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Alumno: Fecha: Curso: 3 E

Indicadores de logro: Porcentaje: Nota Final:

#Reconoce el vocabulario. #Reconoce y utiliza correctamente cuantificadores.
#Lee comprensivamente.
#Utiliza correctamente el Presente Simple, Presente Continuo y Pasado Simple.



Complete the table in simple past.

positive negative question

Jane was tired.

Sean did not work.

Did I have a cat?

Mary did not sing.

Did she see us?

Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We open the door. → 

2. You write poems. → 

3. Richard plays in the garden. → 

4. Kerry does not speak English. → 

5. Do you see the bird? → 

Write sentences in simple past.

1. you / cards / play 

2. I / a car / want 

3. we / the game / lose 

4. not / I / early / get up 
5. not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle 

Complete the table in past progressive.

positive negative question

It was raining.

They were not playing.

Was I listening?

Caron was not eating.

You were singing.

Was or Were?

1. We   dancing.

2. The dog   barking.

3. The printer   printing out a photograph.

4. The pupils   writing a test.

5. Sue and Gareth   walking up the hill.

Write sentences in past progressive.

1. he / the car / wash → 

2. she / home / go → 

3. they / not / the match / watch → 

4. you / in the shop / work → 

5. I / not / a magazine / read → 

Write questions in past progressive.

1. she / on a chair / sit → 

2. you / your bag / pack → 

3. his head / ache → 

4. we / tea / drink → 
5. you / the bike / repair → 

Complete the table in present perfect simple.

positive negative question

He has written a letter.

They have not stopped.

Have we danced?

She has worked.

Andy has not slept.

Write sentences in present perfect simple.

1. they / ask / a question - 

2. he / speak / English - 

3. I / be / in my room - 

4. we / not / wash / the car - 

5. Annie / not / forget / her homework - 

Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. they / finish / their homework - 

2. Sue / kiss / Ben - 

3. the waiter / bring / the tea - 

4. Marilyn / pay / the bill - 

5. you / ever / write / a poem - 

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