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Heat resistance test

The purpose of this test is to see if the vest will function correctly by helping the consumer stay cool. This is necessary
because if the vest does not keep the consumer cool, then the design will need to be tweaked in order to reach that goal.

Pass/Fail Criteria
A person’s normal body temperature could range anywhere from 97-99 Degrees. The core temperature will be taken from
the subject and will be compared to the results

Pass – the core temperature of the subject decreases from the normal core temperature during the 1-hour experiment

Fail – the core temperature of the subject increases or stays the same during the 1-hour experiment

 Thermal temperature reader
 Timer
 Fan
 water

Initial Conditions
 prototype is completed
 the prototype’s parts are all functional and working
 water must be filled in the container

Safety Concerns
Identify any potential dangers posed to people or property that could result from testing. Describe precautions that must be
taken in order to ensure the safety of the tester and others and to protect tools, equipment, fixtures, and the surrounding
facility from damage.

Hazards Controls Completed (yes/no)

Participant may have health
issues where prolonged exposure Make sure participant is healthy
to heat may injure or kill them and has no known health
Participant may experience a Closely monitor participants
heat related illness if experiment condition

Test Termination
 we would have to stop testing if one of our components fails, or If the Participant shows signs of a heat illness

Step by Step procedures

List the step-by-step process describing what needs to be done in order to run this test. Be very specific so that anyone
could perform this test without additional instruction.
1. Ensure subject is well hydrated before testing
2. Find a small enclosed room with a fan and set its temperature to around 81 °F ( The average temperature during the
summer months)
3. Take subjects starting core temperature VIA thermal temperature reader.
4. Give subject vest and verify that its functioning
5. Send subject into room and set a timer for 1 hour (closely monitor subjects health condition during this time.)
6. Once the 1 hour is over, take the subject out and take their core temperature
7. Once the temperature has been recorded, give the subject a cool down period before the second part of the test is
8. Follow steps 1 through 7 again except this time the subject will not be wearing the cooling vest.
9. Compare temperatures to verify the vest’s effectiveness

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