asphalt (Bitumen) (Medium Curing Type)
B-29 AASHTO M 226 Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement (Bitumen)
B-30 AASHTO M 81 Cutback Asphalt (Bitumen) (Rapid Curing Type)
B-31 AASHTO M 140 Emulsified Asphalt (Bitumen)
B-32 AASHTO M 208 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt (Bitumen)
B-33 AASHTO M 17 Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures
Test Methods for Portland Cement and Cement Concrete
C-1 AASHTO T 127 Sampling Hydraulic Cement
C-2 AASHTO T 192 Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the 0.045 mm
(No.325) Sieve.
C-3 AASHTO T 105 Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement
C-4 AASHTO T 162 Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes
and Mortars of Plastic Consistency
C-5 AASHTO T 186 False Set of Portland Cement (Paste Method)
C-6 AASHTO T 137 Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
C-7 AASHTO T 154 Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Gillmore
C-8 AASHTO T 26 Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete
C-9 AASHTO T 141 Sampling Fresh Concrete
C-10 AASHTO T 119 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete
C-11 AASHTO T 121 Mass Per Cubic Metre, Yield, and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Concrete
C-12 AASHTO T 152 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Pressure Method
C-13 AASHTO T 199 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Chace Indicator
C-14 AASHTO T 23 Making and Curing Concrete Compressive Test
Specimens in the Field
C-15 AASHTO M 201 Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage
Tanks Using in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements
and Concretes

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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

C-16 AASHTO T 24 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores of Concrete
C-17 AASHTO T 231 Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimen
C-18 AASHTO T 22 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
C-19 AASHTO T 218 Sampling Hydrated Lime
C-20 AASHTO T 133 Specific Gravity Of Hydraulic Cement
C-21 AASHTO M 194 Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
C-22 AASHTO M 154 Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
C-23 AASHTO M 85 Portland Cement
C-24 AASHTO M 240 Blended Hydraulic Cement
C-25 AASHTO T 97 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam
with Three Point Loading)
C-26 AASHTO T 153 Fineness of Portland Cement by Air Permeability
C-27 AASHTO M 157 Ready Mixed Concrete
C-28 AASHTO M 241 Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and
Continuous Mixing
C-29 AASHTO M 295 Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in
Test Methods for Miscellaneous Items

M-1 AASHTO T 68 Steel Tensile Testing or Tension Testing of Metallic

M-2 AASHTO T 70 Birnell Hardness of Metallic Material
M-3 AASHTO T 80 Standard Methods of Tests for Rockwell Hardness
and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic
M-4 AASHTO T 266 Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
M-5 AASHTO T 65 Mass of Coating on Zinc-Coated Iron or Steel
M-6 AASHTO T 250 Thermoplastic Traffic Line Mineral
M-7 AASHTO T 237 Testing Epoxy Resin Adhesive
M-8 AASHTO M 111M Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanised) Coatings on Iron and
Steel products
M-9 AASHTO M 31M Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bar for Concrete
M-10 AASHTO M 254 Corrosion Resistant Coated Dowel Bars
M-11 AASHTO M 153 Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion
Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural
M-12 AASHTO M 213 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete
Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding
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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

and Resilient Bituminous Types)
M-13 AASHTO M 182 Burlap Cloth Made From Jute or Kenaf
M-14 AASHTO M 171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete
M-15 AASHTO M 148 Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds
M-16 AASHTO M 32M Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement
M-17 AASHTO M 55M Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete
M-18 AASHTO M 221M Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Deformed, for Concrete
M-19 AASHTO M 225M Steel Wire Deformed, For Concrete
M-20 AASHTO M 203M Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete
M-21 AASHTO M 204M Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete
M-22 AASHTO M 275M Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing
M-23 AASHTO M 173 Concrete Joint-Sealer, Hot Poured

M-24 AASHTO M 270M Carbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural

Steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars and Quenched-
and-Tempered Alloy Structural Steel Plates for
M-25 AASHTO M 253M Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts
M-26 AASHTO M 164M High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints
M-27 AASHTO M 291M Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
M-28 AASHTO M 292M Carbo and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-
Pressure and High-Temperature Service
M-29 AASHTO M 293M Hardened Steel Washers
M-30 AASHTO M 103M Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Applications
M-31 AASHTO M 163M Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel
Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
M-32 AASHTO M 105 Gray Iron Castings
M-33 AASHTO M 168 Wood Products
M-34 AASHTO M 133 Preservatives and Pressure Treatment Processes
for Timber
M-35 AASHTO M 232M Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware
M-36 AASHTO M 170M Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and
Sewer Pipe
M-37 AASHTO M 242 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain,
and Sewer Pipe
M-38 AASHTO M 259 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for
Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers
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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

M-39 AASHTO M 273M Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for

Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less
Than 0.6 m of Cover Subjected to Highway
M-40 AASHTO M 36 Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated, for Sewers
and Drains
M-41 AASHTO M 167 Corrugated Steel Structural Plate, Zinc-Coated, for
Field Bolted Pipe, Pipe Arches, and Arches
M-42 AASHTO M 190 Bituminous-Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe
and Pipe Arches
M-43 AASHTO M 278 Class PS46 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe
M-44 AASHTO M 252 Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe
M-45 AASHTO M 198 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert
Pipe Using Flexible Watertight Gaskets
M-46 AASHTO M 264 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Composite Sewer Pipe
M-47 AASHTO T 242 Frictional Properties of Paved Surfaces Using a
Full-Scale Tyre
M-48 AASHTO M 91 Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or
M-49 AASHTO M 114 Building Bricks (Solid Masonry Units Made fro Clay
or Shale)
M-50 AASHTO M 33 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete
(Bituminous Type)
M-51 AASHTO M 220 Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint
Seals for Concrete Pavements
M-52 AASHTO M 160M General Requirements for Steel, Plates, Shapes,
Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use
M-53 AASHTO M 180 Corrugated Sheet Steel Beams for Highway
M-54 AASHTO M 120 Zinc
M-55 AASHTO M 268 Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control
M-56 AASHTO M 69 Aluminium Paint
M-57 AASHTO M 248 Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints
M-58 AASHTO M 281 Steel Fence Posts and Assemblies, Hot-Wrought
M-59 AASHTO M 305 Aluminium-Coated Steel Barbed Wire
M-60 AASHTO M 279 Zinc-Coated (Galvanised) Steel Woven Wire
Fence Fabric
M-61 AASHTO M 181 Chain-Link Fence
M-62 AASHTO M 280 Metallic-Coated Carbon Steel Barbed Wire
M-63 AASHTO T 244 Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
M-64 AASHTO M 247 Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints

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AACRA Test Number Test Numbers Description of the Tests

M-65 AASHTO M 249 White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping

Material (Solid Form)
M-66 AASHTO M 304 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Profile Wall Drain Pipe
and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter
M-67 AASHTO M 235 Epoxy Resin Adhesive

802.3 Process Control and Routine Testing.

802.3.1 Process Control
The requirements of Division 801 Sub-Clause 801.3.1shall apply in respect of the Contractor's obligation to
institute and implement a quality control system for monitoring the quality of the work and materials during

802.3.2 Classification of Tests

For the purposes of this Division tests are defined as follows:
(a) Ordinary tests are tests which are constantly conducted by the Contractor on a regular basis, for
which no specified pay items have been provided, and which include the following, inter alia:
(i) Tests for determining the properties of all natural materials such as, inter alia, sand,
stone, water, soil and gravel, inter alia, provided by the contractor for use in the works.
(ii) Tests on processed natural materials such as aggregate for concrete, asphalt and seals,
purchased or produced on the site by the Contractor.
(iii) Tests for determining the properties of products such as concrete and asphalt, etc,
produced specially for use on the works by the Contractor, or purchased from commercial
producers or sub-contractors.
(iv) Tests on completed elements of construction such as fills, pavement layers, concrete
structures, etc, for establishing compliance with the specified properties.
(b) Special tests are tests which have to be conducted by the Contractor only at the specific request of
the Engineer, and include the following:
(i) Tests on commercial products such as cement, lime, paint, bituminous products, pipes,
valves, cranes and bridge bearings etc.
(ii) The requirements are specified as a whole or in part by reference being made to the
specifications of a standards organisation such as those given under Clause 802.2.
(iii) Special tests on structures or elements of structures to determine their efficacy, for the
payment of which clear provision has been made in the specifications and the schedule of
(iv) Any test requested by the Engineer purely for purposes of acceptance control. Such tests,
however, will not be classified as a special test if the test is requested because the
Contractor has neglected to conduct sufficient or proper tests in terms of Division 800,
Sub-Clause 801.06 and with a view to submitting the result to the Engineer for his
approval of completed work or materials.
Payment will be made under the pay items of 803.3.2(b)(iii) only in regard to special tests. Payment for
ordinary tests shall be included in the rates tendered by the Contractor for the items of work to which the
ordinary tests relate.

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802.3.3 Routine Tests and Inspection by the Engineer

(a) The Engineer will inspect and test materials and completed work at regular intervals for compliance
with the specified requirements and, where applicable, the various judgement plans specified will be
applied. The testing frequencies and sample and lot sizes for routine testing shall as given under
Sub-Clause 802.3.3-Minimum Sampling and Test Schedule.
Any further testing deemed necessary shall be entirely at the Engineer's discretion.
(b) All sections of completed work shall be submitted to the Engineer for routine inspection and testing,
and the contractor shall not cover up or construct any work on top of sections of completed work
before being advised by the Engineer of the outcome of his testing and inspection.
The Contractor shall make arrangements for the submission of work for testing in a manner which
will afford the Engineer reasonable opportunity for inspecting and testing the work, but in any event
the Engineer will consider not less than twenty four hours to be reasonable.
(c) For continuous concrete and asphalt-production processes, the Engineer may order the Contractor
to augment the control system by introducing a system of process control for monitoring the various
properties to be controlled. The specific system used shall be subject to the Engineer's approval,
and the attention of the Contractor is drawn to Sub-Clause 102.5 The Contractor shall take
immediate steps to rectify any deviation from the specified requirements indicated by his process-
control system, and the Engineer shall have the right to inspect and be given all details of tests and
testing procedures in order to satisfy himself that the contractor is implementing an adequate
process-control system.

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-9

802.3.4 Minimum Sampling and Test Schedule

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Roadway and Classification One per source or - - 50 kg. sample -
Borrow material type from borrow pit or
Excavation road way
excavation for
source approval
California Bearing “ - - -
Ratio (CBR)
Moisture Density “ - - Use same sample -
and Relative
Embankment Moisture Density See Roadway and One per layer In place, immediately
and Relative Borrow Excavation - - per 50,000 m2 prior to placement
Field Density “ One per layer of next layer
per 50,000 m2 “
Subgrade Classification “ One per 5,000 m2 One per 50,000 m2 - 50 kg. sample from
of completed sub- of completed sub- roadway
grade grade
California Bearing “ - One per - Use same sample
Ratio (CBR) 5,000 m2of
Moisture Density See Roadway and - One per layer per - “
Borrow Excavation 20,000 m2
Field Density “ One per layer per “ - In place, immediately
2,000 m2 prior to the placement
of another layer.

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Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-10

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Lime treated Source Approval One per source or Certificates of - - -
subgrade combination of guarantee for lime
Moisture Density “ - - - Same as subgrade.
Field Density - One per layer One per layer - In place after final
per 2,000 m2 per 20,000 m2 compacting
Back fill for Classification See roadway and One per layer per - - -
Structures borrow excavation 5,000 m2
Moisture Density “ - - - -
Field Density - One per layer per One per layer per - In place immediately
2,000 m2- 20,000 m2 prior to placement of
next layer
Untreated Sieve Analysis One per source One per 1,000 m3 One per 10,000 m3 75 kg. sample 35 kg from central
Granular from pit or crusher mix plant.
Subbase and Plasticity Index “ “ “ Use same sample Use same sample
Base courses Loss by Abrasion “ - “ “ “
Moisture Density “ - “ “ “
California Bearing “ - “ “ “
Ratio (CBR)
Field Density - One per layer per One per layer per - In place immediately
2,.000 m2 20,000 m2 prior to placement of
next layer
Thickness “ One per - - In place
2,000 m2
Fractured Faces One per sources - One per 10,000 m3 Use same sample Use same sample

Thin and “ “ - “ “
Elongated pieces
Soundness - - “ “ “

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Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-11

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Aggregate for Sieve Analysis One per source One per 1,000 m3 One per 10,000 m3 75 kg. sample 35 kg. sample from
cement treated from pit or crusher central mix plant
Base Course Plasticity Index “ One per 5,000 m3 One per 10,000 m3 Use same sample Use same sample
Loss by Abrasion - “ “ “ “
Soluble Sulphates “ - One per 50,000 m3 “ “
and Chlorides
Cement for Quality “ Certificates of One per 50,000 m3 5 kg. of sample 5 kg. of sample from
cement treated Guarantee of base course from several bags several bags or silo
Base Courses or silo
Water for cement Quality “ - “ One litre sample One litre sample from
treated Base from source source
Aggregates for Mix Verification One per source or - One per 5,000 m3 Use same sample Use same sample
cement treated combination of
Base Courses sources
Moisture Density “ - “ “ “
Field Density - One per layer per - - “
20,000 m2
Thickness - One per layer per - - In place
2,000 m2
Asphalt Cement Quality - Certificates of - - -
Penetration - “ One per plant per - One litre sample from
production week plant line
Liquid Asphalts Quality - “ _ _

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-12

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Aggregates for Sieve Analysis One per source One per One per 50 kg sample from 25 kg sample from
Bituminous production day production week crusher or pit stockpile
Flakiness Index “ - “ Use same sample Use same sample
Treatments and
Seal Coats Loss by Abrasion “ - “ 50 kg sample from 50 kg sample from
crusher or pit crusher or pit
Soundness “ - - Use same sample -
Stripping “ - - “ -
Aggregates for Sieve Analysis One per source One per week - 25 kg sample 25 kg sample from
Sand Sub-base during production stockpile
Courses and and stockpiling
Open Graded
Liquid Limit (3) One per source One per week One per week from Use same sample Use same sample
Subbase Course
during production the cold feed
and stockpiling during mix
Plasticity Index (3) “ “ “ “ “
Sand Equivalent (3) “ “ “ “ “
Loss by Abrasion “ “ “ “ “
Stripping “ “ “ “ “

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-13

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Aggregates for Sieve Analysis - One set per plant One set per week - 10 kg sample from
Bituminous Sand per production day from the cold feed each bin
Subbase during mix
Courses and production
Open Graded
Marshall Mix One per source - - 50 kg plus 10 L -
Subbase Course
Design asphalt cement
(Hot Bins)
Marshall Stability - One per plant per - - 10 kg sample from
production day plant

Effect of Water One per source - One per plant per - 15 kg sample from
production week plant
Extracted Asphalt - One per 500 m3 One per 5,000 m3 - 10 kg sample from
Content (not less than one roadway behind
per production paver
Gradation of - “ “ - Use same sample
Bituminous Sand Thickness - One per 1,000 m3 - - Roadway
Subbase (not less than one
Courses per production
Field Density - One per 1,000 m3 - - Use roadway sample
(not less than one
per production

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-14

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Aggregates for Sieve Analysis One per source - One per week 25 kg sample from 25 kg sample from pit
Bituminous Base during production pit or crusher or crusher
Course and stockpiling
Fractured Faces One per source - One per week Use same sample Use same sample
during production
and stockpiling
Sand Equivalent One per source One per week One per week from Use same sample Use same sample
(3) during production the cold feed
and stockpiling during mix
Plasticity Index (3) One per source “ “ “ “
Soundness “ - - “ “
Loss by Abrasion “ - One per week “ “
during production
and stockpiling
Thin and “ - “ “ “
Elongated Pieces
Stripping “ - - 10 kg sample from -

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-15

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Aggregates for Sieve Analysis - - One set per plan - 100 kg sample from
Bituminous Base per production day each bin
Sieve Analysis - One per 500 t of - 50 kg sample -
(Hot Bins)
Marshall Mix One per Source - - 50 kg each size -
Design aggregate and
100 L asphalt
Marshall Stability - One per plant per - - 15 kg sample from
production day roadway behind
Gradation of - One per 500 m3 One per 5,000 m3 - Use same sample
Extracted (not less than one
Aggregate per production
Thickness - One core per - - Roadway
1,000 m2 of
completed course
Field Density - One core per - - Use roadway sample
1,000 m2 of each

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-16

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Coarse Sieve Analysis One per source One per 1,000 m3 One per 10,000 m3 50 kg from source 25 kg sample from
Aggregate for of concrete of concrete stockpile
Loss by Abrasion “ - “ Use same sample Use same sample
Soundness “ - “ “ “
Friable Particles “ - “ “ “
Specific Gravity “ - “ “ “
and Absorption
Soft Fragments “ - “ “ “
and Shale
Thin and “ - “ “ “
Elongated Pieces
Soluble Sulphates “ - “ “ “
and Chlorides
Moisture - One per “ “ “
production day

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-17

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Fine Aggregate Sieve Analysis One per source One per 1,000 m3 One per 10,000 m3 25 kg sample from 5 kg sample from
for Concrete (including of concrete of concrete stockpile stockpile
Soundness One per source - One per 10,000 m3 Use same sample Use same sample
of concrete
Friable Particles “ - “ “ “
Organic Impurities “ - “
Sand Equivalent “ - “
Moisture “ One per -
production day
Soluble Sulphates “ - One per 10,000 m3
of concrete
Water for Quality “ - “ One litre sample One litre sample from
Portland Cement from source source

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-18

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Portland Cement Quality One per source Certificates of “ 5 kg sample from 5 kg sample from
Guarantee several bags or several bags or silo
Time of Set (Vicat) - One test per - Use same sample -
Mix Design One per mix _ _ 200 kg sample of -
design aggregate
Compressive 2 cylinders per mix 2 cylinders per 2 cylinders per 3 cylinders from 3 cylinders from mixer
Strength design 50 m3. Not less 500 m3 mixer or truck or truck
than one per
production day
Air Content See mix design “ _ 0.1 m3 from mixer _
or truck
Unit “ “ “ -
Slump “ One test per 20 m3 0.05 m3 from mixer -
or truck
Mortar Same requirements, for cement, fine aggregate and water as those for concrete.
Reinforcing Steel Quality _ Certificates of One sample for _ One 1.5 m sample for
Guarantee each bar size for each bar size
each 50 t or
fraction of that size
Prestressing Quality _ Certificates of One sample from _ One 2 m strand each
Steel Guarantee each spool spool

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-19

Test Frequencies Sample Size and Location

General Test Quality/Source Project Control Check Quality/Source Project
Specification Control/Check
Paint Quality _ Certificates of One sample from _ 10 L sample from
Guarantee each lot project storage

Thermoplastic Quality _ Certificates of One sample from _ 10 L sample from

Traffic Markings Guarantee each lot project storage
All other Manufacturer’s certifications and/or test reports covering all material. Additional tests or samples may be ordered by The
manufactured Engineer.
All other Sampling and testing as ordered by the Engineer and required by the specifications.
Notes: 1) Not required unless the test is specifically included in the specifications.
2) If the Contractor is not required to furnish facilities to perform tests, they may be performed by an independent laboratory approved by the AACRA.
3) If lime is added, acceptance samples shall be taken after the addition of the slurry but before the drier. In this case, minimum acceptance sampling
frequency shall be one per production day.
4) Physical tests required on all samples. Chemical tests required on occasional samples selected by the Engineer.
5) If used for roadway structural improvement, additional design testing will be required.

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-20

802.4 Laboratory Equipment

802.4.1 Preamble
The quality control of materials used in roadway construction projects requires the use of specialised test
equipment and laboratories, which shall be equipped with the necessary test equipment to control the
materials to be used on the project.
The following listing of both general and specific test equipment is given as a check list of required items and
is keyed to the type of construction control expected on a project similar to which would be undertaken by
the AACRA. The equipment listed and the number of individual item is considered a minimum requirement.
This list is organised to present firstly those items of general testing, which every laboratory would be
expected to have. They are items that are used in a number of different test areas. Following the list of
general testing equipment are lists of additional test equipment required in specific areas of control testing,
including the soils analysis of the Addis Ababa area. Compaction, aggregate quality, bituminous materials
and Portland cement concrete testing is also included.
In addition to the items listed it is expected that a project laboratory will also have available copies of the
latest AACRA, AASHTO, ASTM and BS specifications and test procedures, with necessary papers and
drawing materials, as well as such rudimentary tools as hammers, saws, pliers, screwdrivers, gloves etc.

802.4.2 Testing Equipment

A. General Testing Equipment
Description Remarks
2 Set of standard ISO sieves, 203 mm diameter, to include the following sieve
sizes complete with pan and cover:
75 mm 12.5 mm 0.60 mm
63 mm 9.5 mm 0.425 mm
50 mm 4.75 mm 0.30 mm
37.5 mm 2.36 mm 0.18 mm
25.0 mm 2.00 mm 0.15 mm
19.0mm 1.18 mm 0.075 mm
Set of standard ISO sieves, 305 mm diameter to include the following range.
1 75 mm 12.5 mm
63 mm 9.5 mm
50 mm 4.75 mm
37.5 mm Pan and cover
25 mm
19 mm
1 Motorized, Dynamic sieve shaker for 203 mm (8 in.) sieve
1 Timer for Motorized sieve shaker
1 Brass Wire Brush
1 Stiff Bristle Brush
2 Small Paint Brush
1 Sample Splitter, coarse
1 Quartering Canvas 2 m x 2 m (approximately)
2 Laboratory Oven, 500x500x500 mm minimum volume, 110 °C minimum.
2 Hot Plate, 150 mm square, 400 °C
1 Platform Scale, 115 kg capacity, sensitivity + 50 g
1 Balance, Class E,
2 Balance, Class D,
1 Balance, Class B,
1 Stop watch, 60 minutes, graduated in one fifth second increments
Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works
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Final November 2004
Page 802-21

Description Remarks
2 Calculator, scientific
4 Thermometer, general lab, 0-200°C, + 0.5°C
6 Pans, metal, 500x300x100 mm (approx.)
2 Drying Pans, 600x900x100 mm (approx.)
3(Ca) Beaker, glass, 250 ml, 500 mL, 1,000 mL, capacity
24(Ca) Metal Tin with lids, 150 mL and 75 mL Capacity
1(Ca) Metal straight edge, 300 mm and 1 m with bevelled edge
1 Micrometer Callipers, 25 mm
2(Ca) Volumetric flask, 500 mL and 1000 mL
1 Desiccators, 200 mm (minimum) diameter
1 Aspirator
1 Testing Machine, 1375 kN, (140,211 kg force) capacity
12 Metal Cans, 4 L(approx.) with lids
48 Sample Sacks, Canvas, 50 kg. capacity
2 Wash bottle, 1,000 mL complete
2 Graduated Cylinder, 100 mL capacity
2 Tamping Rod, 16 mm dia. x 610 mm
3 Thermometer, armoured, 250°C
20 Distilled Water, 1 litre bottle
10 Standard weights, 25.0 kg.
1 Callipers 40 mm opening
4 Mixing bowls, stainless steel, 1 ½ to 2 ½ L
2(Ca) Tongs, Beakers and Crucibles
2 Scoop, grain
2 Shovel, square
2 Brush bench
2 Bucket, 12 L(approximately)
2(Ca) Trowel, large and small
3 Spoons, heavy mixing
2 Ruler, folding or retractable, 1 m.
1 Rubber Mallet, approximately 1 kg.
1 Micro test Gauge (for galvanised coating)
1 Filler Gauge, 0.25 mm
B. Soil Testing Equipment
1 Mortar, porcelain, 200 mm diameter, with rubber-cover pestle
1 Stirring apparatus
1 Hydrometer, 152 mm high
2 Graduated cylinder, 1,000 mL
1 Water Bath, thermostatically controlled
1 Porcelain dish, 115 mm diameter (approximately) with handle
1 Liquid limit device complete
1 Spatula, 75 mm long x 20 mm wide (approximately) with handle
1 Vibrating table
1 Mould, metal cylindrical, 2,830 mL capacity (mould to be accompanied by guide
sleeves, base plates, surcharge mass, dial indicators, calibration bar and pouring
1 Mould, metal cylindrical, 14,160 mL capacity
(mould to be accompanied by guide sleeves, base plates, surcharge mass, dial
indicators, calibration bar and pouring device)
1 Hoist, 136 kg capacity (minimum)
2 Pycnometer jar with top, 500 mL capacity
2 Pycnometer jar with top, 100 mL capacity
4 Mould, Proctor
1 Hammer, Proctor, 4.54 kg. with 457 mm drop
1 Sample Extruder
3 Mould, CBR, with plate, collar, penetration piston and expansion measuring device
1 Water Tank, 1 x 2 x 1 m (approx.)

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Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-22

Description Remarks
4 Sand Cone Density Apparatus
1 Speedy Moisture Tester, Complete (Optional)
1 Nuclear Moisture Density Gauge (Optional)
C. Aggregate Testing Equipment
1 Sand Equivalent Test Set, complete
4 Graduated Sand Equivalent , plastic cylinders
1 Sand Equivalent Shaker, manual or mechanical
12 Stock Solution, Sand Equivalent Shaker
1 Unit Mass Measure, 30 L capacity, with glass cover plate
1 Set, Organic Impurities Test
1 Sank Moisture Test Mould and Tamper
1 Wire Mesh Basket, 3.5 L volume (approximately)
1 Los Angeles Abrasion Machine
1 Sieve, 203 mm diameter 4.00 mm
1 Glazed porcelain cork, 20 L (approximately)
1 Pycnometer, glass
1 Aggregate Accelerated Polishing Machine (when Specified)
1 British Portable Pendulum Tester (when specified)
D. Bituminous Test Equipment
48 Sample Can, 1 L, with screw caps
6 Marshall Specimen Mould Assembly
1 Marshall Specimen Extractor
1 Marshall Compaction Hammer
1 Marshall Specimen Mould Holder
1 Marshall Breaking Head
1 Marshall Ring Dynamometer Assembly
1 Marshall Flow meter
1 Mechanical Mixing Apparatus
1 Water Bath, thermostatically controlled to 60° + 1° C
6 Glass Plates, 150 x 150 x 0.5 mm
1 Bituminous Extraction Apparatus, complete
1 Specific Gravity Apparatus for compacted bituminous mixtures.
1 Laboratory Oven, 500 x 500 x 500 mm (approximately), to 200° C
48 Sample Box, 300 x 300 x 100 mm, card board
3 Mixing pan, rounded corners, 500 mL capacity
3 Glass Pycnometer with top, 1,000 L capacity
2 Specific gravity bottle, 24 to 30 L capacity
2 Thermometer, -8 to 32°C, ASTM E1 No. 63C
1 Test Set for Penetration of Bituminous Materials
1 pH Meter
1 Core Drilling Apparatus with bits
6 101.6 mm Compression Moulds with top and bottom plungers
E. Portland Cement Concrete Test Equipment
12 Cylinder Moulds, 150 x 300 mm reusable
2 Slump Cone, complete
1 Air Meter, complete
1 Cylinder Capping equipment
2 Concrete Capping Compound, 23 kg bag
1 Mixing Pan, heavy gauge metal, 100 litre (approximately)
1 Core Drilling Apparatus
2 Evaporating Dish, 200ml capacity
1 pH Meter
1 Conductivity Meter
1 Unit Mass Measure, 0.014 cu. m. with cover plate
1 Tube Sampler
1 Melting Pot for cylinder capping compound
Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works
Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-23

Description Remarks
2 Cube Moulds, Set of Three, 50 x 50x 50 cm
1 Tamper, 13 x 25 x 150 mm
1 Chace Air Indicator
1 Quality of Water Test Set
1 Schmidt Concrete test hammer
1 Vicat Apparatus
1 Steel Straightedge, 46 cm
1 Curing Tank, with temperature control
1 Gilmore Apparatus
1 No. 325 Sieve
1 Mechanical Mixer for PCC pestles and mortars

802.5 Measurement and Payment

Pay Item 802P1: Special tests requested by the Engineer.
A provisional sum shall be provided to cover the cost of special tests as requested by the Engineer in terms
of Sub-Clause 803.3.2(b)(iii), which shall be expended in accordance with the provisions of the General
Conditions of Contract. Payment will not be made for any special test should the test indicate that the
specifications have not been complied with.
Payment for ordinary tests shall be included in the rates tendered by the Contractor for the items of work to
which the ordinary tests relate.
Pay Item 802P2: Provision of testing equipment
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for provision of the testing equipment noted in the Special
Conditions as being provided by the Contractor, making it available on the site and using it for as long as
may be necessary. After the work has been completed, the Contractor shall remove the equipment from the

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Material Sampling
Final November 2004
Page 802-24

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