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Q. 1. What made you choose this topic/area of research?

List 3 major papers that you have

referred and how they contribute towards your research (explain each paper briefly).

An employee is a very essential asset for any organization. Without the Employees, Other
resources such as material, machines etc. are a waste. The Employees are the power or the secret
to the organizational success.

We live in a world of exponentially increasing technology advancements Where more and more
people are attracted towards the materialistic things neglecting their personal concern or
wellbeing. This affects their productivity which influences the organization performance.
It is the responsibility of the organization to take care of their foremost asset, The employees. It
is vital to maintain a balance. Therefore, engaging the employee is of essence for the
organisation. This relies on the hands of the HR department. Therefore, my interest has always
declined towards the HR.

I have also done my summer internship in the HR. department, majorly performing the role of
Employee engagement. The concept of employee engagement was new to that organization and
the impact of it was very positive. The happiness level of the employees rose. The positive
results could be seen in a very short span of time. I received a lot of appreciation for the same.
All my theoretical knowledge uptill now was put to work that gave a good result. Seeing the
positive impact of the employee engagement activities, the organization decided to open a new
position for the same.
Since EE is an emerging concept in India, I wished to conduct my research in the same field to
gain more knowledge and explore more. I referred to various research papers that give an insight
about how various companies are taking an initiative to keep their employees happy and satisfied
and thus engaged.
The following are the 3 major research papers: -

1. Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Affecting Employee

Chandani, Arti & Mehta, Mita & Mall, Akanksha & Khokhar, Vashwee. (2016). Indian
Journal of Science and Technology.

• The objective of this research was to clarify what is meant by employee engagement and
why it is important as well as to identify factors that are critical to its effective
• For this study, researchers have used a review method. In this research paper, various
factors have been discussed of engagements which are at macro i.e. at organizational
level and micro level i.e. at individual level.
• These variations in factors may arise due to differences in individual and job
characteristics, gender diversity; ethnic diversity etc. this paper include different
employee engagement approaches for new employees like strong induction programs,
rigorous training and development programme, certification programme and giving them
a realistic job preview

2. A Study of Employee Engagement Models to build New Business Approaches

Poonam Abhijit Rawat, Dr. Anand B. Dadas, (2019) Human Resource Management

• The objective of this paper is to discuss the significance of the employee engagement in
the organization through various models of employee engagement proposed by
researchers and consulting firms. And discuss various factors /drivers that keep the
employees motivated and engaged.
• For this study, researchers have used a review method.
• The study suggests that the organizations should take care of their employees and provide
an atmosphere where they should feel valued and involved in the work. An engaging
environment will lead to better performance of the employee as an individual as well as
the organization as a whole
3. Employee Engagement and Its Impact on Organizational Success– A Study of
Indian Companies.
Dr. PratimaSarangi, Dr. Bhagirathi Nayak (Apr. 2016) IOSR Journal of Business and

• This paper is an attempt to analyze the relevance of engaged employees for the growth
and development of an organization and its success.
• This paper makes an attempt to study the different dimensions of employee engagement
with the help of review of literature
• The main objective of the study was to analyze and interpret the impact of employee
engagement on success of the company using both primary, secondary data. The study
uses the 6 Cs of employee engagement out of 10 Cs defined by Gambler (2007) to
measure employee engagement.

Q. 2. List the various aspects of the research methodology along with why they were
selected (sampling technique, sample size, sample population etc.).

The study is descriptive in nature. The research relies upon the secondary source of
information such as books periodicals and web source for the purpose of understanding the key
concepts relating to the current field of study and to explore the various innovative Human
resource practices followed by KPMG around the world. The Review Method has been used in
the study.

Q. 3. What are the major findings of the project?

• The results revealed a positive influence of perceived organizational support on employee

performance and affective commitment. Moreover, these relationships have also been
found to be mediated by employee engagement
• KPMG has also seen that its efforts to embed diversity in the business and address work-
life effectiveness, through initiatives like Fitness Memberships, flexible work programs
and reflection rooms, translate into lower absenteeism and sickness – and healthier
• KPMG has set up reflection rooms in its major offices to give people a tranquil space
where they can pray, reflect and meditate.
• To remove barriers to advancement and diversify the workforce, KPMG has introduced a
program to help increase the number of women and visible minorities in partnership
positions. KPMG is also working with its national recruiting team to ensure diverse
hiring practices.
• KPMG has learned that if it effectively promotes programs, more people will access and
benefit from them (e.g. the Sabbatical Leave program). This is particularly important
when considering that the suite of programs and benefits offered at KPMGis one of the
key reasons why people join the firm.

Q.4. How does your research benefits marketers/practitioners/researchers/academicians

What future scope does your research have for others to work upon for further extension
of your Project?

• The findings of this study will be useful to any organisation, irrespective of the type of
business, to construct a strong employee engagement policy with a mix of all these
factors of employee engagement.
• This paper will be of value to anyone seeking better understanding in employee
engagement to improve organizational performance.
• Managers can redesign the work and policy based on the factors presented in this paper
would lead to happy workforce
• Study results has scope of future reference whereby implementing various engagement
factors and there by reduction in employee turnover and improved productivity

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