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English for Life Beginner Progress Test
Listening – Test 2A Lessons 17–32
A Listen to five questions. You will hear the questions once. Choose the best response A,
B, C, or D. Listen to the example.

Now listen and answer.

A. ☐ We’re off to the pub.
B. ☐ Sorry, but I can’t.
C. ☐ Yes, it is.
D. ☐ See you tomorrow in Cambridge.
A. ☐ Yes, please.
B. ☐ Yes, please. Just one.
C. ☐ You’re welcome.
D. ☐ Milk?
A. ☐ Here you are.
B. ☐ You’re welcome.
C. ☐ Yes, please. Just one.
D. ☐ Milk?
A. ☐ Oh, right.
B. ☐ Would you like a lift?
C. ☐ Yes, please.
D. ☐ The sports centre.
A. ☐ It’s on Monday.
B. ☐ I’m going to the sports centre.
C. ☐ Here you are.
D. ☐ OK, but only for a few minutes.
B Listen to the conversation. You will hear it twice. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D.

6. The watch is _____.

A. ☐ £69.50
B. ☐ £69.15
C. ☐ £96.50
D. ☐ £96.15
7. The sunglasses are _____.
A. ☐ £89.99
B. ☐ £69.99
C. ☐ £79.99
D. ☐ £59.99
8. The _____ costs £47.80.
A. ☐ bag
B. ☐ wallet
C. ☐ briefcase
D. ☐ purse
9. He wants to buy _____.
A. ☐ the bag and the wallet
B. ☐ the wallet and the purse
C. ☐ the briefcase and the wallet
D. ☐ the purse and the briefcase
10. The change is _____.
A. ☐ £12.00
B. ☐ £18.00
C. ☐ £30.30
D. ☐ £9.70

Language in Use – Test 2A Lessons 17–32

A Choose the correct option.

11. The watch is _____ the box.

A. ☐ in
B. ☐ on
C. ☐ under
D. ☐ next to
12. The glasses are _____ the box.

A. ☐ in front of
B. ☐ behind
C. ☐ on
D. ☐ under
13. _____ do you do in your free time?
A. ☐ Where
B. ☐ What
C. ☐ How
D. ☐ When
14. ‘Do you play tennis?’ ‘Yes, I _____.’
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ is
C. ☐ don't
D. ☐ am
15. _____ do you go at the weekend?
A. ☐ Where
B. ☐ When
C. ☐ What
D. ☐ How
16. ‘Do you smoke?’ ‘No, I _____.’
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ is
C. ☐ am
D. ☐ don't
A. ☐ We don’t eat pasta.
B. ☐ I eat don’t pasta.
C. ☐ I don’t pasta eat.
D. ☐ We pasta don’t eat.
A. ☐ They like bread don’t too.
B. ☐ They don’t like bread either.
C. ☐ They too like bread.
D. ☐ Either they like bread.
A. ☐ You fish eat do?
B. ☐ You do eat fish?
C. ☐ Do eat fish you?
D. ☐ Do you eat fish?
A. ☐ They do drink tea?
B. ☐ Do they drink tea?
C. ☐ Do tea they drink?
D. ☐ Do drink tea they?

B Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the gaps.

I really (a) _____ sports. I (b) _____ a different sport every day. On Monday I work (c) _____
the university and then I (d)_____ swimming for an hour. On Wednesday I (e) _____ tennis
and on Friday I (f) _____ hang-gliding. Every other day I (g) _____ to work and the other
days I cycle. (h) _____ the weekend I visit (i) _____ parents. Their house is in a (j) _____.

A. ☐ like
B. ☐ do
C. ☐ play
D. ☐ go
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ go
C. ☐ play
D. ☐ like
A. ☐ at
B. ☐ on
C. ☐ in
D. ☐ to
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ play
C. ☐ work
D. ☐ go
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ play
C. ☐ use
D. ☐ go
A. ☐ do
B. ☐ play
C. ☐ use
D. ☐ go
A. ☐ drive
B. ☐ walk
C. ☐ use
D. ☐ go
A. ☐ For
B. ☐ At
C. ☐ On
D. ☐ By
A. ☐ the
B. ☐ her
C. ☐ my
D. ☐ his
A. ☐ city centre
B. ☐ shop
C. ☐ village
D. ☐ cinema

Reading – Test 2A Lessons 17–32

Read the text. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.
In Italy people eat a lot of pasta, pizza, and fresh fish. The food is not very hot. In my family
we eat three meals a day. Food is an important part of Italian life and we eat together most

For breakfast we don’t eat a big meal. I eat bread and drink an orange juice. We also drink
coffee. Lunch is our big meal of the day. I cook pasta every day with vegetables. Then we eat
fish or meat. I like meat best, but my children and husband like fish. We eat a lot of fruit for

We don’t eat a lot of potatoes or rice. We mainly eat bread or pasta. For dinner we usually eat
pizza. I like to drink a glass of wine in the evening. My family drink water or coke. We don’t
drink coffee in the evening, only in the morning.

31. In Italy people normally eat _____ a day.

A. ☐ 1 meal
B. ☐ 2 meals
C. ☐ 3 meals
D. ☐ 4 meals
32. She eats _____ for breakfast.
A. ☐ bread
B. ☐ pasta
C. ☐ pizza
D. ☐ nothing
33. They eat pizza _____.
A. ☐ for lunch
B. ☐ in the morning
C. ☐ in the afternoon
D. ☐ in the evening
34. They don’t drink coffee _____.
A. ☐ for breakfast
B. ☐ in the evening
C. ☐ in the morning
D. ☐ before 12
35. In Italy they eat a lot of _____.
A. ☐ fish
B. ☐ meat
C. ☐ potatoes
D. ☐ rice
36. She doesn’t drink _____.
A. ☐ wine
B. ☐ coke
C. ☐ orange juice
D. ☐ coffee
37. The word ‘important’ is _____.
A. ☐ a preposition
B. ☐ a subject
C. ☐ an adjective
D. ☐ a verb
38. The word ‘dessert’ means _____.
A. ☐ a special time to eat fruit
B. ☐ something you eat before a meal
C. ☐ a drink
D. ☐ something you eat after a meal
39. The word ‘husband’ means _____.
A. ☐ a male child
B. ☐ a woman you are married to
C. ☐ a man you are married to
D. ☐ the same as ‘dad’
40. Which is the best title for the text?
A. ☐ My family
B. ☐ The food we eat
C. ☐ Where I work
D. ☐ My favourite meal


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