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Mission 101: 1001 Days to do 101 Things

Start Date: 01.01.2011
End Date: 09.28.2013


1. Read 101 fiction books

2. Attend 5 live shows (concert, ballet, or theatre/performance art)
3. Review at least 20 movies from the Criterion Collection
4. Adopt a star
5. Learn new cooking/baking techniques
6. Finish writing Sand in the Throat
7. Learn a new language
8. Become a better chess player
9. Cook Chicken Tikka Masala and Basmati rice
10. Cook Quail in Rose Petal Sauce
11. Read all of Neruda’s poetry
12. Read Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama
13. Write a children’s book for Marcel
14. Bake two loafs of sourdough bread at home


15. Lose 40-50 pounds

16. Run my first 5k in under 30 minutes
17. Avoid surgery on my ovaries
18. Purchase 2-3 training sessions at the gym
19. Complete P90X
20. Complete 30 Day Shred
21. Do 50 consecutive, true-form push-ups
22. Get Basic Life Saving (adult & infant) certification from Red Cross
23. No fast food for 6 (non-consecutive) months
24. Do 5 un-assisted pull-ups
25. Try 3 new Yoga styles at least once
26. Learn to ride a bike
27. Run/Walk Zorinsky Lake
28. Get two yearly physicals with optimal numbers
29. Make my own skin scrubs/cleansers 10 times
30. Eye exam & change my glasses prescription
31. Get professional teeth whitening
32. Become a certified Medical Writer
33. Join the American Medical Writers Association
34. Get hired for a freelance gig in translating, writing, editing, or proofreading
35. Work in a busy kitchen (restaurant)
36. Get certified as a Notary Public
37. Brush up on Medical Statistics
38. Keep in touch with Kim N. again
39. Apply to all medical writing/technical writing jobs I’m qualified for

40. Become a U.S. Citizen
41. Vote!
42. Change my last name with SSN, State ID, etc.
43. Throw an awesome 30th Birthday Bash
44. Visit Monterrey with Paul & Marcel
45. Complete a 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle
46. Complete 101 Crossword Puzzles
47. Play in the snow with Marcel
48. Go horseback riding
49. Get my photo taken more often with my family
50. Visit a psychic
51. Potty-train Marcel
52. Ride in a hot air balloon
53. Get a second tattoo
54. Purchase and maintain a file cabinet
55. Enjoy a professional massage
56. Apply for Marcel’s passport
57. Learn to change a car tire
58. Complete one 30-Day Challenge on Tumblr
59. Get an expensive haircut and style
60. Smoke a final Monte Cristo cigar
61. Eat at a restaurant by myself
62. Have Annie take a family photo of us; print and frame it
63. Wear a dress confidently
64. Ride a roller coaster
65. Brew cranberry sun tea at least once
66. Sell Marcel’s old infant clothing; donate the rest
67. Write my living will
68. Complete three DIY home projects
69. Learn to Knit
70. Make a Quilt
71. Crochet a Granny Square Afghan
72. Finish decorating Marcel’s nursery
73. Make 10 bookmarks/book thongs
74. Build a photo and memories scrapbook for Marcel
75. Crochet three blankets for charity
76. Make Christmas stockings for the three of us
77. Take a pottery wheel class or two

78. Purchase a telescope
79. Complete at least 3 of MIT’s Open CourseWare Courses
80. Get published in The Quarterly Conversation
81. Study for and take the GMAT
82. Study Nahuatl
83. Learn 101 new words
84. Finish two books about World War II
85. Watch and blog about 10 TED Talks
86. Teach Paul and Marcel Spanish
87. Read 10 books on Literary Theory


88. Disconnect from the computer for 30 (non-consecutive) days

89. Volunteer once a month
90. Write my sister 12 hand-written letters
91. Keep a happiness journal for at least 12 months
92. Say something nice to a stranger once per week
93. Make a new friend
94. Delete Facebook
95. Call Dad three times per week
96. Send/call/write a positive, kind message to one friend/family member once per week
97. Offer to help my mother-in-law clean, cook, or organize once per month
98. Avoid gossiping
99. Watch less TV
100. Keep our apartment tidy and organized at least 3 days out of the week
101. Buy the person behind me in line one item without their knowledge (5 times)

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