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March 28, 2011 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH 115

Eur J Med Res (2011) 16: 115-126 © I. Holzapfel Publishers 2011

AntIMIcRobIAl tREAtMEnt of „coMPlIcAtEd“ IntRA-AbdoMInAl

InfEctIons And tHE nEw IdsA GuIdElInEs –
AccoRdInG to c lInIcAl d EfInItIons

c. Eckmann1, M. dryden 2, P. Montravers 3, R. Kozlov 4, G. sganga 5

1department of General, visceral and thoracic surgery, Klinikum Peine, Academic Hospital of Medical university Hannover, Germany
2 Royal Hampshire Hospital, winchester, united Kingdom
3 departement Anesthesie Reanimation, Hopital bichat claude bernard,
Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris and universite Paris vII denis diderot, Paris, france
4 Institute of Antimicrobial chemotherapy, smolensk state Medical Academy, Russia
5 department of surgery, catholic university, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Abstract in bile duct surgery or necrotizing pancreatitis) to pro-

Recently, an update of the IdsA guidelines for the vide specific recommendations for such antimicrobial
treatment of complicated intraabdominal infections treatment.
has been published. no guideline can cater for all vari- A panel of European colleagues from surgery, in-
ations in ecology, antimicrobial resistance patterns, pa- tensive care, clinical microbiology and infectious dis-
tient characteristics and presentation, health care and eases has developed recommendations based on the
reimbursement systems in many different countries. In above mentioned clinical entities with the aim of pro-
the short time the IdsA guidelines have been avail- viding clear therapeutic recommendations for specific
able, a number of practical clinical issues have been clinical diagnoses. An individual patient-centered ap-
raised by physicians regarding interpretation of the proach for this very important group of diseases with
guidelines. the main debatable issues of the new a substantial morbidity and mortality is essential for
IdsA guidelines are described as follows: optimal antimicrobial treatment.
the authors of the IdsA guidelines present recom-
mendations for the following subgroups of „compli- PREfAcE
cated“ IAI: community-acquired intra-abdominal in-
fections of mild-to-moderate and high severity and Recently, an update of the IdsA guidelines for the
health care-associated intra-abdominal infections (no treatment of complicated intraabdominal infections
general treatment recommendations, only information has been published [1]. this comprehensive document
about antimicrobial therapy of specific resistant bacte- has been thoroughly collated by reknown experts in
rial isolates). from a clinical point of view, „compli- the field and its influence extends well beyond the
cated“ IAI are better differentiated into primary, sec- usA, making it a worldwide gold standard immediate-
ondary (community-acquired and postoperative) and ly after publication. However, it is a guideline, and no
tertiary peritonitis. those are the clinical presentations guideline can cater for all variations in ecology, antimi-
of IAI as seen in the emergency room, the general crobial resistance patterns, patient characteristics and
ward and on Icu. future antibiotic treatment studies presentation, health care and reimbursement systems
of IAI would be more clinically relevant if they in- in many different countries. In the short time the
cluded patients in studies for the efficacy and safety of guidelines have been used clinically, several areas of
antibiotics for the treatment of the above mentioned confusion have arisen and been identified. following
forms of IAI, rather than conducting studies based on such observations and personal experiences, a panel of
the vague term „complicated“ intra-abdominal infec- European colleagues from surgery, intensive care, clin-
tions. ical microbiology and infectious diseases met several
the new IdsA guidelines for the treatment of re- times to discuss the problematic issues associated with
sistant bacteria fail to mention many of new available the new IdsA guidelines.
drugs, although clinical data for the treatment of the following recommendations and observations
„complicated IAI“ with new substances exist. further- on a very important group of diseases with a substan-
more, treatment recommendations for cIAI caused by tial morbidity and mortality are not meant to stand in
vRE are not included. this group of diseases com- contradict to the IdsA guidelines, but rather to add
prises enough patients (i.e. the entire group of postop- some information and guidance for the management
erative and tertiary peritonitis, recurrent interventions of complicated intra-abdominal infections where the
116 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH March 28, 2011

authors believe it could be of value for clinicians treat- sistant bacteria (linezolid against MRsA and vRE, dap-
ing those patients. the main contentious issues in the tomycin against MRsA and vRE, tigecycline against
recent IdsA guidelines are as follows: MRsA, vRE, Esbl-producing Enterobacteriaceae,
carbapenem-resistant bacteria) have shown activity in
IssuE 1 – dEfInItIons vitro and in vivo [6, 7, 8]. unfortunately, the new IdsA
guidelines for the treatment of resistant bacteria sum-
the IdsA defines complicated and uncomplicated in- marized in a table about treatment of „health-care as-
tra-abdominal infections. In complicated intra-abdom- sociated complicated intra-abdominal infection“ fail to
inal infections the infection extends beyond the hol- mention any of these drugs [1], although clinical data
low viscus of origin into the peritoneal space and is for the treatment of „complicated IAI“ exist for line-
associated with either abscess formation or peritonitis, zolid and tigecycline which is approved for „cIAI“ [8-
whereas an uncomplicated infection involves intra- 10, 11*, 12* (*=published after the IdsA guidelines
mural inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract [1]. have been published)]. certainly, the clinical data for all
this appears to be an artificial differentiation which of the mentioned drugs in „cIAI“ are weak and con-
does not always translate into clinical reality. for in- cerns about an increased mortality rate under tigecy-
stance, a patient with an appendicitis with a tip of fib- cline treatment remain (for „cIAI“ the mortality rate
rin on top of the appendix (assumed mortality: 0.5- was 0.7% (non-significantly) higher in the tigecycline
2%) has a „complicated“ IAI according to these defin- group than in the comparator group) [8, 13]. However,
itions whereas a clostridium difficile-associated colitis randomized double blind trials for the efficacy and
with PcR-ribotype 027 (mean mortality: 20-30%) is an safety of an antibiotic in the treatment of „cIAI“
„uncomplicated“ IAI following the IdsA criteria. A caused by resistant organisms such as MRsA, vRE or
complicated IAI is defined best by its course and clini- Esbl-producing Enterobacteriaceae are unlikely to be
cal severity and not necessarily by its local extent. carried out. consequently, as long as more than one
therefore, the above mentioned definition should be therapeutic alternative is available, the application of
used with caution. antibiotic diversity appears to be a very useful tool in
the authors of the IdsA guidelines present treat- order to reduce the antibiotic selective pressure on any
ment recommendations for the following briefly de- substance as a part of an antibiotic stewardship pro-
fined subgroups of „complicated“ IAI: community- gram [14-17]. It is inappropriate to restrict treatment
acquired intra-abdominal infections of mild-to-moder- recommendations for MRsA in cIAI to vancomycin
ate and high severity and health care-associated intra- and for Esbl-producing Enterobacteriaceae to car-
abdominal infections. there are no general empirical bapenems and piperacillin/tazobactam [1]. A recom-
treatment recommendations, only information on an- mendation that includes the existing variety of antibi-
timicrobial therapy of specific resistant bacteria. otics with clinical data from the treatment in IAI (van-
from a clinical point of view, „complicated“ IAI comycin, linezolid and tigecycline for MRsA, linezolid
are better differentiated into primary, secondary (com- and tigecycline for vRE, carbapenems, piperacillin/
munity-acquired and postoperative) and tertiary peri- tazobactam, tigecycline and colistin for Esbl, see
tonitis [2]. those are the clinical presentations of IAI table 5) provides a choice between substances in terms
as seen in the emergency room, the general ward and of an individual approach to every patient with mini-
on Icu. In recently published manuscripts dealing mization of toxicity and resistance development.
with critical conditions in IAI the authors have re-
ferred to the above mentioned definitions [3, 4]. IssuE 3 – vRE, cARbAPEnEMAsE-PRoducInG
therefore, it is much closer to clinical conditions if PAtHoGEns, A cinet obActer sPP.
guidelines follow this classification. the panel believes
that further studies on antimicrobial agents in IAI the new IdsA guidelines do not include any treat-
should not longer refer to „complicated“ and „uncom- ment recommendations for cIAI caused by vRE. the
plicated“ as this leads to a mixture of very different authors of the guideline describe only patients such as
clinical entities and therefore may weaken the value of liver transplant recipients with an intra-abdominal in-
these studies. It would be more accurate in future to fection originating in the hepatobiliary tract or patients
include patients in studies for the efficacy and safety known to be colonized with vRE as a risk factor. In
of antibiotics for the treatment of community-ac- fact, the value of the administration of an anti-entero-
quired secondary peritonitis, postoperative secondary coccal agent for the prognosis of patients with IAI is
peritonitis and tertiary peritonitis, respectively, rather discussed controversial, but the entire group of post-
than to conduct studies based on the vague term operative and tertiary peritonitis, recurrent interven-
„complicated“ intra-abdominal infections. tions in bile duct surgery, necrotizing pancreatitis, and
those with valvular heart disease or prosthetic in-
IssuE 2 – REsIstAnt bActERIA, AntIbIotIc travascular materials have a substantial risk (varying
dIvERsIty And AntIbIotIc stEwARdsHIP from country to country and from hospital to hospi-
tal) for involvement of vRE which is a risk factor for
due to the substantially increasing, but geographically treatment failure and death. this group of diseases
varying prevalence of resistant Gram-positive and comprises enough patients to provide specific recom-
Gram-negative pathogens there have been numerous mendations for such antimicrobial treatment. these
efforts to encourage research in the development of are shown in table 5, as well as recommendations for
new antimicrobials with efficacy and safety in this field the treatment of cabapenemase-producing bacteria
[5]. As a result, new antibiotics with efficacy against re- and Acinetobacter spp.
March 28, 2011 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH 117

IntRoductIon And tREAtMEnt PRIncIPlEs an APAcHE II score between 4 and 6. Aiming to

show a therapeutic equivalence, even the results of a
Intra abdominal infections (IAI) are common. na- recent cochrane analysis were not able to demonstrate
tional and international databases show that one in superiority of any particular antibiotic or treatment
four cases of severe sepsis or septic shock is caused scheme [21].
by IAI. It is the second most common focus of In this manuscript every antibiotic / group of an-
septic shock after pulmonary causes [18-20]. Almost tibiotics is provided with a specific level of evidence
90% of all intra abdominal infections are so called and strength of recommendation shown which is
secondary peritoneal infections and require primarily modified after [25, 26] and shown in table 1. the level
a surgical approach (i.e. appendectomy for a perforat- of evidence follows the quality of studies for the spe-
ed appendicitis). there is overwhelming evidence cific drug, the strength of recommendation takes con-
for antibiotic treatment compared to placebo in this siderations of toxicity and potential for development
disease group [21]. However, primary inadequate of resistance into account.
and inappropriate antibiotic regimens have a substan- choosing the right antibiotics for a particular pa-
tially worse prognostic outcome for patients with IAI tient should be influenced by a multitude of factors,
and cause substantial increase in health care costs [22- i.e. patients (co-morbidities, immuno-suppression, pre-
24]. vious antimicrobial treatment), expected microbial
Recommendations for the empirical antibiotic treat- spectrum, local bacterial and resistance statistics, ease
ment of IAI are based on a multitude of prospective of application, level of toxicity and costs.
randomized and controlled studies. complicated IAI, In recent years the evaluation of antibiotic treat-
by definition, are not necessarily a severe disease. In ment schemes were improved through differentiating
trials designed for showing equivalence of antibiotics peritonitis subgroups. these guidelines follow the
or used for registration of new antibiotics the ‘usual’ clinical definitions of primary, secondary and tertiary
intra-abdominal infections enrolled are associated with peritonitis (tables 2-4), based on [35]. Increasing

table 1. levels of evidence and strength of recommendation modified after [25, 26].

Level of evidence Explanation

1 Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, good quality randomized controlled trials or ‘all
or none’ studies in which no treatment is not an option
2 ‘low quality’ randomized controlled trials (<80% follow up), meta-analysis of good quality
prospective ‘cohort studies’ or well designed controlled study without randomization
3 Good quality retrospective ‘case-control’-studies or comparative studies
4 consensus, usual practise, disease-oriented evidence, and/or expert opinion

Strength of recommendation Explanation

A use of agent is recommended (“do it”)
b use of agent should be considered (“probably do it”)
c use of agent may be considered (“is not recommended”)

table 2. Recommendations for initial therapy of primary and cAPd-associated peritonitis. *= use antibiotic only if local sus-
ceptibility rates are ≥90%.
Diagnosis Likely organisms Initial therapy Level of evidence Strength of

Spontaneous bacterial Escherichia coli ceftriaxon 3 A

peritonitis Enterococci Acylaminopenicillin/blI 3 A
(mostly liver cirrhosis Klebsiella spp. ciprofloxacin* 3 A
associated) levofloxacin* 3 b

CAPD - associated s. aureus cephalosporin group 2 3 A

peritonitis Enterococci with/without
other streptococci ciprofloxacin*
Escherichia coli
Enterobacteriaceae vancomycin + Gentamicin 3 A
Pseudomonas see table 5
MRsA, vRE see table 5
candida sp. see table 6
118 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH March 28, 2011

table 3. Recommendations for initial therapy of different forms of secondary peritonitis. blI=beta-lactamase inhibitor,
MRsA=Methicillin resistant s. aureus, vRE= vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp., Esbl= extended spectrum beta-lacta-
mase producing species, met.=metronidazole, + = combination with antibiotics covering gram negative and anaerobic species
required, #= combination with Pseudomonas-active antibiotics required if Pseudomonas is suspected; *=use antibiotic only if
local susceptibility rates are ≥90%.
Diagnosis Likely organism Initial therapy Level of evidence Strength of

Community-acquired Enterobacteriaceae cephalosporin group 2 /3a 1/1 A/A

localized peritonitis Enterococci + metronidazole
(e.g. recently perforated Anaerobes Aminopenicillin/blI 1 A
appendicitis) Acylaminopenicillin/blI 1 A
ciprofloxacin* + Met. 1 b

Community-acquired Enterobacteriaceae cephalosporin group 3a + 1 A

diffuse peritonitis Enterococci metronidazole
+- risk factors Anaerobes Acylaminopenicillin/blI 1 A
(e.g. perforated colonic Imipenem-cilastatin 1 A
carcinoma) Meropenem 1 A
doripenem 1 A
Ertapenem 1 A
Moxifloxacin 1 A
tigecycline 1 b
cefepime 1 b
ciprofloxacin*+ Met. 1 b
levofloxacin* + Met. 1 b

Nosocomial Enterobacteriaceae Imipenem-cilastatin 1 A

postoperative, post- Enterococci Meropenem 1 A
traumatic or post- Anaerobes doripenem 1 A
interventional diffuse staphylococci Acylaminopenicillin/blI 1 A
peritonitis Ertapenem# 1 A
(e.g. anastomotic tigecycline# 2 A
leakage following Moxifloxacin 1 b
ileotransversostomy) MRsA
vRE see table 5
candida spp. see table 6

table 4. Recommendations for the initial therapy of tertiary peritonitis. #= combination therapy with pseudomonas-active
agent required if Pseudomonas is suspected
Diagnosis Likely organism Initial therapy Level of evidence Strength of

Persisting peritonitis Enterobacteriaceae Imipenem-cilastatin 2 A

despite adequate (Enterococci) Meropenem 2 A
surgical and initial (staphylococci) Acylaminopenicillin/blI 2 A
antimicrobial therapy Anaerobes tigecycline# 2 A
Ertapenem# 4 b
ceftriaxone+ 4 b

Esbl see table 5
Pseudomonas spp.
candida spp. see table 6

numbers of IAI caused by multi-resistant agents or difficult treatable species (i.e. Pseudomonas, candi-
(MRsA, vRE, Esbl-producing Enterobacteriaceae) da) were accommodated by extra data (tables 5, 6).
March 28, 2011 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH 119

table 5. calculated and targeted antibiotic therapy with suspected or proven IAI with multi-resistant agents (MRsA=Methicillin
resistant s. aureus, vRE= vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp., Esbl= extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing
species, + = combination with antibiotics covering gram negative and anaerobic species required, # = combination with
Pseudomonas-active antibiotics required if Pseudomonas is suspected; ◊ = no monotherapy, * =use antibiotic only if local sus-
ceptibility rates are ≥90%.
Agent Antibiotic Level of evidence Strength of recommendation
MRSA tigecycline# 2 A
linezolid+ 3 A
daptomycin+ 4 c
vancomycin+ 4 b
cotrimoxazole+ 4 c
VRE tigecycline# 2 A
linezolid+ 3 A
ESBL-producing Imipenem 3 A
(E. coli, Klebsiella spp.) Meropenem 3 A
doripenem 3 A
Ertapenem# 3 A
tigecycline# 2 A
Acylaminopenicillin/blI 3 A
fosfomycin◊ 4 b
Pseudomonas spp. Imipenem 4 A
Meropenem 4 A
doripenem 4 A
Acylaminopenicillin/blI 4 A
cefepim 4 A
Aminoglycoside◊ 4 b
ciprofloxacin* 4 A
levofloxacin* 4 A
Acinetobacter spp. colistin 2 A
tigecycline# 4 A
Carbapenemase- tigecycline# 4 A
producing species colistin 4 b
(i.e. KPC)

table 6. treatment strategy with suspected or proven invasive intra-abdominal mycotic infection with candida spp.
Diagnosis Initial therapy Level of evidence Strength of recommendation
Colonization with Candida spp. none 3 A

Suspected or proven invasive fluconazole 3 A

mycosis: stable patient voriconazole 4 b

Suspected or proven invasive Echinocandin 4 A

mycosis: instable patient (Anidulafungin,
caspofungin, Micafungin)
If candida spp. is
step-down therapy to
fluconazole or 3 A
voriconazole 3 A

there are no reliable data yet regarding treatment should be considered, especially to prevent pathogen
duration of IAI. the following recommendations are selection and undesirable side effects. Has a treatment
based on therapy intervals stated in randomised stud- success, even in severe infections, not occurred after 7
ies, diagnostic characteristics of certain infectious days, the treatment discontinuation should be consid-
agents (i.e. candida sp.), whether the infection is local ered in favour of repeated culture sampling, especially
or systemic, as well as the author’s experience. when- to prevent selection of multi-resistant pathogens and
ever the patient is improving clinically and inflamma- possible toxic side effects. Additional imaging proce-
tory signs decreasing, the antibiotic discontinuation dures, search of other foci of infection, need of sub-
120 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH March 28, 2011

sequent re-operations are other issues to address in cotic cAPd-peritonitis, agents in table 5 should be
this setting. considered. If the infection is not controlled within 7
Peritonitis as the most frequent form of IAI consti- days, the peritoneal dialysis catheter must be removed
tutes a very complex reaction of the peritoneum and and additional investigations performed in search for a
its histological structure to bacterial, viral, fungal or reason of persistent infection.
chemical stimuli. three main forms of peritonitis can
be differentiated according to its causative pathogene- sEcondARy PERItonItIs
sis, its spectrum of pathogens and according to surgi-
cal and antimicrobial therapy [2]: secondary peritonitis is caused by a gastrointestinal
(GI) perforation and is with 80-90% by far the most
PRIMARy PERItonItIs frequent IAI. Per definition, a surgical intervention
(i.e. appendectomy in perforated appendicitis) must
Primary (spontaneous bacterial) peritonitis (sbP) con- follow. A primary surgical intervention with definitive
stitutes only about 1% of all peritonitis cases [27]. the abdominal closure and clinical surveillance has be-
juvenile form has its origin in a hematogenous spread come the treatment of choice for most patients with
infection, usually streptococci, pneumococci or very secondary peritonitis [34]. secondary peritonitis can
rarely Haemophilus influenzae. In adults in the majori- be further differentiated into community acquired
ty of cases (70%), sbP is associated with ascites and (about 70% of all sP) and postoperative (about 30%).
alcohol-associated liver cirrhosis or other causes of a
reduced immune system (30%). It is diagnosed when coMMunIty AcquIREd sEcondARy
the ascites neutrophil count exceeds 250/ul [28]. In PERItonItIs
most cases, it constitutes a mono infection through
translocation or hematogenous spreading. In studies community acquired secondary peritonitis is always a
portraying the clinical setting realistically, only in about mixed infection. Apart from surgical interventions
35% of cases the causative agent is isolated and then aiming to repair the bacterial leakage, a calculated an-
shared among e. coli, Klebsiella sp., staphylococci, en- tibiotic therapy should always be initiated pre-opera-
terococci or streptococci. the insufficient rate of bac- tively or intra-operatively. Its bacterial spectrum can
terial detection is explained through the fact that in differ depending on the site of the perforation or
the clinical setting only about 50% of cases with sbP leakage. Most frequently involved bacteria are e. coli,
ascites is harvested for cultural testing [28]. bacteroides fragilis and other anaerobes and entero-
Primary peritonitis in tuberculosis is usually caused cocci.
by hematogenous spreading. following gastro-duodenal perforations bacterial
Randomised trials for sbP treatments are rare. counts are usually low (<103/ml) and aerobic/anaero-
Most of the studies are retrospective works that bic mixed infections rather rare. Perforations of the
should be classified as treatment surveillance trials. biliary system or jejunum usually produce intermediate
the following recommendations thus do not support bacterial counts (103 - 105) and a mixed aerobic/
higher evidence levels (table 2). Antibiotics used were anaerobic infection in 50% of cases. colon- or ileum
ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ceftazidime as well as acy- perforations produce high bacterial counts (>105) and
laminopenicillins with anti-beta-lactamase activity [28- almost always a mixed aerobic/anaerobic bacterial in-
31]. with these agents clinical cure rates of up to 83% fection [35].
were achieved. localised acute peritoneal infections (i.e. acute ap-
pendicitis with existing peritoneal contamination of
PERItonItIs AssocIAtEd wItH cAPd less than 6 hours) show usually a clear or cloudy exu-
date. usually available antibiotics are aminopeni-
cAPd associated peritonitis is usually caused by tube- cillin/blI, acylaminopenicillin/blI, ertapenem, alter-
or catheter contamination. Most frequently involved natively group 2 cephalosporins in combination with
causative agents are coagulase-negative staphylococci metronidazole or ceftriaxone. therapy duration can be
and Staphylococcus aureus. other less frequent in- reduced to 1-2 days in localized cases with a short (<6
volved agents are e. coli, enterococci, other strepto- hours) duration of peritoneal contamination (see
cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, anaerobes, enterobacter table 3). A two to four hours existing diffuse peritoni-
spp., Acinetobacter sp., Proteus sp. or candida species tis, which could not be sufficiently controlled and
[32]. uncomplicated cases can be treated successfully showing a putrid and faecal exudate, should be treated
by adding antimicrobial agents to the dialysis fluid. with single agents or a combination of agents with
only in rare and serious cases antibiotics have to be broad spectrum activity. the empirical therapy should
given not only into the peritoneum but parenteral as include acylaminopenicillin/blI or group 1 (ertapen-
well. In patients with renal failure applicated drugs em) or group 2 (imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem,
have to be monitored and doses adjusted. the recom- doripenem) carbapenems. Alternatively combinations
mended empirical therapy is usually started with van- of metronidazole with group 2, 3a or 4 cephalo-
comycin plus gentamicin or a group 2 cephalosporin sporins, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin or a moxifloxacin
with or without ciprofloxacin [33]. the therapy should monotherapy. Antibiotics covering the enterococci are
be then continued after bacteriology results have been usually not required in community acquired intra-ab-
obtained. In cases with proven MRsA-, MRsE- and dominal infections. Antibiotic treatment of enterococ-
Enterococcae (incl. vRE) infections, antibiotics in ci is recommended in postoperative IAI or seriously ill
table 4 should be applied. In cases with proven my- patients [36, 37].
March 28, 2011 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH 121

A cochrane analysis for beta lactam antibiotic proven), acylaminopenicillin with beta-lactam-inhibitor
monotherapy versus lactam-aminoglycoside antibiotic or group 3a cephalosporins in combination with
combination therapy for sepsis did not show any addi- metronidazole (see table 4) [36, 42]. treatment rec-
tional positive effects for aminoglycoside combination ommendations for invasive fungal intra-abdominal in-
therapy [38]. Aminoglycosides still have their place in fections are found in table 6. Post-peritonitis abscess
combination with broad spectrum sensitive beta-lac- formations should be drained ct-guided and treated
tam-inhibitors (especially carbapenems, Acy- according to its antimicrobial spectrum.
laminopenicillin/blI) for the treatment of Pseudo -
monas spp. [39, 40]. variable kinetic parameters as well dIffIcult to tREAt And MultI-REsIstAnt
as oto- and nephrotoxicity require repeated serum-lev- bActERIA
el controls.
during the mid nineties 95-97% of all IAI associated
PostoPERAtIvE PERItonItIs microbes were sensitive against commonly used antibi-
otics (Group 2a cephalosporins with metronidazole,
Postoperative peritonitis is a nosocomial secondary ciprofloxacin) [43], in recent years the share of resis-
peritonitis form and defined as an infectious abdomi- tant species have increased worldwide [41, 44, 45]. Es-
nal complication following surgical interventions (i.e. pecially in postoperative and tertiary peritonitis as well
anastomotic insufficiency following anterior rectum as with antibiotics pretreated necrotising pancreatitis,
resection) [2]. Postoperative infections compared to one has to assume an involvement of resistant or diffi-
tertiary peritoneal infections always require a surgical cult treatable bacteria (MRsA, vRE, Esbl-producer,
approach [36, 37, 41]. because of diagnostic and ther- Pseudomonas spp. Acinetobacter spp. and carbapene-
apeutic difficulties as well as worse prognostic factors, mase-producing organisms) [12, 44, 45]. Individual
it has its own entity among secondary peritoneal infec- risk-constellations can also exist, if prior to the intra-
tions [4]. the majority of patients are usually already abdominal infection, antibiotic treatments occurred
covered by antibiotics when the diagnosis is made and (i.e. infected diabetic foot). In table 5 there is a de-
the microbial causes of such peritonitis tend to be scription of different species and treatment recom-
multiple drug-resistant (MdR) including enterococci mendations (table 5).
(incl. vRE), Gram-negative organisms (Esbl or
Ampc or carbapenemase-producer), MRsA and can- MRsA
dida species.
thus the choice of antibiotics in these cases needs Intra-abdominal infections with MRsA in immuno-
to be influenced by local epidemiology and suscepti- competent patients are very rare. In most cases
bility of isolates. Appropriate agents may be carbapen- MRsA-colonisation follows after leaving the abdomen
ems, tigecycline, piperacillin/tazobactam or moxi- open (i.e. intra-abdominal compartment syndrome).
floxacin depending on microbial findings (table 3) non-compromised patients should receive antibiotic
Antifungal treatment is recommended for proven fun- treatment, if they show local or systemic inflammatory
gal infections (table 6). signs or have a persistent high isolation count. All
post-transplantation patients with iatrogenic induced
tERtIARy PERItonItIs immunodeficiency and evidence for MRsA (coloniza-
tion or infection) should be treated. tigecycline offers
tertiary peritonitis is a persistent intra-abdominal in- among the new anti-MRsA sensitive antibiotics a li-
fection without a surgically treatable focus, following cense for IAI [8] and also covers the expected Gram-
an earlier surgical intervention and source control [2]. negative and anaerobic spectrum. Recent clinical data
In most cases the infection is maintained because of a for the treatment of MdR-caused complicated IAI
state of immunodeficiency and or due to resistant bac- with tigecycline showed clinical success rates between
teria selection following antibiotic treatments. Patients 75-80% [10-12]. If Pseudomonas spp. are found or sus-
who might develop tertiary peritonitis are very diffi- pected to be relevant in causing the infection, a
cult to identify. compared to cases of secondary peri- Pseudomonas-active agent has to be added. linezolid
tonitis there are significant higher MPI-score, sAPs and daptomycin are solely active against Gram-posi-
II-score and elevated cRP-serum levels [41]. this tive bacteria [6, 7, 9]. compared to vancomycin, they
form of nosocomial peritonitis shows a similar shifted offer a good tissue penetration. clinical data for the
bacterial spectrum which is also found in postopera- treatment of IAI with linezolid are available [9]. line-
tive secondary peritonitis. frequently found bacteria zolid, daptomycin and vancomycin should be com-
include enterococci (incl. vRE), staphylococci incl. bined with antibiotics covering Gram-negative species,
MRsA, enterobacteriaceae, anaerobes and candida as intra-abdominal Gram-positive mono-infections are
species [36]. compared to postoperative peritonitis, rare [36]. data about community acquired MRsA-IAI
the tertiary form does not require any surgical inter- are currently not available.
vention [2, 4] but this point is difficult to assess until a
non-contributory surgical intervention proves that the EntERococcI IncludInG vRE
patient has indeed a tertiary peritonitis. Antibiotics
that may work in this subgroup of patients are either Enterococci are an increasing cause of nosocomial in-
group 1 or 2 carbapenems, tigecycline (in combination fections. the role of enterococci as the primary
with a Pseudomonas-active agent if a relevant patho- pathogen in multi-bacterial IAI is discussed controver-
genetic role of Pseudomonas spp. is suspected or sially, especially as a body of evidence is showing suc-
122 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH March 28, 2011

cessful surgical treatments of IAI with antibacterial da-detection and infections on Icu's have increased in
treatments without enterococcal coverage [36, 37, 46]. the last 20 years. About 18% of all severe septic infec-
Enterococci-covering antibiotics are recommended in tions may be caused by candida species and of those
patients with post-operative peritonitis, tertiary peri- cases 25% are invasive intra-abdominal mycosis (IIM)
tonitis, severe sepsis of abdominal origin and antibiot- [20]. finding candida species in swabs obtained intra-
ic pretreatment or endocarditis-prone patients (Peri- operatively seems to correlate with a higher lethality
tonitis and heart valve replacement) [37]. In all these [53]. the fact that diagnosing IIM through means oth-
indications with previous antibiotic treatment, van- er than blood cultures is very difficult might explain a
comycin-resistant enterococci are likely to be encoun- much higher prevalence. Proof of IIM is evidence for
tered with E. faecium having greater pathogenic prop- candida spp. from intra-operatively harvested tissue
erties than E. faecalis. with the exception of van- and, with caution, the microscopic and cultural detec-
comycin, all previously mentioned antibiotics are ef- tion in aspirated ascites [54]. sensitivity and specificity
fective against MRsA. Rare linezolid-resistant entero- of serological testing methods have improved, but can
coccal strains have been described [47]. not be relied on at present [55]. detecting candida
species in tracheal secretions, urine culture or wound
Esbl-PRoducInG PAtHoGEns secretions are usually uncomplicated colonisations not
warranting any treatment. the same is true for an in-
Recent years have shown a trend among Enterobacte- tra-operatively harvested positive specimens with
riaceae species (especially e. coli, K. pneumoniae) to- community acquired peritonitis (e.g. perforated stom-
wards developing broad beta-lactamase-resistance in- ach ulcer). If the patient is immuno-competent and
cluding group 3 and 4 cephalosporins, which are hy- stable, there is no requirement for antifungal therapy.
drolysed by so called extended-spectrum beta-lacta- Prognosis of IIM is much worse with delayed treat-
mases (Esbl). A special role for the transmission of ment [54, 55]. High-risk collectives from a surgical
Esbl-species seems to be the colonisation of the ani- point of view include patients with severe postopera-
mal- and human GI tract [48]. there is a relatively tive peritonitis (e.g. anastomotic leakage following
high prevalence of Esbl-producing species in visceral esophagojejunostomy), missed perforations (i.e. boer-
surgical departments [49]. In Esbl-infections car- haave-syndrome) and patients with abdominal sepsis
bapenems and tigecycline are almost the only agents of with multiple tissue candida-infestation (i.e. positive
choice. Infections with strains resistant to carbapen- urine culture and wound secretion) [54-56]. In two
ems, fluoroquinolones and tobramycin can only be studies pre-emptive treatment with fluconazole signifi-
treated with either tigecycline or colistin [39, 40]. cantly reduced invasive fungal infections but failed to
there is an urgency for the development of effective reduce overall mortality compared to placebo [57, 58].
new anti-Gram-negative agents. nevertheless, the value of preemptive antifungal treat-
ment is discussed controversial [53-55].
P SeudomonAS sPP., A cinet obActer sPP., once IIM is suspected or proven, different antifun-
cARbAPEnEMAsE-PRoducInG bActERIA gals can be chosen from (see table 6). A high-dose-
therapy with fluconazole is sufficient for fluconazole-
Pseudomonas species are detected in about 8% of all susceptible strains, but resistance of candida spp.
IAI, whereas the percentage of causative strains is against fluconazole is increasing [59]. the IdsA
likely to be much lower [50, 51]. basically group 3b guidelines for the treatment of invasive candidiasis
cephalosporins, group 2-4 fluoroquinolones, car- recommend, that patients, who are either instable or
bapenems, piperacillin/tazobactam and aminoglyco- have recently been given an azole therapy or prophy-
sides are available, with combinations of above recom- laxis, should initially receive an Echinocandin (anidula-
mended [52]. In the event that 4 or more usually avail- fungin, caspofungin, micafungin) [60]. If the isolated
able pseudomonas-active agents turn out to be ineffec- candida spp. is fluconazole-susceptible, a step-down
tive (so called pan drug resistance (PdR)), colistin is therapy to fluconazole should be performed.
available for treatment although the data regarding the because of its toxicity, amphotericin b is only rec-
treatment of PdR Pseudomonas infections are based ommended as primary therapy in cases of proven al-
on nosocomial pneumonia and sepsis but not explicit- lergic reactions toward other antifungals [60]. current-
ly for peritonitis [39, 40]. the same goes for carbapen- ly a 14 day treatment period is regarded as sufficient,
emase-producing pathogens and Acinetobacter as long as the clinical and haematological results are
species, where tigecycline and colistin are the only improving [60]. finally it should be noted, that an in-
treatment options. vasive intra-abdominal fungal infection can either be a
Especially in infections caused by multi-resistant classic case of tertiary peritonitis, or a secondary peri-
bacteria, it is of paramount importance to anticipate tonitis with insufficient surgical source control [59]. In
the spectrum of bacteria when initiating antimicrobial the last case a surgical intervention with successful
therapy. If bacterial identification data and susceptibil- source control is the prerequisite for a successful anti-
ity patterns are not showing any resistant pathogens, fungal treatment.
de-escalation should be performed.
nEcRotIsInG PAncREAtItIs wItH InfEctEd
IntRA-AbdoMInAl funGAl InfEctIons nEcRosIs
Most of the intra-abdominal fungal infections are the severity of acute pancreatitis is measured by the
caused by candida species. the prevalences of candi- presence or absence of distant organ failure, local
March 28, 2011 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH 123

complications or both [61]. thus it would be important minimally invasive) is usually best performed after 2
to identify patients who are expected to develop serious weeks into the disease process, as earlier surgical inter-
complications, as these would require intensive monito- ventions carry higher mortality risks [63].
ring as well as possible surgical intervention. Pancreatic until recently, prophylactic administration of an-
necroses constitute a clinically relevant complication, tibiotics in necrotising pancreatitis was recommended
which can develop within the first few days of illness. [64]. new scientific data have shown, that prophylactic
diagnosis is usually done through ct scanning. necro- antibiotic treatments have no positive influence on the
sis is associated with late complications (corrosive hae- course of illness [65, 66]. It is currently not recom-
morrhages, organ perforations) and increased lethality mended to initiate antibiotic treatment in necrotizing
when they become infected. About 80% of all pancre- pancreatitis without infection [65-67]. A clear indica-
atitis associated deaths are caused by septic complica- tion for antibacterial treatment is in all cases with
tions. the translocation of colonic bacteria into the proven infected necroses, infected pseudo cysts, ab-
peripancreatic tissue is the most frequent cause of su- scess formation, cholangitis and other extra-pancreatic
perinfected pancreatic necroses. Infected pancreatic infections. the most important bacteria involved in in-
necroses can be suspected, if (usually from week two fected pancreatic necroses are Enterobacteriaceae, En-
of illness) patients develop fever, leukocytosis, elevated terococci, staphylococci, Anaerobes and candida
cRP-serum levels and an acute unexpected clinical de- species. when choosing the appropriate antibiotic, it is
terioration. the visualisation of air bubbles within important not only to think about the spectrum but
necrotic tissue on ct scans is highly suggestive of in- also about adequate pancreatic tissue penetration.
fection. In these and uncertain cases, an ultrasound- or studies with reliable data for adequate tissue penetra-
ct-guided fine needle aspiration should be obtained tion exist for quinolones (ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin),
and sent for laboratory testing (Gram-staining, micro- carbapenems (imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem, er-
biology), which could influence therapeutic strategy in tapenem, doripenem), metronidazole, cephalosporins
patients already treated with antibiotics [62]. (cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefepim) and penicillins (me-
the treatments available for infected pancreatic zlocillin, piperacillin/tazobactam). Insufficient tissue
necroses are either conservative measures (endoscopi- penetration is shown for aminoglycosides [24]. Possi-
cally guided transgastral drainage, ct-guided drainage) ble antibiotic therapy regimes are found in table 7. In
or surgical measures. A surgical intervention (open or suspected or proven infections with resistant species

table 7. calculated antibiotic therapy with necrotising pancreatitis and secondary cholangitis. (blI= beta-lactamase inhibitors,
met.=Metronidazole, MRsA=Methicillin resistant s. aureus, vRE= vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp., Esbl= extended
spectrum beta-lactamase producing species, #= combination with Pseudomonas-active antibiotics required if Pseudomonas is
suspected; *=use antibiotic only if local susceptibility rates are ≥90%.

Diagnosis Likely organism Initial therapy Level of evidence Strength of


Necrotizing pancreatitis none none 1 A

without infection

Necrotizing pancreatitis Enterobacteriaceae Imipenem-cilastatin 1 A

with infected necrosis Enterococci Meropenem 1 A
staphylococci Ertapenem# 1 A
Acylaminopenicillin/blI 1 A
ciprofloxacin* + Met. 1 b
levofloxacin* + Met. 1 b
cephalosporin group 2 1 b
+ Metronidazole

vRE see table 5

candida spp. see table 6

Secondary cholangitis Enterobacteriaceae Aminopenicillin/blI 1 A

Enterococci ciprofloxacin* + Met. 1 b
Anaerobes levofloxacin* + Met. 1 b
Acylaminopenicillin/blI 1 A
ceftriaxon 1 b
Imipenem-cilastatin 1 A
Meropenem 1 A
Ertapenem# 1 A
cefepime 3 b

Pseudomonas spp. see table 5

124 EuRoPEAn JouRnAl of MEdIcAl REsEARcH March 28, 2011

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67. nathans Ab, curtis JR, beale RJ et al. Management of the Address for correspondence:
critically ill patient with severe acute pancreatitis. crit Priv.-doz. dr. med. christian Eckmann
care Med 2004; 32: 2524-2436 Klinikum Peine gGmbH, Academic Hospital of Medical uni-
68. de waele JJ. A role for prophylactic antibiotics in necro- versity Hannover
tizing pancreatitis? crit care 2008; 12: 195 virchowstrasse 8h
69. Gerding dn, Johnson s. Management of clostridium dif- d-31226 Peine
ficile infection: thinking inside and outside the box. clin Germany
Infect dis 2010;51:1306-1313 Phone: +49/(0)5171/931530
fax: +49/(0)5171/931549
received: February 1, 2011 / Accepted: February 25, 2011 Email: christian.eckmann@klinikum-peine.de

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