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Around 6 years back before venturing out in to the IELTS teaching field, I made a
maiden attempt to collect, compile and create some noteworthy materials which
turned out to be an immense help for my students till date. I have been receiving
thankful text messages, calls and messages in Facebook even from the students
pursuing their study in other consultancies mentioning how it turned out to be a great
help to crack the exam which will be cherished throughout. However, internally, I
was feeling the dire need to produce a book, better organizing the materials from the
past and recent ones along with the stuffs obtained from IELTS instructors across
from different branches like Hetauda, Tandi, Kawasoti and Chitwan. Out of hectic
schedule, I commenced working on it, asked other colleagues to contribute what they
could from their part and finally whatever yielded is in your hand. The sole motive of
the compilation is to provide effective practice materials, having more redeeming
features which can maximize the score with minimum effort.

I am really grateful to Dilli Ram Adhikari sir, Director of Expert Chitwan who felt
an utmost necessity to publish a book solely for the students of expert and suggest all
of us to work on it and come up with the substance at earliest possible. My sincere
appreciation goes to Ashish Karmacharya sir, Pranish Adhikary sir, Prince Raj
Dawadi sir, Krishna Khadgi sir, Maan Bdr. Sunar sir, Sagar Karmacharya sir,
who are not only my colleagues but the persons who I am inspired and motivated with
the most, in perpetually toiling hard, treading the path less travelled by and exhorting
me for the initiation. Kiran Poudel ( Narahari) sir, Uma Acharya maam, and
Mina Timilsina maam, Hari Adhikary sir, Achyut Chalise sir, Oma Gurung
maam hold huge chunk of credit and rest of all the staffs of Expert for lending
support and encouragement for the things to get timely delivered.

Note: The book authored is not an entirely original idea but an exhaustive and
painstaking effort of compilation (few from the stuffs from internet and lion share
comprises of the handout collection), aiming to cater to students’ demand,
incorporating cutting -edge preparation materials.
Prachanda Hamal

IELTS instructor, Chitwan

Band Score Explained:

You can score whole ( e.g 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0) or half (e.g 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5) bands in
each part of the test. There is no Pass or Fail mark in IELTS. Your overall band
score and individual band score in each section provides assessment of your
overall and individual ( listening, reading, writing, and speaking) skill and
command on the language. For individual scores in four sections of IELTS are
averaged and rounded to produce overall Band Score.

If someone scores 6.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 6.0 in four sections, his/her band score
calculation would be: 6.5+6.0+6.5+6.0=25, which will be divided by 4 such as
25/4= 6.25
Some of you might have a wrong perception about the half and full band scores
and their rounding conversion. A candidate scores either full band (5.0, 7.0 etc.) or
half band (5.5, 7.5 etc). So now if someone scores 6.5, 6.0 6.5 & 6.0 in four
sections, his overall band score calculation would be:
6.5+6.0+6.5+6.0 = 25, which will be divided by 4. 25/4 = 6.25. which will be
rounded up to the next half band score, which is 6.5.

How IELTS writing module is scored:

The assessment for IELTS writing ( both academic and General training ) is done
by professionals and trained teachers. Four criteria are assessed and then average is
calculated to reward the final band score.

IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria

IELTS Writing tests consist of two compulsory tasks . Each of these tasks are
scored with respect to four different criteria.
Know the Marking Criteria in Detail
The examiner assesses your IELTS Academic Writing & General Training Writing
Test on the below listed criteria. Each criterion contributes 25% of your total
marks for Task 1 and Task 2.
Task Achievement (for Task 1)

This criterion examines the overview and information that you provide,
details of your content and the accuracy with which you have mentioned
key features and illustrations.
You are supposed to write 150 words for Task 1. Else there will be penalty
for under word count.

Task Response (for Task 2)

In this criterion, the type of response that you write for the essay type
question is determined. It assesses the main idea of your essay and the
way you develop it with relative examples.
You are supposed to write 250 words for Task 2. Otherwise you will be
penalized for under word count. To avoid such problems, you must learn
how the examiner counts your word and how many words you must

Coherence & Cohesion

Your information organisation, paragraphing skills and use of proper lexical

devices (for example, connectors, conjunctions) is determined.
Number of paragraphs are also taken into consideration. Dividing your
essay into more or less paragraphs might lower your score.
Lexical Resource

The use of sufficient range of vocabulary, proper spellings, correct

implementation of collocations and word formation are taken care of while
scoring this criterion. You must avoid using wrong words and informal

Grammatical Range & Accuracy

To score this criterion, things taken into consideration include sentence

structures, proper use of tenses, putting right punctuations, use of simple
as well as complex statements with clear idea and control over Grammar. 

Take a look on how Writing Task 1 & Task 2 are scored.

Task 1:

Task Achievement: 7
Coherence & Cohesion: 7.5
Lexical Resource: 6.5
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7
Total Score for Task 1: 7 + 7.5 + 6.5 + 7 = 28 / 4 = 7
Task 2:

Task Response: 6
Coherence & Cohesion: 7
Lexical Resource: 7
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 6
Total Score for Task 2: 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 26 / 4 = 6.5
Total Writing Band Score: 7 + 6.5 = 13.5 / 2 = 6.75 = 7 (rounded up)

Listening and Speaking components are same for both – Academic and
General Training.
It consists of four sections, each with 1 recording. Each recording comprises
of ten questions. The test taker can hear the recording only once. The questions
are designed in such a way that their answers appear in order when the recording is

 Time:

30 minutes

 No. of Questions:


 Marks:

1 mark per question

Type of Task: Different questions are asked from the following:

 Multiple Choice
 Matching
 Labelling a map, plan or a diagram
 Form completion
 Table completion
 Flow chart completion
 Note completion
 Summary completion
 Sentence completion
 Short-Answer Questions
Note: Extra 10 minutes are provided to transfer answers onto the answer sheet.
It consists of three parts . It is conducted by a trained examiner. The Speaking test
of every test taker is recorded.

 Part 1: Introduction and Interview

 Part 2: Long Turn
 Part 3: Discussion

 Time:

11-14 minutes

 No. of Questions:


 Marks:

Not specified
Type of Task: Different questions are asked from the following:
 Part 1: General questions on familiar topics like family, friends, home,
hobbies or work.
 Part 2: The examiner hands over a task card to you. You need to speak on
the topic given in the cue card. After that the examiner asks questions on the
same topic.
 Part 3: The examiner discusses the topic given in Part 2 in detail with you.

IELTS Academic Test

It consists of three passages. These passages usually cover topics of general

 Time:

60 minutes

 No. of Questions:


 Marks:

1 mark per question

Type of Task: Different questions are asked from the following:

 Multiple Choice
 Identifying information [True/False/Not Given]
 Identifying writer’s claims/views
 Matching information, headings, features, sentence endings
 Complete sentence, summary, note, table, flow chart, diagram label
 Short-Answer Questions
Note: Passages are taken from authentic sources like books, magazines, journals
and newspapers.
It consists of two compulsory tasks and it must be answered as per the given

 Time:

60 minutes

 No. of Questions:

Type of Task: Questions are asked in following form:

 Task 1: You are supposed to describe the provided diagram or data (graph,
table, chart) in at least 150 words. You must spend about 20 minutes on this
 Task 2: You are given a point of view, argument or a problem. You need to
present a solution to the problem, justify an opinion, present contrast
evidences, evaluate ideas or argument in at least 250 words. You must spend
about 40 minutes on this task.
IELTS General Training Test
It consists of three sections. The texts in these sections are taken from notices,
advertisements, leaflets, newspapers, instruction manuals, books or magazines. The
language and difficulty level of these texts is higher as compared to Academic.

 Time:
60 minutes

 No. of Questions:


 Marks:

1 mark per question

Type of Task: A variety of questions are asked from the following:

 Multiple Choice
 Identifying information [True/False/Not Given]
 Identifying writer’s claims/views
 Matching information, headings, features, sentence endings
 Complete sentence, summary, note, table, flow chart, diagram label
 Short-Answer Questions
It consists of two tasks of general interest. The test takers are advised to complete
both the tasks.

 Time:

60 minutes

 No. of Questions:
Type of Task: Questions are asked in following form:

 Task 1: You need to respond to a given situation in form of a letter. It is

suggested that you must write at least 150 words and spend 20 minutes on
this task.
 Task 2: You are provided with a point of view, argument or a problem. You
have to present a solution to the problem, challenge ideas, compare evidences
or display contrast opinions. It is suggested that you must write at least 250
wordsand spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Details Score Conversion Table:

Note: This table is a general guide only.  Sometimes the scores are adjusted
slightly depending on the difficulty level of a test.
Table of Contents: Pages

Listening Tips: 1-2

Reading tips 3-4

Writing tips 5

Speaking tips 6

Writing task 1(Paraphrasing and Structure) 7-9

Task 1(Questions and Answers) 10-36

Task 1 (Questions for Practice) 36-64

Rules for IELTS Writing 65-73

Writing Task 2( Sample Answers) 74-107

Practice Questions for Task 2 107-108

Brainstorming 109

Speaking/ Questions 110-133

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