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Name : Ayu Widayati

NIM : 1191111067
Class : Regular C 2019



Listening 1
In this part of the test, you will hear a sentence or more sentences spoken in English. The dialogues
will be spoken twice. you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you
listen to the dialogue , complete the missing sentences!
Cory : Hi Lily, I’m glad we meet here. What a coincidence!
Lily : It is. I’m also glad meeting you. I’m about to give you an
invitation to my graduation ceremony. It’s a small gathering and
I want you to come.
Cory : Congratulation Lily! I am so happy for you. Surely, I will come
and celebrate your graduation day.
Lily : Thank you, Corry.
Cory : So, what is your plan after graduation?
Lily : Well, I think I want to go traveling for a while and refresh
myself, but I still don’t know where to go. Do you have any
Cory : Mostly, people will go to Bali for vacation. There are so many
places to visit there. But I prefer Lake Toba if it is only for 2 or
3 days.
Lily : I will think of it. Maybe I will go to Bali. I never go there, so I
think it will be an exciting journey.
Cory : Yup, Bali is a good place. Then, what are you going to do after
Lily : After that, I will start looking for a job and apply for the
opening position which suits my background.
Cory : What kind of job are you looking for? Maybe I can help.
Lily : Well, that’s very kind of you. I’m majoring in English, so I
suppose I will apply for secretary position or any kind of
administration job for a starter.
Cory : Okay, then I will inform you if there is an opening in my office.
Lily : Thank you so much, Cory. I am really grateful we meet today.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Choose the correct answer
Question 1 to 6
1. Hi Lily, I’m ……..we meet here
A. glad
B. happy
C. Sad
D. so happy
2. There are two people in this dialogue they are:
A. Cory and Lily;
B. Cory and Lili;
C. Corry and Linda
D. Cory and Lidia
3. What is Lily gives to corry? She gives ……
A. an invitation to my graduation ceremony;
B. an invitation to her graduation ceremony
C. an invitation to their graduation ceremony;
D. an invitation to his graduation ceremony
4. What is corry’s plan after graduation? She wants togo traveling to…
A. Bali;
B. Lake Toba;
C. many places;
D. good places
5. What kind of job is corry looking for?
A. She will apply for secretary position or any kind of administration job for a starter.
B. any kind of administration job for a starter
C. Officer
D. Officer for a starter
6. Thank you so much, Cory. I …really grateful we meet today. Looking forward to hearing from you.
A. Are.;
B. is;
C. am;
D. was
Listening 2
Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing sentences!
Anna : Lidia, I need to buy a new laptop, but I don’t know how to pick
the best one. Can you help me, please?
Lidia : Of course, Anna. But first, I want to know what happened to
your previous notebook?
Anna : Oh, my laptop ‘s screen is broken, I can’t see the display
Lidia : Okay then, tell me what the laptop is for. It is for programming
or is it only for documenting your work, like using Microsoft
Anna : I’m using it for documenting my work, but I’m planning to
learn computer programming too, so I suppose I want to buy the
one that suit that purpose.
Lidia : That’s good that you want to explore computer programming. I
start with this one, the Acer laptop. The specification is quite
good. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 500 gigabytes for
storage. The other one is Lenovo, which has 8 gigabytes of
memory and the same storage capacity.
Anna : What is the different? I still don’t understand.
Lidia : The Lenovo laptop has bigger memory capacity than the Acer
Anna : Okay, is that mean the Lenovo is faster than the Acer?
Lidia : Yes, that’s right. It is better for programming purpose.
Anna : Okay, then I will buy this one.
Choose the correct answer. Question 7 to 12
7. What is Anna want buy?
A. a new laptop;
B. Laptop;
C. note book,
8. What happened to ……..previous notebook

A. their;
B. your;
C. his;
D. her
9. What happened to Anna’s notebook ?

A. her laptop’s screen is broken

B. his laptop’s screen is broken
C. my laptop’s screen is broken
D. Their laptop’s screen is broken
10.What the laptop is for?

A. I am using it for documenting her work

B. He is using it for documenting my work
C. She is using it for documenting my work
D. They using it for documenting my work
11.The specification is quite good.

A. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 600 gigabytes for storage.

B. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 500 gigabytes for storage.
C. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 400 gigabytes for storage.
D. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 300 gigabytes for storage.
12.Is Lenovo is faster than Acer?

A. Yes, that’s right. It was better for programming purpose.

B. Yes, that’s right. It has better for programming purpose.
C. Yes, that’s right. It is better for programming purpose.
D. Yes, that’s right. It will better for programming purpose.
13. What is the different between Lenovo and Acer laptop?
A. Lenovo laptop big memory capacity than the Acer laptop
B. The Lenovo laptop has big memory capacity than the Acer laptop
C. The Lenovo laptop has bigger memory capacity than the Acer laptop
D. The Lenovo laptop have bigger memory capacity than the Acer lapto
14. What is Lidia planning to learn?
A. computer programming ;
C. computer;
D. notebook


Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing sentences!

Rosi : Hi, Meli! What a suprise!
Meli : Hi Rosi! I don’t believe my eyes. What are you doing here in
Rosi : Oh, I just spent a few days with my parents. Now, I’m way back
to Cirebon. I stopped by to buy some gifts.
Meli : Wow, it’s been a long time since we met.
Rosi : It sure has. Say, I hear you started you own boutique business.
Meli : How did you know?
Rosi : My mother. She keeps track of all my old friends.
Meli : Yes, I just starting my business, still has a lot to do. How about
you? How is your life?
Rosi : I am getting merried next month.
Meli : Wow, I’m really surprised. How can you find a future husband
so soon?
Rosi : Well, we met in Bali during the holiday. His hometown is in
Meli : Oh, I see. Congratulations, I am so happy for you.

Question 15 to 20
15. What is Meli doing in Bandung?
A. Holidays
B. She just spent a few days with her parents.
C .Shopping
D. Studyng
16. How long Rosi in Bandung ? day
B. Few day;
C. Few days ;
D. Two days
17. Which whom Rosiin Bandung?
A. my parents;
B. Fiends;
D.her parents
18. Where Rosi stopped by to buy some gifts?
A. Cirebon;
B. Bandung;
C. Bali;
D. Medan
19. Who started boutique business
A. Rosi;
B. Meli;
C. parents.
D. sister
20. How can Meli find a future husband so soon?
A. They met in Medan during the holiday
B. They met in Bandung during the holiday
C. They. met in Bali during the holiday
D. They met in Cirebon during the holiday.
Listening 4
Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing sentences!

John : Kelly, what are you doing?

Kelly : I’m prparing my hiking equipment.
John : When you will start to hike?
Kelly : I will hike two days from now.
John : Have you seen the weather forecast? It’s been raining this few
Kelly : Yes, I watched the news yesterday. I hope the weater will be
next week.
John : Are you not afraid?
Kelly : Nope, I have prepared my tools and everything for the hiking.
John : Okay, then be careful and take care yourself out there.
Kelly Yup absolutely, John. Thank you.

Question 21 to 25
21. What is Kelly doing?
A. She is preparing her hiking equipment.
B. I’m preparing my hiking equipment.
C. preparing my hiking equipment.
D. I’m preparing her hiking equipment.
22. When kelly will start to hike?
A. two days from now;
B. tree days from now;
C. one day from now;
D. a few days from now
23.Is Kelly preparing her hiking equipment?
A. yes it is;
B. yes she is;
C. yes he is,
D.yes they are
24. Have you seen the weather forecast?
A. It’s been rain this few days;
B. It’s been rained this few days;
C. It’s been raining this few days.
D. It’s been rain this few days.

25. Yes, I ………the news yesterday

A. watched ;
B. watch;
C. watching;
D. have watch

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