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In my previous article, we already have learnedwhat is Kubernetes, its architecture and what

is the difference betweenDocker and Kubernetes.

In this article, we will looking into some of the frequently used Kubeclt commands that are
used to manage and interact Kubernetes objects and clusters along with its purpose.

Below is the list of most frequently used Kubeclt commands.

Kubeclt Command Purpose

kubectl api-versions This command will print the
supported versions of API on
the cluster.
kubectl apply –f This command will configure
<filename> a resource by file or stdin
kubectl attach <pod> –c This command will attach
<container> things to the running
kubectl cluster-info This command will display
the cluster Information.
kubectl cluster-info dump This command will dump
relevant information
regarding cluster for
debugging and diagnosis.
kubectl config This command willModifies
<SUBCOMMAD> the kubeconfig file.
kubectl config current- This will display displays the
context current context.
kubectl config delete- This will delete the specified
cluster <Cluster Name> cluster from kubeconfig
kubectl config delete- This command will delete a
context <Context Name> specified context from
kubectl config get-cluster This command will display
cluster defined in the
kubectl config get- This command will Describe
context <Context Name> one or many contexts.
kubectl config set- This command will Set the
credentials cluster-admin user entry in kubeconfig
--username = ankur --
password =
kubectl config set This command will set an
PROPERTY_NAME individual value in kubeconfig

kubectl config use- This command will set the

context <Context Name> current context in kubectl

kubectl cp <Files from This command will copy files

source> <Files to and directories to and from
Destinatiion> containers.

kubectl create –f <File This command will create the

Name> resources by filename.
kubectl replace -f This command will replace a
FILENAME resource by file name
or stdin.
Kubectl rollout <Sub This command is capable of
Command> managing the rollout of
kubectl set image (-f This command will update
FILENAME | TYPE NAME) the image of a pod template.

kubectl top node [node This command will display

Name] CPU/Memory/Storage usage.

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