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Jake’s Gloves:

These gloves were made to fit a man’s hand.

• Size 4mm DPNs
• 1 stitch holder
• 1 ball of colors ‘A’ and ‘B’
• Yarn needle.
• 6 small safety pins

• On size 4mm DPNs, cast on 48 stitches.
• Work 4 rows in color ‘A’ of *K2, P2 to end.
• Work 4 rows in color ‘B’ of *K2, P2 to end.
• Repeat this pattern two more times.


• Use color ‘A’ and Knit in rounds for 20 rows. • Use color ‘A’ and Knit in rounds for 20 rows.
• On row 21, place first 8sts on a stitch holder. • On row 21: K40, place next 8sts on a stitch
Cast on 8 stitches, knit to end. holder. Cast on 8 stitches.
• Knit in rounds 15 more. • Knit in rounds 15 more.
• Row 37: Knit 3, make 1, *Knit 6, make 1 to • Row 37: Knit 3, make 1, *Knit 6, make 1 to
end. end.

• On needle #4, place the first 7sts from needle #1 on them.
• Using safety pins, place 7sts on 6 different pins. This will leave you with two needles of 7sts on

Pointer finger: Knit the first 7 stitches and then make an additional stitch by picking a loose loop from
the back of the hand into a loose loop in the front of hand. This will reinforce the joining of the fingers.
Knit the remaining 7 stitches (15sts). Rows 2-5, Knit in rounds. Cast off. Break yarn, or (What I do here
is that I unravel enough to knit the remaining fingers with. But, I have to be cautious that I can
accurately predict how much to extend. I then use a stitch needle to connect the small unlevelled flap at
the end of these rows of the finger, and then weave into the back of stitches down to the next joining part
of the next finger).

Middle finger: Place the next 7sts that are on a safety pin to needle #1. Place the last 7sts (back of
hand) that are on a safety pin to needle #2. Knit the first 7 stitches and then make an additional stitch by
picking a loose loop from the back of the hand into a loose loop in the front of hand. Knit the remaining
7 stitches (15sts). Rows 2-6, Knit in rounds. Cast off. Break yarn, or stitch/weave to next finger.

Ring finger: Place the next 7sts that are on a safety pin to needle #1. Place the last 7sts (back of hand)
that are on a safety pin to needle #2. Knit the first 7 stitches and then make an additional stitch by
picking a loose loop from the back of the hand into a loose loop in the front of hand. Knit the remaining
7 stitches (15sts). Rows 2-5, Knit in rounds. Cast off. Break yarn, or stitch/weave to next finger.

Pinky finger: Place the next 7sts that are on a safety pin to needle #1. Place the last 7sts (back of
hand) that are on a safety pin to needle #2. Knit the remaining 7 stitches (14sts). Rows 2-4, Knit in
rounds. Cast off. Break yarn, or stitch/weave to next finger.

Thumb: Place the 8sts that are on a stitch holder back onto a needle. Knit across these stitches and
then pick up and additional 8sts in the thumb opening and space evenly on needles. Rows 2-18, Knit in
rounds. Row 19: *K2tog to end. Row 20: *K2tog in Kitchener stitch and stitch closed. Leave a 12”
length of cast of yarn to stitch down side of thumb and seal the joins. Turn glove inside out to get the
finished side.

With the back of the glove facing you and the fingers pointing away, carefully insert a needle horizontally
into 24 stitches about 4 rows below where the fingers started. Make sure these are evenly spaced.

On another needle, Cast on 24sts with color ‘B’. With needle #2, *K2, P2 across. Turn work and
continue in this pattern for a total of 4 rows. On Row 5: Knit across with color ‘A’. With same needle,
now continue knitting across the stitches that have been picked at the back of the glove. Be careful to
not ‘stretch’ these stitches too much. Once this new row has been completed, place all 48 stitches
evenly on three DPNs. Row 2-26, Knit in rounds. Row 27 & 28, *K2tog to end. Row 29, *K2tog in
Kitchener stitch and stitch closed. Tack the cuff of the flip securely with the loose yarn in seam with the

Now start the second one!

Pattern and images © Trish Cullen-W att. or

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