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Karina King

EDTE 500
Literacy Assessment Protfolio
Student One. Grade One.
This student will be referred to as Student One, throughout this document.
Reading Interest Survey:
Student One was very eager to tell me all the answers to my questions. Student
One said that the cannot read very well, but that they know all their letter sounds.
Student One does not read at home, their Mum or Dad will read at home with them.
Student one loves fiction and non-fiction books. Student One said that they do not read
at school alone, they like it when their friends read to them, so they don’t have to read
alone. At the end Student One did say that one day they would be able to read on their
own. This student likes to be read to and has positive attitude the goal of being able to
read on their own one day.
Reading Level:
Student One was placed at a level 1 reader. When I was finished with the
reading record, I found that Student One was still at a level 1 reader.
Reading Behaviour:
Student one was not able to read the words on the page due to not being able to
decode. Student One relied heavily on the pictures and made assumptions about what
the words were as they went through the book.
Student One seemed to struggle with the sight words, and other sub tests in the
screener. Student One knows almost all the letters, and the sounds that they make.
They are just unable to put the sounds together to form a word, and unable to break
words apart.
Student One. Grade One.

Pg.1 Student One seemed eager and almost

excited to do all these tests. This student was
starting to get distracted and tired near the end and
did tell me that they were starting to feel hungry. If
this student didn’t know how to work through
sounding out a word, or did not know any of the site
word they would just say “I don’t know”.
Pg.2 Student One confused “b” and “d” with each
other consistently. They mistook “V” for “y”
consistently. There were a few letters where this
student was able to self correct. This student did
not get all the letter sounds, they did however
Pg.4 StudentOne
can only
blend the sounds
a few of theof the
letter at the together.
sounds end and beginning
After wardsof they
words. Thisonly
would student
would what
repeat also say the name
I would of the
say. This letter could
student after repeating
not blend the
letter sounds.
the letters together even with prompting.
The second portion of this page, Student One was
Pg. 5. Student One was not able to tell
me the sounds that these digraphs
make. Instead of telling me the sounds
they make together, he would tell me
the sounds of the individual letters that
he saw on the page.
Pg. 6. Student One was getting distracted
and tired at this point. He was not able to
focus on the list of sight words. He was also
telling me the sounds and letter names, not
putting them all together to make a word. He
was given prompts and example of how to
sound out a word, and then how to put it al
together. He was unable to see the word and
say the word even after prompting.

Reading Record. Student One. Grade one.

Pg. 1. Student One was not able to point to, or
identify the a few of the different parts of a book.
Student one did not use his finger to track the print
in the book.
I found that through the readers survey that
student one does not read at home and gets his
friends to read to him at school because he “does
not know how to read alone yet.”
Pg. 2 Student One did not want to do a picture walk
before reading, but once we opened the book that is
exactly how he read the entire book. He looked at the
pictures only and changed all the words.
At the end of the book I think they looked at the color of
the print and then was able to get the words right (the
word purple was printed in purple ink)
Pg.3 Going through this page and asking
Student One comprehension questions, they
were able to get the main idea of the book.
He did rely a lot on looking at the cover of
the book in order to answer the questions.
This students answers were very vague, and
did not include a lot of detail.

Student One Learning Plan

Can Do:
Picture walks and can tell you the general story from looking at just pictures. Can
identify most letter sounds.
Struggles with:
Recognizing words, blending sounds together to create words. Visual strategies.
Student One will use pictures to tell a story but It is not always accurate to what the
story is about. I think if Student One would slow down they would be able to really think
about what the story is about through the pictures.
I will be using Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo as my resources to reach
these goals. And the Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Intervention Binder.
Goal 1: Blending the letter sounds together to create words.
Binder: Pg. 32 Phoneme Blending, Small Group Interventions: Individual
Phoneme Blending pg. 84-87, Phoneme Blending Individual NO PREP
Intervention Mats Pg. 261-267
Goal 2: Recognizing words on a page.
Pg. 28, “1.5 Word Treasure Hunt”
Goal 3: Slowing down to take in what is on the page.
Pg. 26 “1.3 Finger Linger”
Student Two. Grade Two
This student will be referred to as Student Two, through out this document.
Reading Interest Survey:
After asking Student Two all these questions I found that she reads at home with
her mum. She likes any kind of book but prefers fiction. Student 2 is confident is reading
books that are at her level, but she is not confident that she can read books that are too
hard for her.
Reading Level:
Student Two was assumed to be at a Level 2 reader. After finishing the reading
record, I found that she is at a Level 5 reader.
Reading Behaviour:
Student Two was able to read the level 5 reader, with enough errors to conclude
that this is the right level for them to be reading at. This level gave her a challenge, in
fining the meaning, and visual appearance of the words. Student Two did correct herself
at times and did not at others. This can show that Student Two is not reading word for
word and is not going slow enough to catch their mistakes. Student Two was able to
answer the comprehension questions with some detail.
Student Two completed the screener with some errors. Generally, in the
Phonological, complex vowels, medial Substitution and the decoding portions of the
screener. A lot of the errors came from the student looking at the item, and then saying,
“I don’t know”. Student 2 completed the sight words without error.
Student 2. Grade 2.

Pg.1 This student is in Grade 2. This student was

able to finish all the tests, and sub tests. Student
Two did not want to try a few of the different tasks.
They would look at the item and then say something
along the lines of “I don’t know”. Throughout the
testing there were students walking through the
hallways, this did result in this student getting very
distracted and having to retry some of the items in
the tests. There were a few areas where they did not
seem confident (mostly auditory and verbal tests).
Pg.2 Student Two was able to read
Pg. 2 throughout
Student Two thewas ablelist
whole toof
read allwords,
sight the sight
words,onlyusing her finger
mistaking onetoword.
track as they went down
the list.

Pg. 3 Throughout this entire test for compound

vowels Student Two was able to identify all the
sounds, except for the last compound vowel
sounds. Student Two looked at it for a little
while, and then said “I don’t know”.
Pg. 4 Student Two did well in the Phonological Awareness. They made a self-
correction on number 4. Student Two did need a prompt for one of the words.
When they said that “Sky” had a “c” in the middle I did asked if they knew the
other letter that made the same sound, and they did say “k”. Student Two was
able to isolate the letter that I was asking about without having to add the
beginning and end sounds in order to figure it out. The medial substitution also
went well. The last two, Student Two did not want to try. Student Two just replied “
I don’t know” and did not want to try.
Pg.5 The Decoding portion also went well. Student Two
did confuse “b” with “d”. Throughout the rest of the test
Student Two did go through all the made-up words and
tried, Student Two did not end up getting all the sounds
correct. Student Two did need some prompting and did
use their finger to track as they figured out the made-up

Reading Record.
Pg. 1 After asking Student Two all these questions I
found that she reads at home with her mum. Student
Two likes any kind of book. Student Two is confident
is reading books that are at their level, but is not
confident that they can read books that are too hard.
Pg. 2 After going through this book I found
that it was too easy for Student Two, and
we both decided to read a different book.
Pg. 3 I again found that this Level 2 book was too simple for
Student Two. This student even said so after they finished
reading “Easy! Lets get another!”
Pg. 4 This was a Level 5 book, this book was just challenging
enough for Student Two, but not too challenging that Student
Two was making mistakes on every single page. This book was
a great fit for Student Two as is offers a challenge while still
Student Twothe
giving Learning Plan
child the sense of being able to read most of the book
without mistakes.
Can Do:
Complex Vowels, Sight Words and Made up Words.
Struggles With:
Medial Substitution, and Medial Phoneme. Replacing sounds for others. Student Two
did not self correct mistakes while reading. Got distracted easily.
I will be using Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo as my resources to reach
these goals. And the Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Intervention Binder.
Goal 1: Slow down and take in what is on the pages. Reading each word for word, and
hopefully going back to correct the mistakes.
Pg. 26 “1.3 Finger Linger”
Goal 2: Phonological Awareness (Binder Resource)
Phoneme Manipulation: Phoneme Substitution Print and Games. Pg. 121-123
Goal 3: Finding the perfect place for Student Two, where they can focus on the reading.
Pg. 48 “2.1 A Perfect reading spot”

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