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Guidelines • Terminology Pertaining to Fluency and Fluency Disorders 1998 / III - 387

Terminology Pertaining to Fluency

and Fluency Disorders: Guidelines

ASHA Special Interest Division 4: Fluency and Fluency Disorders

These guidelines are an official statement of the “stutterers.” (The issue of using the direct label, stutterer,
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). versus the person-first label, person who stutters, is dis-
They provide guidance on definitions of communication dis- cussed in section 3.5.5.) Yet, even when it is clear that
orders and variations, but are not official standards of the abnormal speech is implied, stuttering may also refer
Association. They were developed by Special Interest Divi- to a general style of speech (i.e., “That person stutters”)
sion 4, Fluency and Fluency Disorders: Gordon W. Blood, or to specific speech events (i.e., “His primary stutter-
Hugo H. Gregory, John M. Hanley, Stephen B. Hood, ing symptom is part-word repetitions”). In other lan-
Theodore J. Peters, Kenneth O. St. Louis (chair), C. Woodruff guages, such as Arabic, the terms for stuttering carry
Starkweather, and Janice B. Westbrook. Vice Presidents for serious negative connotations and refer not only to a
Professional Practices in Speech-Language Pathology, Crys- speech disorder but to other problems, such as mental
tal Cooper (1994–1996), and Nancy Creaghead (1997– incapacity. Furthermore, society often forms percep-
1999), served as monitoring vice presidents; Lyn Goldberg tions of individuals who stutter that differ from the self-
and Michelle Ferketic were ex officios. perceptions of the stutterers themselves. Added to these
problems is the fact that the literature on speech and
1. Introduction language disorders contains terminology introduced
in early classifications but rarely used today (e.g., a
The fluency area is plagued with inconsistent, semantic distinction between stuttering and stammer-
confusing terminology. This problem has cultural, ing).
historical, linguistic, and practical origins. The follow-
ing examples illustrate some of these influences. In
most cultures, stuttering is one of the most well- 2. Intent and Use of the Guidelines
known speech disorders and is labeled in some form The problem of terminology has been most acute
in all languages. In some languages, the label is a rela- in the area of research, in which defensible, reliable,
tively neutral, descriptive term that refers to both and agreed-on definitions are critical to carrying out
normal and abnormal behavior. In English, for ex- investigations that are comparable to other studies.
ample, stuttering can refer to normal stumbling over Clinicians, too, need to know what constitutes stut-
words or to the abnormal speech disorder. This leaves tering and other fluency disorders in order to plan treat-
English speakers confused about the best meaning of ment and to communicate effectively with their clients
the term and contributes to one of the most difficult and other clinicians. Additionally, the demands of
issues in definition, notably that most normal speak- health care systems require that providers strive for
ing adults report that they have “stuttered” occasion- consistency and clarity of terminology, especially in
ally but emphatically do not regard themselves as reporting assessment and outcome measures. For these
reasons, the terms highlighted in these Guidelines are
defined with the intention that more consistent usage
Reference this material as: American Speech-Language-
and, thereby, more precise communication by research-
Hearing Association Special Interest Division 4: Fluency ers, clinicians, and others will eventually result. When-
and Fluency Disorders. (1999, March). Terminology ever possible, the Task Force sought to recommend
pertaining to fluency and fluency disorders: Guidelines. terminology and definitions currently being utilized
Asha, 41 (Suppl. 19), 29–36. by well-known professionals. Clinicians, health care
Index terms: cluttering, fluency disorders, speech-language professionals, and researchers are encouraged to use
pathology, stuttering the terms in bold type whenever possible. In some
Document type: Standards and guidelines cases, the definitions listed can be used accurately in
most contexts. In other cases, however, users are cau-
III - 388 / 1998 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 3 • Speech-Language Pathology

tioned to keep the purposes of their definitions in mind. vocabulary is adequate, but his fluency in spoken Rus-
For example, there are four different definitions of the sian is weak”). As noted by Wingate (1984),
term stuttering, each representing important aspects of fluency typically refers to spoken language, but, pre-
the problem and unique perspectives on definition. It sumably, it would be appropriate to refer to one’s
would be a serious mistake for a user to select any one fluency in American Sign Language.
of the stuttering definitions and assume that it would The Task Force proposes that the scientific com-
apply equally well for teaching, clinical, research, con- munity consider the value of the concepts of “motor
sumer affairs, and third-party reimbursement pur- fluency” (e.g., speech coordination variables related
poses. For each term, the definitions the Task Force to fluency in a stutterer) versus “linguistic fluency”
considered to be the preferred usage are in bold type. (e.g., lexical, syntactic, or semantic variables related
These are followed by relevant explanations or brief to fluency in a foreign language speaker or a clutterer).
discussions and, in some cases, synonymous—or Research is ongoing in these areas and may suggest
nearly synonymous—terms. other or better ways to account for the often conflict-
ing, contradictory uses of the term fluency. In any case,
3. Definitions and Comments appropriate descriptors or clarifiers should be used
3.1. Fluency. Fluency is the aspect of speech produc- to minimize confusion regarding the use of the term.
tion that refers to the continuity, smoothness, rate,
and/or effort with which phonologic, lexical, mor- 3.2. Fluency Disorder. A fluency disorder is a “speech
phologic, and/or syntactic language units are spo- disorder” characterized by deviations in continu-
ken. ity, smoothness, rhythm, and/or effort with which
Traditionally, fluency has been defined in the area phonologic, lexical, morphologic, and/or
of speech-language pathology by what it is not, namely syntactic language units are spoken.
speech that does not contain perceptible deviations in In recent years, the profession of speech-language
smoothness or flow of speech. Also, in a more restricted pathology has adopted the term fluency disorders to
clinical sense, fluency is used as the converse of stutter- denote a category of “speech disorders” (as opposed
ing to identify speech sequences that are free of stutter- to “language disorders”), that includes such related
ing, as in the statement, “Stuttering was followed by disorders as stuttering and cluttering as well as the
instructions to repeat, and fluency was reinforced ver- more specific categories of neurogenic stuttering and
bally.” And in recent years, fluency has been used in- psychogenic stuttering. Indeed, the Special Interest
creasingly to refer specifically to stuttering (e.g., “a fluency Division responsible for these Guidelines deals with
client”). The Task Force recommends that the profes- “fluency and fluency disorders.” Specific disorders of
sional community not use the term fluency to refer to rate (i.e., too fast, too slow, or too irregular) are gen-
stuttering. For example, it would be more precise to say erally considered to be fluency disorders as well, even
or write: a diagnosis of “stuttering” rather than a diag- though other disorders (e.g., word retrieval or insuf-
nosis of “fluency,” “client with stuttering ” instead of ficient vocabulary) might be present and even respon-
“fluency client,” and “stuttering treatment” instead of sible for rate problems.
“fluency treatment.” Those terms, however, may be
appropriate in other contexts that do not include or
relate to stuttering per se. 3.3. Disfluency. Disfluency refers to breaks in the
continuity of producing phonologic, lexical, mor-
Fluency is used in the area of neurogenic commu-
phologic, and/or syntactic language units in oral
nication disorders (i.e., aphasia) to refer to the per-
ceived natural continuity and rate of spontaneous
speech, even though there may be a substantial The generic term disfluency refers to breaks that are
number of language errors (e.g., a “fluent aphasic” as normal, abnormal, or ambiguous (i.e., sometimes re-
opposed to a “nonfluent aphasic”). garded as normal and sometimes abnormal). The most
commonly regarded normal disfluencies are: hesitations
In the area of foreign language learning, fluency
or long pauses for language formulation (e.g., “This is
may refer to the general competence or facility with
our [pause] miscellaneous group”); word fillers (e.g.,
which a speaker can communicate orally in the new
“The color is like red”), also known as “filled pauses”;
language(s) (e.g., “fluent in French”). In this usage,
nonword fillers (sometimes called interjections, e.g.,
fluency is roughly equivalent to “overall spoken lan-
“The color is uh red”); and phrase repetitions (e.g., “This
guage proficiency.” In addition to this general usage,
is a—this is a problem”). The most common ambiguous
fluency also refers more specifically to the rate, conti-
disfluencies are whole word repetitions (e.g., “I-I-I want
nuity, rhythm, and effort with which the language is
to go” or “This is a better-better solution”). The most
produced (e.g., “The speaker’s knowledge of Russian
Guidelines • Terminology Pertaining to Fluency and Fluency Disorders 1998 / III - 389

commonly regarded abnormal disfluencies (i.e., trast with the morpheme that follows it. Wingate cites
stutterings) are: part-word (or sound/syllable) repeti- three of four dictionary references to support his
tions (e.g., “Look at the buh-buh-ba-baby”); prolonga- view. It must be pointed out, however, that all dic-
tions (e.g., “Ssssssssometimes we stay home”); tionaries, such as the Oxford Unabridged Dictionary,
blockages (silent fixations/prolongations of articula- do not show this distinction. Some hold that the “dys”
tory postures) or noticeable and unusually long (tense/ prefix in the field of speech-language pathology im-
silent) pauses at unusual locations to postpone or plies an underlying, organic impairment whereas the
avoid (e.g., “Give me a glass (3-sec pause ) of water”); “dis” prefix implies deviant behavior. Accepting the
and any of the above categories when accompanied by somewhat controversial assumption that the prefixes
decidedly greater than average duration, effort, tension, are different, dysfluency (or “abnormal fluency”) is es-
or struggle. sentially synonymous with stuttering. However, most
Although the term disfluency does not necessar- recent texts still prefer the term stuttering.
ily imply abnormality, it is often used synonymously As noted, dysfluency is frequently used inter-
with stuttering and, as noted in section 3.4, inter- changeably with disfluency (see 3.3), although profes-
changeably with dysfluency. Clinicians often use sional consensus suggests that the two terms are not
disfluency to refer to stuttering for a number of reasons, necessarily synonymous.
including: (a) assuming it is perceived by clients to
be, connotatively, a less negative term than stuttering,
3.5. Stuttering.
(b) believing it sounds more scientific or objective
than stuttering, or (c) regarding it to be synonymous Given the diversity of professional opinion on
with stuttering. There is little empirical or logical sup- what constitutes stuttering, the Task Force recom-
port for any of these assumptions. Clinical research- mends that clinicians and researchers recognize and
ers occasionally prefer the term disfluency to stuttering indicate which of the following four uses, or combi-
because they find it easier to make reliable judgments nations thereof, of the term stuttering they refer to in
of all disfluencies than only those further judged to be their references to this fluency disorder. Two uses re-
stutterings. fer primarily to the behavior of stuttering, and two
“Normal developmental disfluencies” refer to refer primarily to individuals who manifest the be-
higher than adult levels of normal disfluencies that havior. The first two are essentially perceptual defi-
occur in preschool children as they learn language nitions (i.e., defined by a listener), the first from a
normally. Approximately half of nonstuttering chil- specific symptom orientation and the second from a
dren go through an identifiable period of “increased nonspecific orientation. The third defines stuttering in
normal developmental disfluency” during this time terms of private experience of the person who stut-
(Johnson & Associates, 1959). ters, and the fourth focuses on the suspected cause or
nature of stuttering. In all cases, stuttering refers to a
Starkweather (1987) introduced the term discon- communication disorder related to speech fluency that
tinuity because it differentially refers to breaks in the generally begins during childhood (but, occasionally,
continuity or flow of speech and not to other prob- as late as early adulthood). Some individuals refer to
lems of fluency, such as a rate that is too slow. Given this typical stuttering as “developmental stuttering.”
Starkweather’s analysis, the Task Force concurs that Others refer to stuttering as a “syndrome,” focusing
the term discontinuity makes a useful distinction and, thereby on a set of symptoms that may coexist in any
therefore, might result in more incisive use of termi- stuttering individual. Neurogenic stuttering and psy-
nology. Nevertheless, it chose to accord preference to chogenic stuttering are special cases that are not sub-
the term disfluency (in spite of its misuses) because it types of typical or “developmental”stuttering, despite
is overwhelmingly the more popular term referring the widespread use of these terms (see 3.12 and 3.13).
to breaks in continuity.
3.5.1. Stuttering refers to speech events that
Nonfluency is sometimes used synonymously contain monosyllabic whole-word repetitions,
with disfluency. part-word repetitions, audible sound prolon-
gations, or silent fixations or blockages. These
3.4. Dysfluency. (Same as stuttering [see 3.5].) may or may not be accompanied by accessory
(secondary) behaviors (i.e., behaviors used to
According to Wingate (1984), the “dys” and “dis” escape and/or avoid these speech events).
prefixes are quite different. The “dys” prefix implies
This definition implies that certain categories of
abnormality, such that a word beginning with “dys”
symptoms or disfluencies (see below) can generally be
denotes an abnormal condition. By contrast, the “dis”
classified as abnormal and that others can be consid-
prefix denotes separation, negation, or signals a con-
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ered normal. With this definition, the fact that specific 3.5.3. Stuttering refers to the private, personal
examples within any of the above disfluency categories experience of an involuntary loss of control by
may be variously perceived as normal or abnormal is the person who stutters. As such, it often af-
generally disregarded. Also, the category of monosyl- fects the effectiveness of the speaker’s com-
labic whole word repetitions is not always considered munication.
stuttering, depending on such variables as age of the This definition focuses on the experience of the
client, locus within the utterance, duration, and other person who stutters rather than judgments of clini-
factors. This definition implies that stuttering occurs on cians, observers, or theoreticians. The most vocal
specific language units (e.g., words or syllables). advocate of this view is Perkins (1990), who wrote
This definition is intuitively appealing to clini- that “stuttering is the involuntary disruption of a
cians for it renders stuttering a quantifiable phenom- continuing attempt to produce a spoken utterance”
enon, suggests specific targets of treatment (i.e., the in which “involuntary” is understood to reflect the
disfluency categories with the most stuttering), and speaker’s feeling of “loss of control.” This orientation
allows for careful clinical descriptions of accessory allows the clinician to appreciate the difference
(secondary) behaviors (see 3.6). It also has appeal for between “real” and “faked” stuttering and have a
research, especially in determining beforehand which more inclusive definition for the client who claims to
subjects will and will not be included in stuttering be a “stutterer” but overtly “stutters” only on rare
groups. occasions.
3.5.2. Stuttering consists of speech events that are This definition has particular appeal to persons,
reliably perceived to be stuttering by observ- especially adults, with a history of stuttering them-
ers. selves because it describes what they experience as
This definition relies on operationalism, that is, stuttering. It has been regarded by many to have ques-
defining a difficult concept by the operations used to tionable use alone in clinical and research efforts be-
measure it. Specifically, the definition implies that a cause objective, replicable judgments of stuttering are
listener or conversation partner does not require a difficult or impossible to obtain.
specific orientation to identify instances of stuttering. 3.5.4. Stuttering refers to disordered speech
One does so because he or she knows the language that occurs as the result of: (a) certain physi-
in question and can therefore identify abnormalities ological, neurological, or psychological
in its production. The operations involved are those deviations; (b) certain linguistic, affective,
that are quantifiable and that specify reliability as- behavioral, or cognitive processes; or (c) some
sessments. The definer must demonstrate a reason- combination thereof.
able degree of agreement with other “judges” on the This is not a definition per se. Instead, it refers to
measures taken, as well as with himself or herself in numerous definitions such as the following: “Stutter-
repeated assessments, in identifying specific in- ing is an anticipatory, apprehensive, hypertonic
stances of stuttering. This definition grants credibil- avoidance reaction” (Johnson, Brown, Curtis, Edney,
ity to the obvious situation that one does not need to & Keaster, 1967); “Stuttering occurs when the forward
be trained to recognize stuttering, as is the case when flow of speech is interrupted by a motorically dis-
laymen diagnose a stuttering problem. No doubt, rupted sound, syllable, or word or by the speaker’s
speech events regarded as stuttering in the previous reactions thereto” (Van Riper, 1982); or “. . .stutter-
definition are responsible for most judgments of stut- ing constitutes a covert repair reaction to some flaw
tering. Nevertheless, with this symptom-nonspecific in the speech plan” (Kolk & Postma, 1997).
definition, a “moment of stuttering” may, in some cir-
cumstances, be attributed to disfluency categories that, These definitions focus on theory construction
in other circumstances, would be regarded as normal, and address the questions, “What causes stuttering?”
and vice versa. As in the previous definition, stutter- and/or “What is the nature of stuttering?” Such defi-
ing is quantifiable and allows for careful descriptions nitions, to the extent that they balance available knowl-
of accessory (secondary) behaviors. edge with available research technology, can lead to
testable hypotheses about the nature of stuttering.
This operational definition has appeal for clini-
cians who choose to use an approach in treatment Cause-based definitions are appealing to many
requiring “on line” counts or immediate conse- stuttering clients, especially those seeking “answers”
quences or feedback to be provided immediately after or insights into their disorder. In some cases such defi-
each “moment of stuttering.” It is also particularly ap- nitions suggest new or specific approaches to treat-
pealing to researchers who require reliable measures ment. By contrast, they are generally not suitable for
of stuttering. measuring stuttering behaviors in clinical or research
Guidelines • Terminology Pertaining to Fluency and Fluency Disorders 1998 / III - 391

3.5.5. Other Comments who manifests the problem of stuttering. Therefore,

As with the case of the “general” definition pro- authors are required to use the term person who stutters
vided, a number of definitions of stuttering include instead of stutterer. Recent articles have tended to use
elements of more than one of the above variants. For abbreviations (e.g., PWS for person who stutters or CWS
example, the World Health Organization (1977) de- for child who stutters) to avoid the awkwardness inher-
fines stuttering as “disorders of rhythm of speech in ent in using the longer versions.
which the individual knows precisely what he wishes No systematic research was carried out to support
to say, but at the time is unable to say it because of the ASHA “person-first” policy. Since its inception,
involuntary, repetitive prolongation or cessation of limited research has shown that person-first labeling
a sound.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of may or may not be perceived less negatively by indi-
Mental Disorders (4th ed., rev., 1994; DSM-IV) indi- viduals with speech-language-hearing impairments,
cates that “the essential feature of stuttering is a dis- parents of such clients, speech-language
turbance in the normal fluency and time patterning pathology students, and the public. In the case of the
of speech that is inappropriate for the individual’s terms stutterer, stammerer, or clutterer, the results do
age.” Stuttering is characterized by “frequent repeti- not clearly indicate that these direct labels consis-
tions or prolongations of sounds or syllables,” but tently communicate greater sensitivity than the per-
also can include “interjections … broken words (e.g., son-first versions (Robinson & Robinson, 1996; St.
pauses within a word) … audible or silent blocking Louis, 1998). More research is needed, but the avail-
(filled or unfilled pauses in speech) … circumlocu- able findings cast doubt on both the need and wis-
tions (e.g., word substitutions to avoid problematic dom underlying the recent changes in terminology.
words) … and monosyllable whole word repetitions Person-first labeling warrants serious consideration
(e.g., ‘I-I-I-I see him’).” In addition, the DSM-IV re- when referring to specific individuals, especially in
quires that “the disturbance in fluency interferes with clinical situations, for it implies that there is much
academic or occupational achievement or with social more to a person than the fact that he or she stutters.
communication” and all these difficulties exceed On the other hand, given the fact that many
those usually associated with a “speech-motor or nonstutterers report that they have occasionally “stut-
sensory deficit,” if present. tered,” the person who stutters nomenclature may cre-
Many individuals who stutter acquire maladap- ate ambiguity in descriptions of subjects in research
tive patterns of thinking and feeling, sufficiently com- reports wherein the traditional distinction between
mon to be identified as frequent covert aspects of stuttering. stutterer and nonstutterer is important. Until addi-
For example, a child who stutters may adopt the belief tional research is completed, clinicians or researchers
that speaking is inherently difficult (Bloodstein, 1995). will—and possibly should—use their own discretion
Those who stutter for a number of years often acquire in the use of those terms.
the negative self-concept of “stutterer,” leading them Stammering is synonymous with stuttering and is
to adopt other beliefs and attitudes consistent with this the common term for the disorder in Great Britain. In
self-concept (Cooper, 1990; Peters & Guitar, 1991). North America, the term stammering is rarely used by
Also, many stuttering children and adults report fear speech-language pathologists.
or anxiety about speaking, or the prospect of speaking;
frustration from the excessive time and effort imposed
3.6. Accessory (Secondary) Behaviors. Accessory (or
by stuttered speech; embarrassment, shame, or guilt fol-
secondary) behaviors include the entire range of
lowing stuttering episodes; and even hostility toward
reactions, strategies, “tricks,” and avoidance or
other conversation partners (Van Riper, 1982).
escape behaviors that stutterers perform either
Stuttering is often used in lay usage to refer to when they stutter or in anticipation or fear of stut-
disfluencies (see 3.3), both normal and abnormal. Also, tering.
many nonstutterers report that they have experienced
Accessory (secondary) behaviors are typically consid-
stuttering of a sort they would regard as abnormal a
ered to be reactions to stuttering that are reinforced by
few times in their lives.
their initial consequences, which, according to the user,
In 1993, as the result of the influence of a number reduce the stuttering abnormality (escape) or prevent
of consumer and self-help groups, the American or delay its occurrence (avoidance/postponement).
Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Accessory (secondary) behaviors are considered to be
adopted a policy in which person-first language is to learned (although there is some evidence that some
be used in lieu of direct labels (Executive Board Meet- may not be learned), and the stutterer may or may not
ing Minutes, 1993). According to the policy, stutterer is be aware of their presence. They include such catego-
regarded as potentially insensitive to the individual
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ries as: “avoidance behaviors” (e.g., not speaking when 3.8. Effort. Effort refers to the amount of
one wants to [as in class discussions] or substituting perceived exertion a speaker experiences during
synonyms for feared words or circumlocuting/para- speaking.
phrasing the intended utterance), “postponement de- Every speech act requires the speaker to exert some
vices” (e.g., stalling by using nonword or word fillers effort. The degree of effort required varies with such
or simply waiting to attempt to talk), “timing devices” aspects as the speaker’s familiarity with the language,
or “starters” (e.g., blinking the eyes, taking a short topic, and listener(s); interference from internal and
gasp, or getting a “running start” in order to begin to external sources; and individual differences in the
say a feared word), “disguise reactions” (e.g., cover- capacity for fluent speech. The speaker’s total effort
ing one’s mouth or faking a cough in order to hide the includes both physiological and psychological com-
fact that one is stuttering), “interrupter devices” (e.g., ponents. Moreover, physiological and psychological
jerking the head or grimacing to release from a long effort interact with each other as in the cases wherein
block), and “searching movements” (e.g., using the heightened emotion or certain thoughts result in ex-
schwa or inappropriate vowel or altering the rate of cessive muscle tension. Similarly, cautious or overcon-
repeated sounds or syllables). In some cases, evidence trolled speech may be characterized by inappropriate
of “struggle” (see 3.8) may be regarded as an accessory and/or excessive tension levels. “Struggle” is a spe-
(secondary) behavior. cial case of effort and refers to speech events that are
In general, the word “accessory” (or “second- characterized by unusual and/or excessive amounts
ary”) implies that the above listed behaviors and of (physiological and/or psychological) effort during
strategies accompany the core features of stuttering the production of some—but generally not all—
and that a causal account for these behaviors (i.e., sounds, words, or longer utterances. Effort can be con-
learning) is implied. By contrast, when stuttering is sidered both from the perspective of the speaker (i.e.,
considered to be a clinical syndrome, its affective, the level of effort experienced during speech) or from
behavioral, and cognitive aspects (including strate- the perspective of the listener (i.e., the degree of effort
gies to hide and avoid the occurrence of stuttering) are the listener attributes to the speaker’s performance). It
considered to be integral components of the disorder should be noted that some authorities prefer the term
rather than “accessory” (or “secondary”) behaviors. “ease” to effort because fluency generally has a conno-
Accessory (secondary) behaviors are also known as tation of “easy” rather than “hard” or “effortful.”
“secondary mannerisms,” “secondaries,” “concomi-
tant behaviors,” or “extraneous behaviors.” 3.9. Suprasegmental Features. Suprasegmental fea-
tures are dimensions of speech that extend across
3.7. Rate. Rate refers to the speed with which sounds, phoneme or allophone (i.e., “segment”) bound-
syllables, or words are spoken. aries, and include such things as rhythm, prosody,
melody, and inflection.
Speech rate is typically expressed in words or syl-
lables per minute. Generally, only the periods Certain prosodic features, such as intonation pat-
of time in which the speaker is actually talking are terns that extend across several segments, are
included in calculating rate, and these include normal suprasegmental in nature. Similarly, an alteration of
pauses. (Most of these normal pauses are less than stress on a compound word (e.g., base’ball versus base-
1 second; longer inter-utterance pauses [e.g., 2 seconds ball’) is a suprasegmental feature change.
or more] are typically excluded from rate assessments. 3.9.1. Rhythm. Rhythm refers to the pattern
There are reasonable exceptions to excluding long (timing and duration) of stressed and un-
pauses in rate assessments, e.g., when the evaluator stressed syllables in speech.
wishes to consider the time taken up by long pauses Although related to “continuity” and rate, rhythm
that are associated with avoidance. In such cases, the is more specific. It refers to the degree that a speaker’s
time spent actually stuttering is occasionally reported pattern of syllable stress in words and sentences is
as well.) Some researchers use the measure of “articu- similar to a standard or predicted pattern. In other
lation rate” (also known as “phone rate” or “phoneme words, normal rhythm refers to maintaining a percep-
rate”), which is calculated from short periods of fluent tibly appropriate pattern of “beats” and pauses at an
speech that are free of perceptible pauses. This mea- acceptable rate. Deviations in rhythm may be per-
sure is often reported in syllables per second. ceived as variations in the “regularity of rate.” Differ-
ent languages have different characteristic rhythms,
sometimes readily recognized by individuals listen-
Guidelines • Terminology Pertaining to Fluency and Fluency Disorders 1998 / III - 393

ing to a conversation in a language they do not know. 3.11. Cluttering. Cluttering is a fluency disorder char-
Moreover, the same language may have several nor- acterized by a rapid and/or irregular speech rate,
mal variations in rhythm. For example, it is possible for excessive disfluencies, and often other symptoms
a speaker to produce speech characterized by normal such as language or phonological errors and atten-
continuity and rate, but which violates the conversa- tion deficits.
tional stress pattern of the language or specific dialect Cluttering is a term that describes a constellation
in question (e.g., General American English). One such of symptoms, including fluency problems. Most of the
case pertains to numerous English speakers from In- early writing on cluttering grew out of the European
dia and Pakistan, who are often perceived to be quite traditions of phoniatrics and logopedics. Except for
fluent but not easily understood by native English isolated publications, cluttering was generally ignored
speakers from North America unfamiliar with their in North America until recently. The definition of clut-
variant of English. In this case, differences in the rhythm tering is not clearly established, but most current au-
of the variants of English are partly responsible for the thorities agree that deficits in fluency, rate, and
difficulty in understanding. coexisting disorders of language and/or articulation
3.9.2. Prosody. Prosody refers collectively to syl- are nearly always present. Problems in such areas as
lable stress, juncture, and intonation contours attention, activity level, reading, and handwriting
in speech. suggest strong parallels between cluttering and
Prosody is related to rhythm in that both concepts “learning disabilities” and “attention-deficit/hyper-
include consideration of patterns of syllable stress activity disorders.”
and pauses. Prosody also includes the element of fun- Generally, the disfluencies observed in clutterers
damental frequency changes related to intonation. consist of those typically regarded as “normal” or
Syllable stress refers to greater intensity, slightly “ambiguous,” referred to earlier. Cluttering may oc-
higher fundamental frequency, and longer durations cur alone as a fluency disorder, but it more frequently
on certain syllables, as in “I’ live in the white house” coexists with stuttering.
versus “I live’ in the white house.” Juncture, among
other things, refers to subtle differences in the length
of pauses between words, as in “I live in the white 3.12. Neurogenic Stuttering. Neurogenic stuttering
house.” versus “I live in the White House” (dwelling refers to stuttering, often transient, that began
of the U.S. president). Intonation contours refer to with—or is maintained as a result of—a specific,
meaningful frequency variations on words, phrases, identifiable neurological insult or lesion.
and longer utterances, as in “I live¬ in the white Generally, neurogenic stuttering is observed in
house” (i.e., “I do live there”) versus “I live" (in the adults who have undergone confirmed brain damage.
white house" ?” (i.e., Do I live there?”). As a term for An infrequently occurring disorder, it has been ob-
description of some aspect of fluency, prosody suffers served in individuals who have lesions in diverse
from a lack of agreed-on specificity. areas of the central nervous system (e.g., Helm-
Estabrooks, 1993). Neurogenic stuttering has been la-
beled variously as “acquired stuttering,” “stuttering
3.10. Naturalness. Naturalness refers to the degree
secondary to brain damage,” and “cortical stuttering.”
to which speech (and language) sounds like that of
Some in the professional community question whether
normal, native speakers.
neurogenic stuttering is a valid diagnostic entity.
Naturalness is a global measure and has been typi-
cally determined by playing samples of speech to a
group of normal listeners and asking them to judge 3.13. Psychogenic Stuttering. Psychogenic stuttering is
how natural the speech sounds according to a 9-point stuttering that is clearly related to psychopathol-
equal-appearing interval scale (Martin, Haroldson, & ogy.
Triden, 1984). In ways that are not well understood, Psychogenic stuttering refers to stuttering that is the
naturalness as a measure in fluency disorders is related primary symptom of some form of verifiable psycho-
to ratings of overall disorder severity, fluency, rhythm, pathology, such as a neurotic conversion disorder (e.g.,
rate, and prosody. Whereas persons with mild stutter- Roth, Aronson, & Davis, 1989). Excluded from this
ing may have “natural-sounding speech,” the degree somewhat questionable category is stuttering that be-
of naturalness perceived by the listener usually de- gan after a psychologically traumatic event because,
creases (i.e., becomes more “unnatural”) as stuttering in most cases, the stuttering symptoms continue to de-
becomes more severe. velop in much the same way as do symptoms of stut-
tering that began in childhood after no such traumatic
III - 394 / 1998 ASHA 2002 Desk Reference Volume 3 • Speech-Language Pathology

event. The Task Force cautions researchers and clini- Martin, R. R., Haroldson, S. K., & Triden, K. A. (1984). Stut-
cians to use the term psychogenic stuttering only in cases tering and speech naturalness. Journal of Speech and Hear-
in which it is clearly related to diagnosed psychopa- ing Disorders, 49, 53–58.
thology. Some in the professional community question Perkins, W. H. (1990). What is stuttering? Journal of Speech
the validity of psychogenic stuttering as a diagnostic and Hearing Disorders, 55, 370–382.
entity. Peters, T. J., & Guitar, B. (1991). Stuttering: An integrated
approach to its nature and treatment. Baltimore: Williams
& Wilkins.
4. References Robinson, B., & Robinson, B. (1996). Person-first language
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ton, DC: Author. Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA.
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