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Joseph was the ultimate simp

Joseph is the ultimate simp. Not only did he raise another man's child, he let Mary ride on the donkey all
the way to Bethlehem whilst he walked because he was not worthy enough to ride with her. When Mary
told him she was pregnant he didn't even consider leaving her, he accepted that he was not worthy of
sowing his seed in her but he would raise this child regardless in order to spend more time near her
divine coochie. However we are Kings and we will not stoop to his level remember to treat yourself as the
Prince you and one day you will be able to impregnate another Joseph's Mary and he will raise your child
for you. Stay strong through this difficult time and thank you for coming to my TedTalk

Joseph was the ultimate simp

Joseph is the ultimate simp. Not only did he raise another man's child, he let Mary ride on the donkey all
the way to Bethlehem whilst he walked because he was not worthy enough to ride with her. When Mary
told him she was pregnant he didn't even consider leaving her, he accepted that he was not worthy of
sowing his seed in her but he would raise this child regardless in order to spend more time near her
divine coochie. However we are Kings and we will not stoop to his level remember to treat yourself as the
Prince you and one day you will be able to impregnate another Joseph's Mary and he will raise your child
for you. Stay strong through this difficult time and thank you for coming to my TedTalk

Joseph was the ultimate simp

Joseph is the ultimate simp. Not only did he raise another man's child, he let Mary ride on the donkey all
the way to Bethlehem whilst he walked because he was not worthy enough to ride with her. When Mary
told him she was pregnant he didn't even consider leaving her, he accepted that he was not worthy of
sowing his seed in her but he would raise this child regardless in order to spend more time near her
divine coochie. However we are Kings and we will not stoop to his level remember to treat yourself as the
Prince you and one day you will be able to impregnate another Joseph's Mary and he will raise your child
for you. Stay strong through this difficult time and thank you for coming to my TedTalk

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