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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 27395

Formation Injectivity Damage Due to Produced Water Reinjection

C.D. Hsi* and D.S. Dudzik, * BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.; R.H. Lane, * ARCO Alaska Inc.;
and J.W. Buettner* and R.D. Neira, IITRI
·SPE Members

Copyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE IntI. Symposium on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, 7-10 February 1994.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A. Telex, 163245 SPEUT.

ABSTRACT Once damage had occurred, addition of biocide did not

restore permeability.
On-site coreflood experiments were conducted at
Prudhoe Bay field, Alaska using side streams of INTRODUCTION
produced water taken directly from produced water
injection (PWI) lines. The objectives were to determine Produced water handling has become a major effort of
how rapidly the formation injection face is plugged by all waterflood operations. With increasing environ-
produced water re-injection, the location and mechanism mental regulations, more and more produced water is
of damage, and the impacts of bacterial growth on the being re-injected. Injectivity decline in PWI wells is a
extent and rate of damage. major concern; many studies are ongoing to try to
understand the damage mechanisms.
In core tests where produced water was not filtered prior
to injection, 90% permeability damage occurred within Prudhoe Bay (PB) produced water contains a large
24 hours of injection startup. This is inconsistent with number of suspended solid and oil droplets and was
field observations where injection well decline is found to be more difficult to re-inject than filtered sea
observed to occur over weeks or months, when seen at waterl .
all. Field observations are consistent with previously-
described (growing) thermal fractures that dominate Bacterial growth in PB PWI systems was suspected to
injection performance, thereby minimizing deleterious cause further problems. Bacteria can produce
effects of sand face plugging. exopolysaccarides which coalesce to form a confluent
biofilm2. Oil and solid particles entrained in the PWI
In core tests where produced water was filtered, little water can also be trapped by the developing bacterial
damage was observed; this demonstrates that removable biofilm to significantly accelerate water injectivity
components in produced water are responsible for face decline rates3. Furthermore, biofilm growth in surface
damage. However, when cores were first inoculated facilities can interfere with separator and gas flotation
with bacteria-laden water and then flooded for several cell performance, resulting in increased oil-in-water
days with filtered produced water, deep damage carryovers. The SRB growth in biofilm can also generate
(inches) was seen. This suggests PWI wells can suffer H2S gas which reacts with dissolved iron to precipitate
injectivity damage over time due to bacterial growth. iron sulfide, increasing solid particle loading in the
injection water.
References and illustrations at end of paper

2 Formation Injectivity Damage due to Produced Water Reinjection SPE 27395
Laboratory core flood tests have been conducted in the differential pressure of approximately 20-50 psi across
past to demonstrate that bacterial growth can cause the entire length of the test core plug.
greater than 99% damage to core permeabilities within 2
to 4 weeks4. However, laboratory core flood test data is On-Site Core Flow Test Procedures
not easily translated to field conditions due to the Two different test procedures were followed. Core tests
difficulty in preparing synthetic brines that have all the were always conducted in parallel with two core flow
characteristics of field injection waters. Properties such stations set up side by side sharing the same injection
as total nutrient concentration, dissolved oxygen water coming from the injection flow line. Test were
concentration, oil concentration, temperature, and conducted at 165 OF and a pore pressure of 2,370 psi.
residual well treating chemicals (e.g., corrosion inhibitor,
demulsifier, surfactant, etc.) can all affect bacterial A. Conventional Test Procedure
growth rates.
In the conventional test procedure, the core plug was
A series of on-site core flow tests was conducted at PB vacuum saturated, flooded with 10-20 PV fine filtered
Field using specially designed portable core flow rigs produced water in the injection direction, and brine
and reservoir core plugs (1.5" OD and 3" in length) at permeability measured. The core plug was subsequently
reservoir conditions. flooded with 100 ml (-5 PV) filtered PB dead crude oil in
the opposite (production) direction and effective oil
The objective was to evaluate permeability damage permeabilities were measured at residual water
potential of suspended solids, oil droplets, and bacteria saturation.
entrained in the Prudhoe Bay (PB) produced water; the
effectiveness of biocide treatments in reducing The oil containing core plug was then flooded in the
permeability damage rates was also evaluated. injection direction with several hundred pore volumes of
filtered (l J.Ull and 0.22J.Ull) produced water and effective
brine permeabilities were measured at residual oil
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS saturation. During this stage, an additional 300 ppm
glutaraldehyde solution was continuously injected in the
Test Equipment produced water stream to ensure a total kill of any
Two portable core flow stations were set up at the bacteria passing through the filters. This is designated
wellhead manifolds of produced water injection (PWI) as the (FILTER ON / BIOCIDE ON) stage and represents
wells. A side stream of the produced water being base line permeability.
injected was allowed to flow through two reservoir core
plugs kept in high temperature, high pressure core Once a stable base line brine permeability was reached,
holders (Figure 1). Core permeability damage rates due the in-line filters were removed and biocide injection
to filtered and raw (non-filtered) produced water was kept on to evaluate the effect of unfiltered raw
injection were measured and compared. The core produced water on core permeability damage. This is
holders are equipped with two internal pressure taps designated as the (FILTER OFF / BIOCIDE ON) stage.
allowing identification of core permeability damage due Core permeability normally declined rapidly due to
to face plugging versus in depth damage. plugging by solids, oil droplets, organic debris, and dead
bacteria cells. When the core permeabilities had
Two high pressure in-line filters (1 J.Ull and 0.22 /J.m) declined to less than 30% of the original value, biocide
were switched in and out of the flow stream to modify injection was terminated to evaluate the combined effect
produced water qualities. A high pressure metering of plugging and bacterial growth. This is designated as
pump was used to inject additional biocide solution to the (FILTER OFF / BIOCIDE OFF) stage.
ensure a total kill of bacteria dUring the initial part of on-
site core flow tests. B. Modified Test Procedure

To eliminate the poSSibility of shearing up oil droplets A modified test procedure was also employed to better
and sOlid conglomerates, no metering valves or pressure evaluate the impact of bacterial growth on core
redUcing regulators were installed upstream of the test permeability damage rates.
core plug. The full injection line pressure (-2,400 psig)
was applied directly at the core face; an automatic The core plug was saturated with brine and flooded with
electrical back pressure regulator installed downstream dead crude oil as in the conventional method. However,
of the core plug was used to provide a constant after the FILTER ON / BIOCIDE ON stage, biocide
injection was stopped but the filters were kept on for a

SPE27395 C.D. Hsi, D.S. Dudzik, R.H. Lane, J.W. Buettner, and R.D. Neira 3
short period to allow at least 100 rnl of filtered produced oil droplets, organic debris, and dead bacterial cells
water to flow through the core plug to displace any causes severe plugging in cores.
residual biocide. After this FILTER ON / BIOCIDE OFF
stage, the in-line filters were removed; 3 to 5 PV (-60 rnI) No apparent change in core permeability damage rate
unfiltered raw produced water were flowed through the was observed after termination of the biocide injection
core plug to introduce live bacteria. After this during the FILTER OFF/BIOCIDE OFF stage in Figure 2.
inoculation period, filters were put back on preventing This suggests that either the effect of live bacterial
plugging solids from reaching the core face and allowing growth on core permeability damage rate was not
bacteria to grow in the core plug. This stage, designated significant or the test time was too short to show any
as FILTER ON / BIOCIDE OFF, usually lasted for at significant changes. The latter is considered more likely
least 1 to 2 days until significant permeability damage as demonstrated later by the results of the modified test
was observed. At this stage, in-line filters were procedures.
removed, allowing further permeability damage by
solids, oil droplets, and bacteria. In a few selected tests, Testing demonstrated that core permeability damage
a 5.3% sodium hypochlorite solution was injected at the due to raw (unfiltered) produced water injection is
end of the test to determine the effectiveness of a strong generally limited to the core injection face. Figure 3
oxidizing agent in restoring damaged permeabilities. shows the effective water permeabilities of the entire
core plug (O-2.91t ), the first one inch from the injection
Characterization of Produced Water Injected face (O-1 1t ), and the second portion of the core plug (11t_
To ensure that produced water qualities at the test sites 2.9 1t ), plotted as the percentage of the original
were representative of the average PB produced water, permeability. Only the front end of the test core plug (0-
water samples were collected frequently and analyzed 1It) suffered significant permeability damage. The
during the on-site core flow study. The analyses second portion of the test core plug was not damaged
include: following 140 PV of raw produced water injection over a
period 33 hours.
Oil-in-water content,
Suspended solid concentrations, Limited data show that core permeability damage rates
Particle size distritutions, do not seem to correlate directly with original core
Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) counts, permeability, oil-in water content, PW particle size
General aerobic bacteria (GAB) counts, distribution, or suspended solid concentrations.
Chemical compositions. However, a strong correlation was found between the
permeability damage rate and the measured Barkman
and Davidson (1972)5 slopes ( a method for measuring
Chemical compositions and other parameters measured injection water quality based on membrance filtration
at four test sites were within the typical range of tests).
produced water compositions observed in the field.

B. Results of Modified Core Flow Tests

Ten core flow tests were conducted following modified
A Results of Conventional Core Flow Tests test precedures. A typical example is plotted in Figure 4.

Eight core flow tests were conducted following the Following base line effective permeability measurement
conventional test procedures. A typical example is and inoculation with live bacteria, the core was flooded
plotted in Figure 2. with many pore volumes of filtered produced water
containing no biocide (FILTER ON/BIOCIDE OFF
In general, when the in-line filters were removed from stage). Any permeability damage observed during this
the produced water injection line, a rapid decline in core stage was attributed to bacterial growth in the core plug.
permeability was observed, as shown during the FILTER The core permeability damage rate was slow initially
OFF/BIOCIDE ON stage in Figure 2. The permeability and became more rapid with time. As shown in Figure
damage rate was generally very fast and all cores 4, the core permeability declined rapidly following 400
showed more than 90% loss in effective water PV of filtered produced water injection. This trend is
permeability within 2 to 14 hours following 10 to 280 PV commonly observed for core permeability plugging by
of raw (unfiltered) produced water injection. This microbial activities.
suggests that the combined effect of suspended solids,

4 Formation Injectivity Damage due to Produced Water Reinjection SPE27395
The penneabilities of the second portion of the core plug Penneability damage rates measured from on-site core
(l" -2.95" from the injection face) remained more or less flood tests are caused by combined plugging effects of
constant, suggesting most of the plugging occurred solids, oil droplets, organic debris, and bacteria
within first one inch of the injection face. entrained in the produced water. Particles which are too
big to enter pore throats will be filtered out at the
At the end of the test, a 5.2% sodium hypochlorite formation face and fonn an external filter cake. Smaller
solution was injected into the core plug. As shown in particles can enter pore throats and form an internal
Figure 4, the core permeability increased initially, filter cake at pore restriction. Additionally, bacteria
suggesting that sodium hypochlorite solution was able growth may produce exopolysaccaride biofilm which
to dissolve part of the biomass generated by the bacteria. can trap particles that are otherwise too small to cause
No apparent correlation was found between observed
core permeability damage rates and the initial core If core penneability damage is caused solely by internal
penneabilities. and external filter cake buildups without the interference
of bacterial growth or filter cake erosion, penneability
During the course of the on-site core flood study, a damage rates should be directly proportional to the
weekly high dosage formaldehyde slug treatment amount of fluid passing through the core plug. Core
program was evaluated in the EOA produced water permeabilities will become lower as more water is
treating facility. allowed to flow through the core. A plot of the injection
water throughput versus the square root of time should
Six core flood tests were conducted prior to the startup yield a straight line similar to those commonly observed
of fonnaldehyde slug field trials. Most of these tests in the static fracturing fluid leak-off tests. However, if
show significant permeability damage following the penneability damage is exasperated by additional
inoculation of live bacteria in the core (FILTER damage mechanisms (e.g., bacterial growth and biofilm
ON/BIOCIDE OFF stage). buildup in the core), cumulative fluid throughput will
become slower with time and the plotted curve will
Four of the core flood tests were conducted after the deviate toward the time axis. On the other hand, if the
startup of formaldehyde injection tests. Similar damage filter cakes are being eroded, the cumulative fluid
was not observed even after 3,000 to 5,000 PV of filtered throughput curve will depart from the linear
produced water injection over a period of 3 to 5 days. relationship and deviate toward the fluid throughput
This suggests that high dosage fonnaldehyde slug
treatments in the facility can temporarily inhibit bacterial Fluid throughput data were plotted as a function of the
growth in the core for at least 3 to 5 days. square root of time. Several data plots show linear
relationships in the initial portion of the data. This
suggests the observed permeability damage rate is
ENVIRONMENTAL SEM ANALYSIS OF CORE directly proportional to fluid throughput; this is
PLUGS probably due to external and internal filter cake
buildups. However, when the biocide injection was
At the end of each on-site core flood test, the core plug terminated, several data plots show a clear deviation
was sealed in its original rubber sleeve and sent to the from the linear relationship (Figure 5). This suggests
laboratory for environmental scanning electron that additional damage mechanisms are contributing to
microscope (ESEM) analysis. Unlike conventional total penneability damage. One possible explanation is
scanning electron microscopes, the ESEM can analyze that microbial growth in cores generates biofilms and
unprepared, wet samples. This is particularly useful for accelerates the internal filter cake buildup rates.
analyzing bacterial samples in cores because of the
minimal disturbance and disruption to cell bodies and
biofilm (exopolysaccharides) produced by the bacteria6 EXTRAPOLATION OF TEST RESULTS TO FIELD
Analysis results confinned that most of the biomass CONDmONS
occurs adjacent (less than 1 to 2 inches) to the injection
face. It is desirable to extrapolate the on-site core flood test
results to predict injectivity decline rates in the field.

WATER LEAK-QFF RATES FROM CORES Numerous mathematical equations and models have
been proposed to predict the injectivity impairment by

SPE27395 C.D. Hsi, D.S. Dudzik, R.H. Lane, J.W. Buettner, and R.D. Neira 5
suspended solids. The most popular models include = g . exp(g) . Ei(g),
those by Barkman and Davidson (1972)5, Rege and
Fogler (1987)7, Todd et al. (1984)8, and Sharma and prw2 hl v
and g= (4)
Yortsos (1987)9. Unfortunately, some of the models qo
(e.g., Barkman and Davidson) require knowledge of
particle invasion depth and internal filter cake
permeability data which can not be easily measured. df = damage factor
Other models (e.g., Rege and Fogler) require extensive I = exponential integral
computation time and are beyond the scope of this jc = fractional cake porosity
study. ki = permeability of zone affected by
particle deposition
van Velzen and Leerlooijer's Model km = permeability of porous media,
In this study, a semi-empirical model proposed by van
Iv = filter coefficient
Velzen and Leerlooijer (1992)10 was tested. According
qo = initial rate of injection, m 3IS
to the model, the time or injection volume (Va) that it
takes to reduce the water injectivity to a fraction a of the
Ei(g) = exponential integral of g
initial value can be expressed as
The damage factor (df) and filter coefficient (Iv) in
equations (3) and (4) can be estimated by matching
(l-a) 2prw 2 h jm In[relrw]
Va (1) permeability damage data measured from on-site, multi-
a CoNR port, linear core flood tests to equation (5), which is a
linear-flow analog to equation (1). All other variables in
where equations (1)-(5) can be measured or estimated.
a = fractional injectivity index
Co = Volume fraction of solids in
suspension at injection surface 1 Iv AL
h = height of injected zone, m (- -1)' L
= [1-exp( )]. V (5)
jm = fractional porosity of porous
NR = dimensionless number for rate where
of impairment
re = drainage radius, m L = core plug length, m
rw = wellbore radius, m cumulative injected volume, m 3
cumulative injected volume to
V =
Va = core plug area, m 2.
A =
reduce injectivity to a, m 3
p = pressure, Pa

Based on the results of on-site core flow test 2A, the

The dimensionless number for rate of impairment (NR) damage factor (df) and filter coefficient (Iv) values were
is further defined as the product of damage factor (df) estimated to be 30460 and 0.0034 sec- 1 respectively.
and exponential integral (l). Using these two parameters and by assuming that a
typical PB Zone 4 PWI injection well has an injection
height of 200 ft, injection rate of 10,000 bblslday,
df . 1 (2) plugging suspended particle concentration of 1 ppm,
wellbore radius of 8 inches, and drainage radius of 660
where ft, the model predicts that the injection well will lose
more than 90% of its injectivity in one day. This is much
km 1 more severe than what is normally observed in the field,
df = (ki - 1)' (l-jc) (3) thus suggesting that either the model is flawed or a
much larger surface area (e.g., a fracture or a thief zone)
than the wellbore exists in the PWI injection wells to take
the water.

6 Formation Injectivity Damage due to Produced Water Reinjection SPE27395
and the viscosity controlled fluid loss coefficient of the
invaded zone (CO.
Howard and Fast's Model
In this study, the cumulative water throughputs
If fractures are indeed present around PB injection measured during the on-site core flow tests after the in-
wells, it is desirable to estimate their sizes. According to line filters were removed are plotted as a function of the
Howard and Fast (1957)11, the area extent of a fracture square root of time. The CTL is estimated from the slope
around an injection well can be calculated by the of the straight line portion of the leak-off curve. This is
following equation accomplished by the substitution of the proper values
into the following equation:

QiW 2 2 M
A = 4 pC2 (eX . erfc (X) + - X - 1) (6) CTL = 0.0164 A (7)
where CTL = overall fluid loss coefficient for
the laboratory, ftl...) min
2C {fit
X = W M = slope of the straight line portion
of the fluid loss versus ...} min
A = total area of one face of the
plot, ml/...}min
fracture at any time during
water injection.
Qi = the constant injection rate A = cross section areas of the core, c
during injection, ft3 I min m2
t = total pumping time, min
Based on the average fluid leak off data, the typical
W = constant fracture clearance, ft CTL value is estimated to be 0.05 ftl...} min .

C = fluid loss coefficient, which is a The injected water will also compress reservoir fluid.
measure of the resistance of the McDaniel et. al. (1981) defined the reservoir
fluid leaking off into formation compressibility controlled fluid loss coefficient Cn as:
during water injection
erfc = error function.

Cn =
It is apparent that the fracture extension depends largely
on the fluid leak-off properties (C) of the rock. The fluid where
leak-off behavior around an injection well is similar to
that observed during the hydraulic fracturing process. = permeability of reservoir rock to
Suspended solids, oil droplets, and bacteria entrained in reservoir fluid, md
the injection water can all be filtered out at formation
face and form external and internal filter cakes. The
various fluid loss coefficients can be estimated using the
= Isothermal total reservoir
following procedures. compressibility, psi-1

DPT = Total differential pressure

According to McDaniel et al. (1981)12, the fluid leak-off
rates measured from linear core flow tests can be used to between injection water and
calculate the overall fluid loss coefficient, CTL , under reservoir pressure, psi
laboratory test conditions. This fluid loss coefficient,
CTL , represents the combined resistance to fluid leak-
The total reservoir fluid loss coefficient, CTF, which is a
off due to the wall building fluid loss coefficient (Cm)
measure of the total resistance to injection water, can be

SPE27395 CD. Hsi, D.S. Dudzik, RH. Lane, J.W. Buettner, and RD. Neira 7
calculated by combining CTL and Cn using the results of the core flood study. Field
following equation observations are consistent with growing
thermal fractures that dominate injectivity.

3. It is generally difficult to quantify the

CTF = 2Cn (-1 + (9) contribution of different damage mechanisms to
the total water injectivity loss since all these
damage mechanisms are intermingled.

4. As compared to other damage mechanisms,

The fracture area extension was estimated by assuming permeability damage due to bacterial growth in
the typical PB Zone 4 injection well bottomhole injection a core seems to be slower initially. However,
pressure of 6,000 psi, reservoir pressure of 3,800 psi, significant permeability damage can still occur
injection zone height of 200 ft, reservoir permeability of within 1 to 3 days if microbial activities in the
100 md, and reservoir compressibility of 10 x 10-6 psi-1. core are not inhibited.
The model predicts that in order for the injection well to
accommodate 10,000 bbls water per day under the 5. Based on multi-port core flow test results, core
current permeability plugging rate the fracture will grow permeability damage is normally limited to less
to over 100 ft long after 30 days of injection. than one inch from the injection face following
several thousand pore volumes (PV) of
This calculation is, of course, oversimplified and untreated produced water injection over a
probably overestimates the size of the fractures. The period of 3 to 7 days.
model assumes that the fluid loss coefficients remain
constant and the leak-off rate will continue to decline as 6. High dosage biocide injection can temporarily
more dirty water passes through the formation face. In inhibit microbial activities within a core plug but
reality, there probably exists a finite equilibrium leak-off does not restore lost core permeabilities.
rate where the filter cake thickness ceases to grow due to
filter cake erosion. The effects of water leak-off on 7. Strong oxidizers such as sodium hypochlorite
reservoir compressibility, permeability and in-situ stress solution can dissolve damaging and temporarily
modifications were not considered. Nevertheless, the restore core permeabilities.
model does show the possibility of the presence of
fractures or high permeability thief zones around the
injector wellbore which are controlling the water intakes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Because of this, a slower injectivity decline rate than
those predicted by the on-site core flow test data is The authors wish to thank BP Exploration(Alaska) Inc.
observed; continued injection of produced water into the and Arco Alaska Inc., and Prudhoe Bay Unit Water
reservoir is possible through further extension of the Issues Team for their support and permission to publish
fractures. The impacts of dirty water injection on this paper. The techniques and/or conclusions are
injection profile deterioration, waterflood sweeping those of the authors and may not be shared by other
efficiency, and the rate of fracture propagation and Prudhoe Bay Unit working interest owners.
possibility of fracture propagating out of the zones are
important, but beyond the scope of this study.

CONCLUSIONS 1. Hsi, C. D., Strassner, J. E., Tucker, H.E., and

Townsend, M.A.: "Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska,
1. PB produced water contains a significant Waterflood Injection Water Quality and
amount of suspended solids, oil droplets, Remedial Treatment Study," SPE paper 20689
organic debris, and bacteria tha t can all presented in the 65th SPE Annual Technical
contribute to the plugging of formation Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans, La.,
permeability and reduce water injectivity. September, 1990.

2. Injectivity losses in produced water injectors at 2. Cusack, F, Lappin-Scott, H. M., and Costerton, J.
Prudhoe Bay, when observed at all, occur over W.: "Bacteria can Plug Waterflood Injection
periods of weeks to months, inconsistent with

8 Formation Injectivity Damage due to Produced Water Reinjection SPE 27395
Wells," Oil and Gas Journal, November, 1987, p. 8. Todd, A. c., Somerville, J. E. and Scott, H.: "The
59-64. Application of Depth of Formation Damage
Measurements in Predicting Water
3. Geesey, G.G., Mittelman, M. W., and Lieu, V. T.: InjectivityDecline," paper SPE 12498 presented
"Evaluation of Slime-Producing Bacteria in Oil at the Formation Damage Control Symposium,
Field Core Flood Experiments," Applied and Bakersfield, CA, Feb. 13-14,1989.
Environmental Microbiology, Feb. 1987, p. 278-
283. 9. Sharma, M.M. and Yortsos, Y. C.:"Transport of
Particulate Suspensions in Porous Media:Model
4. Shaw, J. c., Bramhill, B., Wardlaw, N. c., and Formulation," AICHHE J. (1987) 33, No. 10.
Costerton, J. W.: "Bacterial Fouling in a Model
Core System," Applied and Environmental 10. van Velzen J.F.G. and K. Leerlooijier:
Microbiology, March 1985, p. 693-701. "Impairment of a Water Injection Well by
Suspended Solids: Testing and Prediction,"
5. Barkman, J. H. and Davidson, D. H.:"Measuring paper SPE 23822 presented at the Formation
Water Quality and Predicting Well ImpailWlent," Damage Control Symposium, Lafayette, LA.,
JPT (July 1972) 865-873. Feb. 26-27, 1992.

6. Wagner, P. A., Little, B. J., and Ray, R. I.: 11. Howard, G. E. and Fast C. R.: "Hydraulic
"Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Fracturing", Monograph Series, Society of
Corrosion Using Environmental Scanning Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Dallas (1970) 2.
Electron Microscopy," NACE Corrosion92
Annual Conference and Corrosion Show Paper 12. McDaniel, R. D., Deysarkar, A. K., and Callanan,
No. 185, 1992. M. J.:"An Improved Method for Measuring Fluid
Loss at Simulated Fracture Conditions," SPE
7. Rege, S. D. and Fogler, H. S.:"Network Model for paper 10259, presented at the SPE 56th Annual
Straining Dominated Particle Entrapment in Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 5-7,1981.
Porous Media," Chern. Eng. Sci. (1987) $2, No.7.
Vallie P-2400psi

Produced Water
Injection Une





w FLlERS Back Pressure


Back Pressure Waste
Regular Sump



Core Holder &


SPE27395 C.D. Hsi, D.S. Dudzik, RH. Lane, }.W. Buettner, and RD. Neira 9

TEST 2A, PB ZONE 4 CORE (R-01, 9067.55', 81 md) Y-18 WELL


'a 12

C 6
:IE 4
Do 2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300


TEST 2A, PB ZONE 4 CORE (R-01, 9067.55', 81 MD) Y-18 WELL

> 180 ?"""-----------------"""T""-------,---------...,

::::i 160
C 140 I
:IE 120

Z 80
ii: 60 Total
o Core

o 50 100 150 200 250 300



10 Formation Injectivity Damage due to Produced Water Reinjection SPE27395

TEST 3A, BP ZONE 4 CORE (R-Q1,9149.6', 203 md) Y·18 Well


12 BIOCIDE oN ,,

Clorox Injection
I- 8
4( 6 ""
::E "
a: 4 ""
,, "
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600



en 4000

Filter Off ...... --
.. .- ."
::::» 3000 • • • •• - •• 11 •• ••
II. 2500 BIocide Off .. ---
--- II .
,I. II.'..••
II • - - ••••••• •••• r-'I_
••_. --,
> 2000
.,_- :." • • 11l!!!.!.: •

" .. : ....
• __ ;:;-••l.' R-01, 9067.55'
i= 1500
4( :I......... - Zone 4 Core
\ ..... ~
::::» 1000 81 md
::E rI"
::::» 500
0 . .....
~- Y-18 Well

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time, (mln}**O.5



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