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Gender is one of the most common segmentation criteria used by marketers.

This makes sense, given

that the male female divide is “easy to identify, easy to access, and large enough to be profitable”
[ CITATION Put01 \l 1033 ]

Gender is playing a vital role in impulsive buying behavior of consumers. There are many issues in
different studies that women purchase impulsively more than men. Gender also affects the impulsivity;
Women shop based on emotions, their relationship and how will they look in their social class. While
men shop related to value, prices, practicality and how well it does suit their personality (Maha Jamal,
Samreen Lodhi, 2015).

Women also tend to make more impulse purchases than men (Coley and Burgess, 2003; Dittmar et al.,
1995; Rook and Hoch, 1985)

Colney paper

Recent researches shows that men aged 18-34 shop considerably more than older men in every retail
channel (Marks, 2002),

And that men aged 16-24 are more openly shopping for health and beauty aids than in past years
(Global Cosmetics Industry, 2002).

Historically, Women have been found to be more likely to shop for aesthetics products, while men are
more likely to shop for functional products (Dittmar et al. 1996; Rook and Hoch, 1985)

Leading to the determination than women will purchase different type of products on impulse
compared with men as well as engaged for strongly in more affective impulse buying than men
( Amanda Coley & Brigitte burgess, 2003)

Tifferet 2012

There are at least four reasons why women may be more inclined to impulse buying. First, since impulse
buying is related to hedonic consumption, and women score higher in hedonic consumption than men,
we can expect them to show higher levels of impulse buying as well. Second, women, more than men,
suffer from anxiety (Feingold, 1994) and depression (Wade et al., 2002).

Given the link between impulse buying and negative emotions (Silvera et al., 2008); (Verplanken et al.,
2005), women may use impulse buying as a means to improve their mental state.

REseach on impulsive buying behaviour

Men and Women relate the material possession differently. Research demonstrates that women
preference is for items related to elemental values, while men preference is for items related to leisure
and finance. The reasons for the respective preference were that women value their possessions for
“emotional” and “relationship” reasons. Men on the other hand value their possession for “functional
instrument reasons”. It was also found that the men purchase items for personal identity reasons
(independent). Women on the other hand make purchase for social identity reasons (Ditmar et al,

Researchers have found a relationship between age and impulsive buying. Impulsive buying tends to
increase between the ages 18 to 40, and then it declines thereafter (Bellenger, Robertson & Hirshman,

Young generation is more impulsive than others, age of buyers from 18 to 40 are generally impulsive
(Mai et al., 2003).

THE pulse of impulsive buying

(Kollat and Wilett, 1967) state that sex does not affect purchase behavior.

(Rook &Hoch, 1985) found that females are more impulsive. Cobb and Hoyer (1986) found that males
were more likely to be categorized as impulsive purchases.

Jalees (2009) said that younger age group would be impulsive easier that older group

Saif (2009), indicated that young people having age between 20-29 years and holding upper high school
degree are wise spenders because they plan their spending.

An Investigation of relationships

female’s purchasing behavior is thought of as being more emotional than males, suggesting that they
are more responsive to impulsive buying (Coley & Burgess, 2003).

Researchers found that females were practicing this type of purchase more than males (Roberts, 1998;
Coley & Burgess, 2003, Shoham & Brencic, 2003; Yurchisin & Johnson, 2004; Lin & Lin, 2005; Muller et
al., 2007; Norum, 2008; Lai, 2010).

This was attributed to females’ propensity to shopping more than males (Rook & Hoch, 1985; Dittmar,
Beattie, and Friese, 1996).
Feingold, A. (1994). “Gender differences in personality: a metaanalysis”. psychological bulletin , 116 (3),

Putrevu, S. (2001). “Exploring the origins and information processing differences between men and
women: implications for advertisers. Academy of Marketing Science Review , 1-14.

Wade, T., Cairney, J., & Pevalin, D. (2002). “Emergence of gender differences in depression during
adolescence: national panel results from three countries.
Gender is the characteristics of differentiating masculine and feminine [ CITATION Put01 \l 1033 ]. In an
impulsive buying behavior on consumer life gender play an important role. Many studies show the
different between men and women purchasing impulsive buying. Woman purchase spontaneously more
than men they behave emotionally, psychologically and how they will survive in their social group. While
men purchase behavior is not rooted emotionally they are in gaining benefits, monetary cost, and how the
purchase suits their living standard (Maha Jamal, Samreen Lodhi, 2015). Women enjoy buying more than
men do as they put more efforts and time in making purchases (Coley and Burgess, 2003; Dittmar et al.,
1995; Rook and Hoch, 1985). In recent researches the researchers have expressed about 18-34 aged men
make purchase significantly more than older men (Marks, 2002). And from age 16-24 men used to buy
the healthy and attractiveness products spontaneously (Global Cosmetics Industry, 2002). On the other
hand, Women buy those products that are positive with artful appearance and those products which are
interesting in how product looks or feel. While men buy those products that have a predictable demand
with long life cycle and low profit margin (Dittmar et al. 1996; Rook and Hoch, 1985). The people of
Generation Y lie between ages of 18 to 40 are more inclined to spontaneous purchases and after the age of
40 years their demographic for impulsive buying falls thereafter. This inverse relationship between age
and impulsive purchase is showing the non monotonic relation (Bellenger, Robertson & Hirshman, 1978).
Furthermore researchers have also suggested that Generation Y is more impulsive and reckless in buying
then older age people or baby boomers (Mai et al., 2003). As a comparison of men and women, women
will always acquire dissimilar products in unplanned buying as well as they will make purchases
emotionally with affection (Amanda Coley & Brigitte burgess, 2003). Women rank higher in emotional
aspects of consumer`s interaction with products than men so they make unplanned purchases as the
emotional aspect of consumer is totally related with the making of impulsive buying. As anxiety and
depression are more faced by women than men these are the reasons that why women tend more to
impulsive purchase (Feingold, 1994; Wade, Cairney, & Pevalin, 2002). If talks about the relationship
between impulse purchases and negative sentiments than women make purchases emotionally and
sensitively as they are impulsive buyers this may be due to improve their psychological condition (Silvera
et al., 2008; Verplanken et al., 2005). Men and women have a different physical possession and material
holding. Different researches determine that women are more likely to interconnect with fundamental
morals, while men are more likely to interconnect with economic and leisure time items. Men and women
preference are different because women value their belonging with emotions and psyche and they buy the
product for individualism. While men value their belonging with functional products and they buy the
product that are based on their group membership (Ditmar et al, 1995). The buying behavior is not
influence by masculinity and femininity (Kollat & Wilett, 1967). It have been found by researches that
women are inclined to be impulsive than man (Rook &Hoch, 1985). Past studies show that men were
impulsive buyers (Cobb & Hoyer,1986) The Generation X and Generation Y would make unplanned
purchase easier and quicker than older age group of baby boomer (Jalees, 2009). The young people of
Generation Y who lie between the ages of 20-29 years and having a qualified degree spend sensibly as
their spending are already planned (Saif, 2009). The influence and buying power of women are high as
compared to men as they make unplanned purchases due to being passionate and emotional (Coley &
Burgess, 2003). The ratios of buying behavior of women are high as compared to men because women
make purchase recklessly without being mediating (Roberts, 1998; Coley & Burgess, 2003, Shoham &
Brencic, 2003; Yurchisin & Johnson, 2004; Lin & Lin, 2005; Muller et al., 2007; Norum, 2008; Lai,
2010). This have shown that women`s susceptibility for making purchases are much more than men
(Rook & Hoch, 1985; Dittmar, Beattie, & Friese, 1996).

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