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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Stephanie Larsen

Date: February 4, 2019
Subject / grade level: Kindergarten
Materials: Pre-cut and colored laminated circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles
Shapes worksheets

State Standards:

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Lesson objective(s):
 Students will be able to identify and differentiate triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles

Differentiation/Accommodation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

 Student has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
 Student’s shapes will be labeled with numbers of sides, example: triangles will have the number 3 in the middle
 This will help the student by giving a visual aid
 Student will be given more one on one help identifying shapes with and aid
 Student will be allowed headphones if needed for the song portion of lesson, and be given more concrete directions on exactly what to do

 Class will listen to and sing song about shapes
 Students should ask themselves what shapes they just sang about

 Students will be given laminated shapes at their desks
 Teacher will describe a shape and students will hold up the correct one, example: What shape has three sides?

 Teacher will ask students why they thought the shape was correct, students will use number of sides as their reason
 Why is this a triangle? Because it has three sides
 Why is this a square? Because the sides are all the same size and it has 4 corners

 Students will be able to describe why shapes are classified the way they are
 Sides, corners
 Shapes are a part of our everyday lives and knowing them will help students be more elaborate with their decriptions

 Students will hand in shapes worksheet identifying shapes and their number of sides

5E Lesson Plan

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