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COVID 19 is an infectious condition or a viral disease that can be spread directly or

indirectly from one person to another. It is a newly discovered corona virus called novel
corona virus that was first identified in Wuhan, China, last December 2019. This virus
has caused deaths not only in China but also in other countries like Philippines, Italy
and USA which has the largest amount of people who got infected. The carrier (of the
virus) may have the following symptoms: cough, flu, body pains and diarrhea. But
sometimes the carrier can also be asymptomatic or do not experience any of the
symptoms. Most of the time, it spreads when a sick person coughs or sneezes. They
can spray droplets as far as 6 feet away. If you breathe them in or swallow them, the
virus can get into your body. Some people who have the virus don't have symptoms, but
they can still spread the virus. You can also get the virus from touching a surface or
object the virus is on, then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes. Most
viruses can live for several hours on a surface that they land on. The virus can lead to
pneumonia, respiratory failure, septic shock , and death. Many COVID-19 complications
may be caused by a condition known as cytokine release syndrome or a cytokine storm.
This is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood your bloodstream with
inflammatory proteins called cytokines. They can kill tissue and damage your organs.

Unlike the flu, a lot of people aren’t immune to the coronavirus because it’s so
new. If you do catch it, the virus triggers your body to make things called antibodies.
Researchers are looking at whether they give you protection against catching it again.
The coronavirus also appears to cause higher rates of severe illness and death than the
flu. But the symptoms themselves can vary widely from person to person.

Researchers aren’t sure what caused it. There’s more than one coronavirus.
They’re common in people and in animals including bats, camels, cats, and cattle.
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is similar to MERS and SARS. They all
came from bats. Many people who got the disease early on were linked to a large live
seafood and animal market in China -- you might hear it called a “wet market.” The first
cases may have come from animals sold in the market, then spread from person to

But since it is a viral infection, we should not worry that much because it can be
prevented and treated. We must only take seriously and obey all the reminders and
precautionary measures given by the government who is now doing their best for us to
fight and survive this pandemic. First that we must consider is honesty and cooperation,
if you have travel history to the countries that have COVID 19 cases or contact to
anyone who has a travel history to any of that countries, kindly report it to your
barangay officials or to the RHU and do the self-quarantine or home-quarantine
seriously. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms or have contact to any person
who is a carrier or positive of the virus, kindly report it to your barangay officials or to the
RHU and do the self-quarantine or home-quarantine seriously. For everyone who is
going out to their homes, always wear face mask, use alcohol or hand sanitizer with at
least 70% solution, observe social distancing, no touching, hugging and kissing and be
sure that you are going out with a valid reason. There are also home remedies that can
help you prevent corona virus. You just need to have enough rest, drink plenty of water
to keep hydrated, take vitamins and eat healthy food especially rich in Vitamin C, wash
your hands always and observe cleanliness, not only with your body but with your
surroundings. I obey what was the government want to us to do in this time of crisis. We
must stay at home to care for the people who are eager to help and fight against this
pandemic. We must care for our health, health of other people especially the health of
those medical frontliners who sacrificed and devote themselves to help our

No one can be excuse to corona virus-children, old ones, girl, boy, ordinary people,
famous personalities, celebrities and government officials can be positive of the virus.
The power is in our hands. Take action and do our part. Protect ourselves, our loved
ones and our community. And always pray to God and strengthen your faith to Him
because in this kind of situation it is His only healing power can really heal our
countrymen and our nation. Let us fight corona virus, together we stand and survive!

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