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“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces”

George Santayana

Lesson Plan
Date: 09.10.2019

Teacher: Ureche Gabriela

Grade: 7 “A”

Time: 45 minutes

Theme: Family

Institution: Gymnasium № 53

General Objectives:

1. Formulate simple questions in everyday life situation appropriately using conversational


2. Participating in oral communication (with the teacher or colleagues)on familiar topics.

3. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.

4. Defining the theme of on text on the basis of its title and or pictures which go with it.

5. Selecting from e text the information necessary to solve different tasks.

6. Giving a lecture or an official speech; debating.

Grammar: Making up sentences using Present Simple after certain conjunction using

Materials: textbook English for you and me (7), blackboard, pictures, group work, monologue.
Stages of the Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity Methods
Warm up
Informal conversation The pupils greet the Conversation
(Greetings , How are you?) teacher. Say who is
absent and describe
the weather.
Checking the
homework Let’s see what was your Pupils say: Our Interrogation.
homework and I put marks. homework was listening,
vocabulary and the conversation
Presentation of
the Today we begin with a new The pupils discover
the theme of the lesson, which is named the title.
lesson ”Family” and I want to add Interrogation
that “The Family is one of conversation
nature’s masterpieces.”
At the beginning thing in
your mind The pupils discover
-what is the family? the new words and
Now open your notebook learn, translate.
and write the date and new
We begin with a new Pupils answer the
words. Open your book on exercices.
page 24 and you have 6-7
minutes read and learn the
words from vocabulary.
The teacher help to translate
and pronounce the word.
After I ask the word from
Now, please look at the
ex.1on page 28.

Look at the ex.3, 4 on page

25 .

Reading and
speaking Now ,we beginning with a The pupils are very Writing
new text. carefully and write in
“Margaret’s Letter “ the copybook. Reading
In this copybook write
some idea of the text.
“-She tell your mother how
happy was when receive
last letter.
-She retell about the kindly
Mr. Brooke and fortunate
Mr. Laurence’s.
-The girls are all as good as
-One is girl help her with The pupils read and
Sewing and doing hard learn. Conversation
-Beth as a clock and never
forget what you told her.

I sad him to learn this idea.

I asked him.

Grammar I suggest you to be very Pupils ask questions

revision attentively and to remember if anything wasn’t
Grammar. clear. conversation
Today we will speak about
how to use Present Simple
after conjunction.
I purpose you to do ex.1
page 26. But,before it
would like to translate each
verb from the first exercise.
At home you have to The pupils note in conversation
continued ideas and retell their home task .
the text on page 25.To
learn the words from
vocabulary and write ex.1
ex 3,on page 26.

I put the marks to those They listen their conversation
who was active at the lesson marks.
.Today the lesson is over. Good-bye teacher
Good-bye! Some to you!

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