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Atha Corporation

Strategic Alignment Worksheet: Human Resources



Use this Strategic Alignment Worksheet (SAW) to help you complete the sections listed
below. As you progress through the course, you will be instructed to complete and submit
section(s) of the SAW. Once you have all of the sections completed, you are to incorporate
the sections into the larger Atha Execution Plan, which is your final project deliverable (to be
submitted in Unit 5).

Sections of the SAW

 Goals and Activities (Unit 2)

 Interview Questions (Unit 3)
 Department Purpose Statements (Unit 4)
 Performance Standards (Unit 4)

Checklist for Human Resources Area

Mary Atha, CEO, has provided this checklist of overall organization goals for the human
resources area. Read the checklist and use it as a point of reference for your development of
this SAW.

1. Ensure staffing requirements are met.

2. Retain existing staff.
3. Hire and train new staff.
4. Plan, organize, lead, and direct the human resources of the company to meet the goal
of growing the business by 100%.
1.0 Goals and Activities. Develop goals and activities for the human resources Area. Submit
this section in Unit 2.

Goals Activities to support this goal (add more rows if needed)

1.1 Retain existing What are the supporting How will this activity achieve What is the
employees. activities? the goal? achievement
Training Employees will feel Six months
valued and therefore
become loyal.
Performance review Employee will gain job Six months
Compensation Compensation will make Two months
employee feel
Communication Giving feedback on Two months
performance and
improvement to be made.
1.2 Add two additional What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
human resources activities? goal? achievement
generalists. deadline?
Job posting Job posting will attract One month
qualified candidates to
show their interest in the
Shortlisting Candidate who best fit One week
the generalist positions
will be selected.

Interview It will connect the Two days

employers with the job
Training Existing staffs with Five days
potential can be trained
to fill the position of the hr
1.3 Assist department What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
managers in the activities? goal? achievement
hiring of new deadline?
employees. Employee referral Employees will be One month
program motivated to bring
qualified and capable
professional to the
Attending industry related The recruiting manager Three months
meetups will be able to meet
professionals who are
willing to network and
Considering past Past applicants are likely Two weeks
candidates to improve themselves

Goals Activities to support this goal (add more rows if needed)
and are familiar with the
Using social media Will give the company an One month
opportunity to share and
get a large pool of
1.4 Assist department What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
managers with the activities? goal? achievement
improvement of deadline?
employee Giving feedback on Employee will know the Six months
performance. performance areas they need to
Communicate Knowing what is One month
expectations expected of each
employee will motivate
them towards their goal.
Build employee morale by Employees will be One year
offering a good working motivated and work
environment harder to help the
company succeed.
Employee development Training where there is One years
skill gap will improve the
employee performance.
1.5 Create new What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
organization chart activities? goal? achievement
for the human deadline?
resources area. Evaluate the reporting line This will help in ranking Two weeks
the positions.
Review the job The most relevant One month
descriptions position will be identified.
Evaluate the working This will help in One month
relationships determining the
superiority of the
Defining objectives The human resource One week
objectives will help in
designing roles.
1.6 Formulation of What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
compensation plan activities? goal? achievement
Review job requirements This will help design a Five days
compensation plan
according to job relevance
and contribution.
Evaluate employee Superior employee will One month
superiority receive a higher pay
therefore getting
Determine employee Compensation programs One month
contribution will reward best

Goals Activities to support this goal (add more rows if needed)
Employees performance This will help design pay One month
evaluation based on performance to
motivate high productivity.
1.7 Comply with labor What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
laws activities? goal? achievement
Routine audits Ensure that the Six months
organization follow all laid
down procedures.
Orientation and training Will help employees Six months
understand what is
expected and the
consequences of
unethical behaviors.
Establishing meaningful This will ensure that there Three months
relationships is minimum conflict among
the organization
Evaluate the working This will ensure that Two months
schedules employee get the required
rest time.
1.8 Employee employer What are the supporting How will this achieve the What is the
relationships activities? goal? achievement
Performance review Reviews passed in an One year
appropriate manner will
build positive relationship.
Team building It is an effective way for One year
management to connect
with employees.
Peer recognition Recognition will help One year
employees valued and
build relationships.
Creating boundaries Ensures that colleagues Six months
only engage in
meaningful interactions.

2.0 Interview Questions. Write interview questions for the human resources area. Submit
this section in Unit 3. Add more rows if needed.

Interview question Rationale for including this question

2.1. Do you prefer working with other or alone? This question is important because if we have
team work how a candidate can work in a
teamwork setting.
2.2. Do you follow companies’ policies or tend to do This question is to see if the peer can follow
things your way? the organizations rules and regulations and
now break them.
2.3. Describe an ideal workplace for you? This query serves functions. First, to peer if
they may be a good match enterprise’s
lifestyle. Secondly, the answer will come up
with insights on the way to form the growth for

Interview question Rationale for including this question
a higher place of job environment
2.4. Tell me about a time where you were assigned How did you cope with the scenario? What
a task that was considered outside your job changed into the results? This question will let
description? you know how tons of a crew player they may
be. everybody in a department need to be go-
educated to put together for any destiny
2.5. Tell me about a time where you had a difficult . This question illustrates how nicely the
experience with a coworker/manager? candidate handles conflicts, that is one of the
most crucial components of the process.

3.0 Purpose Statement. Write a purpose statement for the human resources area. Submit
this section in Unit 4.
Most of us are aware of the term purpose statement but are unsure of what its real meaning is
within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason
for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace.
It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written
summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and
direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences.

Purpose Statement
Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do this? How do we know when
we are getting it done?
Human Resources They provide and Company/Organizations We are the feature in
Department develop effective a corporation that
control by using offers with the
implementation policy people and problems
approaches to gain related to human
proper balance for the beings along with
personnel and the compensation and
desires of the advantages,
business enterprise. recruiting and hiring
education, and
improvement and
culture in getting it
Compile the answers to the four questions into a concise 2–3-sentence statement summarizing those
questions. This statement is your Purpose Statement.
Human Resources are responsible for managing activity recruitment, directing, controlling, and
promoting, growing and overseeing worker advantages and wellbeing programs. Also, imposing
organization policies and procedures.

4.0 Performance Standards. Identify performance standards for the human resources area.
Submit this section in Unit 4. Add more rows if needed.

Performance Standards Rationale for including this performance
4.1 Company’s policies and guidelines. Train my peers to about the organizations
policies and guidelines
4.2 Monitor peers work ethic and reward with Every employee likes to get rewarded when
compensation they work so hard.
4.3 Treat all employees with respect All employees want to get respected because,
treating employees right will make employees
happy to come to work and have positive
4.4 The worker will actively be searching for the When employees receive feedback from
reviews and remarks from others and in turn, colleagues it makes them feel good and think
provide comments in a deferential way to they are doing their job correctly
4.5 Employees earning each other’s trust When employees earn each other’s trust, goals
get met before the deadline.

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