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ID: 110051216




The conference paper is about a study on Attitudes of Thai male VDO game players and characters
they use in video games.

This raised questions about, in the VDO game market, the behavior of a homosexual who still
considers himself a man, not a transgender, the term referring to the man having a sexual
orientation by choosing to love and prefer to have sexual affairs with another person of the same
gender or a ‘male homosexuality’ as for medical term or a more familiar term ‘gay’ (Pearkao,
2013, pp.

Based on the researcher’s previous study on Attitudes of Thai male VDO game players choosing
to use VDO games’ female characters, it was found that most Thai male game players tend to
choose the character through their sexual desire for gazing the figures of female characters.

What are these people’s behavior in choosing characters, that is, what gender of characters and
how do they choose it? Such questions, therefore, led to this study aimed to do more generalization
on the same issue by investigating a group of subjects to achieve more understanding of their
character choosing tendency.

Nowadays, it seems that Thai people understand and accept more sexual diversity as seen in
popular culture that there are more third gender entertainment figures and more third gender beauty


The LGBT community especially being gay has been considered as an issue affecting communities
at large and not just Thai only.

The world is growing fast and many things are being accepted but still people are not accepting
the idea of being gay, and despite the fact that the LGBT community are trying their best to
ID: 110051216

promote it the nation at large are not accepting the idea if being gay, and inputting gay’s character
or a gay’s figure into a game has brought lots of contentions around the world.

Also while video games are meant for entertainment some have inputted character that are not
publicly accepted despite being loved, it is apparent that children in the developed nations have
started to demonstrate traits of video game addiction which also is not being accepted by most
parent which is the attribute of a gay character. Not only has the addiction to video games been
associated with the development of certain psychological disorders, but it has also been linked to
challenges in cognitive development for teenagers. With the current trends in video game
companies producing many different games targeting individual, and due to the addiction people
are psychologically behaving like those characters which many are against and there are complains
around the media, and this paper focuses on video games and gaming character towards the aspect
of gay and understanding them better.


This research aims to figure out whether gay people want to use a character in a video-game to
gain more details regarding heterosexual males, as in a previous report. This will help to
understand another social dimension of Thai male teams.


What is the behavior of gay gamers in choosing to use VDO game characters and is it different
from straight male gamers?


The methodology used is gathering information was questionnaire which was quantitative method
but the answers were qualitative because the questionnaire was open-ended which did looked like
an interview.
ID: 110051216

The questionnaire was distributed to 20 male figures for their idea and knowledge on how game
promotes gays and each candidates listed the games they have played and it was analyzed
graphically and in a tabular form.


On the basis of the aforementioned findings, gay men’s actions when selecting roles to play in
video games is best known. The gay actors prefer to portray male roles that reflect their sexual
identity and happiness of man-physical features who are assimilated to themselves. The distinction
is between straight male and gay players. However, looking at the numbers of the participants
revealed fewer sex than straight people who felt that the protagonists were themselves. Many
considerations such as clothing, appearance and technique play are often stressed.

In addition, this research offers gay people a greater understanding of taste, gender equity and
societal recognition as a community of gaming customers.


This research can be used to make people know that gay people should be accepted and not be
discriminated, they are trying to make their suited game character to fit what they like and
shouldn’t be spoken against, but people should draw them in, if they want to change them and not
to criticize them which will only push them away and keep doing what they do.

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