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Theme : young marriage

Topic : young marriage problems and my opinion

Duration : 10 minute

Intro : Assalamualaikum wr wb. hello, this is Alya rizkiya from B class. Topic of the day what
I will bring is about to get married at a young age. why I bring this topic? because many
young people around me who decided to get married at a young age. Not in the slightest
among those who are not ready and mentally in the marriage. So now I will discuss this so
that you can find out more.

First, let's find out what it is “marriage”

from website the spruce “Marriage is defined differently, and by different entities, based on
cultural, religious, and personal factors.”

or from website psychology today “Marriage is the process by which two people make their
relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that
putatively lasts until death, but in practice is often cut short by separation or divorce.”

a lot of us and various parts of the world about getting married at a young age. either
because it is their own decision, or because of an incident, or also because of getting forced
from parents and reasons reason for less no sense to me.

especially in Indonesia, just 20 years old already asked when will we be married? especially
in women, if the passing of 25 years, will be a lot of questions and words. either no one
wants to, the curse, too picky or too independent or too smart or too rich to make the man
feel shy or hard to approach women or to compensate women.

Perhaps among us there are that have been given the code by the parent. Who is still single
told to find a boyfriend, which is still courting told to get married and the newly married was
told to have children. Usually, the biggest reason parents sent his son soon to be married is
to want to see the grandchildren. From parents, we could understand because of the age no
one knows, and while life is still there, they want to see our descendants. But the actions of
parents forcing children to get married young is that action selfish. When we marry young
and have children, we have a huge responsibility towards that child forever, not a parent.
Also, some parents marry off his son assuming the burden of his life will be reduced, though
not necessarily so. Refused to not marry young don't make us get a rebellious child because
we also have rights to our own lives.
And my reaction is “heeeeei its not easy to married someone” like it is our big decission in
our life. wedding it's the right time that we need to pay and the price is expensive. I mean, if
you don't understand the mindset of the couple and don't have plans after marriage, then
after marriage you and your partner will own confusion. Very important for you to have a
discussion about when to have children, how many, whether to have a joint account or not,
whether you can still work or not, and so on. Not only that, Ajeng Raviando as a psychologist
also added, “Marry the pair because of its shortcomings. Don't get married to the reason
because he is good. All that goodness is just a bonus because in the future we will be
dealing with its shortcomings every day, not excess.”

People said age can't measure someone's maturity. Actually a person's maturity is also
determined by the experience. Suppose that there are couples who married at the age of 18
years, where they married and have descendants. Whether they are mature enough to
resolve the issue and nurturing of a child? If they can control their emotions? It's a little bit of
those who ask to help a parent to resolve the issue that is supposed to be their
responsibility. In addition to the trigger of divorce, depression, domestic VIOLENCE to
suicide, married young also detrimental to the country, where women are supposed to still
be productive in his youth precisely to be at home being a housewife.

Entering the age of 20 years is a transitional period where one begins to learn to be
responsible for her/him self. And when You decide to get married young, You are not only
responsible for yourself, but also responsible for in a partner. Often many couples who are
stuck in this situation and decided to marry young without thinking long, this can cause your
house to become unstable. This age is usually the age that is quite productive, where one
begins to explore themselves as well as add to the experience in a place you have never

If it is not based on a sense of love and strong belief. Couples who get married young are
typically prone to infidelity and divorce. After getting married, usually, You will recognize the
character of a real couple. Well, change is usually not appropriate at the time still dating.
Changes that can make You stress and unhappy with Your marriage. Despite the thick
adheres to the culture of the east, married, young invited a number of the pros and cons of
its own. Moreover, seeing a large number of couples desperate to get married at the age of
a dozen. It is not impossible if go wrong, divorce can happen. Marriage young is closely
related to the unpreparedness of the mental. Because the emotions of each are still in the
stage of transition from adolescence to adulthood, so they tend to be surprised to undergo
commitment to a long term relationship. Also, no less important also, i.e. financial problems.
At the tender age, earned income may be uncertain. Not many are already active careers
with better also. Because admittedly, marriage is not just loving. Everything small and large
in marriage, all must need the money. However, none has the right to forbid a person's
decision to get married at a young age.

So, marriage is a complicated thing, ni matter whether you are old enough to do it. If you
can’t handle it, it will collapse. But if you're ready physically and mentally to get married why
not? to remember is to be a responsible human being on the option.

Whoa, i’m so amazed what i talked about. thank you for listening to me today, I've done my
best to discuss this. if there is any word that is not intentional I apologize. I'm only a man that
is not perfect because perfect is only belong to Allah. I am also still learning so please
critique and suggestions for today, once again thank you very much. Hope my topic can be
usefull to everyone. Have a good day! Good bye, see you again!

Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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