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Essential Research Program — General Course Outline

This document serves as a general guideline of the course content provided to the May-August
2020 cohort of the Essential Plan in Nexus Laboratories’ Research Program. This guideline is
open-ended for the purpose of catering to each research group’s interests.

Cohort Objectives
The Essential Plan of the Nexus Research Program intends to:
➢ Create a tailored curriculum for each research group where students can be guided throughout the
research process
➢ Establish adequate resources for groups to have the liberty of publishing one research literature
➢ Individualize group work and provide consistent feedback such as progress reports to enhance
➢ Enable students to communicate on a platform to a network of like-minded individuals with
similar projects

Academic Coordinators
Academic coordinators may vary throughout different academic terms. They specifically communicate
with students and serve as a liaison to provide guidance, content, and deliverables across the cohort,
peer-reviewers and academic board. They determine student progress and utilize feedback to develop
additional course content. They also evaluate student performance to determine certification distinction
levels and additional benefits.
➢ Joy Xu:
➢ Vedish Soni:

Group Meetings
Once grouped together, research lead(s) and research assistant(s) will meet online to develop and work on
the research projects. The actual times and dates of group meetings depend on each group’s availability,
but it’s recommended for groups to work on research projects at least three times a week.
➢ Group meetings should be held every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to optimize
project quality. This is subjected to change depending on deadlines and group availabilities

Interactive content is provided through online lectures to guide and streamline the research process of
each research group. Certain modules will be shared with all research groups throughout all research
program plans, but customized modules will be provided after gauging feedback from students.
➢ Module dates are typically held online for a twice a week on Monday, Wednesday and/or Friday,
but will depend on student availability and workload. Modules will be presented on Zoom.
Prior to accepting their role, all students will be asked to provide their preference in research topics,
availability, general interests/traits, and other information as a means for determining an optimal group
dynamic and work setting.

Throughout the course, students will also be asked to provide reflections and feedback forms to mark their
progress throughout the research. Students are provided with guidance and resources to publish an
academic piece, but the success of the project still depends on their diligence and passion.

Beyond academic experiences, students will also gain the opportunity to receive:
❏ Volunteer hours
❏ Letters of References
❏ Liberty and complete academic ownership to publish their research project
○ Only after completion of the research project
❏ Future research opportunities sent via email
❏ Research networks for future connections
❏ Certificate of Academic Research Excellence in the Essential Research Program
○ Dependent on student performance and conduct

Students must fulfill their assigned tasks within their research group to ensure the academic quality of
their research. All students are expected to keep consistent communication, high-quality work, and a
curious mindset throughout their enrolment in the Essential Program Plan. Academic coordinators are
solely responsible for the guidance of research projects, but will not be held accountable for the
completion of the projects. Students will be held accountable for their conduct with students and
coordinators, work quality, and initiative shown throughout the program. They must follow all guidelines
set by the academic enrolment forms, and fulfill all verbal agreements between peers and coordinators.

Certificate of Academic Research Excellence

All students participating in Nexus Research Programs will be presented a certificate of academic
research excellence, should they fulfill all mandated responsibilities. Distinctions are provided to students
based on the criteria below:
➢ First Class Honours with Distinction:
○ Student has no absences and no lates to any meetings (e.g. modules, group meetings, peer
○ Student takes initiative and is diligent in their work, deemed by peers and coordinators
during evaluations
○ Students achieve an average of A or above in all program work and activities
○ Student communicates avidly and participates in almost all group discussion, activities
and meetings
○ Student is always attentive to details and reflects their quality through their research

➢ First Class Honours:

○ Student has one absence and/or one or two lates to any meetings (e.g. modules, group
meetings, peer reviews)
○ Student takes mostly initiative and is diligent in their work, deemed by peers and
coordinators during evaluations
○ Student mostly communicates avidly and participates in almost all group discussion,
activities and meetings
○ Students achieve an A- or above in all program work and activities
○ Student is usually attentive to details and reflects their quality through their research
➢ Honours:
○ Student has two absence and/or one or two lates to any meetings (e.g. modules, group
meetings, peer reviews)
○ Student takes initiative and is diligent in their work, deemed by peers and coordinators
during evaluations
○ Students achieve an B+ or above in all program work and activites
○ Student communicates and participates in group discussion, activities and meetings

Students who do not fulfill the requirements to receive certificates include (and are not limited) to...
❏ Three absences to any meetings (e.g. modules, group meetings, peer reviews)
❏ Five lates to any meetings (e.g. modules, group meetings, peer reviews)
❏ Late constitutes as more than ten minutes later than the pre-agreed time
❏ Violation of any points listed on the academic enrolment form
❏ Inappropriate conduct towards any student/coordinator/faculty member

General Dates and Checkpoints

These dates are subjected to change depending on the cohort development and availability:

May 15: Research lead/assistant forms due
➢ Grouping of research leads and assistants
May 26: Research proposal forms due
➢ Determines the research topic and details
June 2: Proposal revisions due
➢ Academic quality, integrity and ethics of the proposed research project
June 14: Quarterly reports due
➢ Evaluation of student performance and educational needs
Aug 18: Research literature completed
July 8: Mid-term group-to-group review
July 15: Peer review
July 29: Academic board review
Revisions for each step should be submitted within three days.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Enrollment in Due:
Classroom Platform Research

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Research Group Module: Module: Module: Module:

Assigned Effective Team COBWEB Trending Topics Productive Team Group Meeting:
( Leads only) Environment Team Building
Research Proposal (Leads Only)
Forms sent to all

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Group Meeting: Module: IREC Due: Proposal Proposal forms Group Meeting:
Team Building Forms returned to you Team Building

Revise returned
Proposal form


Group Meetings:
Team Building

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

Module: Module: Group Meeting:

Writing an effective Writing an Work on Research
Research Paper Part effective Research
1 Paper Part 2

Due: Second Round of

Revisions for Revisions sent back
Proposal forms

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Group Meeting: Group Meeting: Group Meeting: Module: TBD Group Meeting:
Work on Research Work on Research Work on Research Work on Research

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Group Meeting: Quarterly Reports Group Meeting: Module: TBD Group Meeting:
Work on Research and Questions sent Work on Research Work on Research
Group Meeting: out
Work on Research

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Group Meeting: Group Meeting.: Group Meeting: Module: TBD Group Meeting:
Work on Research Work on Research Work on Research Work on Research

Due: Quarterly
Reports and Questions

28 29 30

Group Meeting:
Work on Research

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

Group Meeting Modules : TBD Group Meeting

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Group Meeting Group Meeting Group/Group Group Meeting Modules: TBD Group Meeting
Review sent out
Due: First Draft of Due: Group/Group
Manuscript Midterm Group Revisions
Evaluation sent out (Revisions should
be sent back to the
original group by
this date)

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Group Meeting Due: Midterm Group Group Meeting Submit Manuscript Group Meeting Modules: TBD Group Meeting
Evaluations for Peer Review
Due: Second Draft of

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Group Meeting Group Meeting Peer-Reviewed Group Meeting: Modules: TBD Group Meeting
Manuscripts sent Discuss, and
back Implement
Revisions and Ask

26 27 28 29 30 31

Group Meeting Group Meeting Academic Board Group Meeting Modules: TBD
Due: Third Draft of

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Group Meeting

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Group Meeting Module: Finding the Group Meeting Sent Back: Group Meeting Modules: TBD Group Meeting
right journal Academic Board

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Group Meeting Module: What Group Meeting: Group Meeting: Module: Career Group Meeting
happens after Find Suitable Find Suitable Opportunities
Due: Final Draft of submission Journal for your Journal or your
Manuscript Research Project Research Project

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Group Meeting Module: Next Steps Closing Ceremony

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31
20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Group Meeting Group Meeting.: Group Meeting.: Group Meeting.:

Work on Research Work on Research Work on
Due: Quarterly Research
Reports and

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