CKD-Mineral Bone Disorder in Stage 4 and 5 CKD: What We Know Today?

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CKD-Mineral Bone Disorder in Stage 4 and 5 CKD:

What We Know Today?

Michal L. Melamed, Rupinder Singh Buttar, and Maria Coco

Patients with CKD stages 4 and 5 experience biochemical derangements associated with CKD-mineral bone disorder. Some of
the key abnormalities are hyperparathyroidism, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and metabolic acidosis. We review the
available treatments for these conditions and the evidence behind the treatments. We conclude that there is greater evidence
for treating hyperphosphatemia than hyperparathyroidism. Treatment of metabolic acidosis in small clinical trials appears to be
safe. We caution the reader about side effects associated with some of these treatments that differ in patients with CKD Stages 4
and 5 compared with patients on dialysis. The use of cinacalcet has been associated with hyperphosphatemia in patients with
functioning kidneys. Activated vitamin D therapy has been associated with elevated creatinine levels, which may or may not be
a reflection of true decrement in kidney function. Finally, the use of non-calcium–containing phosphate binders may be
associated with improved clinical outcomes in patients; however, many more clinical trials are needed in this important area
of medicine.
Q 2016 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: FGF-23, Hyperphosphatemia, Vascular calcification, Hyperparathyroidism, Metabolic acidosis

INTRODUCTION PTH levels are also elevated at lower glomerular filtra-

Patients with CKD Stages 4 and 5 begin to exhibit biochem- tion rates (GFRs).3 PTH is made in the parathyroid gland
ical manifestations of CKD-mineral bone disorder (MBD) chief cells in response to fluctuations in calcium via the
with elevations in phosphate and parathyroid hormone calcium-sensing receptors on the chief cells. PTH promotes
(PTH). CKD-MBD is a systemic disorder that involves release of phosphorus and calcium from bone and in-
abnormal biochemical tests, bony abnormalities, and creases vitamin D production in the kidney and urinary
vascular calcification. The pathophysiology of CKD- secretion of phosphorus. The signals for elevation of
MBD is complex, and our understanding of it is rapidly PTH in CKD are numerous including low calcium levels,
evolving. As patients near ESRD, if untreated, they high phosphate levels, and low 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
develop hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and second- levels. Historically, therapy for CKD-MBD has focused
ary hyperparathyroidism. In this review, we will discuss on keeping calcium, PTH, and phosphate levels within a
our evolving understanding of CKD-MBD, its conse- range agreed on by expert panels based on available
quences, and treatments. data.4,5


CKD-MBD PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The current Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
Calcium and phosphate levels are kept within normal as (KDIGO) guidelines for CKD suggest that the optimal
the kidneys fail by a variety of mechanisms. The first ab- level of PTH is not known in people with GFR , 45 mL/
normality appears to be an elevation in FGF-23 levels.1 min/1.73 m2.4 They do suggest that patients with elevated
FGF-23 is a hormone made by the bone and causes phos- PTH should be evaluated for hyperphosphatemia,
phaturia (leading to lower serum phosphate levels) and hypocalcemia, and vitamin D deficiency. Why is there con-
decreases 1-alpha hydroxylase activity in the kidney troversy about the ideal levels of PTH? We know that
(leading to lower 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels). As in dialysis patients, the recommended levels of PTH are
the kidneys fail, FGF-23 levels remain elevated, and this 23 to 93 the upper limit of normal in the laboratory.4
elevation likely becomes maladaptive, whereby it is These recommendations, from the same guidelines, were
associated with and may contribute to the increased based on an evidence review performed by KDIGO, but
cardiovascular (CV) risk found in CKD.2 they acknowledge that the evidence in support of this
recommendation was not very strong (Grade 2C—“we
suggest” with low quality of evidence).4 In the general
From the Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Ein- population, PTH levels should be below the upper limit
stein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. of the laboratory normal. The transition point between
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no relevant finan- these recommendations occurs somewhere around CKD
cial interests. Stages 3, 4, and 5. Data show that PTH values start
Support: See Acknowledgment(s) on page 267. increasing likely with an estimated glomerular filtration
Address correspondence to Michal L. Melamed, MD, Department of Medi-
cine, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300
rate (eGFR) , 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and that by the time
Morris Park Avenue, Ullmann 615, Bronx, NY 10461. E-mail: michal. the GFR is less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, approximately 70% of patients will have an elevated PTH.6 The reason
Ó 2016 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. why there is no consensus on the optimal level of PTH in
1548-5595/$36.00 Stages 4 and 5 CKD is due to the dearth of data on clinical outcomes in this patient population. Higher PTH levels

262 Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, Vol 23, No 4 (July), 2016: pp 262-269
CKD-MBD in Stage 4 CKD 263

have been associated with poor clinical outcomes in ical trials including both dialysis and nondialysis CKD pa-
ESRD.7 In the general population, a meta-analysis of tients, PTH levels decreased significantly, 231.5 pg/mL
observational data revealed an association between higher (95% confidence interval [CI]: 257 to 26.1).24 There was
PTH levels and CV events.8 However, recent clinical trials, no evidence regarding patient outcomes.24 This is a small
including Paricalcitol Capsules Benefits Renal Failure decrease in PTH, but in patients with CKD Stage 4, where
Induced Cardiac Morbidity in Subjects With Chronic Kid- PTH levels are not extremely elevated, nutritional vitamin
ney Disease Stage 3/4 (PRIMO) and Oral Paricalcitol in D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) may keep PTH levels closer to
Stage 3 - 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (OPERA), patients normal. KDIGO guidelines suggest that in patients with
with CKD Stages 3 to 5 treated with vitamin D analogs CKD Stages 3 to 5, clinicians should measure 25-
did not show a clinical benefit on the primary outcomes hydroxyvitamin D levels.4 If low 25-hydroxyvitamin D
from lowering PTH levels.9,10 Therefore, clinicians are levels are discovered, patients should receive nutritional
left in a quandary about what PTH levels to target in vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) per recommendations
patients with CKD Stages 4 and 5. for the general population.4 This topic was recently re-
viewed in a National Kidney Foundation initiative, and
THE USE OF NUTRITIONAL VITAMIN D the panel concluded that there was currently not enough
(25-HYDROXYVITAMIN D USE) evidence to make recommendations for ideal vitamin D
Nutritional vitamin D (precursors or analogs of levels or supplementation in patients with CKD.12
25-hydroxyvitamin D) is obtained from either exposure
to sunlight, vitamin D–containing foods (such as fish and THE USE OF ACTIVATED VITAMIN D
fortified dairy products), or dietary supplement use. (1,25-DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D USE)
Currently available nutritional vitamin D formulations in Currently available activated forms of vitamin D (precur-
the United States include ergocalciferol (D2), calcifediol sors or analogs of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) include calci-
(D3), and cholecalciferol triol, paricalcitol, and
(D3). In 2001 to 2006, 32% of doxercalciferol. Two Co-
US population had 25- chrane reviews25,26 showed
hydroxyvitamin D levels that in both dialysis and
 Patients with CKD Stages 4 and 5 experience hyper-
,20 ng/mL, a level that predialysis CKD patients,
phosphatemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism both of
most agree is inadequate.11 which are associated with poor clinical outcomes.
calcitriol and activated
Patients with CKD are more vitamin D analogs decrease
likely to have low vitamin D  Current therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism PTH (2196 pg/mL, 95% CI:
levels due to proteinuria, includes the use of nutritional vitamin D (precursors of 2298 to 294 in dialysis
less outdoor physical activity, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ergocalciferol, cholecalfierol, and patients; 249 pg/mL, 95%
calcifediol), activated vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
and dietary restrictions.12 CI: 286 to 213 in
and its analogs; calcitriol, paricalcitol, or doxercalciferol),
25-hydroxyvitamin D and cinacalcet.
predialysis patients) but
gets converted to 1,25- increase serum phosphate
dihydroxyvitamin D in the  Phosphate levels are controlled through dietary restriction and calcium levels. Not
kidney and other tissues and the use of phosphate binders. enough data exist from
where the 1-alpha hydroxy-  Treatment with sodium bicarbonate appears to be safe. randomized clinical trials
lase functions (such as mono- to make conclusions about
cytes, and so forth). patient outcomes such
Theoretically, patients with CKD may require nutritional as fractures, mortality, or need for dialysis in predialysis
vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) as a substrate for patients.25,26 Two recently published trials tried to
production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in sites other evaluate the effects of activated vitamin D on left
than the kidney, and this conversion may have ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. The OPERA trial was
noncalcemic actions, such as actions on the immune sys- conducted in 60 patients with Stage 3-5 CKD and LV
tem, the heart, the pancreas, and others.13-16 Another hypertrophy by echocardiographic criteria.9 The trial did
area of 25-hydroxyvitamin D research at particular interest not find any difference in LV mass index, the primary
for nephrologists is possible kidney-protective effects of end point, between the randomized groups after 52 weeks
higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.17-20 Multiple of paricalcitol 1 mcg daily.9 Paricalcitol, as expected,
observational studies have shown an association decreased PTH and alkaline phosphatase levels. Interest-
between low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and a faster ingly, there were fewer CV-related hospitalizations in the
progression of CKD.17-21 The mechanism underlying the paricalcitol group (0 in the paricalcitol group vs 5 in the
renal protection may be related to effects on the placebo group).9 Essentially, this trial showed that parical-
renin-angiotensin system, reduction of albuminuria, or citol does not cause regression of LV mass in patients with
others.22,23 However, convincing interventional studies CKD and LV hypertrophy.
in patients with CKD are lacking. The PRIMO study, a larger trial, randomized 227 patients
So, where is the evidence in 2015? We now know that in with CKD Stages 3 and 4 to paricalcitol 2 mcg or identical
Stage 4 CKD and even Stage 5, nutritional vitamin D placebo for 48 weeks.10 The primary end point in this trial,
(25-hydroxyvitamin D) therapy may decrease PTH levels. change in LV mass index, was not different between the
A meta-analysis of nutritional vitamin D compounds was randomized groups.10 Interestingly, similar to the OPERA
recently performed and found that in 4 randomized clin- trial, there were fewer CV-related hospitalizations in the
264 Melamed et al

paricalcitol group in PRIMO, 1 in the paricalcitol group, 7 PTH secretion results in decreased PTH effect on the prox-
in the placebo group.10 A post-hoc analysis of the PRIMO imal convoluted tubule, decreased activation of adenylyl
trial, published separately, revealed that therapy with cyclase and NaPi2 transporter systems, decreased phos-
paricalcitol significantly decreased left atrial volume.27 phate secretion into urine, and ultimately retention of
Thus, the findings of fewer CV hospitalizations in both phosphorus in the serum, causing hyperphosphatemia.
studies suggest the need for another clinical trial with Hyperphosphatemia is an adverse outcome that is to be
CV hospitalizations as the primary outcome. However, avoided in patients with declining renal function. On the
until such a trial is done, evidence shows no differences other hand, decreasing PTH with cinacalcet has been
between activated vitamin D and placebo. shown to prevent parathyroid proliferation in animal
One possible worrisome finding of the PRIMO trial was models,31 which may be ultimately beneficial in avoiding
the faster decline in eGFR in the paricalcitol group the sequelae of secondary hyperparathyroidism.
(creatinine based: 24.1 mL/min/1.73 m2 (standard devia-
tion [SD] 0.9; cystatin C based: 29.5 [SD 2.7]) compared IDEAL PHOSPHATE LEVEL
with the placebo group (creatinine based: 20.1 mL/min/ Phosphate levels increase in Stage 4 and 5 CKD due to
1.73 m2 [SD 0.7]; cystatin C based: 23.8 [SD 2.7]; decreased renal reserve and because compensatory mech-
P , .001/P ¼ .06).10 Activated vitamin D increases creati- anisms, such as elevated FGF-23 and PTH are no longer
nine levels without decreasing GFR; therefore, the investi- able to offset for the loss of nephrons. The 2009 KDIGO
gators used a cystatin C–based estimate as well.28 Even the guidelines suggest maintaining the serum phosphate level
cystatin C–based eGFR estimates showed faster decline in in the normal range in Stage 4 and 5 CKD. Some suggest
the paricalcitol group although this was not statistically that in the future, we may use FGF-23 to target our phos-
significant (P ¼ .06). The paricalcitol group had a lower phate therapy because phosphate elevation happens so
mean eGFR (31 mL/min/1.73 m2) at baseline compared late in the course of CKD. Thus, although we do not
with the placebo group (36 mL/min/1.73 m2), and more pa- know what the ideal phosphate levels are, it is important
tients initiated chronic dialysis in the paricalcitol group (6 to note that multiple observational studies have revealed
vs 1). It is hard to know whether this difference was due to an association between elevated phosphate levels and
the paricalcitol itself or the baseline imbalances between CV events and mortality in patients with CKD.7,32 Basic
the groups. Clinicians should be aware that activated science evidence reveals that on contact with elevated
vitamin D compounds increase creatinine levels phosphate levels, vascular endothelial cells become
and should watch for this effect. If patients quickly lose osteoblast-like cells, which may lead to the vascular calci-
kidney function on an activated vitamin D (1,25- fication so common in patients with kidney disease.33
dihydroxyvitamin D) agent, it is probably prudent to Thus, because elevated phosphate levels, probably both
stop the agent and reassess. directly and through effects on FGF-23, are associated
with increased morbidity and mortality, phosphate levels
THE USE OF CINACALCET should probably be maintained as close to normal as
Cinacalcet HCl is a calcimimetic agent that effectively sup- possible in patients with CKD Stages 4 and 5.
presses PTH secretion by acting as a modulator of the
calcium-sensing receptor on the parathyroid chief cell, PHOSPHATE-LOWERING THERAPY IN CKD STAGE
causing the chief cell to decrease production of PTH. It is 4-5: DIET
used in ESRD to control secondary hyperparathyroidism. The first line of phosphate-lowering therapy should be di-
As such, the effect of PTH on bone is decreased, resulting etary phosphate restriction. Phosphate is contained in
in better preserved mineral metabolism, whereas calcium multiple different foods, such as protein (meat), dairy
and phosphorus homeostasis is optimized. Can the same products, nuts, beans and peas, dark cola drinks, bran,
principle apply to predialysis patients with varying de- and packaged foods where phosphate is used as a preser-
grees of GFR? vative. Dietary restriction of protein is controversial in kid-
In a short-term study of 18 weeks, cinacalcet was effec- ney disease due to the risk of malnutrition34 and
tive in decreasing PTH in predialysis patients as compared inconsistent outcome data.35,36 Interestingly, a study in
with placebo, when given with vitamin D sterols.29 Serum patients with Stages 3 and 4 CKD showed that a
phosphorus levels increased, whereas urinary excretion of vegetarian diet lowers phosphorus levels more than a
phosphate decreased significantly in the cinacalcet group meat diet with the same amount of protein.37 Thus, dietary
as compared with the placebo group. Use of phosphate phosphate intake and the type of protein containing the
binders was increased in the cinacalcet group. Cinacalcet phosphate probably affect serum phosphate levels. If die-
was associated with increased serum phosphorus in a tary restriction is not enough, phosphate binders can be
32-week randomized clinical trial in both CKD 3 and used.
CKD 4 patients, while achieving a reduction in PTH
(30%).30 Urinary excretion of phosphorus was decreased PHOSPHATE-LOWERING THERAPY IN CKD STAGE
in the cinacalcet group. 4-5: BINDERS
Because the kidney in ESRD is terminally diseased or Usually dietary restriction is not sufficient to lower
may not even be present, PTH cannot affect phosphate phosphate levels, and therefore, phosphate binders must
handling in the renal tubule. This is not the case in predial- be used. There has not been a large, randomized clinical
ysis patients: phosphate homeostasis is at least partially trial comparing phosphate binders with placebo to eval-
dependent on PTH effect on the kidneys. Suppressing uate patient-level outcomes. Therefore, we must rely on
Table 1. Selected Clinical Trials of Phosphate Binder Therapy in Patients With CKD Stages 4 and 5
Sample CKD Study
Study Study Design Size Stage Duration Drugs Primary End Point Results
Russo and RCT 90 Stage 3-5 2y Calcium carbonate vs Total calcium scores (TCSs) TCS (initial vs final)
colleagues sevelamer vs placebo and CAC Controls
(2007) (369 6 115 vs 547 6 175);
(P , .001)
Ca treated (340 6 38 vs
473 6 69); P , .001)
(415 6 153 vs 453 6 127);
Scaria and Randomized, 26 Stage 4 12 wk Lanthanum carbonate Serum phosphorus, calcium, The mean serum
colleagues open-label vs calcium acetate Ca 3 P product, serum phosphorous
(2009) crossover study alkaline phosphate concentrations showed a
declining trend with
lanthanum carbonate
(from predrug levels of
7.88 6 1.52 mg/dL to
7.14 6 1.51 mg/dL) and

CKD-MBD in Stage 4 CKD

calcium acetate (from
predrug levels of
7.54 6 1.39 mg/dL to
6.51 6 1.38 mg/dL). A
statistically significant
difference was seen when
comparing the change in
serum calcium produced
by these drugs (P , .05)
Gulati and Randomized control 22 Stage 3-4 12 wk Sevelamer HCl vs Decrease in serum The adjusted mean serum
colleagues study calcium acetate phosphorus level phosphate levels at 12 wk
(2009) did not differ significantly
between calcium acetate-
(5.3 mg/dL) and
subjects (6.1 mg/dL; P
Mean ¼ 0.6)
Di Lorio and Randomized, 212 Stage 3-4 36 mo Sevelamer vs All-cause mortality The rate of all-cause
colleagues multicenter, calcium mortality, dialysis
(2012) nonblinded pilot carbonate inception, and the
study composite end point was
significantly less frequent
(log-rank test ¼ 11.46;
P , 0.01) among patients
randomized to sevelamer
Block and Randomized controlled N 2 176 Stage 3b-4 9 mo Calcium acetate vs Change in mean serum Baseline mean serum
colleagues trial lanthanum carbonate phosphorus phosphorus active and
(2012) vs sevelamer placebo—4.2 mg/dL
carbonate vs placebo At the end of active

(Continued )
Table 1. Selected Clinical Trials of Phosphate Binder Therapy in Patients With CKD Stages 4 and 5 (Continued )

Sample CKD Study
Study Study Design Size Stage Duration Drugs Primary End Point Results
therapy—3.9 mg/dL
At the end of placebo—4.1
P ¼ .03 (final active vs final
Kathleen Randomized crossover N28 Stage 3-4 Two Calcium carbonate Calcium and phosphorus Calcium
M. Hill and placebo controlled 3-wk vs placebo balances and calcium carbonate ¼ positive
colleagues study periods kinetics calcium balance and
(2013) significantly higher than
placebo (508 vs 61 mg/d,
respectively, P ¼ .002)
Phosphorus balance was not
significantly different from
zero on placebo and did
not differ between calcium
carbonate and placebo
(153 vs 95 mg/d, P ¼ .2)
Block and Double-blind, placebo- N – 149 Stage 3-5 12 wk Ferric citrate vs TSAT and serum phosphate The reductions in serum
colleagues controlled placebo level phosphate levels in Ferric
(2014) randomized trial citrate group were from

Melamed et al
4.5 6 0.6 mg/dl to 3.9 6 0.6
vs from 4.7 6 0.6 mg/dl to
4.4 6 0.8 mg/dl in the
placebo group (between
groups P , 0.001).
Keitaro Multicenter, double N – 90 eGFR ¼ 9.21 6 12 wk 2:1 to ferric citrate Change in serum phosphate The mean change in
Yokoyama blind, randomized 5.72 mL/min hydrate vs placebo from baseline to the end of S. phosphorus in subjects
and colleagues trial per 1.73 m2 treatment treated with ferric citrate
(2014) hydrate was 21.29 mg/dl
(95% CI, 21.63 to 20.96
mg/dl) from baseline
compared to 0.06 mg/dl
from baseline (95% CI,
20.20 to 0.31 mg/dl) in
placebo group.
The difference between
the groups was
statistically significant
with P , 0.001.

Abbreviations: CAC, coronary artery calcification; CI, confidence interval; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; NS, not significant; RCT, randomized clinical trial; SD, standard
deviation; TSAT, transferrin saturation.
CKD-MBD in Stage 4 CKD 267

observational studies and meta-analyses of smaller trials CKD may aid to preserve bones. Low serum bicarbonate
to guide our clinical practice. Observational studies levels are associated with lower bone mineral density in
suggest that patients on phosphate binders, at least those older adults.47,48 Other associations between low
on hemodialysis, have better survival.38 A recent bicarbonate levels and clinical outcomes include a
meta-analysis evaluating drug effects on the surrogate faster progression of CKD, insulin resistance, and
markers of phosphate, PTH, and calcium revealed that possibly mortality.49-52 Evidence of faster progression of
drug effects on biomarkers are weakly correlated with CKD is derived from both observational and animal
all-cause and CV deaths in CKD.39 One interesting study, studies showing complement activation and tubular
which was not powered to look at outcomes, suggested injury with metabolic acidosis.49,50 Interestingly, there is
that phosphate binder use compared with placebo also observational evidence showing that a high
decreased phosphate levels and 24-hour urinary serum bicarbonate level (.26 meq/L) is associated with a
phosphorus but that phosphate binders increased higher risk of heart failure.53 Thus, the ideal bicarbonate
coronary artery and abdominal aortic calcification.40 level is still unknown but likely lies between 22 and
Although a small study, it was well designed, and the 26 meq/L.
results were the opposite of what was expected. Much
further research is needed in this area. BICARBONATE THERAPY: POSSIBLE BENEFITS?
Small clinical trials show that treatment with sodium bi-
PHOSPHATE BINDERS: IS ONE BETTER THAN THE carbonate may decrease the rate of progression of
OTHERS? CKD.54,55 One of these trials was an open-label, random-
There are now multiple different phosphate binders avail- ized trial showing slower decline in creatinine clearance
able on the market. All of them are approved for dialysis (5.93 vs 1.88 mL/min per 1.73 m2; P , .0001) and fewer
patients. Traditionally, they are divided into calcium- cases of ESRD seen in 134 patients with CKD Stage 4 and
based binders and non-calcium–based binders, which serum bicarbonate levels of 16 to 20 meq/L and random-
include sevelamer, lanthanum, aluminum, and the newly ized to receive oral sodium bicarbonate when compared
approved iron-based binders (Table 1 for selected clinical with controls receiving usual care.55 Interestingly, an alka-
trial information). Several studies in dialysis and nondial- line diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be able to
ysis patients with kidney disease have been recently achieve similar results.56,57 In addition, in CKD,
summarized in a meta-analysis.41 This meta-analysis treatment with sodium bicarbonate has been shown to
combined data from 18 studies (11 randomized clinical be safe and may improve muscle function.58 Although
trials) and found that non-calcium–based phosphate evidence is not definitive, it appears that treatment with
binders were associated with a 22% lower risk of sodium bicarbonate is safe and may have benefits in
all-cause mortality (risk ratio 0.78 [95% CI: 0.61-0.98]).41 patients with CKD.
They also found less vascular calcification in the patients
on non-calcium–based phosphate binders.41 Interestingly, SUMMARY
there was no difference in phosphate levels between the Patients with Stages 4 and 5 CKD are unique
different binder groups, suggesting that potentially because they start manifesting most of the biochemical
phosphate is so tightly regulated that although phosphate derangements of CKD-MBD. However, there is not as
levels were not different, upstream regulators (such as much randomized clinical trial evidence to guide clinicians
FGF-23 or PTH) may explain the differential mortality and guideline makers as in patients with ESRD. Current
risk between the groups. A differential effect on the levels evidence suggests that phosphate binder use (probably
of FGF-23 exists, with the calcium-based phosphate non-calcium containing) may be associated with improved
binders leading to an increase in FGF-23 levels, whereas outcomes. The use of activated and nutritional vitamin D
non-calcium–based binders such as sevelamer and compounds and cinacalcet for control of PTH levels are not
iron-based phosphate binders caused a decrease in the currently backed by randomized clinical trial evidence of
levels, and lanthanum did not cause the levels to change efficacy on patient outcomes. If using vitamin D compounds
significantly.40,42,43 Thus, although definitive data are or cinacalcet, clinicians must be aware of possible elevations
lacking, the current evidence suggests that phosphate in serum creatinine with vitamin D compounds and
binder use definitely lowers serum phosphate levels. The hyperphosphatemia with both vitamin D compounds and
bulk of the evidence suggests that non-calcium–based cinacalcet. Treatment of metabolic acidosis in CKD either
phosphate binders are likely better than calcium-based with an alkaline diet or sodium bicarbonate appears to be
phosphate binders. safe and may have beneficial effects on kidney disease
Many patients with Stages 4 and 5 CKD develop a
metabolic acidosis due to the kidney’s decreased capacity ACKNOWLEDGMENT
to excrete ammonia. Approximately 30% to 50% of The research reported in this publication was supported by the
patients with eGFR , 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 have a serum National Institute of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Dis-
bicarbonate level ,22 meq/L.44,45 Current guidelines eases of the National Institutes of Health under award number
suggest keeping serum bicarbonate levels .22 meq/L to R34DK102174. The content is solely the responsibility of the au-
prevent overt acidemia.46 Because bone is the major buffer thors and does not necessarily represent the official views of
of chronic acidosis, bicarbonate therapy in patients with the National Institutes of Health.
268 Melamed et al

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