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ICT-101 Discrete Mathematics for IT

Assessment #4

Topic: Algorithms
Table of Contents
What is an algorithm?..............................................................................................................................3
Sequence algorithms................................................................................................................................3
Branch algorithms...................................................................................................................................3
Loop algorithms......................................................................................................................................3
Different applications of algorithms........................................................................................................3
For math..............................................................................................................................................4
For computing.....................................................................................................................................4
For daily life........................................................................................................................................4
Article 1.......................................................................................................................................................5
Article 2.......................................................................................................................................................6
Article 3.......................................................................................................................................................6

What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a sequence of multiple steps that are used for the demonstration of any
data processing to solve different problems. Algorithms are not for any specific field. Different
algorithms are designed to solve various types of problems related to computing, mathematics
and daily life.

Any algorithm have three main features.
1. Specific output
2. Multiple steps
3. Specific output is obtained after the complete execution of an algorithm

There are three basic types of algorithms.
1. Sequenced algos.
2. Branched algos.
3. Loop algos.

Sequence algorithms
The word sequence tells us about its structure that these algorithms always work in
steps. These steps are followed one after one in a sequence. The series of steps are followed in
the structure of these algorithms.

Branch algorithms
An algorithm that follows the branch structure always represents “if-then” problems. It
always has two results for output which are depending on the IF and THEN statements. For
example, if the statement for IF is true then the result will be A and if the statement for THEN is
true then the result will be B. Because of this structure sometimes it is also known as Selection-
Type algorithms.

Loop algorithms
These types of algorithms go with repetitions and use the for, while loops. These loops
will continue their execution under certain conditions. These conditions can be set according to
the need of required outputs.

Different applications of algorithms

As we have discussed earlier that algorithms can be used in all fields to solve different
problems. A flowchart is the simplest and easiest representation of different algorithms that can
be easily understood by anyone.

For math
Let’s consider the following algorithm which is designed to solve a mathematical

In this flow chart, when the algorithm starts it takes an

integer N as input. In the next step, the input is processed
according to the condition. If the entered number has
remainder equals zero then it will move to yes and the
answer will be EVEN on the output. But if the remainder of
the number does not have remainder equal to zero then it
will be no and the answer at the output screen will be ODD.
The last step is the ending step.

For computing
The following flow chart is for solving a computing problem.

This flow chart shows how a factorial

problem related to computing can be solved
using algorithmic structures. As the
algorithm starts it reads the value of N and
after some specific mathematical functions
using the loops. In the end, the result is
printed out on the screen as the factorial of
the entered number.

For daily life

An algorithm can also be designed for solving our daily life problems. Following the
flowchart is an example where a daily life
problem is solved through an algorithm.
This algorithm is to know that is the student
PASS or FAIL. After the start, it takes the
marks of all subjects and then finds out the
mean value. The mean value is then compared
and if it is less than 60 FAIL will be printed
and if greater than 60 then PASS will be
printed, and the algorithm will end.

Article 1
The most common process used by frequent computer users is searching. Using the given
patterns an algorithm that is used for matching and finding the related information is the Raita
algorithm. This algorithm provides the quickest and most accurate results that are supported by
many data types when it is used for a file search application based on the java programming
Problems related to Block Architecture are classical problems in AI. These are further
explained below in detail. Getting a pile of boxes, as a result, is the objective of this problem. To
decrease the value of x is the only allowed operation in this process that specifies the box x stack
and uses x, y. This shows the placement of x box above to the y box giving these two boxes the
priority over a pile. The problems related to Block architecture can be solved by using algorithms
alike A*, BFS and DFS. Here we are using the DFS Depth First Search algorithm to solve this
problem because this provides us with the desired objective. This algorithm does not execute all
the nodes at a specific level.
DFS uses very small memory than others because it stores only the active path nodes.
Visual Basic.NET programming language is used to develop the application on which DFS is
used in the completion of the Block Architecture problem.


problems related to Block Architecture can be resolved quickly and efficiently using Depth First
Search. This is useful for all nodes, a maximum of 9 blocks can be used for simulation. 95k
process states solutions are possible. It takes the longest time to perform the fastest solution.

Article 2
In the gravity pipe network project, the layout which is complex tasks because of multiple
interacting factor and desire of smaller output. To reduce the depths of the network an
experienced designer is required. These operations do not provide the best results because they

are manual. To improve the experience and the process a depth-first search algorithm was
introduced. The presented algorithm improves the optimization for layouts, assessing, leading the
sum of the unfavorable slopes. A realistic and hypothetic network was used for this. The time
which was required for computations was negligible at all. This provided us a robust model that
is feasible to work with any layout of the network, size with the lowest depths.
This involves the network arrangement to minimize the execution. A natural slope is
followed by the ground. Considering the different perspectives, this does not work always. The
pipes of gravity should follow the ground surface slope and a direct discharging point route and
streets allowing the layouts. The main objective of this article was to design a DFS that also
optimizes the network layout of gravity, its direction, and influences on the unfavorable grounds.
The constant and attainable goals follow the imposition of nodes, the optimal path w.r.t
ground, network divisions on an equal basis of nodes. Here in this article to improve all these
factors of the DFS algorithm, the most optimal design is presented that improved the network
layout of the gravity pipe. This always leads us to the depth values according to the flat grounds
and unfavorable conditions. This will help the designers to provide an economical layout as a
solution. Observations are possible through an algorithm of the network layout over the cost
solution. In a literature that is specialized, this method was validated.

Article 3
Considering the honeybee's natural phenomenon, the process of foraging is followed by
the elite group. This article talks about an artificial bee colony algorithm mostly known as
ECABC which is based on the guidance of the elite group and the breadth-depth search is always
combined in it. Let’s consider the behavior of bees for the simulation of the elite group. This
created an equation of novel neighborhood search. This equation places the elite group in the
center for search and uses the proper guide from global optimum that helped to perform this
search completely. Then 2nd thing is the design for the combined search strategy. This combines
search strategy involve both the onlooker and employed bees in it. Then 3rd is the selection
method which is random for elite bees for the replacement of the onlooker bees.
Avoiding the parameter that influences the optimization results and the parameter which
are optimum these all factors the best performance is obtained comprehensively. 22 benchmark
functions verify this algorithm and did a comparison with other be colony algorithms. After the
comparison, the results proved the best speed, convergence precision. Economy optimization is
needed to optimize any society, its defense at the national level and many other fields too. But all
problems cannot be solved by using traditional optimization. High-quality solutions can be
detected by metaheuristics. These solutions are based on a stochastic optimization technique.
This evolved great attention from all the practitioners and engineers. This involves different
algorithms like EAs, MC, and SI. A typical evolutionary algorithm is a genetic algorithm. An
entire solution space can be searched through the mutation operations and crossover operations
of the genetic algorithm.

Now we’ll consider a multidisciplinary field example known as Intelligent Tutoring
System. this system checks custom-made instruction offering to contrive the educational system
for individual students just like any good teacher tries to do in real life. After so many
researches, it is possible to find techniques and systems that help the students to solve multiple
problems in a wide range of domains. This is not limited to a single education system, but all

other training and educational undertakings can use it to take advantage. This leads us to
discover the most interactive simulations that provide the user with the exact experience of
things as real ones. Then many other learning examples can be seen and also many instructive
games can be learned and played through it.
If we talk about the old systems, they were not enough to judge individual performance
and couldn’t provide them the proper instructions but this offer all users an individual help for
their actions, postures, challenges that’s why it needed the ITS which is capable of simulating
and adapting student performance during his interaction. This article purposed the DES-Tutor
which is all in all a single system that provides learning options related to sciences, linguistics,
cognitive science, AI, math and other fields that involve the AI in them for best computations. At
the start, it needed a robust input for discovering the application as effective from both the AI
and educational system to explain and enhance the ICAI power of instructions in delivery for
every individual’s requirements and learning pace customizing.

In this report, we explained the algorithms in detail. After defining the algorithm, we saw
its features and types. We explained how algorithms work for math, computers and daily life
accordingly. The examples of each algorithm with its flowchart are also discussed to show its
performance and to know that how it ease human life. After that, a complete detailed discussion
has been made about three articles and references are also mentioned below. Then we purposed a
new and improved application system which is based on the AI and education system for
tutoring purpose. This used the DES algorithm for better results and the best support for its users.

1. What is Algorithm - Definition, Types and Application. (2020). Retrieved 10 January
2020, from
2. Kong, D., Chang, T., Dai, W., Wang, Q., & Sun, H. (2018). An improved artificial bee
colony algorithm based on elite group guidance and combined breadth-depth search
strategy. Information Sciences, 442-443, 54-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.02.025
3. Rahim, R., Abdullah, D., Simarmata, J., Pranolo, A., Ahmar, A., & Hidayat, R. et al.
(2018). Block Architecture Problem with Depth First Search Solution and Its
Application. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 954, 012006. doi: 10.1088/1742-
4. Rodrigues, G., Costa, L., Farias, G., & de Castro, M. (2019). A Depth-First Search
Algorithm for Optimizing the Gravity Pipe Networks Layout. Water Resources
Management, 33(13), 4583-4598. doi: 10.1007/s11269-019-02373-x
5. Elnajjar, Abed Elhaleem A. & Abu Naser, Samy S. (2017). DES-Tutor: An Intelligent
Tutoring System for Teaching DES Information Security Algorithm. _International
Journal of Advanced Research and Development_ 2 (1):69-73.


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