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January 11, 2016. Published in IEET. USA.

By Pedro Villanueva.
Pluslectic philosophy.

What is the pluslectic? From Latin plus (“more”), added and positive.
A philosophical method that differs from the classical dialectic of Hegel and
Marx. Pluslectic philosophy values the input of the positive facts of growth
throughout the world.
I’ll explain the evolution of the concept of modern dialectic in the main figures
of the philosophers Fitche, Hegel and Marx.
For Johann Gottlieb Fichte: I, the subject is derived from all and the principles
logical of the identity and denial, to assert themselves self-begets opposition
“not me” and both are subordinated to a principle of total unity. As well as the
self comes into contradiction with himself and positioned the not me, eliminates
this opposition by limiting both flows an endless process and which is
formulated in the dialectic triad : thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. [3]
The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel applies the term
dialectic to his philosophical system and its logic focused on the future,
contradiction and change, which replaces the principles of identity and non-
contradiction, by the incessant transformation of things and the unity of
opposites. Hegel thought that the evolution of the Idea occurs through a
dialectical process, i.e., a concept confronts its opposite and as a result of this
conflict, rises a third synthesis. The synthesis is more loaded with truth than the
previous two opposites. The work of Hegel is based on idealistic conception of a
universal mind that, through evolution, aims to reach the highest limit of self-
consciousness and freedom. [4]
The German philosopher Karl Marx applied the concept of dialectic to the social
and economic processes. The so-called dialectical materialism of Marx is often
considered as a revision of the Hegelian system. This proposed a solution to a
widespread problem of economic ends through three concepts: thesis,
antithesis, and synthesis.
Let’s meet the general systems theory and its importance, with the advance of
technology exposes its complexity when compared to the modern dialectic.

The General systems theory was conceived by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the
1940’s, in order to form a practical model for conceptualizing the phenomena
that the
mechanistic reduction of the classical science could not explain. In particular,
general systems theory seems to provide a unifying theoretical framework for
the natural sciences and the social, needing to employ concepts such as
“organization”, “whole”, globalization and “dynamic interaction; the linear is
replaced by the circular, none of
which was easily understandable by the analytical methods of the pure sciences.
Individual lost importance to the interdisciplinary approach. [6]

During the 1930s, Wiener works with doctors and engineers and examines the
parallels between human beings and electrical systems. As a result of such
research, they
begin to have important concepts of feedback, studying more closely those
systems that incorporated them.
These concepts of feedback, by which information was introduced to machines,
led to the emergence of Cybernetics as the adaptation different from the
theory. The circularity and feedback processes are passed to the common
elements of entire system, and Wiener called them “anti entropic local
The behavior of a driver’s car on a road would be a clear example of negative
feedback, since driver would receive information from the limits of the road that
could produce correcting deviations with the steering wheel. The thermostat
would be another example of negative feed-back, to which we referred to above.
Any feedback would take into account the information on past actions, and with
them would decide further actions to follow, creating a structure more complex
the linear circular causality.
About Feedback:
In this type of chain, each link is modified and changes its interaction, and this
modification occurs in a circular process known as feed-back loop (feedback
loop). Graphically, we can represent you in the following way:
We can find a similar to the previous example. Thus, a spider that paralyzes a fly
with his Stinger is involved in a process of spending a fixed amount of power
from “a” to “b”; a jellyfish stinging a human hand can participate in a feed-back
loop from “a” to “b” and “b” (hand minced) back to “a” (in the form of circle). In
the first model the effect of “a” on “b” not returned to the system (a + b); in the
second, the message part of the affected “b” (production) and returned to the

system (a + b) as feed-back (received power). The General systems theory
believes that transactions are circular and create spirals of Exchange
progressively more complex.
Feedback can be positive or negative.
FEEDBACK (feedback) positive: growth of differences - “snowball”... left to her
same leads to the destruction of the system.
NEGATIVE feedback: (thermostat) leads to an adaptive behavior or having a
purpose, a purpose.

In both cases, there is an anointing of transfer by means of which the received

energy is converted into result, which in turn, is reintroduced into the system as
information about the result.
In the case of negative feedback, the system uses this information to activate
their homeostatic mechanisms and to reduce the deviation of the production
system and thus maintain their “steady state”.
In the case of positive feedback, the information is used to activate the
mechanisms of growth (morphogenic) that lead to a disruption of homeostasis
and a movement toward change. I.e., the positive feedback serves to increase the
deviation of the production.
Therefore, when a system uses negative feedback, the system is auto-corrects
and returns to the initial state. (do not change). When a system uses positive
feedback, the system goes to another State (change)
Andréi Korotáyev (Андрей Витальевич Коротаев, born in 1961) is an
anthropologist, economist, historian, and sociologist, with important
contributions to the world system theory and mathematical models of social
and economic macrodinamic.
Andrey Korotayev’s major contributions belong to four areas:
Mathematical models of the dynamics of social, economic and historical
In the field of the Clio dynamics proposed one of the most convincing
explanations for the doomsday argument of Heinz von Foerster
In collaboration with his colleagues Artemi Malkov and Daria Khaltourina
showed that, until the 1970s, the hyperbolic growth of the world population was
accompanied by a hyperbolic growth of second degree of the GDP world, from
which developed a series of mathematical models who both described this
phenomenon as the Theory of world system, the correlation between the
hyperbolic growth of the world population and the hyperbolic of second degree
of global GDP growth, observed until the early 1970’s, corresponds to a positive
feedback (positive feedback or positive feedback is one of the mechanisms of
feedback by which outcomes or outputs of a system cause cumulative effects at

the entrance, in contrast with the negative feedback where the output causes
subtractive effects at the entrance.) Contrary to what you may believe, positive
feedback, is not always desirable, since the positive adjective, refers to the
mechanism, rather than the result.) Non-linear second-order between
demographic growth and technological development that can be explained
according to the sequence:

increase technological growth of the load capacity the planet → population
growth → more people → more potential inventors → acceleration of
technological growth → acceleration of the increase of the carrying capacity of
the planet → faster population growth → acceleration of the increase of
potential inventors → faster technological growth → increasing the capacity of
the Earth to support people… and so on. On the other hand, his research has
shown that since 1970 the world system never develops hyperbolic its
development diverges more and more than the “regime of inflation” and
currently is moving “from singularity”, rather than “toward singularity.”
Marshall Goldsmith (March 20, 1949) is an American leadership coach and
author of management-related literature. Pioneered the personalized use of the
Feedforward as a leadership development tool. FeedForward assessment tool
was created by Marshall Goldsmith with the intention of providing to
individuals, teams, and organization of suggestions that help them, in the
future, to make a positive change in their behavior. There is a fundamental
problem with all types and forms of feedback: focus on the past, on what has
already happened not in the infinite variety of opportunities that could happen
in the future. As such, the feedback can be limited and static, rather than
dynamic and expansive. The FeedForward of Marshall Goldsmith helps you to
predict and to focus on a positive future, not in a frustrated past. Trained
athletes using ‘feedforward’ (future feedback). The basketball players are taught
to see the ball going into the ring and imagine the perfect shot. To give your
ideas on how you can be even more successful, the FeedForward evaluative tool
from Marshall Goldsmith can increase their chances of success in the future.

Marshall Goldsmith Library:

The pluslectic method is converted input, on the theory of the system, such as a
positive as the feedforward and feedback positive Korotayev front loading. The
dialectical process evolves through concepts, hypotheses, ideas and where the
entrance is always positive (Feedforward) accompanied with growth feedback
positive system, where the outcome of a positive feedback is one greater
amplification which makes a small-signal a major change in the status of the
system. Amplification grows in exponential systems general first-order or
second order hyperbolic way.
So evolution creates breaks in a positive and fast. From one system to another
system and are open to differences are not controlled by negative feedback and
closed and negative feedback. Where is the entropy of the system common.
The pluslectic is a philosophical view of how to operate a model of thinking of
high civilizations of aliens or humans in the future, which would tell you as plus
humans if occurs with huge advances in engineering biogenetics, to reduce all
the emotions and negative thoughts, where even before any negative eventare
capable of pre - feed positively, with a vision of feedforward.
The pluslectic is a concept that is defined with the post humans highly
developed, as opposed to the concept of dialectic, of the 19th century, and 20,
still in the generation of the great tales of humankind. Post modernism and
modernity late, of the 21st century, are in crisis of change as a stage for the birth
of new concepts according to the future.


[1] The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) Slajov Zizek.

[2] The Antichrist. F. Nietzsche

[3]. Basement of all the doctrine of Science (1784) Johann Gottlieb Fitche.

[4] The phenomenology of spirit 1807. G. W. Friedrich Hegel

[5] Capital 1867. Karl Marx

[6] General System theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. 1968. By

George Braziller


Korotayev A., Malkov A., Khaltourina D. Introduction to Social Macrodynamics.

Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends. Moscú, Russia Publishers, 2006

Korotayev A., Malkov A., Khaltourina D. Introduction to Social Macrodynamics:

Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth. Moscow: Russia
Publishers, 2006;

Korotayev A. V. A Compact Macromodel of World System Evolution // Journal

World-Systems Research 11/1 (2005): 79–93.

Markov A., Korotayev A.Phanerozoic marine biodiversity follows a hyperbolic

trend // Palaeoworld. Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 311-318;

Markov A., Korotayev A. Hyperbolic growth of marine and continental

biodiversity through the Phanerozoic and community evolution // Journal of
General Biology. Volume 69, 2008. N 3, pp. 175–194

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