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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

Questions: What place would you most like to visit in the world? Why?
⚫ Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.

1. It’s usually a great idea to travel with a good

________________ so you don’t get lost.

2. The Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Eiffel Tower in

Paris are very famous ________________s.

3. I always buy lots of ________________s when I travel

because I like to remember the places I’ve travelled to.

4. What time does our flight leave, or ________________?

5. When will you get there, or ________________?

6. Where can I buy a train ________________?

7. Last month, when I was in Vienna, I sent my

A arrive v. grandmother a ________________ of the city.

D depart v.
8. Our flight leaves from Gate 43, but I don’t know where
H hotel n. Gate 43 is. Let’s ask at the ________________.

I information desk n. 9. My family and I are flying to Taiwan tomorrow, so we

international adj. need to go to the ________________ airport.

landmark 10. Millions of ________________s visit the Great Wall of

L n.
China every year.
luggage n.
11. The way my face looks changes as I get older, so I need
M map n.
to get a new ________________ every ten years.
P passport n.
12. Don’t forget to bring everything you need in your
postcard n.
________________. We’ll be travelling for two weeks.
S sightsee v.
13. Should we travel with a tour group and take our cameras
souvenir n. when we ________________ around the country?

T ticket n.
14. Did you enjoy your ________________ to Dubai?
tourist n.
15. After we arrive in Berlin, we’ll check in at a nice
trip n. ________________ and get some rest.

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

Aim Supplementary vocabulary building
Level Intermediate
Time Approximately 20 – 25 minutes


1. map
2. landmark(s)
3. souvenir(s)
4. depart
5. arrive
6. ticket
7. postcard
8. information desk
9. international
10. tourist(s)
11. passport
12. luggage
13. sightsee
14. trip
15. hotel

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Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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