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Bibliotheca Alexandrina Egypt : Egyptian

Library Building
Alexandria Library : Contemporary Egyptian Architecture by Snøhetta

Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Alexandria Library, Egypt
Snøhetta Architects with Hamza Associates, Cairo

$212m Research Library connected to the University

Open competition, 1st prize
for UNESCO, Arab Republic of Egypt
80,000 sqm


After more than 10 years of design, planning and construction, the

Bibliotheca Alexandrina was completed with a formal opening in the fall of
2002. Conceived as a revival of the ancient library in the city founded by
Alexander the Great some 2300 years ago and lost to civilization centuries
later, the new Alexandria Library has been invested with a contemporary
design that will allow it to contribute meaningfully to students, researchers
and the public well into the future. The new building is the result of an
international architectural competition in 1989 organized by the
International Union of Architects, Unesco, and the Government of Egypt.
The design submitted by SNØHETTA, an international group of architects
based in Norway, was awarded First Prize among 524 entries from 52
countries. The Snøhetta Hamza Consortium was formed in 1991 between the
architectural practice SNØHETTA of Oslo, Norway and the architectural
and engineering firm HAMZA ASSOCIATES of Cairo, Egypt to ensure its
successful realization.

BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA Provides Room for up to 8 Million

Volumes of Books. The 85,000 square meter Bibliotheca has been heralded
as a significant milestone in architectural, engineering, information science
and cultural heritage. The new library is built on a magnificent site
alongside Alexandria’s ancient harbor in the historic center of the city. The
11-story library can contain up to 4 million volumes of books, a figure that
can be expanded up to 8 million in the future by the use of compact storage.

BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA introduces Unique, New Library

Concept. The 20,000 m2 open reading room for 2000 readers, the largest of
its kind, worldwide, occupies more than half of the library volume and is
stepped over seven terraces. Indirectly lit by vertical, north facing skylights
in the roof, the spacious room will not be exposed to direct sunlight that is
harmful to books and manuscripts. The terraced reading room design
reduces book retrieval time considerably, compared to traditional library
planning employed in many recently completed projects. Reading areas and
stacks are arranged at close proximity at the same level, the stacks being
placed at each terrace level, underneath the next higher terrace. This way,
the readers who are sitting at the terrace edge, enjoy maximum exposure to
natural light and grand views of the space while being in close proximity to
the associated book storage area. This concept is repeated throughout the
room and creates a large amphitheater with a large variety of evenly lit
reading facilities. The building is further augmented by up-to-date digital
information facilities and planned to accept a wide range of changing
technologies in the future.

BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA Provides More than a Library. In

addition to the library facilities, the Bibliotheca also contains other cultural
and educational functions including a planetarium, several museums, a
school for information science, and conservation facilities. A Young Person’s
Library is available for younger students and visitors. Added to this a new
conference center is linked to an existing auditorium on the site, making the
Bibliotheca a centerpiece for both learning and debate.

BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA’s Striking Contemporary Design

Features Characterized by its circular, tilting form, the building spans 160
meters in diameter and reaches up to 32 meters in height, while also diving
some 12 meters into the ground. An open plaza and reflecting pool
surrounds the building, and a footbridge links the city to the nearby
University of Alexandria. The design of the new library is both timeless and
bold. Its vast circular form alongside the circular Alexandrian harbor recalls
the cyclical nature of knowledge, fluid throughout time. It’s glistening, tilting
roof recalls the ancient Alexandrian lighthouse and provides the city with a
new symbol for learning and culture. As it descends into the earth and
reaches upward to the sky the library manifests within its apparent
movement a frozen moment in time. Synchronous with this movement stands
a grand stone edifice of historic proportions. The 6000 m2 wall is carved
with alphabetic inscriptions from throughout the world in a careful display
of the library’s basic proviso, language. The new library’s design has
employed the most up-to-date engineering solutions and includes one of the
world’s most distinguished foundation and structural designs. Its interiors
are carefully designed for the comfort of the user during all seasons. State of
the art solutions have been employed to mitigate the effects of natural
disasters such as earthquake and fire.

BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA’s Future Impact on the City of

Alexandria. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina has been the catalyst for future
developments in the historic city center. Signs are already underway, the
Corniche road is undergoing a complete renovation and areas adjacent to
the project are undergoing remodeling. The Bibliotheca is intended to
revitalize the city and the region as a new center for learning and culture, a
place of both pilgrimage and long-term viability.


An open international competition was held in 1989 and the Norwegian
registered company Snøhetta received First Prize. In 1991, the Snøhetta
Hamza Consortium was established between Snøhetta of Norway and
Hamza Associates of Egypt to ensure the project’s successful realization.

The principal designers of the project are the Snøhetta Hamza Consortium:
Craig Dykers, Christoph Kapeller, and Kjetil Thorsen of Snøhetta; Oslo,
Norway Mamdouh Hamza, Ahmed Rashid and Moshhour Ghoneim of
Hamza Associates; Cairo, Egypt

Construction Supervision on-site for the Snøhetta Hamza Consortium led

for Hamza Associates, Mamdouh Hamza; Resident Engineer
for Snøhetta, Christoph Kapeller; Project Architect

PROJECT SCOPE: The principal objective of reviving the Bibliotheca

Alexandrina is to establish a comprehensive new research library of a
unique collection as a resource for development in the region. The project
will be completed in 2001 and formally open in 2002. It is approximately
85,000 gross square meters and is located on a site of approximately 45,000
square meters. The building is composed of 11 floors where the library
functions alone are 55,000 m2 and include both a main library and young
persons library. The building is designed to contain 5 million volumes
without renovation and ultimately can contain up to 8 million volumes,
audio-visual media, maps, and rare manuscripts and books. The building is
designed to accommodate contemporary and anticipated data facilities along
with OPAC and Internet access. In addition, the project is further composed
of related cultural functions such as a museum and planetarium, an
international information school and administrative and support functions.
An existing conference center on the site and new conference center
functions in the new library together will augment the basic facilities.
Additional to the building are outdoor plaza areas and public furnishings.

LOCATION: The site is located alongside the ancient, or eastern harbor of

Alexandria in Egypt in the area of the ancient “Royal Quarter”, where the
ancient library is thought to have been located. The site is directly adjacent
to the Faculty of Commerce and Arts of the University of Alexandria.

BASIC FEATURES: Alongside the ancient circular harbor, the library’s

circular form unites the building with its historically rich location in
Alexandria. As the library rises from the surface of its site it merges with the
horizon, joining earth with sky. It does not simply sit upon the earth; it is a
part of the earth, within and upon it. As a frozen moment in time, it evokes
past, present and future. The rough-hewn granite wall, both geologic and
alphabetic, resembles the cliffs alongside the Nile. In clear opposition to this,
the sleek incline of the highly technical and contemporary metallic roof gives
the impression of an early morning sunrise, when sky and earth merge upon
the horizon. Exposed within is a vast reading room, captured by mass and
light. Intimacy, reflection and infinity define this ever-changing space. A
nearby planetarium rises from an open plaza and reflecting pool, it is
reminiscent of the earth as seen for the first time rising from the surface of
the moon. A footbridge pierces the plaza connecting the library to the
university campus across the street. Inevitably the library becomes a
humane place for contemplation and debate.

The ancient library of Alexandria has a notorious history related to its

disappearance. It is said to have fallen victim to fire, earthquakes, floods and
neglect. In this sense the new library must surpass its predecessor in its
engineering viability. The new library of Alexandria has been designed to
have an extended lifespan. Its engineering principles are made to withstand
all manner of environmental conditions. The foundation system is unique in
the world and will withstand the forces of earth movement and water
infiltration from the nearby Mediterranean. The slender and efficient
concrete structure of the interior supports a unique roof design that is
exceptional in the fact that it has no movement joints across its nearly 16,000
square meter area. The mechanical and ventilation system in the building
are designed to provide the highest level of comfort for all visitors without
neglecting the needs of protection in the event of fire. JULY 26, 2001

HISTORICAL DIMENSIONS: The following text is intended as a guide or

general reference and should not be considered as an absolute historical
treatise. The history of the life and fate of the ancient library remains a well-
contested subject.

The ancient library and Mouseion was begun in the 3rd Century BC by
Ptolemy I and served the city and the school of Alexandria. It is believed to
have contained anywhere from 200,000 to 700,000 scrolls. The library served
well-known classical scholars such as Archimedes, Euclid, Heropholus,
Erastothenes, Hypatia, Callimachus, Aristarchus, Heron and Theocritus,
among others. It is not clear if the library was the largest in the world at the
time however it was clearly considered the most important based upon its
influential collection of both scholars and scrolls. The Septuagint, the earliest
Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew, is among
the many important publications of the ancient library. The original
appearance, size and extent of the building or buildings of the ancient
library remain unknown. It is likely that the architectural style of the
building or buildings was Greek and was probably located somewhere in the
area of the new library. Several places have been proposed as the location
for the ancient Library and Mouseion including an area near the
intersection of the Greek Soma and Canopic streets west of the current
library site; today known as Nabi Daniel and Horreya Avenue as well as the
more likely location in an area nearby the Faculty of Arts at the University
of Alexandria in the vicinity of the new library. The disappearance of the
ancient library remains a mystery and no specific date can positively be
attributed to the complete disappearance of the ancient institutions, however
damage from earthquakes, neglect and a residual fire from Julius Caesar’s
misdirected warships in 47 BC are all potential causes.

During the course of nearly 2000 years the ancient library has maintained
mythological status as an institution of world culture. In 1974 the President
of the University of Alexandria, Dr. Mohamed Lotfi Dowidar first suggested
reviving the Alexandria Library. The Egyptian Ministry of Higher
Education adopted this idea and later the General Organization of the
Alexandria Library (GOAL) was developed to implement the project.

ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE SITE: Archeological excavations were carried

out on the site prior to construction to a depth of approximately 6 meters
starting in 1994 by a team of international, mainly Polish, experts. No
remnants of the existing library were specifically found. However, two
precious Greco-Roman mosaic floors were uncovered, probably residential,
and will be incorporated into the museum area of the building. Additionally
several sophisticated Roman design drainage channels were uncovered
pointing to the existence of well-designed classical structures on the site.

ALEXANDRIA: The city of Alexandria was founded in 331 BC by

Alexander the Great in the location of the Pharonic village of Rhakotis and
several other nearby villages. Alexandria remained the capital of Egypt for
over 1000 years. By 200 BC Alexandria was home to 1.1 million inhabitants
and was the largest, wealthiest and most modern city in the classical world
until Rome reached a peak in about 80 BC and Constantinople after 315 AD.
The events that most characterize the ancient city are tied to the romantic
and political intrigues of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and the last of the
Ptolemaic Cleopatras. The alliance made by Marc Antony and Cleopatra
ended in the tragic suicide that also ended the Ptolemaic-Roman alliance.
The city was home to several well-known edifices including the ancient
lighthouse Pharos built in 279 BC by Ptolemy II and the Greek architect
Sostratus that was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The
Pharos is believed to have exceeded 125 meters in height. Its remnants have
recently been excavated near where it stood at the western end of the ancient
eastern harbor across from the new library site. The Pharonic obelisks
known as Cleopatra’s Needles stood at the entrance of a temple honoring
Marc Antony at the central edge of the eastern harbor, having been placed
there 20 years after Cleopatra’s death. These obelisks have been relocated to
New York and London. The city dwindled in population with the decline of
Rome and after invasion by Persians, Christian Crusaders, and Arabs,
among others. In 641 the Amr Ibn al-As invaded Alexandria and moved the
capital of Egypt to the area of modern Cairo and Alexandria fell into ruins.
There were only 4000 persons living in Alexandria when Napolean
Bonaparte arrived in 1798. In 1820 the Ottoman Mohammed Ali, founder of
modern Alexandria, opened a new canal reconnecting the city to the Nile.
The city returned to prosperity as a trading center, and was occupied by
both the French and the British during the 19th -20th centuries. During the
20 th Century various contemporary authors including Costantine Cavafy,
EM Forster, and Lawrence Durrell popularized the city. Contemporary
Alexandria has a population of approximately 4.5 million people. Today the
University of Alexandria has a population of nearly 70,000 students and the
Faculty of Commerce is directly adjacent to the Library.

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