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Instructions: Use blue or black ball point only.

Q.1: a) Choose the correct Option i.e A,B,C or D.

1. Ozone is present in ______________.

A.Mesosphere B. Thermosphere C. Troposphere D. Stratosphere
2. All are air pollutants except _________.
A.NO3 B. N2 C. SO2 D. SO3
3. The pH of acid rain is less than ______.
A.13.6 B. 10.6 C. 5.7 D. None of these
4. Lowest temperature in the troposphere is ________.
A.5⁰C B. -5⁰C C. 56⁰C D. -56⁰C
5. There are _______ layers of the atmosphere.
A. 3 B. 2 C. 5 D. 4

6. The gas which protects the earth surface from UV-Radiations is _________.

A. O2 B. Ozone C. O3 D. B & C both

7. There are ______ main sources of air pollutants.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. Infinite

8. Water has the ability to dissolve non compounds due to ____________.

A. ionic forces B. Dipole-dipole forces C. Ionic-dipole forces D. Hydrogen bonding
9. Permanent hardness of water is removed by adding ______________.
A. Washing soda B. Soda lime C. Caustic soda D. Baking soda
10. Water gas is a mixture of _____________.
A. CO and H2 B. C and H2 C. CO and H2O D. C and H2O

11. The disease which cause liver infection is _____________.

A. Typhoid B. Hepatitis C. Cholera D. Dysentery

12. Percentage of nitrogen in urea is _________.

A.14 B. 28 C. 60 D. 46
b) Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.
1. In 1776, ___________________ proved experimentally that water is not an element
2. Freezing point of water is _______.
3. The latent heat of fusion of water is ________.
4. Joseph Proust, experimentally proved that H and O2 combine to form water in the ratio of _______.
5. Cl2(g) + H2O(g) -------------> HCl(aq) + __________.
6. One water molecule can form ________ hydrogen bonds with other water molecules.
7. The earthy materials such as sand, rock, and clay etc is called _____________.
8. The naturally occurring metallic compounds are called _____________.
9. The removal of useless rocky portion of the ore is called _____________________.
10. The process in which the concentrated ore is heated in excess of air in a furnace is called _____________.

Q.2: Write answers of any eight (08) of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.

i. How ozone layer is depleted in the atmosphere?

ii. Define environmental chemistry and atmosphere.
iii. What is the importance of Ozone?
iv. Increase in concentration of CO2 cause greenhouse effect, justify it.
v. Explain why it is advisable to drink boiled water?
vi. Why ice floats on the surface of water?
vii. Identify the factors which are responsible for dissolving polar substances in water.
viii. Why water is universal solvent?
ix. How could you convert NaHCO3 into Na2CO3?
x. Differentiate between mineral and Ore.
xi. Define metallurgy. What are its steps?

Note: Write answers of any three (03) of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.3: a) Define acid rain and also discuss global warming.

b) Differentiate between stratosphere and troposphere.

Q.4: a) Classify temporary hard and permanent hard water.

b) What methods could be adopted to remove permanent hardness of water?

Q.5: a) What would be the result if Rainwater is acidic?

b) Write down the effects of acid rain on, (i) Humans (ii) Plants (iii) Soil (iv) Materials

Q.6: a) List the raw materials used in Solvay’s process.

b) Predict the byproducts in Solvay process?

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