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Someone said, “Everyone of us needs a leader, a pastor and a mentor.”

And finding a leader it’s like finding a precious gem or a treasure.

Because a leader according to John Maxwell is, “ONE THAT KNOWS THE WAY, GOES THE WAY AND SHOWS THE WAY.”

Today, we are celebrating the FOUNDERS’ DAY OF COGIC MONTESSORI and I felt the honor to be bring God’s word of
encouragement to us all who are here.

I believe that Founders’ Day is a day on which we celebrate achievement – our many achievements, individual and
collective; it is an important occasion for the whole school to be together, to do things together, and to remember that
we are an important and strong community – the whole is stronger than the sum of its parts. But more importantly, it is
the day when we remember the Founders of the school, and value their legacy. A day to give honor to whom honor is
due because without their dedication, determination and faith to their God-given vision, you will not be here today.
This school will not be here today. So, we PRAISE GOD for the lives of our FOUNDERS!

Heb. 12:1 GW
“Since we are surrounded by SO MANY EXAMPLES OF FAITH, we must get rid of everything that slows us down,
especially sin that distracts us, and run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up”




If I talk about EXAMPLES, we are talking about LEGIT examples of faith – ibig sabihin, YUNG TOTOO!

There was this recent news that about 300,000 pair of Nike knock-off shoes that were smuggled in the tri-states
in US amounting to $73M. No need to ask where these come from – CHINA. But what surprises me is that there
is already a city in China known as “THE CITY OF FAKES” – Putian.

Wow! Can you believe that? What do you thing is the reason why people buy fake?

And I think the reason why FAKE stuff continue to exist is because of the fact that there is a large number of
customers patronizing them simply because the LEGIT ones are way too costly for them Amen?

The same is true with LIFE today. There are so many fake people. They look happy. They look fulfilled. They look
satisfied. They look okay, but the truth is they are NOT.

They say that today’s generation AY MAS MULAT SA KATOTOHANAN – that we are a lot better from years back.
But I want you to check this statistics:

PROBLEMS 1980s 1990s 2015

Suicide 543,367 659,830 910,908
Divorce 534,460 686,223 952,002
Incarceration 573,675 1,497,720 2,247,280
HIV/AIDS 8M 16M 36.7M

Why is this happening? Let’s read Romans 10:1-3

1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. 2 For I testify about them that
they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. 3 FOR NOT KNOWING ABOUT GOD’S


Isaiah 55:1-3 NASB

1 “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no [a]money come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost.
2 “Why do you [b]spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is GOOD, And delight yourself in abundance.
3 “Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen, that [c]you may live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with
you, According to the faithful mercies [d]shown to David.

There has never been a generation that is as fatherless as today. We are at lost with models. But I thank God
because we don’t have just a typical school, but Godly school – COGIC MONTESSORI SCHOOL. Amen?

We have examples of men and women of faith found in God’s Word. We have Abraham, Jacob, Moses,
Joshua, David, Gideon and the list can go on…

These people are nothing but ordinary ones like you and me.
They are not flawless.
They have weaknesses and limitations.
They have struggles, but right after their encounter with God, they received a new identity. They were changed
and transformed.

 From being fearful to fearless

 From being a victim to a victor
 From being a failure to a conqueror

Romans 8:37 NIV “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Pakisabi sa katabi mo, “wag lang with feeling…” Totohanin mo!

There is an adage,
“Courage is NOT the absence of fear, but the decision to do what is right even in the presence of fear.”

Are we proud of our founders?


Heb. 12:1 GW
“Since we are surrounded by SO MANY EXAMPLES OF FAITH, we must get rid of everything that slows us down,
especially sin that distracts us, and run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up”

Just as you thought that you are just here to study, GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING MORE!

STORY OF AN BOY WHO FOUND AN EAGLE’S EGG. He put it under the hen to be incubated until it’ll hatch. Now,
this egg hatched and the eagle came out, who was thinking he’s a chicken. When he was about to go to the
farm, he saw an an amazing bird flying. So he came asking others who referred him to talk to the old rooster
(matandang tandang) who said that it’s an eagle, son. Unfortunately, you are not an eagle.

He died with that thinking because he believes on what others said.

Pakisabi sa katabi mo – DI KA MANOK! Kailangan lang nilang marinig! Pakisabi – AGILA KA!

When God created you, He has already something in mind for you.
Psalms 139 tells us that He knows everything of you.

I did a little research on this school’s mission though I’m not sure if this is the one I got.

According to Glenn Smith,

“Mission answers the question “Why do we exist?” Vision answers the question “What will the future look like
as we fulfill our mission? What will be different?” While mission is about today, vision is about the future,
what we will become.”

Let me read the school’s MISSION:


*Provide quality and world class standard of educational system for students to become globally competitive.
*Discover and develop the fullest potentials of every child.
*Develop every child's trait to become excellent, independent, responsible, honest, and God-fearing individual.

I believe that if there’s one thing that our founders desire, that is NOT for this mission statement to stay as
WORDS, but it will be embodied in the lives of our students – THAT YOU WILL BE AN EXAMPLE TOO!

2 Tim 1:3 NASB

“I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my FOREFATHERS did, as I constantly remember you
in my prayers night and day,”

The best gift we can ever give God and our school’s founders is THAT WE WILL BECOME EXAMPLES LIKE THEM.

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