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Experiment No. : 03

Name of the experiment : Determination of fluid flow condition by

Osborne Reynold’s Apparatus.

Objective :

The purpose of the Osborne Reynolds Experiment is to illustrate laminar, transitional and
turbulent pipe flows and to determine the condition under which these types of flow occurs.
The examples of flow that we should get from the experiment are:
Laminar flow : is the type of flow in which the particles move in a straight line in the
form of a thin parallel sheets is known as the Laminar flow. Laminar flow denotes a steady
condition where all stream lines follow parallel paths. Under this condition, the dye will
remain easily identifiable as a solid core.
Turbulent flow : is the type of flow in which the particles move in a zigzag pattern is
known as the turbulent flow. Turbulent flow denotes as unsteady condition where stream
lines interact causing shear plan collapse and mixing occurs. As the flow rate is increased, the
transition from laminar to turbulent flow is a gradual process. This zone of change is defined
as transitional flow. This will appear as a wandering dye stream prior to dispersion as
turbulence occurs.
Transitional flow : is when the flow changes from laminar to turbulent or vice versa a
disturbance is created, it is called as the transitional flow.

Introduction :

The apparatus used here to demonstrate ‘critical velocity is’ based on that used by Professor
Reynolds who demonstrated the nature of the two modes of motion flowing in a tube,
example laminar and turbulent. The unit is designed to be mounted on P6100 hydraulic
Bench and the quantity of water flowing through it can be measured and timed using the
Hydraulic Bench Volumetric Tank and a suitable stopwatch. A bell mounted glass tube 790
mm long overall by 16mm bore is mounted vertically and concentrically in a much larger
diameter tube fitted with baffles. A uniform supply of water can then be made to flow along
the 0.05 mm bore tube. The unit is fitted with a constant head tank and the flow rate which
can be varied by adjustment to the head tank height, can be measured using the volumetric
tank. A dye injector is situated at the entrance to the 16 mm bore tube and thus it is
possible to detect whether the flow is streamline or turbulent.
This experiment replicates the work done by Osborne Reynolds to characterize laminar,
transitional and turbulent flow in terms of the “Reynolds Number” (ρvd/μ). The Reynolds
apparatus allows the experimenter to visualize the flow and determine whether it is
laminar, transitional, or turbulent. An overflow tank maintains a constant pressure head on
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the flow tube while flow rate is controlled via the globe valve at the outlet. Dye is injected
into the bell mouth at the flow tube in order to visualize the flow. Flow rates (and therefore
average flow velocity, v) may be determined by determined by collecting the liquid in a
beaker at the outlet, and recording the time it takes to fill a given volume. Moreover, the
apparatus should be leveled prior to beginning the experiment.

Design calculation :
In fluid mechanics, a number that indicates whether the flow of a fluid (liquid or gas) is
absolutely steady (laminar flow) or on the average steady with small unsteady changes (in
turbulent flow) is the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number serves as a criterion of the
type of fluid motion. In a pipe, for example, laminar flow normally exists at Reynolds
number less then 2100, and turbulent flow at Reynolds number above 4000. For 2100< Re
<4000 the flow is transitional.
The Osborne Reynolds apparatus consists of a pipe diameter, D through the fluid. A dye also
flows with the fluid which is generally water and show us the condition of the liquid. We can
measure volumetric flow rate, Q of different types of flow. We get,
Q = AV
V=𝐴= 𝐷
𝜋( )2

If the density is equal to 𝜌 and velocity is v, Inertia forces, Fs ∝ 𝜌𝐷 v. v

Viscous forces, Fv ∝ 𝜇 𝐷2

𝜌𝐷 2 𝑣 2 𝜌𝐷𝑣
Now dividing inertia forces by viscous force, Re = 𝑣 =
𝜇 𝐷2 𝜇

Experimental set up :

Apparatus :
The required apparatus for this experiment is:
1) Osborne Reynolds apparatus
2) Vegetable dye
3) Water as a fluid
4) Beaker
5) Stopwatch
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Working procedure :
We work by the following procedure.
( 1 ) At first set up the apparatus, turn on the water supply, and partially open the discharge
( 2 ) Adjust the water supply until the level in the constant head tank is just above the
overflow pipe and maintain at this level by a small flow down the overflow pipe. This is the
condition required for all tests and at different flow rates through the tube. The supply will
need to be adjusted to maintain it. At any given condition the overflow should only be just
sufficient to maintain a constant head in the tank.
( 3 ) Record the temperature of the water using the thermometer.
( 4 ) Open and adjust the dye injector valve to obtain a fine filament of dye in the flow down
the glass tube. If the dye is dispersed in the tube, reduced the water flow rate by closing the
discharge valve and adjusting the supply as necessary to maintain the constant head. A
laminar flow condition should be achieved in which the filament of dye passes down the
complete length of the tube without disturbance.
( 5 ) Measure the flow rate by timing and the collection of a known quantity of water from
the discharge pipe.
( 6 ) Slowly increase the flow rate by opening the discharge valve until disturbances of the
dye filament are noted . This can be regarded as the starting point of transition to turbulent
flow. Measure and record the flow rate.
( 7 ) Further increasing the flow rate and adjusting the supply as necessary to maintain the
constant head, until the disturbances increase. Then measure and record the flow rate.
( 8 ) The procedure is repeated again for second set of reading for all three flow condition.

Precaution :
We’ve taken the following precautions while performing the experiment:
( a ) We were careful while measuring the volumetric flow rate.
( b ) Stopwatch were operated carefully.
( c ) Dye condition were carefully observed.

Observation :
The diameter of the pipe, D = 10 mm
𝐷 0.01 2
Area of the pipe, A = 𝜋( )2 = 3.1416 × ( ) =
2 2
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Density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m3

Viscosity of water, µ = 8.90 x 10-4 Pa

Tabulation :

No of Dye Volume, Time, Volumetric Velocity, Reynolds Remark

observation condition V (𝒎𝟑 ) t (s) flow rate, v=𝑨
𝑸 𝝆𝑫𝒗
No. = 𝝁
Q= 𝒕 (𝒎⁄𝒔)
(𝒎𝟑 ⁄𝒔)
1 Mixed 76× 5.38 1.4126× 0.1798 17980 Turbulent
with 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟓
2 Mixed 69× 5.8 1.189× 0.15147 15147.12 Turbulent
with 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟓
3 Zigzag 58× 26 2.2307× 0.028 2840.29 Transitional
𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟔
4 Zigzag 70× 39 1.79487× 0.02285 2285.29 Transitional
𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟔
5 Straight 26× 31 8.8387× 0.010678 1067.876 Laminar
𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟕
6 Straight 22× 40.5 5.432× 6.91× 691.63 Laminar
𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝟏𝟎−𝟕 𝟏𝟎−𝟑

Graphical Representation :

Result :

Discussion :

The experiment was carried out to investigate the characteristic of the flow of the liquid in
the pipe which is also used to determine the Reynolds Number for each state of the flow.
The experiment was also done to know and learn the behavior of the flow and also to
calculate the range for the laminar, transitional and turbulent flow. We also must prove the
Reynolds number is dimensionless by using the Reynolds number formula. The experiment
was carried out by using Solteq® Osborne Reynolds Demonstration (Model: FM 11). There
are three types of flow that we study in this experiment. Firstly, laminar flow which is the
type of flow in which the particles move in a straight line in the form of a thin parallel sheets
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is known as the Laminar flow. Laminar flow denotes a steady condition where all stream
lines follow parallel paths. Under this condition, the dye will remain easily identifiable as a
solid core. Then, turbulent flow which is the type of flow in which the particles move in a
zigzag pattern is known as the turbulent flow. Turbulent flow denotes as unsteady condition
where stream lines interact causing shear plan collapse and mixing occurs. As the flow rate
is increased, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow is a gradual process. This zone of
change is defined as transitional flow. This will appear as a wandering dye stream prior to
dispersion as turbulence occurs. Lastly is transitional flow, when the flow changes from
laminar to turbulent or vice verse a disturbance is created, it is called as the transitional

Conclusion :

The laminar flow occurs when the fluid is flowing slowly and the turbulent flow occurs when
it is flowing fast. In transitional flow, the flow switches between laminar and turbulent in a
disorderly fashion. As the water flow rate increase, the Reynolds number calculated also
increase and the dye line change from thin thread to swirling in shape Laminar flow occurs
when the Reynolds number calculated is below than 2300; transitional flow occurs when
Reynolds number calculated is between 2300 and 4000 while turbulent flow occurs when
Reynolds number calculated is above 4000.It is proved that the Reynolds equation is
dimensionless, no units left after the calculation.

Recommendation :

Based on this experiment, there are many ways to improve the experiment and obtain the
best results. Firstly, the experiment should be repeated three times in order to get average
readings. This will reduce the deviation from theoretical results. The experiment itself took a
more four hours to be done once, so with insufficient time, the experiment could only be
done once. To get better results, the experiment should have been repeated at least twice.
While conducting the experiment, there are some error such as the slow response when
collecting the water in the beaker once we get the flow (laminar, turbulent or transition
flow). Besides, the slow response to start the time taken for the volume of water and
regulating the valve which control the flow rate of water. So, the person in charged should
be more alert and focus during the experiment in order to obtain the accurate result. There
are also some parallax error while conducting the experiment. For instant, the position of
the eyes during taking the value of water volume of 300mL is not in the same level with the
readings. Therefore, the readings taken from the beaker should be taken at eye level which
is perpendicular to our eyes to avoid parallax error.
So, during the experiment there are several precaution steps that need to be alert. The
experiment should be done at suitable and unshaken get appropriate laminar
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smooth stream flow, the clip and the valve which control the injection of blue dye must be
regulate slow and carefully. When removing the beaker from the exit valve, we notice that
some water still enter the beaker. So, to avoid this it is better to take same person who
guard the stop watch and the collecting beaker.
Last but not least, we must study the manual lab that have been given to us before start up
the experiment. We also can improve our skill and knowledge to ensure that experiment
can be done smoothly.

Reference :

Bruce R Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi, Fundamental Of Fluid Mechanics,

fourth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Web: retrieve in August 2015. 2)
demonstrtion retrieve in August 2015. 3)
Apparatus retrieve in August 2015. 4)

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