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How Lenovo's culture supports our recommended


When it comes to company culture, Lenovo takes it seriously. According to them their culture is

their DNA and they call it "The Lenovo Way". The Lenovo Way is embodied in the statement:

We do what we say and we own what we do. That culture also drives how Lenovo work every

day, utilizing what they call the 5 P's:

 PLAN before pledge.

 PERFORM as promised.

 PRIORITIZE the company first.

 PRACTICE improving every day.

 PIONEER new ideas. (Our Culture, n.d.)

Their initiatives were good but unfortunately, these are not working out for Lenovo. They are

having a huge cultural problems inside their organization which is decreasing their efficiency.

This can a be problem for us because we recommended strategies which can be implemented

if a organization's culture is stable. We have already discussed about the issue but we want to

give few more recommendation for Lenovo to revise its culture.

 Reducing organizational hierarchy.

 Educating employees (specially asian) to think globally.

 Showing US employees that they belong to the company; they are part of it.

1. Our Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

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