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Activity 1
Write a brief introduction about you. Say your name, age, marital status what you
study then talk about your family, your neighborhood, hobbies favorite subjects
and your plans when you finish your career. You are going to introduce yourself on
the video proposed for the next activity.

- my name is Nicolas alvarado.

- I am twenty-two years old.
- i am study industrial electric.
- my father is called pablo and my mother is called yamile.
- my neighborhood is called lagoon tank.
- my hobbbies are play video games, soccer, basketball and read.
- my plans when i finish my career are to continue studying and working.

Activity 2
Look at the pictures
De acuerdo a las diferentes banderas de las fotos, va a relacionar cada bandera y
va a escribir de qué país es, cuál es su Ciudad Capital y la Nacionalidad.

Country Capital city Nationality

- Canada - Ottawa - Canadian
- Australia - Canberra - Australian
- Japan - Tokyo - Japanese
- China - Pekin - Chinese
- Britain - London - British
- Korea - Seoul - Korean
- France - Paris - French
- U. S - New York - U. S
- Germany - Berlin - German

1. I come from Canada, the capital city is Ottawa and my nacionality is Canadian.
2. I come from Australia, the capital city is Camberra and my nacionality is
3. I come from Japan, the capital city is Tokyo and my nacionality is Japanese.
4. I come from China, the capital city is Pekin and my nacionality is Chinese.
5. I come from Britain, the capital city is London and my nacionality is British.
6. I come from Korea, the capital city is Seoul and my nacionality is Korean.
7. I come from France, the capital city is Paris and mi nacionality is French.
8. I come from U. S, the capital city is New York and my nacionality is U. S.
9. I come from Germany, the capital city is Berlin and my nacionality is German.

Activity 3
Write the following numbers in letters
13 __Thirteen__ 80 __Eighty__ 24 __Twenty-four__
18 __Eighteen__ 15 __Fifteen__ 12 __Twelve__
40 __Forty__ 100 __One-hundred__ 78 __Seventy-eight__
90 __Ninety__ 1200 __One thousand two hundred__ 1000 __Thousand__
Activity 4
1. Complete with the appropriate article. (Determined or

1. Steve is waiting for _the_ last bus.

2. There is always _a_car in the garage.
3. Sandy drinks _a_ yoghurt every morning.
4. My brother is calling _a_ taxi.
5. I need to buy _an_ apple for my diet.
6. John is watching _an_ interesting film.
7. There is always _a_vowel between two consonants.
8. Peter takes _the_same bus every day.
9. My mom is calling _the_ police.
10. You get _a_ new watch.

Activity 5
Choose the correct conjugation of verb To Be
1. Adam and Steve _are_ very happy.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
2. I _am_ usually at home.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
3. Charlie _is_ tired.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are

4. My parents _are_ bored in the party.

a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
5. Sonya and me _are _ in the same English class.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
6. Your father and my mom _is_ in the office.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
7. The car _is_ expensive but beautiful.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
8. The teachers _is_ in a meeting.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
9. The USA and Canada _is_ in North America.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
10. My friends _is_ very happy on Sundays.
A. Is
B. Am
C. Are

Activity 6
Read the following text and write the correct form of Verb To Be in
present tense.

My name _is_ (1) John. I _am_ (2) fifteen years old. I live in a farm. It
_is_ (3) in the country. It is quiet in the country. It (be, not) _ be_ (4) far
from the town.
I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it
_is_ (5) still dark when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that
early. I like the way the country looks in the morning.
The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I finish milking the
cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make breakfast. She
makes a delicious breakfast. My mom _is_ (6) a really good cook.
Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister
doesn’t feed them. She said it _is_ (7) because my sister (be, not) _be_
_not_ (8) strong
enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! I guess
my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can_be_ (9)
pretty rough, especially when they (be) _be_ (10) hungry.
The last thing I do _is_ (11) feed the chickens. That _is_ (12) easy. I just
throw some food down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the
chickens _is_ (13) eating, I go into their house to collect their eggs.
Chicken eggs (be) _be_ (14) really good to eat. They _are_ (15) easy to
cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I _am_ (16) pretty busy.

Activity 7

Listen to the track and according to the spelling complete the girl’s name
and surname.
Name: __Anika__
Surname: __Reeves__

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