2020 ESPNIC PEMVECC COVID-19 Practice Recommendations

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PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

Practice recommendations for the

management of children with suspected or
proven COVID-19 infections from the Paediatric
Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference
(PEMVECC) and the section Respiratory Failure
from the European Society for Paediatric and
Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC)

A consensus statement

Martin C.J. Kneyber MD PhD FCCM(1,2) degree of lung recruitability and usu-
Alberto Medina MD PhD(3) ally a good response to prone posi-
Vicent Modesto i Alapont MD PhD(4) tioning1. The clinical manifestations of
Robert Blokpoel MD(1) severe COVID-19 disease in children
Joe Brierley MD PhD(5) have not been studied but it cannot be
Giovanna Chidini MD(6) ruled out that a proportion of patients
Mireia Garcia Cuscó MD FRCPCH FFICM(7) may present with clinical features like
Jürg Hammer MD(8) bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia, and

European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

Yolanda M. Lopez Fernandez MD(9) pneumonitis seen in other viral respira-
Cristina Camilo MD(10) tory illnesses or with extra-pulmonary
Christophe Milesi MD(11) symptoms. Preliminary paediatric data
Daniele de Luca MD PhD(12) shows that severe COVID-19 disease
Marti Pons MD PhD(13) appears uncommon in young children
Lyvonne Tume RN PhD(14) although those < 1 years of age may
Peter C. Rimensberger MD(15) experience greater disease severity2-4.

Introduction The Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation

The spectrum of respiratory illness Consensus Conference (PEMVECC)
from severe acute respiratory syn- published recommendations for paedi-
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atric mechanical ventilation in 20175.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) The panel and new invited members
varies from mild upper respiratory gathered online to evaluate if the pub-
tract symptoms to severe acute res- lished recommendations needed revis-
piratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ing to address specific issues related
COVID-19 induced ARDS in adults is to COVID-19 disease. The panel rec-
characterised by hypoxaemia without ommends adhering in general to the
increased work of breathing (likely recommendations on mechanical ven-
representative of ventilation-perfu- tilation in children published by PEM-
sion mismatching), unusually spared VECC and the practice recommenda-
lung compliance, a heterogeneous tions from the Pediatric Acute Lung

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

Injury Consensus Conference (PALICC) For NIV, preference should be given to

published in 20155,6. Given the lack the use of a certified helmet because
of paediatric data, specific recom- leaks are minimised; if not available
mendations on managing paediatric then a non-vented oro-nasal or full-
COVID-19 cases cannot be made. The face mask, a double limb circuit (or a
Panel recommends critically appraising single limb with filter before the leak
data coming from adults with COV- site) and appropriate bacterial/viral fil-
ID-19 and published recommendations ters should be used. The panel recom-
on managing COVID-19 in adults be- mends titrating pressures according to
fore making use of these in daily clin- the patient’s response (i.e. oxygena-
ical paediatric practice. tion and work of breathing). CPAP/NIV
bears increased risk of aerosol con-
Assessing disease severity tamination, certainly if there is a leak8.
According to PEMVECC and PALICC, Strict personal protection equipment

the panel recommends monitoring (PPE) is mandated with managing pa-

SpO2/FiO2 ratio in patients on non-in- tients with suspected or confirmed
vasive respiratory and the oxygenation COVID-19. Intubation must be recom-
saturation index (OSI) or the oxygen- mended if there is no improvement in
ation index (OI) in invasively ventilat- oxygenation (target SpO2 92 – 97%
ed children for severity grading6. The and FiO2 < 0.6) within 60 – 90 min-
level of FiO2 should be guided by tar- utes. One adult report suggests con-
geting SpO2 ≤ 97% to allow for valid sidering adding the ROX index (SpO2/
measurement of the SpO2/FiO2 ratio FiO2 divided by the respiratory rate)
and the OSI. in the decision-making for intubation
2 (i.e. ROX < 5). However, with SpO2/
Practice recommendations for chil- FiO2 < 221 intubation should not be
dren at risk for paediatric ARDS further delayed.
European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

(PARDS) as defined by a) chest im-

aging findings of new infiltrate(s) HIGH-FLOW NASAL CANNULA (HFNC)
consistent with acute pulmonary might be considered as an option if
parenchymal disease and b) oxy- CPAP/NIV is unavailable for patients
gen supplementation to maintain with SpO2/FiO2 > 264 (FiO2 < .35 –
SpO2 ≥ 88% and oxygenation index .40). Like CPAP/NIV, with interfaces
(OI) < 4 or oxygen saturation index others than helmets, HFNC bears in-
(OSI) < 5. creased risk of aerosol contamination,
personal protection equipment (PPE)
If available, CONTINUOUS POSITIVE is therefore mandated, and this also
AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) or BI-LEV- while awaiting COVID-19 testing re-
EL NON-INVASIVE VENTILATION (NIV) sults8. Careful monitoring of patients
as a first-line approach is recommend- on HFNC is essential. Escalation of
ed rather than high-flow nasal cannu- therapy (i.e. non-invasive ventilation
la (HFNC), certainly in patients with or intubation) should not be delayed,
SpO2/FiO2 > 221 and < 264. The ra- if there is no improvement in oxygen-
tionale for this is that a higher pres- ation within 30 – 60 minutes (target
sure level might be obtained when us- for HFNC treatment success: SpO2 92
ing CPAP/NIV7. Intubation should not – 97% with FiO2 < 0.4).
be further delayed if SpO2/FiO2 < 221.

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

The panel recommends that INTU- Initial PEEP should be around 10 cm-
BATION is performed by an expert in H2O and might need for further in-
airway management in a closed en- crease, for which best but limited
vironment with a minimal amount of paediatric evidence based guidance
staff. Video laryngoscopy (if available) can be given by the ARDS Network
should be used. All personnel should PEEP/FiO2 grid9. The panel considers it
have PPE. The panel recommends reasonable to titrate FiO2 to maintain
pre-oxygenating the patient with SpO2 92 – 96% in the lack of any spe-
a bag/mask that is equipped with a cific paediatric data. For patients with
bacterial/viral filter. If bag/mask ven- severe disease the minimal acceptable
tilation is necessary, the panel recom- SpO2 should be 88 %10,11. The panel
mends the “two-person technique” recommends allowing for permissive
to ensure a better seal of the mask hypercapnia, thereby accepting pH >
around the mouth. The panel recom- 7.20 unless specific clinical indications

mends rapid sequence induction. The dictate otherwise.
panel recommends the use of cuffed
endotracheal tubes, inflating the cuff Neuromuscular blockade
immediately after intubation before The panel recommends considering
verification of the position of the tube early use of neuromuscular blocking
by end-tidal CO2, chest X-ray, auscul- agents (NMBA) for 24 – 48 hours in
tation or ultrasound exam. moderate-to-severe PARDS (i.e. PaO2/
FiO2 < 150; OI ≥ 12; OSI ≥ 10). The ra-
The panel recommends assessing the tionale for using NMBA includes avoid-
quasi-static compliance (with sponta- ing spontaneous breathing at high
neous breathing absent) after intuba- transpulmonary pressures, minimising 3
tion under zero flow conditions. persistent ventilator dyssynchrony,
need for ongoing deep sedation, prone

European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

Practice recommendations for inva- positioning, or avoiding high plateau
sively ventilated children pressures. The panel cannot recom-
mend on threshold plateau pressures
Initial ventilator settings and targets when to start NMBA. NMBAs can be
The panel cannot recommend about discontinued if PaO2/FiO2 ≥ 150; OI <
the mode of ventilation that should be 12; OSI < 10.
used; institutional guidelines should be
applied. The panel recommends apply- Prone positioning
ing lung protective ventilation accord- The panel recommends considering
ing todays recommendation (Vt-exp 5 early and prolonged prone position-
– 7 mL/kg ideal bodyweight, (Pplat) ing in moderate-to-severe PARDS (i.e.
< 28 – 32 cmH2O, driving pressure ≤ PaO2/FiO2 < 150; OI ≥ 12; OSI ≥ 10).
15 cmH2O) per PALICC recommenda- Practices vary between 12 – 18 hrs per
tion6. Lower Vt ranges might become day with the patient in prone position.
necessary with poorly compliant res- Prolonged prone positioning (>24 hrs)
piratory system conditions, i.e. with may be considered early in the disease
severe restrictive lung disease. There trajectory. Prone positioning can be
is no data from paediatric COVID-19 discontinued if PaO2/FiO2 ≥ 150; OI <
cases suggesting other directions. 12; OSI < 10. Special care should be
taken when prone positioning the pa-
tient to avoid circuit / ETT disconnec-

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

tion. A bolus of NMBA before turning sonal preferences, institutional experi-

the patient might be considered. ences, risk assessment and availability
of equipment. The panel emphasizes
Escalating therapies for refractory that HFOV should be considered with
hypoxaemia caution if there is little or no expe-
The panel recommends considering rience with this modality. The panel
escalating therapies when (refractory) recommends adding a bacterial/viral
hypoxaemia (defined by PaO2/FiO2 < filter system to the expiratory limb of
150; OI ≥ 12; OSI ≥ 10 and/or FiO2 > the HFOV circuit to minimise the risk
0.6) is present. of aerosol contamination when devic-
es with free leak (such as the Sensor-
The panel recommends titrating PEEP Medics) are used. Newer, mainly neo-
when there is (refractory) hypoxae- natal HFOV devices work with classical
mia. The panel cannot recommend the dual limb circuits, therefore same pre-

best approach to titrating PEEP or a cautions have to be taken as during

best recruitment manoeuvre. The only conventional ventilation.
paediatric data available (not including
COVID-19 patients) on best PEEP set- The panel finds it reasonable to con-
tings showed that not adhering to the sider ECMO if refractory hypoxaemia
ARDS Network low PEEP/FiO2 grid was persists despite all measures used.
associated with increased mortality in Limited availability of human resourc-
all-cause PARDS9. However, balancing es and equipment may influence the
oxygenation and haemodynamics re- decision-making13.
mains important when titrating PEEP.
4 The panel recommends a restrictive
The panel recommends a nitric ox- fluid strategy in paediatric COVID-19
ide trial if an alteration in the hypoxic cases.
European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

pulmonary vasoconstriction reflex is

presumed (i.e. when there is no im- Caring for the invasively ventilated
provement in oxygenation despite all child
other measures). This may especially The panel recommends that all staff
be the case in COVID-19 cases with entering room must ensure they have
normal lung compliance. The pan- adequate PPE – do not risk exposure
el cannot recommend about the use
of corticosteroids. However, based on The panel recommends minimizing
recent findings from one adult study, ETT disconnections and the use of
the use of systemic corticosteroids inline, closed suctioning. The panel
may be considered to limit the pro-in- cannot make specific recommenda-
flammatory state, especially in severe tions about airway humidification, but
PARDS12. preference to heat moisture exchang-
ers with bacterial/viral filters (HMEFs)
The panel finds it reasonable consider- should be given for airway humidifa-
ing HFOV for refractory hypoxaemia in tion to reduce the risk of aerosol con-
COVID-19 induced ARDS with reduced tamination, also there is no strong ev-
respiratory system / lung compliance idence for this. Active humidification
using a staircase titration of the mean may bear the risk of aerosol contami-
airway pressure (mPaw). The the tim- nation, whereas passive humidification
ing of initiation is influenced by per- requires changing every 24 hrs.

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

The panel recommends the use of References

bacterial/viral filters on the expirato- 1. Alhazzani W, Moller, MH, Arabi, YM,
ry limb of the patient circuit and to Loeb, M, Gong, MN, Fan, E, Oczkowski,
S, Levy, MM, Derde, L, Dzierba, A, Du, B,
replace them every 24h, or earlier if Aboodi, M, Wunsch, H, Cecconi, M, Koh,
they become wet to ensure full effi- Y, Chertow, DS, Maitland, K, Alsham-
ciency. si, F, Belley-Cote, E, Greco, M, Laundy,
M, Morgan, JS, Kesecioglu, J, McGeer,
The panel recommends immediate A, Mermel, L, Mammen, MJ, Alexander,
PE, Arrington, A, Centofanti, JE, Citerio,
clamping of the endotracheal tube in G, Baw, B, Memish, ZA, Hammond, N,
case of disconnection whether expect- Hayden, FG, Evans, L, Rhodes, A (2020)
ed or unexpected. The panel recom- Surviving Sepsis Campaign: guidelines on
mends against routine chest physio- the management of critically ill adults with
therapy in absence of any thick mucus Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In-
tensive Care Med; e-pub ahead of print
or history of mucus plugs in the air-

2. Dong Y, Mo, X, Hu, Y, Qi, X, Jiang, F,
ways. The panel recommends against Jiang, Z, Tong, S (2020) Epidemiological
using cough-assist devices. Characteristics of 2143 Pediatric Patients
With 2019 Coronavirus Disease in China.
The panel recommends all personnel Pediatrics; epub eahead of print
3. Guan WJ, Ni, ZY, Hu, Y, Liang, WH, Ou,
continue using PPE when extubating a CQ, He, JX, Liu, L, Shan, H, Lei, CL, Hui,
patient because of the inherent risk of DSC, Du, B, Li, LJ, Zeng, G, Yuen, KY,
aerosol contamination with this proce- Chen, RC, Tang, CL, Wang, T, Chen, PY,
dure. Preventive measures to minimise Xiang, J, Li, SY, Wang, JL, Liang, ZJ,
aerosolization from devices or patient Peng, YX, Wei, L, Liu, Y, Hu, YH, Peng,
P, Wang, JM, Liu, JY, Chen, Z, Li, G,
coughing should be taken. Zheng, ZJ, Qiu, SQ, Luo, J, Ye, CJ, Zhu,
SY, Zhong, NS, China Medical Treatment 5
In addition to these recommendations, Expert Group for, C (2020) Clinical Char-
the panel recommends adhering to the acteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in

European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

ESPNIC Nursing Section recommenda- China. N Engl J Med; epub ahead of print
4. Cai J, Xu, J, Lin, D, Yang, Z, Xu, L, Qu, Z,
tions (available on www.espnic-online. Zhang, Y, Zhang, H, Jia, R, Liu, P, Wang,
org). X, Ge, Y, Xia, A, Tian, H, Chang, H, Wang,
C, Li, J, Wang, J, Zeng, M (2020) A Case
Series of children with 2019 novel corona-
virus infection: clinical and epidemiolog-
ical features. Clinical infectious diseases
: an official publication of the Infectious
Diseases Society of America; epub ahead
of print
5. Kneyber MCJ, de Luca, D, Calderini, E,
Jarreau, PH, Javouhey, E, Lopez-Herce,
J, Hammer, J, Macrae, D, Markhorst, DG,
Medina, A, Pons-Odena, M, Racca, F,
Wolf, G, Biban, P, Brierley, J, Rimensberg-
er, PC, section Respiratory Failure of the
European Society for, P, Neonatal Inten-
sive, C (2017) Recommendations for me-
chanical ventilation of critically ill children
from the Paediatric Mechanical Ventila-
tion Consensus Conference (PEMVECC).
Intensive Care Med 43: 1764-1780
6. Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consen-
sus Conference G (2015) Pediatric acute
respiratory distress syndrome: consen-

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

sus recommendations from the Pediatric

Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference.
Pediatr Crit Care Med 16: 428-439
7. Nielsen KR, Ellington LE, Gray AJ, Stan-
berry LI, Smith LS, DiBlasi RM (2018) Ef-
fect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on Ex-
piratory Pressure and Ventilation in Infant,
Pediatric, and Adult Models. Respir Care
8. Hui DS, Chow, BK, Lo, T, Tsang, OTY, Ko,
FW, Ng, SS, Gin, T, Chan, MTV (2019) Ex-
haled air dispersion during high-flow na-
sal cannula therapy versus CPAP via dif-
ferent masks. Eur Respir J 53:18023339
9. Khemani RG, Parvathaneni, K, Yehya,
N, Bhalla, AK, Thomas, NJ, Newth, CJL
(2018) PEEP Lower Than the ARDS Net-

work Protocol is Associated with Higher

Pediatric ARDS Mortality. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 1998:77-89
10. chmidt B, Whyte, RK (2020) Oxygen sat-
uration target ranges and alarm settings
in the NICU: What have we learnt from
the neonatal oxygenation prospective
meta-analysis (NeOProM)? Semin Fetal
Neonatal Med: 101080
11. Martin D, Peters, MJ (2019) Might children
rust? What are the risks of supplemen-
tal oxygen in acute illness. Arch Dis Child
6 104: 106-107
12. Villar J, Ferrando, C, Martinez, D, Ambros,
A, Munoz, T, Soler, JA, Aguilar, G, Alba,
European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

F, Gonzalez-Higueras, E, Conesa, LA,

Martin-Rodriguez, C, Diaz-Dominguez,
FJ, Serna-Grande, P, Rivas, R, Ferreres,
J, Belda, J, Capilla, L, Tallet, A, Anon,
JM, Fernandez, RL, Gonzalez-Martin, JM,
dexamethasone in, An (2020) Dexameth-
asone treatment for the acute respiratory
distress syndrome: a multicentre, ran-
domised controlled trial. The Lancet Res-
piratory medicine 8: 267-276
13. MacLaren G, Fisher, D, Brodie, D (2020)
Preparing for the Most Critically Ill Pa-
tients With COVID-19: The Potential Role
of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygena-
tion. JAMA; epub ahead of print

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
PEMVECC COVID-19 recommendations

Author affiliations termediate Care Department, Sant

(1) Department of Paediatrics, Division Joan de Déu Uni-versity Hospital, Uni-
of Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, versitat de Barcelona, Esplugues de
Beatrix Children’s Hospital, University Llobregat, Spain
Medical Center Groningen, University (14) University of Salford, Manches-
of Groningen, Groningen, the Nether- ter UK and Alder Hey Children’s NHS
lands Trust, Liverpool UK
(2) Critical care, Anaesthesiolgy, (15) Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive
Peri-operative & Emergency medicine, Care Unit, Department of Paediatrics,
University of Groningen, Groningen, University Hospital of Geneva, Gene-
the Netherlands va, Switzerland
(3) Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Hos-
pital Universitario Central de Asturias, © 2020 European Society for Paediat-
Oviedo, Spain ric and Neonatal Intensive Care.

(4) Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Hos-
pital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe.  m.c.j.kneyber@umcg.nl
València. Spain
(5) Departments of Critical Care and
Paediatric Bioethics, Great Ormond St
Hospital for Children NHS Trust, Lon-
don, United Kingdom
(6) Department of Anesthesia and In-
tensive Care Fondazione IRCCS Cà
Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Milan, It- 7
(7) Paediatric Intensive Care, Bristol

European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

Royal Hospital for Children, University
Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation trust,
Bristol, United Kingdom
(8) Division of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine, University Children’s
Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Ba-
sel, Switzerland
(9) Cruces University Hospital, Bar-
akaldo, Spain
(10) Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, De-
partment of Pediatrics, Hospital Santa
Maria (CHLN), Lisbon Academic Medi-
cal Center, Lisbon, Portugal
(11) Reanimation pediatrique CHU Ar-
naud de Villeneuve, Montpellier France
(12) Division of Pediatrics and Neona-
tal Critical Care, “A.Beclere” 0Medical
Center, Paris Saclay University Hospi-
tals, APHP and Paris Saclay University
(Paris, France)
(13) Paediatric Intensive Care and In-

Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference

Section Respiratory Failure - European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care

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