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video games are an electronic game that involves interaction with a user to
generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display. We can say
Its Appeared from a few Centuries and it was a result of the new technological
development. But the question that it caused a lot of difference and dispute
between professionals also between the normal people that, are video games
considered art?
So we will know now if video games are arts or not and, appear both sides which
dispute in this matter.

In the first, we can say a video game considered as fine art and that, support this
opinion that each video game has a special idea, and a programmer and designer
who made it, they put their special ideas and special details that specialized than
other video games, so all of that makes us consider that video games are classified
fine art. but in another side, some people think the video game is only software
statements that depend on the skill of the programmer and his mastery of the
different programming languages and has no relation to art at all so we can't
classify the video games as fine art. but if we want to refutation their words we can
say yes the video games are software statements but also it's in the first an idea and
Creativity before becoming software statements and we can see the art in video
games in the design of the game and the details of the background and the
characters so on in the game.

On the other side, we can say video games aren't fine art and are only are output
from studying computer science like any studies which, produce any product. Such
as the car we can't say its an artistic work, it's only output for study mechanic and
other Specializations.
But other people say video games aren't like other product its output of people
Creativity of the manufacturer and of course, it like any art. a person can learn it,
but it does not mean that it doesn't depend on the person’s creativity, talent, and
imagination, which Considered a major role in the success the game.
But response about their words that video games are a person’s creativity etc. we
can say all products result from ideas and imagination can we say that all of them
are arts? of course no.

In the end, we can't determine if video games are classified as fine art or not.
cause of it back to the person's thinking, and How to look at it. Also, the two sides
have good arguments and they are convinced about what they say. But in my
opinion, I see video games and all things that produce from the creativity and
imagination Considered fine art.

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