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Grown ups movie.

Primera escena (7:33-8:00).

 Gelphy en su habitación.
(Necesitamos una pierna de mujer)
Gelphy contesta una llamada en su celular, sentado en la cama.
Gelphy: GOd, that´s rough, buddy.
Who´s making the funeral arrangements?
… oh, his niece? She must be devastated.
Hey, is she still hot, do you know?
Girl: (patada) Don’t make me lose my temper, Marcus. (Acercamiento al tatuaje en la
pierna de la chica).
Gelphy: What?
Hey, if i dont make it to the funeral…
… tell the police it was Arlene from Applebee´s.

Segunda escena (8:47- 9:57)

 En la iglesia

 Escena de encuentro

 Yeepeta→ René y Keyla.

 Están en la iglesia→ Albert y Manuela.

 Entra Gelphy (11:00-11:22)

 Entra Francisco y Nicole (11:57) <Carro>

 Entra Carlos→ Vestido raro (12:20- 13:06)

Rene y Keyla, montados en la jeepeta, rene se quita las gafas
Keyla: what is wrong with your sunglasses?
Rene: I don’t want any reason for these guys to call me…
Albert: (Grita) Hollywood!!! Ja ja ja ja
Manuela y albert se acercan hacia rene y Keyla que están desmontándose de la jeepeta.
Rene: Hey. Look at that. Kurt McKenzie.
Albert: Hey.
Rene: And the whole McKenzie clan.
Albert: Come here, man. (Albert y rene se abrazan).
Rene: Deanne, you look great (Rene Saluda a manuela)
Manuela: I do? (Beso en la mejilla)
Rene: My wife´s over there. Go and say hi.
Manuela se va a saludar a Keyla.
Albert: I see that ass iis still growing. (Mirando lo gordo que esta rene, en tono de burla)
Got a Little Kardashian in there.
Rene: Well, you´ve kind of turned into a little Michael Vick thing, if he was bulimic.
(Burlando se que albert esta muy flaco)
Risas entre ambos.

Keyla y Manuela.
Manuela se acerca caminando hacia Keyla.
Manuela, Hi, Roxanne.
I dont know if you remember me. I was at your wedding. I was the one that was table
dancing all night. Deanne McKenzie. (Se saludan dandose las manos)
Keyla: Of course. Deanne, hello.
Manuela: Hi, good to see you. (Sonriendo)
Keyla: Oh, my God, you´re glowing. You look so beautiful with your pregnancy.
Manuela: (con cara seria) what the hell are you talking about?
Keyla deja de sonreir.
Mauenla se empieza a reír, era una broma.
Manuela: I´m just playing. Oh, my God. You should see your face. You were like,
Keyla no se rie.

Entra Gelphy.
Gelphy: No cell phone? Then I´m out of here.
Rene: Higgie.
Keyla, Rene y Albert miran a gelphy.
Gelphy: Who´s ready to get their funeral on? (Señalandose a si mismo)
I´m sorry, death makes me weird.
Saluda con abrazo a Albert.
Gelphy: what´s up, McKenzie? You got those soft hands. Still using Palmolive?
Luego Saluda a Rene.
Gelphy: Hey, what´s up, Lenny?
Buddy, y thought you were gonna start working out.
Rene: What does that mean?
Gelphy: You´re fat.
Rene: no, no… Hey, guys, this is good news. I always wanted to represent you.
You´re the third Olsen twin? (Refiriendose a Gelphy), rene se esta agarrando las manos.
Gelphy: Keep it down.
Llega Francisco conduciendo un carro.
Francisco: Hey now. (Manuela Saluda desde su asiento y ambos sonríen)
Gelphy: jaj ja
Rene: Lamonsoff. Rolling up in a Caddy?
Manuela se desmonta…
Francisco: That´s how we do it.
Rene: and you, you´ve grown up on me, man. Are you a B-cup now?
Rene y Francisco se rien…
Francisco: Hey, nice ears. You get the NFL package on those?
Albert: (Tocando el carro) Nice Caddy. You selling lawn furniture and crack?
Francisco: (Medio ofendido) Come on, i´m the co-owner of Branchville Lawn
Furniture, man. I´m the boss now, baby.
Rene: Oh, good for you, Eric.
Albert: Glad you brought your mother.
Francisco: Oh, that´s a good one.
Albert y Francisco chocan las manos.
Francisco: Its like shaking hands with an Eagle. I´ll see you later. (Se va a parquear el
Rene se rie de albert.

Vista bosque y lago

Tercera escena (25:10-26:22)

 Los 5 juntos, sillas, playa.

Cuarta escena (desayuno)

 Gelphy está acostado en el mueble.
Entra René.
 Carlos y René (34:45)
 Carlos; Hey, morning.
 René; Morning. How we doing? , something stinks in here.
 Carlos; Using a dehydrator, which never cooks anything above 115
 René; Those are pancakes? , they look like you cut them off an elephant
´s legs, I´m not eating that.
 Carlos; It´s good for you.
 René; What is this?
 Carlos; What is this?, (cara rara)
 René; A scab?
 Carlos; It´s dehydrated banana.
 René; What happened to a normal banana? Peel a banana and eat it.
 Carlos; The kids´ll love it. It´s fun, man. It doesn´t go bad. You slice it
 René; I see what you do.
René le da una galleta a Carlos con un pancake.
 René; Maybe you´re right. This is good.
 Carlos; Is that what It´s menat for?
 René; You could.
 Carlos; Well, I´d rather be hit by dehydrated fruit than processed.
René le da a Carlos de nuevo.
 Carlos; Processed food.
 René; I´m just kidding around.
 Carlos; You think you can just slap people.
 René; I don´t think that. Don´t say that. Come on.

 Keyla y Manuela (37:12)

 Keyla; Morning.
 Manuela; Uh lalaaa.
 Nicole; Those are the Christian Louboutin shoes.
 Keyla; I know I´m averdressed, but, sorry, I packed for Milan, not the
 Carlos; Made from acorns.
 René; So, dude I´m not eating any of this. You got any normal food?
Nicole le da bacon a René.
 Carlos; She gets it.
 René; She gets it.
René le dice a Gelphy; She gets it.
 Gelphy; Thanks God, she gets it all right, so.
 Carlos; Hey, what are you doing?
 René; Cooking the bacon.
 Carlos; Not is here. That´s dead animal flesh. It´s not going near the
vegan food.
Keyla se saca la comida de la boca.
 Carlos; Murderer.
 René; Fine, what do I do with it?, Oh I know.
Gelphy sin pantalones
Vista bosque y lago

Quinta escena (47:19-49:10)

 Escena de la flecha (en el bosque)
(Necesitamos un arco y una flecha)
 Corriendo todos
 Francisco y Gelphy se caen
 Gelphy cae en la pupú
 Carlos se clava la flecha
 Entran las chicas

Sexta escena (51:35-52:10)

 René y Keyla (en la habitación)

Séptima escena (58:08-59:00)

 Parque acuático
 Las mujeres (traje de baño)
(Necesitamos un hombre)

Octava escena (59:49-1:00:16)

 1:01:16- 1:02:02

Novena escena (1:01:36- 1:10:19)

 Cena entre todos

Décima escena (1:14:41)

 Amanecer

Última escena (1:15:20- 1:15:58)

 Gelphy, Keyla, Manuela, Nicole
 Gelphy sale del closet medio borracho

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