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Decision suggestion to be part of the output of the DSS

The output of a DSS must offer information that is accurate, relevant and complete.
In this sense, the information provided should be suitable in order for the two
managers to interpret.
The decision suggestion resulted from the output of the DSS can be a chart, a report or
a tabular data summary. It can also be any representation that displays the results from
queries or analyses.
Depending on the interpretation of the resulted charts or summaries, the two managers
can decide which actions to take in order to increase sales, whether to display products
together, promote certain types of products according to the time they are being
bought etc.
2. Limitations/weaknesses of the proposed solution
 Unawareness of assumptions: decision makers (in this case, the two managers)
may not always be fully aware of the assumptions a DSS has taken into
consideration when analyzing certain data. Consequently, managers should bear in
mind the fact that DSS is only a supporting tool that has its own limitations.
 Difficulty in collecting the required data: the managers should be aware that the
values the DSS presents may not be 100% true, so there is the possibility of not
capturing all the data.
 Difficulties in quantifying all the data: Managers should always use their own
judgment when interpreting data. Sometimes, it may occur that some values cannot
be defined in numbers by the DSS. Even though the DSS should quantify the
values, the end result must always be adequately considered by the managers.
 Information overload: Sometimes it may be difficult for managers to ignore
information that is not a priority, since the DSS may result in information
overload. Due to the fact that it analyzes all aspects of a problem, it may leave the
user in a difficulty of what to consider and what not.
 Overemphasis on decision making: Managers should always consider all aspects
of a problem all the time and ensure the effective and optimal use of DSS.

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