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Group 2 :

1. Bùi Ngọc Hoàng - BABAWE18500

2. Nghiêm Thị Phương Liên - BABAWE18196
3. Nguyễn Christina - BABAWE18009
4. Lê Châu Khánh Trí - BABAWE18588
5. Nguyên Phương Thảo - BABAWE18551
6. Vũ Cẩm Nhung - BABAWE18114
7. Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Minh - BABAWE18611


4-13 Perform an ethical analysis of Facebook. What is the ethical dilemma

presented by this case?
Facebook is one of the world's biggest technology organizations. It has become the
prevalent pioneer among long range interpersonal communication platform making
the world increasingly open and associated. By creating personal profiles, Facebook’s
users can share their thoughts and feelings, keep in touch with friends and families
and keep up with what is happening in their general surroundings. Therefore,
Facebook owns a certain amount of users’ personal information such as age, gender,
location, relationship status and particular interest. Moreover, not much people know
that Facebook even track their users’ sites accessing in order to generate their
preferences, draw a complete picture of their lives and classify them into stereotyped
group of users. Promoters, information assortment offices, Electronic Privacy
Information Center (EPIC), Facebook’s users and Facebook itself are the stakeholders
in the ethical analysis of Facebook. Facebook copes with the dilemma of earning
incomes from supplying personal information while protecting their users’ privacy.
As a result, Facebook aims to the worldwide internet users, promoters and application
designers; they uses the massive gathered information to partner up with various
advertising company while they are collecting customers data in order to target
directly to the customers and supply related advertisements to their clients without the
users’ permission. As advertisements provide Facebook a decent income, Facebook
constantly exploits their user’s information, so that they can cost higher payments to
other parties for serving more detailed customers data and delivering more
appropriate advertisements. In conclusion, the act of monitoring and selling its users
data for other parties is the ethical dilemma of Facebook. However, Facebook offer
customer required protections and privacy regulations to have their subscribers trust
and strengthen their relationship with customers.

4-14 What is the relationship of privacy to Facebook's business model?

The connection between users’ security and therefore the Facebook commerce model
is exceptionally imperative since promoting is that the most income of Facebook.
Facebook needs the planet to be more open and connected because it stands to create
more money in this world expressed by Facebook’s CEO Stamp Zuckerberg. 70% of
its five million clients log in on a daily basis and it's between 18 and 24 that
promoters must collaborate with Facebook to create benefits for both. “Facebook ’s
goal is to get its users to share as much data as possible because the more Facebook
knows about you, the more accurately it can serve a relevant advertisement to you”
(Laudon, 2015, p.142). Facebook executes a free, publicized based business model.
Facebook gives a free social media stage that enables clients to remain connected with
companions and share photographs, recordings, considerations and sentiments to
them. In turn, Facebooksells promoting supported what they need learned from those
clients. The more information clients post on Facebook, the more important clients
implied to Facebook. Facebook verifiably needs clients to browse and share as
various as conceivable so promotions tied to client interface will deliver more pay; by
separate, just in case clients aren't energetic adequate, they're less advantageous to
Facebook. during a nutshell, client assurance and Facebook’s exchange appears are
conflicting. Indeed although it’s sensible for Facebook needing to form more money,
it should be dependable for the individual information of many immeasurable users.
The less security Facebook offers to its clients, the more productive and profitable its
exchange illustrate gets to be. By giving more protection to its clients, the less data it
collects, stores, and offers to promoters. that produces its commerce demonstrate less
profitable since takes note can't be as totally created for individual clients
consequently talking around protection to Facebook is also a touch unforeseen so for
Facebook desperate to form more money isn't a terrible thing. In 2013, Facebook
roughly made $55 billion in publicizing hence Facebook’s whole commerce show is
predicated on conglomeration and sharing client data. they offer people a free social
media conceive to utilize and successively offer advancing and bits of data supported
what they learn round the client. . this allows Facebook to supply much-targeted
promotion. during this manner, protection is that the Facebook commerce show.

4-15 Describe the weaknesses of Face book's privacy policies and features. What
people, organization, and technology factors have contributed to those

The weakness behind Facebook's privacy issues was a lack of communication

between Facebook and its users. The company needs its customer’s information so on
form profit, which is why they’ve made their privacy policy hard to navigate and
comprehend. Consistent with the textbook, the company’s privacy policy is even
more complex than many government documents. This almost guarantees that
Facebook’s users will never bother to read its policies in their entirety users haven't
adjusted Facebook's privacy controls. The Facebook attempt to use their users privacy
information to extend the revenues that Facebook allow advertisers to pick
characteristic of users they need to point out their advertisement to and Facebook use
the knowledge users share with Facebook to serve those advertisements so user’s
activities are trespassed by other parties. They are made to take advantage of their
user’s information, exposure of user’s biometric database without users acceptance.
Furthermore, Facebook allows user’s information to be shared and made public and
continued to let other users know what you were doing until disabled it manually.
Apart from that, some people are concerning the handling and usage that the facebook
doing with the extensive info it collects from its users. In the other hand, the company
also makes it difficult for a user to delete their account, which further protects their
ability to urge revenue.

According to the context:

Management factor:
Its a goals of FB to gets its user to share as much data as possible, so that they can
serve the most relevant advertisement to the user in order to generate income. Lack of
consistent review on capability and functionality that shows that 93% of people
polled believe that Internet companies should be forced to ask for permission before
using their personal information and 72% percent want the ability to opt-out of online
tracking. Policies and procedures may be developed that address those concerns at the
same time they are developing a competitive strategy to effectively use personal
information to increase the company’s value to advertisers. Primary advocate groups
such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center want Facebook to restore its more
robust privacy settings from 2009. If it does that, some of its value to advertisers will

Organization factor:
The weakness could be out of control in restricting criminals and analysis done by
other parties. s. FB wants to be open and connected world wide, to make more money
but they are not offer the best controls on their user personal data. Facebook’s value
and growth potential is decided by how effectively it can leverage the private data
that’s aggregated about its users to draw in advertiser. It also stands to realize from
managing and avoiding the privacy concerns raised by its users and government

Technology factor:
The service originally began as an “opt-out” feature. Even after users opted-out, the
service continued to send information to Facebook regardless of whether or not the
user was logged into Facebook at the time. The company’s servers maintain copies of
information indefinitely in accounts that have been deactivated. Many of FB features
and services are enabled by default when they are launched without notifying users.
Facebook has admitted that it uses a software bug or code to track users across the
Internet even if they are not using Facebook. It keeps track of the activity of other
sites that have a Likes buttons or recommendations widgets and records the time of
your visit and your IP address when you visit a site with those features, regardless of
whether or not you click on them. Moreover, Facebook's newest privacy issue
involves its facial recognition software used for photo tagging of users. This feature is
in violation of several state laws that seek to secure the privacy of biometric data.

4-16 Will Facebook be able to have a successful business model without invading
privacy? Explain your answer. Could Face book take any measures to make this
In my opinion, I do not believe Facebook will have a chance to become a successful
business model without invading privacy. The reason is that the main way of
Facebook business model is advertisement. Facebook is serving advertise and
approach people through this Facebook can earn from those advertisement. Therefore,
Facebook needs users information to supply and customized its ads appropriate for
their customers. That why it will be a challenge for Facebook to become a business
without invading privacy.

Advantage elements:

- It is one of the most popular and growing social networkings in recent years.
- Facebook’s interface is really simplistic for users and it can attract more
people who have found a structured social networkings.
- Facebook brings many opportunities to enterprise because of the users’
richness data that the site has collected.
- A part of status is a first-move in the social networking marketplace.

Disadvantage elements:

- Because of its privacy infringement, it has made huge numbers of inimical

- Facebook’s claim popularity will harm its chances to pull in promoters to its
location, claiming that the locks in and immersive environment that draws
guests to the location makes users less likely to press on advertisements.

Are there many measures Facebook could take to make this possible ?

There are somethings Facebook could take to make this possible. It should create an
caution to all the Facebook users with an electronic letter expressing that for
publiczing reason data that is submitted your information page will be used by
Facebook company. Users will be given an option to accept or reject in order to install
a legaltimate standing that with the clients of the site as well as preserve the integrity
of the company.

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