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Volume 9 | Number 42 | 2007

4.39 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics An international journal Volume 9 | Number 42 | 14 November 2007 | Pages 5621–5728
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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

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Pages 125–248

COMMUNICATION Jovica D. Badjić et al.
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Directional adhesion of
Prospects in controlling morphology,
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superhydrophobic butterfly wings supramolecular polymers 1744-683X(2007)3:2;1-O

where physics meets chemistry meets biology

Pages 5621–5728

ISSN 1463-9076 COVER ARTICLE Shi et al.
Synthesis, characterization, and HOT ARTICLE
Registered Charity Number 207890 intracellular uptake of carboxyl- Sokolovski et al.
terminated poly(amidoamine) On the origin of the forward peak
dendrimer-stabilized iron oxide and backward oscillations in the F +
nanoparticles H2(ν = 0) HF(ν’ = 2) + H reaction 1463-9076(2007)9:42;1-D
PAPER | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Synthesis, characterization, and intracellular uptake of

carboxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-stabilized iron
oxide nanoparticles
Xiangyang Shi,* Thommey P. Thomas, Lukasz A. Myc, Alina Kotlyar and
James R. Baker, Jr*
Received 18th June 2007, Accepted 22nd August 2007
First published as an Advance Article on the web 7th September 2007
DOI: 10.1039/b709147h
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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

We report the synthesis and characterization of a group of carboxyl-functionalized

poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) that were used for the
stabilization of superparamagnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (NPs). Folic acid (FA)
molecules were conjugated onto the dendrimer surfaces in an attempt to achieve specific targeted
imaging of tumor cells that overexpress FA receptors using dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs.
Fe3O4 NPs were synthesized using controlled co-precipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions and the
formed dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs were characterized using transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The intracellular uptake of
dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs was tested in vitro using KB cells (a human epithelial carcinoma
cell line) that overexpress FA receptors. It appears that carboxyl-terminated PAMAM dendrimer-
stabilized Fe3O4 NPs can be uptaken by KB cells regardless of the repelling force between the
negatively charged cells and the negatively charged particles. In the presence of a large amount of
carboxyl terminal groups on the dendrimer surface, the receptor-mediated endocytosis of Fe3O4
NPs stabilized by FA-modified dendrimers was not facilitated. It implies that the surface charge
of dendrimer-stabilized magnetic iron oxide NPs in biological medium is an important factor
influencing their biological performance.

1. Introduction dendrimer surface, providing a unique platform for cancer

cell targeting, imaging, and therapeutics.23–26 It is expected
The development of a wide spectrum of nanoscale particles has that self-assembly of the dendrimeric nanodevices onto iron
shown great promise for various biomedical and biotechnolo- oxide NPs could provide a means to modifying the NPs for
gical applications, such as cell type recognition, disease diag- targeted imaging of cancer cells. This approach to functiona-
nosis, targeted therapeutics, intracellular imaging, and drug/ lizing iron oxide NPs is simple and can avoid complicated
gene delivery.1–5 In particular, magnetic iron oxide nanopar- synthesis and characterization of the intermediate products of
ticles (NPs) have been used as contrast agents for magnetic iron oxide NPs when reactions are performed on the NP
resonance (MR) imaging and as colloidal mediators for mag- surfaces.
netic hyperthermia of cancer.6,7 For cancer biological applica- It is known that poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers
tions, the surface of iron oxide NPs are often modified with can be used to stabilize metal or other inorganic nanoparti-
specific biological ligands in order for them to target cancerous cles.27,28 Literature data also show that carboxyl-terminated
cells through the ligand–receptor interaction.8–15 Folic acid dendrimers can be self-assembled onto iron oxide NP
(FA) has been shown as one of the most promising ligands for surfaces.29,30 However, there are no literature reports related
targeting a range of human carcinomas including breast, to the self-assembly of targeting molecule-modified dendri-
ovary, endometrium, kidney, lung, head and neck, brain, mers with carboxyl termini onto iron oxide NP surfaces and
and myeloid cancers that are known to express FA recep- the relevant biological performance of the resultant NPs. In
tors.16–18 There are a number of reports using FA-modified this present study, we have synthesized and characterized a
iron oxide NPs to target cancer cells.19–22 However, the surface group of carboxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM)
modification of FA onto iron oxide NPs in these reports dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) with FA ligands. These FA-
involves multiple reactions with a general low yield. modified G3 PAMAM dendrimers were assembled onto iron
Recent studies of dendrimer nanomedicine in our group oxide NP surfaces for subsequent intracellular uptake studies.
show that various targeting ligands, imaging dyes, and ther- To our knowledge, this is the first report related to the direct
apeutic drug molecules can be covalently conjugated onto self-assembly of dendrimeric nanodevices onto iron oxide NP
surfaces for cell biological studies. The results will provide a
Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological basis for rational design of functional NPs for biomedical
Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0533, USA applications.

5712 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 This journal is

c the Owner Societies 2007
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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

Scheme 1 Schematic representation of reactions used to functionalize G3 PAMAM dendrimers and the self-assembly of carboxyl-terminated G3
dendrimers onto the Fe3O4 NPs.

2. Experimental 2.2 Functionalization of G3 PAMAM dendrimers

2.1 Materials
The synthesis of functionalized G3 PAMAM dendrimers is
Amine-terminated PAMAM dendrimers of generation 3 schematically presented in Scheme 1. The synthesis and char-
(G3  NH2) were purchased from Dendritech (Midland, MI). acterization procedures were followed from previous litera-
Succinic anhydride, glycidol, FA, 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylamino- ture.13,31–33 For the synthesis of fully carboxylated G3
propyl]carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC), ferric chloride dendrimers (compound 1), 194.8 mg dry G3  NH2 was dis-
hexahydrate (FeCl3  6H2O 4 99%), ferrous chloride tetrahy- solved in 5 mL DMSO in a 25-mL round-bottom flask. To this
drate (FeCl2  4H2O 4 99%), sodium hydroxide (0.5 M in dendrimer solution 5 mL of DMSO solution containing 451.1
water), hydrochloric acid (diluted in water from HCl 437%), mg succinic anhydride (SAH) (molar ratio of SAH/–NH2 =
and all the other chemicals and solvents were purchased from 5 : 1) was added under vigorous stirring and reacted for 24 h.
Aldrich and used as received. Water used in all the experi- The DMSO solution was dialyzed against water to remove the
ments was purified using a Milli-Q Plus 185 water purification excess SAH as well as the organic solvent. The aqueous
system (Millipore, Bedford, MA) with resistivity higher than retentate was filtered through a membrane with a diameter
18 MO cm. Cellulose dialysis membranes (MWCO = 1000) of 0.45 mm, and then lyophilized. Yield : 246.3 mg, 86.4%.
were acquired from Fisher. Compound 1 is denoted as G3  SAH.

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c the Owner Societies 2007 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 | 5713
The synthesis of FA-modified fully carboxylated G3 den- and Fe(III) ions.35 Briefly, 25 mL of 1 M FeCl3  6H2O, 0.5 M
drimers (compound 2) was followed from previous litera- FeCl2  4H2O, and 0.4 M HCl mixture solution was prepared
ture.24,25,34 Briefly, a 3-molar equivalent (FA/G3  NH2 = in water under vigorous stirring. The co-precipitation of Fe3O4
3 : 1) of FA (19.2 mg, 43.5 mmol) in 5 mL DMSO was mixed NPs was carried out in a three-neck round-bottom flask. The
with a 5-mL DMSO solution containing EDC (376.6 mmol, above mixture solution was added to 250 mL of 0.5 M NaOH,
72.2 mg) and stirred for 3 h. This process activated the which was preheated to 80 1C before the co-precipitation
g-carboxylic acid of FA for further reaction with G3  NH2. reaction. The reaction was protected under N2 atmosphere
The activated FA solution (10 mL in DMSO) was added to a and was vigorously stirred. Black powder was collected by
10-mL DMSO solution containing 100.16 mg G3  NH2 and sedimentation with a help of an external magnetic field and
stirred for 3 d. Then, the FA-modified G3 dendrimers were washed several times with water until stable ferrofluid was
further carboxylated by adding a 10-mL DMSO solution obtained. Finally, the particles were redispersed in water.
containing SAH (231.9 mg, 5 times molar excess of the G3
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terminal amine groups) as described above, followed by 2.4 Stabilization of Fe3O4 NPs using dendrimers
Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

extensive dialysis against PBS buffer (3 times 4 liters) and An aqueous solution (515 mL) containing 5 mg Fe3O4 NPs was
water (3 times 4 liters) for 3 d to remove the excess of reactants mixed with 1 mL functionalized G3 PAMAM dendrimers
and byproducts. The aqueous retentate was filtered through a (1 mg mL 1 in H2O), followed by shaking overnight. The
membrane with a diameter of 0.45 mm then lyophilized. Yield : mixture solution was centrifuged (6000 RPM, 10 min) to
130.0 mg, 80.7%. Compound 2 is denoted as G3  FA3SAH. remove unadsorbed dendrimer materials. Then the particles
Compound 3 was synthesized by partial hydroxylation of were redissolved into water and dispersed under intense
G3  NH2, followed by FA conjugation, and the remaining sonication. Five cycles of centrifugation/dispersion were ap-
amine groups on G3 dendrimers were fully carboxylated. To plied to purify the dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs. The Fe3O4
a 10-mL methanol solution containing 116.28 mg G3  NH2 in a NPs were finally dissolved into water. For biological applica-
25-mL round-bottom flask, a 10-mL methanol solution of tions, the water was replaced with PBS buffer to store Fe3O4
18.7 mg glycidol (molar ratio of glycidol/G3  NH2 = 15 : 1) NPs. The Fe concentration of the dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4
was added dropwise while being stirred. The reaction was NPs was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy
stopped after 24 h. Then a 10-mL aliquot of the reaction (AA903, ARL). A defined volume of the NPs was digested in
mixture was reacted with FA through EDC chemistry as 1.0 M nitric acid before measurements.
described above. A 3-molar equivalent (FA/G3 dendrimer =
3 : 1) of FA (11.1 mg, 25.2 mmol) in 3 mL DMSO was mixed 2.5 H NMR spectroscopy
with a 2-mL DMSO solution containing EDC (126.0 mmol, 1
H NMR spectra of functionalized dendrimers were recorded
24.2 mg) and stirred for 3 h. The FA/EDC mixture solution was
on a Bruker DRX 500 nuclear magnetic resonance spectro-
then added to the 10-mL aliquot of dendrimer solution and
meter. Samples were dissolved in D2O before NMR measure-
reacted for 3 d. Then, the FA-modified G3 dendrimers with
partial hydroxylation were further carboxylated by adding a
10-mL DMSO solution containing SAH (58.9 mg, 5 times 2.6 UV-Vis spectroscopy
molar excess of the remaining G3 terminal amine groups) as
described above. The reaction mixture was diluted with H2O UV-Vis spectra were collected using a Lambda 20 UV-Vis
and dialyzed against PBS buffer (3 times 4 liters), and water spectrometer. All dendrimer samples were dissolved in water
(3 times 4 liters) for 3 d to remove byproducts and the excess at a concentration of 1 mg mL 1 before measurement.
of reactants. The retentate was filtered through a membrane
2.7 High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
with a diameter of 0.45 mm and lyophilized. Yield : 66.6 mg,
74.0%. Compound 3 is denoted as G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH.
Compound 4 was synthesized by carboxylation of the The reversed-phase (RP) HPLC system consisting of a System
remaining amine groups of G3 dendrimers that were partially GOLD 126 solvent module, a model 507 autosampler
hydroxylated. Another 10-mL aliquot of the reaction mixture equipped with a 100-mL loop, and a model 166 UV detector
containing partially hydroxylated G3 dendrimers was added (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) were used in this work. A
with a DMSO solution containing SAH with 4 times molar Jupiter C5 silica-based RP-HPLC column (250  4.6 mm,
excess of the remaining terminal amines of G3 dendrimer 300 Å) was purchased from Phenomenex (Torrance, CA). Two
(572.2 mmol, 57.2 mg) under vigorous stirring and reacted Phenomenex Widepore C5 safety guards (4  3 mm) were also
for 24 h. The final mixture solution was dialyzed against water installed ahead of the Jupiter column. The mobile phase was a
(6 times 4 liters) for 3 d to remove the excess unreacted agents linear gradient beginning with 100 : 0 (v/v) water/acetonitrile
as well as the organic solvent. The aqueous retentate was (ACN) at a flow rate of 1 mL min 1. Trifluoroacetic acid
filtered through a membrane with a diameter of 0.45 mm, then (TFA) at 0.14 wt% concentration in water as well as in ACN
lyophilized. Yield : 66.4 mg, 81.2%. Compound 4 is denoted was used as a counterion to neutralize the dendrimer surface
as G3  (GlyOH)15SAH. charge. All the samples were dissolved into the aqueous mobile
phase (water containing 0.14% TFA) at the concentration of
2.3 Synthesis of Fe3O4 NPs
1 mg mL 1. The detection of eluted samples was performed at
The synthesis of Fe3O4 NPs was followed from a previously 210 or 280 nm. The analysis was performed using Beckman’s
published procedure using controlled co-precipitation of Fe(II) System GOLD Nouveau software.

5714 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 This journal is

c the Owner Societies 2007
2.8 Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight 2.12 In vitro cellular uptake of dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4
(MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry NPs
MALDI-TOF spectra were acquired using a Micromass KB cells were plated on glass cover slips in 30-mm dishes in
TofSpec-2E spectrometer. Linear mode was selected as the FA-free medium. The cells were rinsed and added with 1 mL
operation mode. Ten mg mL 1 beta-indoleacrylic acid in serum-free RPMI and some of the dishes were pre-incubated
acetonitrile/H2O (v/v = 70 : 30) was used as the matrix. with 100 mM free FA for 30 min at 37 1C. The cells were then
One mg dendrimer samples were dissolved in 1 mL methanol incubated with 75 mg mL 1 dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs at
and then diluted 5 times by methanol to get the final concen- 37 1C for 2 h. The dishes were fixed with 2% p-formaldehyde
tration of 0.2 mg mL 1. An equal volume of 0.2 mg mL 1 solution, stained with 2% potassium ferrocyanide in 5% HCl
dendrimer solution and matrix solution were well mixed. (Perl’s reagent), and counter-stained with nuclear fast red
Then, one mL solution of the mixture was injected on the solution. The cover slips were mounted using Gel-Mountt,
spots of the target plate. Five picomole proteins of cyto- and images were taken using an inverted light microscope.
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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

chrome-C (12 359 g mol 1), myoglobin (16 951 g mol 1), and
trypsinogen (23 976 g mol 1) were used as external standards.
3. Results and discussion
2.9 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
3.1 Synthesis and characterization of functionalized G3
Analysis of PAMAM dendrimers and dendrimer-stabilized PAMAM dendrimers
Fe3O4 NPs by PAGE was performed on a Micrograd vertical
It is generally known that carboxyl-terminated dendrimers can
electrophoresis system (Model FB-VE10-1, FisherBiotech,
be used to stabilize iron oxide NPs.29,30 In this study, we
Pittsburgh, PA).32,33 Precast 4–20% gradient express gels for
synthesized a group of functionalized G3 PAMAM dendri-
PAGE were obtained from ISC BioExpress (Kaysville, UT). A
mers with carboxyl terminal groups. These dendrimer carboxy-
commercial power supply (Model EC135-90; Thermo Electron
lates were used to stabilize superparamagnetic Fe3O4 NPs. A
Corporation, Milford, MA) was used. Tris-Glycine buffer (pH
variety of analytical techniques were utilized to characterize
= 8.3) was purchased from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA). It was
the dendrimer materials including HPLC, MALDI-TOF,
diluted 10 times to prepare the running buffer. PAGE separa-
UV-Vis spectrometry, and 1H NMR.
tions typically required 40–50 min at 200 V. In a typical run,
Fig. 1 shows the HPLC chromatograms of the functiona-
into each sample well 4 mL of a sample solution containing
lized G3 PAMAM dendrimers. In all cases, the dendrimer
2 mL 1 mg mL 1 PAMAM dendrimers and 2 mL bromophenol
materials are quite pure and homogeneous. A small shoulder
blue sucrose dye (50% sucrose, 1% bromophenol blue) was
peak at the right of the main peak for both G3  SAH and
injected. Developed gels were stained overnight with 0.025%
G3  FA3SAH is related to the dimer species, which originally
Comassie Blue R-250 in 40% methanol and 7% acetic
exists in the starting G3  NH2 dendrimer material. However,
acid aqueous solution. The gels were destained with an
for G3  (GlyOH)15SAH and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH, there
aqueous solution containing 7% (v/v) acetic acid and 5% (v/v)
are no shoulder peaks. This is due to hydroxylation functio-
nalization, which masks the dispersity of the dendrimer
materials as demonstrated previously in our group.13,32,36
2.10 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) The longer elution time of both G3  FA3SAH and
TEM measurements were performed at 60 kV on a Philips
CM-100 microscope equipped with a Hamamatsu Digital
Camera ORCA-HR operated using AMT software (Advanced
Microscopy Techniques Corp, Danver, MA). High-resolution
TEM images were collected using a JEOL 3011 electron
microscope at 300 kV. TEM samples were prepared by
deposition of a diluted particle suspension (5 mL) onto a
carbon-coated copper grid and air-dried before the measure-

2.11 Cytotoxicity
KB cells (a human epithelial carcinoma cell line) maintained in
FA-free medium were incubated with dendrimer-stabilized
Fe3O4 NPs at 37 1C for 24 h, and the NPs were removed.
The cells were allowed to grow for another 4 d, and the cell
proliferation was determined by an XTT assay (Roche Diag-
nostic, cat. No. 1465 015) under the manufacturer’s instruc- Fig. 1 HPLC chromatograms of the functionalized G3  SAH (1),
tions. Absorbance measurements were performed using a G3  FA3SAH (2), G3  (GlyOH)15SAH (3), and G3  (GlyOH)15-
Spectra Max 340 ELISA reader (Molecular Devices, Sunny- FA3SAH (4) PAMAM dendrimers. The gradient used was 0–80%
vale, CA) at 492 nm. ACN (balance water) within 30 min. Injection : 30 mL.

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c the Owner Societies 2007 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 | 5715
H NMR spectrometry (Fig. 4) further confirmed the
structures of the functionalized G3 dendrimers. The NMR
peak assignment (bottom panel of Fig. 4) confirms the forma-
tion of PAMAM succinamic acids for all four compounds as
well as the partial hydroxylation reaction for both
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH and G3  (GlyOH)15SAH; this is con-
sistent with our previous report.32,37 In Fig. 4b and d, the
multiple NMR peaks in the aromatic region (as magnified in
the insets) indicate the presence of FA moieties, in agreement
with previous literature.25

3.2 Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4 NPs

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The Fe3O4 NPs were synthesized by controlled co-precipita-

tion of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions under a basic condition at an
elevated temperature. The Fe3O4 NPs formed are water-
Fig. 2 MALDI-TOF mass spectra of G3 PAMAM derivatives of soluble and have a diameter of 8.4  1.4 nm with narrow
G3  SAH (1), G3  FA3SAH (2), G3  (GlyOH)15SAH (3), and
dispersity (Fig. 5). Both high-resolution TEM images and
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (4). Lines in the mass spectra indicate the
selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of the
collected molar mass values.
Fe3O4 NPs (Fig. 6) show that the synthesized Fe3O4 NPs are
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (as compared with G3  FA3SAH and
G3  (GlyOH)15SAH) might be due to the FA conjugation, 3.3 Dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs
which increases the hydrophobicity of the dendrimer materi-
als. The molecular weights of the functionalized G3 PAMAMs Four different G3 PAMAM dendrimers were utilized to
were measured using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (Fig. stabilize Fe3O4 NPs through electrostatic assembly (Scheme
2). It indicates that, after the surface functionalization, the 1). The positive surface potential of the synthesized Fe3O4 NPs
molar mass of dendrimers increases. By using the MALDI- (+42.02 mV), which was verified by zeta potential measure-
TOF molar mass data of G3  NH2 (Mw = 5732) and partially ments, ensures the successful electrostatic assembly of car-
hydroxylated G3 dendrimers (compound 5 in Scheme 1, boxyl-terminated G3 dendrimers onto the Fe3O4 NP surfaces.
denoted as G3  (GlyOH)15NH2) (Mw = 6922), the number It is found that G3  SAH, G3  FA3SAH, G3  (GlyOH)15SAH,
of glycidol hydroxyl groups of G3  (GlyOH)15NH2 dendri- and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH work very well to stabilize the
mers can be calculated to be 16.1, which is close to the Fe3O4 NPs, as no aggregation of Fe3O4 NPs appears in all
calculated stoichiometry of 15. The number of FA molecules cases after stabilization for at least 3 months. TEM images
conjugated onto the dendrimer surface can be estimated by show that Fe3O4 NPs after dendrimer stabilization display
comparing the UV-Vis absorbance of G3  FA3SAH and similar morphology to the ones without dendrimer modifica-
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (Fig. 3) with the standard calibration tion (images not shown). The dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs
curve of free FA molecules at the characteristic FA absorption were then characterized using PAGE. Our previous study has
wavelength of 280 nm. Based on the molecular weight of shown that PAGE is a powerful technique to characterize
G3  FA3SAH and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH dendrimers mea- dendrimer-stabilized nanoparticles.28 Fig. 7 shows the PAGE
sured by MALDI-TOF, the number of FA molecules con- electropherograms of both G3 PAMAM dendrimers and G3
jugated onto the dendrimer surface is 3.6, which is close to the dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs with different concentrations.
initial feed ratio. It is clear that G3  (GlyOH)15SAH and G3  (GlyOH)15
FA3SAH display lower electrophoretic mobility than
G3  SAH and G3  FA3SAH because of their partially hydro-
xylated surfaces. For G3  SAH- and G3  FA3SAH-stabilized
Fe3O4 NPs, higher concentration injection generates a much
denser stain with Coomassie Blue, suggesting that more Fe3O4
NPs migrate under the electric field. It indicates that the
coating of dendrimers onto Fe3O4 NP surfaces is stable.
Fe3O4 NPs without dendrimer coating migrate reversely be-
cause of their positive surface potential.

3.4 Biological evaluation of dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs

Before the study of the intracellular uptake of dendrimer-
stabilized Fe3O4 NPs, we first detect the cytotoxicity of all
dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs. The XTT assay data (not
shown) verify that all dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs do not
Fig. 3 UV-Vis spectra of the G3  FA3SAH (a) and display cytotoxicity to KB cells in the concentration range of
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (b) dendrimers (1 mg mL 1 in H2O). 0–80 mg mL 1.

5716 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 This journal is

c the Owner Societies 2007
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Fig. 4 1H NMR spectra of G3  SAH (a), G3  FA3SAH (b), G3  (GlyOH)15SAH (c), and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (d) dendrimers. The bottom
panel shows the assignment of the NMR peaks.

Fig. 5 TEM micrograph (a) and the size distribution histogram (b) of the synthesized Fe3O4 nanocrystals.

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c the Owner Societies 2007 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007, 9, 5712–5720 | 5717
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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

Fig. 6 A high-resolution TEM image of the synthesized Fe3O4 NPs (a) and the selected area electron diffraction pattern of the same NPs (b).

In general, positively charged NPs always bind to cells uptaken by KB cells with a negative surface charge, although
through electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged the repelling force may lead to a certain degree of the cluster
cell membranes.38 We expect that the interaction between formation of NPs on the cell surfaces. The cellular uptake of
negatively charged NPs and cell membranes might be differ- carboxyl-terminated-dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs may
ent. Interestingly, intracellular uptake of Fe3O4 NPs shows occur through two distinct mechanisms : both phagocytosis
that both G3  SAH- and G3  FA3SAH-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs and diffusion via cell walls may take place. This is in agreement
bind to the KB cells that overexpress FA receptors (Fig. 8a with our previous report in the case of carboxyl-terminated-
and 8c). The dark (blue in a colored image) stain using Perl’s dendrimer-stabilized Ag NPs.39
reagent indicates the presence of Fe3O4 NPs. Control cells Our intracellular uptake data also suggest that
without treatment of dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs do not G3  FA3SAH- and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH-stabilized Fe3O4
display dark stains (Fig. 8e). In the presence of free FA NPs do not show high affinity binding with KB cells over-
molecules, there is less binding for both NPs and more clusters expressing FA receptors through ligand–receptor interaction,
formation of the particles (Fig. 8b and 8d). For as compared with G3  SAH- and G3  (GlyOH)15SAH-stabi-
G3  (GlyOH)15SAH- and G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH-stabilized lized Fe3O4 NPs, respectively. It is worthwhile to note that the
Fe3O4 NPs, we found a similar cellular uptake. density of FA moiety on each Fe3O4 NP is much higher than
G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs essentially do that of a single dendrimer agent which displays targeting
not show more significant binding with KB cells, as compared specificity, because each Fe3O4 NP is surrounded/protected
to G3  (GlyOH)15SAH-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs (images not with multiple dendrimer molecules. The surface curvature of
shown). It indicates that the negatively charged carboxyl- dendrimer may not influence the binding of FA moiety with
terminated PAMAM dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs can be the FA receptors on the cell surface, because the morphology
of dendrimers deposited on a solid particle surface displays a
pancake shape regardless of the dendrimer generation.40,41
Therefore, both the FA moiety density and dendrimer surface
curvature are not factors influencing the specific intracellular
uptake. We think that the non-specific uptake may be due to
the presence of a large amount of carboxyl groups on the
dendrimer surface. A previous report42 related to targeted
uptake of G5 dendrimer-RGD-4C peptide conjugates by
integrin receptor expressing cells show that 75 mol.% acetyla-
tion of the total amine groups on G5 dendrimers is essential to
maintain the targeting efficacy of the dendrimer device. In
other words, 25 mol.% carboxylation of the total amine
groups on G5 dendrimers does not affect the targeting speci-
Fig. 7 PAGE electropherograms of G3 dendrimers and the G3 ficity of dendrimer nanodevices. It indicates that the density of
dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs with different concentrations. Lanes carboxyl groups of dendrimers may play an important role for
1–10 are (1) G3  SAH (4 mL), (2) G3  FA3SAH (4 mL), (3) the specific targeting of tumor cells through ligand–receptor
G3  (GlyOH)15SAH (4 mL), (4) G3  (GlyOH)15FA3SAH (4 mL), (5)
blank, (6) Fe3O4/G3  SAH (2 mg mL 1, 8 mL), (7) Fe3O4/G3  SAH (2
In general, for tumor cell targeting studies, the surface
mg mL 1, 4 mL), (8) Fe3O4/G3  FA3SAH (5 mg mL 1, 8 mL), (9)
Fe3O4/G3  FA3SAH (1 mg mL 1, 8 mL), and (10) Fe3O4 (5 mg mL 1, charge of particles should be ideally maintained to neutral
8 mL). The injection volume in each lane contains equal volumes of the or close to neutral.23–26 As is generally known, positively
dendrimers (1 mg mL 1), dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs (with charged NPs can always be uptaken by cells through electro-
different concentrations) and standard bromophenol blue sucrose static interaction with the negatively charged cells. However,
dye solution. the neutralized PAMAM dendrimers (e.g., acetylated

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Published on 07 September 2007 on | doi:10.1039/B709147H

Fig. 8 Intracellular uptake of G3  SAH- (a) and G3  FA3SAH- (c) stabilized Fe3O4 NPs. (b) and (d) panels show the binding of G3  SAH- and
G3  FA3SAH-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs with the preincubation of free FA molecules, respectively. Panel (e) shows the morphology of control cells
without treatment.

dendrimers) may lack stabilization force in the case of the 4. Conclusions

stabilization of Fe3O4 NPs. Therefore, alternative approaches
should be developed to maintain the close to neutral charge of We have synthesized and fully characterized a group of
dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs for targeted imaging of carboxyl-terminated G3 PAMAM dendrimers that were used
tumors. In another of our studies,43 we coated Fe3O4 NPs to stabilize Fe3O4 NPs. The functionalized carboxyl-termi-
with a bilayer of polystyrene sulfonate sodium salt (PSS) and nated G3 PAMAM dendrimers were found to be able to
FA-modified amine-terminated G5 dendrimer through elec- stabilize Fe3O4 NPs and be able to be uptaken by cells
trostatic layer-by-layer assembly, followed by acetylation of regardless of the repelling force between the negatively
the remaining amines of the assembled G5 dendrimers to charged cell surfaces and the negatively charged particles.
neutralize the surface charge of Fe3O4 NPs. The thus formed The FA-modified Fe3O4 NPs lack binding specificity in com-
NPs show specific intracellular uptake by FA receptor expres- parison to the non-FA-modified Fe3O4 NPs, which is presum-
sing KB cells. This study further supports our above claim that ably due to the large amount of dendrimer surface carboxyl
the surface curvature of dendrimers on the Fe3O4 NPs is not a groups. We are currently developing various new approaches
factor influencing their specific targeting to tumor cells to using dendrimer-functionalized Fe3O4 NPs with neutral or
through ligand–receptor interaction. Our current study pro- close to neutral surface charges for targeted tumor imaging. In
vides a clear experimental indication that Fe3O4 NPs stabilized addition, theoretical simulation approaches will also be em-
by dendrimers with a large amount of carboxyl groups on the ployed to direct the fabrication of functionalized NPs with
surface do not facilitate the specific binding of cancer cells desirable biological performance.
through ligand–receptor interaction even if the targeting
ligands are modified on the dendrimer surface. It indicates
that the dendrimer surface charge is a key factor affecting the
specific uptake of dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4 NPs through We thank Haiping Sun and Sasha Meshinchi for their assis-
ligand–receptor interaction. tance with the TEM experiments and valuable discussions, and

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