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Teacher as an Agent of

Social Change
Session VII

Dr. Mussaret Anwar Sheikh

In a competitive global world, universities in
Pakistan need to divorce the conventional
role as “teaching only institutions” and focus
more on including “research for knowledge
generation and its dissemination”.

The new world order demands horizontal

vision and vertical wisdom, It also
requires universities to possess
competencies and negotiating skills to
sustain in a global world of work and
Point to Ponder

What is “social change”?

Who brings it?
Concept of Social Change
Agents of social change are:

 Teacher (Teacher of any level)

 Media (print and electronic)

 Opinion leaders (formal & informal)

 Innovations/ Research (concepts, ideas, findings etc.)

 Religious institutions (Mosque and Madrassa)

How to Bring About Social Change?

 Vision and wisdom of university teachers

through students

 Voice of people as a tool for social change

 Role of university teachers in bringing about

social change

 Adoption of innovations
Steps for Effective Change

 Set up a stage for involving people to adopt innovations

 mobilize the People-students
 Select a team of like minded followers/individuals- students
 Set short targets to enhance vision and voice
 Develop an appropriate strategy for change
 Select effective tools for communication
 Inspire and spark off followers
 Design short term objectives
 Create a new environment
Factors Opposing the Social Change in Pakistan

 Conventional mind set of the people

 Lack of awareness

 Lack of facilities

 Misguidance from so-called opinion leaders

 Adverse Propaganda-media
Discuss in your groups “what do you practice to bring
about social change during your professional life?”

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