Plan of Oral Presentation

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Plan of Oral Presentation

My name is Tashany Thompson and I will be presenting on the theme music. In

this research my particular topic was on the impact of current affairs on the
lyrics of dancehall music. I choose music because it is one of the most
influential aspects in our society. To gather accurate information I chose three
sources that best represent my topic. A comic strip, a song and a newspaper
To summarize what I have learnt I will be presenting in the form of a poem

Are these the lyrics you prefer to hear or is it just a cause for concern
It’s a shame it’s a shame the songs we listen
It’s a shame it’s a shame the songs we let our children listen
It’s a shame the songs we play in our cars while driving
It’s a shame the songs we plug our ears with while walking
But who is to be blamed

We steal they sing, we kill they sing, we die they sing

But who is to be blamed
Is it the government, is it the economy, is it the artists, or is it just we the people
Who is to be blamed?
Is it poverty is it crime and violence is it human trafficking or is it just our
Who is to be blamed?
Society society society we must stop this madness

Music should be inspirational and educational

Empowering the mind, instilling hope
But no we must use the guns we must use the knives
Society we must stop this madness

It causes the youths not to be focused it causes the old to cry

Put down the guns put down the knives put down the drugs for once in your life
Society society we must stop this madness

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