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Student Name: ________________________________
Assessment Details
Course: 12 Ancient History 2020
Course Component: Historical Period, The Greek World 500-440 B.C.
Weight: 25% Task No.: 3
Date Issued: Term 1 Week 11, 2020 Year Group: 12
Date Due: Term 2, Week 3, Thursday 14 May 2020
To be uploaded to the Google Classroom by 3:10pm

Task Type: This is now a hand-in task that you are to complete at home and
Hand-in written response based on research of upload to the Year 12 Ancient History Google Classroom by the due
a seen question. 1000 words. date and time. The response should be in a typed 25 mark essay
format of about 1000 words (850 – 1150 is acceptable).

Assess the reasons for Greek victory and Persian defeat in the Greco-
Persian wars of this period.
25 Marks
It is imperative that this response is your own work. Any plagiarism or direct copying of other students’ work will
result in a mark of zero.
‘Plagiarism is when you pretend that you have written or created a piece of work that someone else originated. It is cheating, it is
dishonest, and it could jeopardise your HSC exam results.’ (Board of Studies, HSC Assessments and Submitted Works, Advice to
Students, 2006)


 AH12.1 Accounts for the nature and continuity and change in the ancient world
 AH12.9 Communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate and well-
structured forms

You will be marked according to the following:
Demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question
Communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately
Present a sustained, logical and cohesive response
Support statements with detailed and accurate sources and evidence

Marking Guidelines
Criteria Marks
 Demonstrates perceptive judgement relevant to the question
 Provides a sustained, logical and well-structured account of why and/or how
individuals, groups, events, institutions, forces and ideas are related 21-25
 Presents accurate and detailed knowledge of individuals, groups, events and
 Supports the response with detailed and accurate information from relevant
sources; may analyse and evaluate sources
 Uses a range of appropriate historical terms and concepts
 Demonstrates judgement relevant to the question
 Provides logical, structured account of why and/or how individuals, groups,
events, institutions, forces and ideas are related 16-20
 Presents detailed knowledge of individuals, groups, events and ideas
 Supports the response with information from relevant sources; may analyse
and evaluate sources
 Uses appropriate historical terms and concepts
 May make some judgement relevant to the question
 Provides some account of why and/or how individuals, groups, events,
institutions, forces and ideas are related 11-15
 Presents some relevant knowledge of individuals, groups, events and ideas
 Supports the response with some information from relevant sources
 Uses some appropriate historical terms and concepts
 Makes statements relevant to the question
 Describes/narrates why and/or how individuals, groups, events, institutions,
forces and ideas are related 6-10
 Presents some basic knowledge of individuals, groups, events and ideas
 May support the response with basic information from relevant sources
 Basic use of appropriate historical terms and concepts
 Presents a very limited narrow/description of people and/or events form the
period 1-5
 Very limited use of appropriate historical terms and concepts

Subject Coordinator, Mr Field Head Teacher, Ms O’Neill

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