Opposite Words PDF

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accidental – intentional

arrival – departure

arrive – depart

artificial – natural

beginning – end

behind – in front of

below – above

best – worst

better – worse

beautiful – ugly

big – small

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birth – death

bitter – sweet

black – white

blunt – sharp

body – soul

bore – amuse

boring – exciting

borrow – lend

centre – outskirts

certainly – probably

constant – changeable

construction – destruction

continue – interrupt

cool – warm

correct – wrong

courage – fear

courageous – cowardly

cowardly – brave

drama – comedy

dry – humid

dull – interesting

dusk – dawn

early – late

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east – west

ending – beginning

exposure – shelter

extreme – moderate

fail – succeed

failure – success

false – true

far – near

fast – slow

fat – slim

fear – courage

floor – ceiling

follow – lead

forbid – allow

forget – remember

front – rear

in front of – back

full – empty

funny – serious

future – past

general – particular

generous – mean

gentle – violent

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gentleman – lady

giant – tiny

girl – boy

give – take

harvest – plant

hate – enjoy

health – disease

healthy – ill

heat – cold

heaven – hell

heavy – light

hell – heaven

here – there

high – deep

hopeless – hopeful

inside – outside

insult – compliment

intelligent – silly

intentional – accidental

be interested in – bore

interesting – boring

interrupt – continue

junior – senior

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kind – cruel

lack – abundance

lady – gentleman

land – take off

land – water

large – small

last – first

late – early

laugh – cry

lazy – active

like – hate

liquid – solid

little – big

little – much

live – die

long – short

lose – win

loser – winner

good luck – bad luck

major – minor

male – female

man – woman

many – few

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miss – hit

miss – catch

moderate – extreme

modern – ancient

monarchy – republic

no – yes

nobody – everybody

noisy – quiet

noon – midnight

push – pull

question – answer

quick – slow

quiet – loud

satisfaction – regret

satisfy – annoy

save – spend

scream – whisper

stop – start

stand – lie

strange – normal

then – now

terrible – lovely

there – here

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thick – thin

thin – thick

thirsty – hungry

throw – catch

tight – loose

useful – useless

useless – useful

vacant – occupied

visitor – host

voluntary – compulsory

win – lose

winner – loser

winter – summer

worst – best

wrong – correct

yes – no

yesterday – tomorrow

young – old

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Slow – Fast

Thick – Thin

Straight – Curly

Light – Heavy

Loose – Tight

Beautiful – Ugly

Big – Small

Strong – Weak

Healthy – Sick

Low – High

Poor – Wealthy

Brave – Cowardly

Lazy – Hardworking

Early – Late

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after although as as if
as long as as much as as soon as as though
because before even even if
even though if if only if when
if then inasmuch in order that just as
lest now now since now that
now when however once provided
provided that rather than since so that
supposing than that though
till unless until when
whenever where whereas where if
wherever whether which while
who whoever why

50 conjunction sentences

 I can pass after the green light is on.

 Although she speaks seldom, she says meaningful words.
 I went to bed at 10 pm as I had a plane to catch at 7 am.
 She talks as if he was rich.
 You can go as long as you are good.
 I hate broccoli as much as I hate cauliflower.
 As soon as I went to home, I started to work.

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 It seems as though she is in trouble.
 She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
 My work must be finished before afternoon.
 He works every day, even on Sundays.
 You will go to that cinema even if they don’t allow you.
 Even though it rained a lot, We enjoyed the holiday.
 Michael has very much money. However, she’s not all that happy.
 Let me know if you go to the school.
 If only Maria had been able to come.
 Inasmuch as it rains, I’ll take an umbrella.
 People burn forests in order that they have more land.
 Just as I was watching the football match on TV, electricity went off.
 You must study hard lest you fail.
 Now go home and cook meat meals.
 Once I start eating, I must continue.
 I will go to cinema provided the others go.
 You can borrow the PC provided that you promise to give it back in time.
 I go to theater weekly rather than monthly.
 Since I was ill for two months, I lost my job.
 She was too late so that she could not apply for the job.
 Supposing you had a dog, what would you do with it?
 She runs faster than me.
 Though it is raining, they swam in the pool.
 Please stay at home till afternoon.
 I will go to supermarket unless it is very crowded.
 I waited up for her until eleven o’clock.
 I was watching tv when she came in.
 You can come whenever you want.
 She was eating in the kitchen, where there was table.
 She is very funny whereas he is boring.
 We can meet you wherever you want.
 I worry about whether She’ll be a good person.
 I found the article which was very important.
 While I was playing with the children, he came the park.
 I visited Alice who was ill.
 Whoever says so is a liar.
 She asked him why he was playing football.

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