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Hd["~l 7 ai~ Roll- uutd

Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff44 (1986) 415-418 _i lffldg..A Werkstofl'

(~ Springer-Verlag 1986

Selection of operational conditions in alkaline lixiviation

of Pinus pinaster bark
G. Vfizquez, G. Antorrena and J. C. Paraj6
Chemical EngineeringDepartment, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain

The amounts of formaldehyde-condensable polyphenols extracted could be difficult. Special attention was devoted to the
from Pinus pinaster bark through alkaline lixiviations performed amount of polysaccharides extracted during the lixiviation,
under different operational conditions are determined. Under the because they would markedly influence the profitability of
best conditions, both the losses of polysaccharides from the solid the proposed process. As additional data necessary for an
phase and the additional extracted polyphenols, coupling two stages
economic analysis of the bark profit, the influence of particle
of alkaline lixiviation, are evaluated. The effect of particle size on
kinetics and yields of the lixiviationsis determined. size on the lixiviation kinetics was examined under condi-
tions which were considered to be most promising.

Zur Bestimmung der Arbeitsbedingungen

fiir die Alkali-Extraktion yon Pinus pinaster Rinde 2 Material and methods

Die Mengen formaldehyd-kondensierbarer Polyphenole, die aus Pi- The sampling of Pinus pinaster bark was performed in the
nus pinaster Rinde durch Alkali-Extraktion unter verschiedenenAr- debarking drums of a particleboard plant in Santiago de
beitsbedingungen gewonnen werden konnten, wurden bestimmt. Compostela, Spain. The raw material used included all tree
Unter den jeweils giinstigsten Bedingungenwurden die Verluste an
Polysacchariden der festen Phase und die zus/itzlJch gel6sten Poly- tissues exterior to the vascular cambium.
phenole aus einer zweistufigenAlkali-Extraktion gemessen. Der Ein- The samples were air-dried to a moisture content below
flug der Partikelgr6Be aufden Verlauf und die Ausbeute der Extrak- 30% and milled to obtain particles of less than 1 ram. The
tion wurden untersucht. particle size distribution was analogous to values already re-
ported by VAzquez et al. (1985b).
The alkaline extractions were performed in a glass reac-
tor of 600 ml volume at 250 rpm. The solid/liquid ratio used
1 Introduction was l : 10 and the lixiviations were prolonged for 15 min. An
increase of contact time will not result in a substantial in-
After determining the amount and type of compounds which crease of the amounts of extracted polyphenols (V/tzquez et
form Pinus pinaster bark, the possibility of its utilization in al. 1985 b), but could give rise to undesired carbohydrate los-
an industrial process based on an alkaline lixiviation was ses from the solid phase.
suggested (VAzquez et al. 1985 a, b). The extracts are utilized The determination of formaldehyde-condensable poly-
to produce wood adhesives (Anderson et al. 1974, 1977; Ayla phenols (Stiasny polyphenols) from the first alkaline extrac-
et al. 1981, 1982; Hall 1960; Hemingway 1978; Weissman et tion was performed by using a combined spectrophotomet-
al. 1980 a) and the raffinate (after hydrolysis) gives products ric-gravimetric method already reported by Vfizquez et al.
to be used as fermentation substrate. Therefore, the influ- (1985 b). In the extracts from the second stage, the measure
ence of some variables on yield and kinetics of alkaline lixi- of Stiasny polyphenols was done using the procedure re-
vitations was studied, using samples of bark from different ported by Wissing (1955).
origin with different composition (V~zquez et al. 1985b). The total of dissolved fractions by alkaline extraction was
However, the comparison between different conditions is calculated as the loss of weight during lixiviation.
difficult because the yields of formaldehyde-condensable The quantitative acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharides
polyphenols, i.e. the fraction which accumulates the active contained in bark and in bark raffinates from alkaline ex-
compounds in adhesive production, (according to Yazaki traction was carried out according to Browning (1957).
1977), are strongly dependent on the origin of the sample. In The determination of reducing sugars from the above hy-
order to obtain better comparative results, several extrac- drolysis was performed according to the Somogyi-Nelson
tions were performed under equal conditions. Average method (Somogyi 1952). The glucose contained in the ex-
values served for selecting four experimental conditions tracts from acid hydrolysis was measured with the YSI-27
which were carefully examined, taking into account some Industrial Analyzer (Vfizquez et al. 1985).
factors not previously considered. Under these selected oper- The solid residue from acid hydrolysis does not exactly
ational conditions, experiments were carried out using ho- agree with the Klason ligqlin determined according to Chang
mogenized bark samples in order to measure the advantage (1955) because the lixiviation with NaOH was not carried
obtained by coupling two lixiviation stages in crossflow, be- out under the same conditions. Therefore, this fraction is re-
cause the yield of raffinates with high polyphenol content ferred to as "Klason lignin and unsolved polyflavonoids".
416 Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff44 (1986)

3 Results and discussion by random sampling, in Fig. 1 average values are given for
each of the studied conditions.
In order to obtain extracts with high proportions of formal- It can be seen from Fig. 1 that aqueous extractions only
dehyde-condensable polyphenols and raffinates containing dissolve 4% of Stiasny polyphenols, a proportion which is
polysaccharides in the highest possible proportion, aqueous markedly lower than results published elsewhere (Weiss-
and alkaline extractions of Pinus pinaster bark were carried man et al. 1980b; Dix et al. 1983). The addition of small
out under several conditions chosen on the basis of published amounts of NaOH notably increases the polyphenol yield.
results and on own experience.. The results obtained with Na2CO 3 are markedly lower than
The experiments were carried out at 30'L 60~ or 95 C us- those with NaOH. From Fig. 2, four experimental condi-
ing NaOH or NazCO 3 in concentrations up to 2 g alkali/ tions may be selected to reach high amounts of extracted
I00 g water. In each set of operational conditions, eight ex- polyphenols: alkali concentrations of 0.5 or I g NaOH/100 g
periments were performed using barks of different origins; water at 6@" or 95 ~
the concentrations of Stiasny polyphenols in the extracts The decrease in the amount of dissolved polyphenols ob-
were measured. To get a more reliable comparison between served in Fig. 1, from 0.5 to 1 g water at 60 ~ or 95 ~ is sur-
the experimental results by eliminating the values imposed prising. This could be due to bark samples with different
In order to confirm this hypothesis and to get further in-
formation comparing the most promising conditions, experi-
~30 ments were carried out using homogenized bark samples.

// For this purpose the four treatments that gave the highest
proportions of solved polyphenols were chosen. Six lots of
homogenized bark (A to F) were prepared. Each lot was di-
vided into 5 samples (1 to 5) and subjected to alkaline extrac-
~18 J! " li--/I~ tions and acid hydrolysis as shown in Fig. 2, where the deter-
minations are also indicated. The results obtained are shown
in Table 1.
The experimental data show that when changing from
6@' to 95 ~'C at the same alkali concentration, the amount of
dissolved polyphenols is increased. The previous assumption
~B that the anomalous behaviour shown in Fig. 1, was due to
different origins of the samples is confirmed. The influence
of temperature dominates over the concentration effect. The
I I 1 I
smallest amount of extracted polyphenols is achieved at 60 ~'C
0.25 0.50 1.0 g/lOOg water 2.g
Alkali r-encentrotion and 0.5 g NaOH/100 g water (conditions a), followed by
60 ~ and 1 g NaOH/100 g water (conditions b), 95 ~ and
o Water 95 ~ ~, No 01-1g5 ~ - - 95~ isotherm
0.5 g NaOH/100 g water (conditions c) and 95 ~'C and 1 g
9 CO,Noz 95% 9 60~ ----60~ NaOH/100 g water (conditions d). Using condition a) as a be-
9 C03No2 60% vNGOH 30~ ---%% isolherm sis for comparison, the relative increases when proceeding to
Fig. I. Yieldsof formaldehyde-condensablepolyphenols(Stiasny po- stronger conditions are: 0-11% for b), 14~30% for c) and
lyphenols) obtained when bark samples are treated with alkali 2 1 ~ 1 % for d). The Stiasny polyphenols overall solved frac-
(NaOH or CO3NA2) during ! 5 min under various temperatures and tionratio measures the fraction of extracted products, corre-
concentrations. Each point represents an average obtained from sponding to polyphenols. The average values obtained for
eight bark samples with different origin
Bild 1. Ausbeute an formaldeyhd-kondensierbaren Polyphenolen the six bark lots vary between 0.827 (conditions b) and 0.917
(Stiasny Polyphenole)bei Alkali-Behandlung(NaOH oder CO3Na2) (conditions c). These values are higher than those found in
15 rain, bei unterschiedlichenTemperaturen und Konzentrationen. literature, which is probably due to the short duration of the
Die MeBpunkte sind Mittelwerte aus acht Rindenproben unter- extractions. Under the conditions studied, an increase in the
schiedlicher Herkunft. selectivity of polyphenol extraction can be noticed when the

<j~ ExfroCtS (determination of reducing sugars end glucose)

~Roffinotes {determinofion of Gold-insoluble residues]

Alkoline [ixivitQlion
Sample 2
(60~ 05 g
NOOH/lOOg wafer)
\ EXtFOCtS[determinotion of Sfiasny polyphenols)
Alkaline iix]vitofion
{600C: 1.0 g
No OH/I00 g water] deterrninotion of overGll fraction solved
Alkaline lixivitation
(95~ 0.5 g c, ~ . ~ . ~ (determination of reducing
NQOH/IO0 g water) /___. . //,,'L,,,,uc.~:~ sugarsend glucose)
/...,,. Roffinotes \ - hA%ti
sis- \ ..... - 9 [delerminofion of,.KIoson Ognin
beck lois Somple 5 Alkaline [ixivitetion ~, "-KOflllqOfeS ond unsolved polyfiovonoids")
(A,B,C,O,E,F) (95%; 1.0g
No OH/IOG g water) \~EG~ <..-~"EXtFOCtS(delerminotion of Stiosny polyphenols)
extrocUon ~ " ~ . R o f f i n o t e s
Fig. 2. Diagram of various treatments, performed with homogeneizedbark samples
Bild 2. Schema der verschiedenenBehandlungen der homogenisierten Rindenproben
G. Vfizquez et al.: Operational conditions for alkaline leaching Pinus pinaster bark 417

Table I. Results obtained for the bark samples processed according to Fig. 2

Bark Sample Alkaline lixiviations Acid hydrolysis

T Conc" Stiasny polyphenols Total Reducing Glucose A.I.R. b or
~C fraction sugars K.L.+U.P. c
1 st extn. 2nd extn. dissolved

A 1 - - - 26.6 13.9 63.3

2 60 0.5 23.4 1.1 25.6 24.6 13.0 44.6
3 60 1.0 26.0 ] .3 29.4 25.2 13.3 43.3
4 95 0.5 30.5 2.8 32.1 24.5 12.7 41 .I
5 95 1.0 30.9 2.6 33.0 24.9 12.8 34.1
B 1 . . . . 25.7 13.2 64.3
2 60 0.5 22.3 0.4 25.4 25.4 13.1 42.5
3 6(1 1.0 22.6 0.7 29.1 24.0 12.2 41.3
4 95 0.5 28.1 3.7 30.7 24.3 12.3 39.5
5 95 1.0 31.4 0.2 35.4 25.0 12.6 33.4
C 1 - - - 27.6 13.9 62.7
2 60 0.5 23.3 0.8 27.0 27.0 13.9 43.5
3 60 1.0 23.3 0.8 28.2 27.2 13.9 40.6
4 95 0.5 26.6 3.9 29.2 26.2 13.7 38.5
5 95 1.0 29.0 2.3 34.7 27.5 13.1 32.1
D t - - - 26.1 12.6 65,4
2 60 0.5 24.5 1.6 28.0 24.2 11.7 42.3
3 60 1.0 27.0 1.5 32.9 23.8 I 1.6 37.6
4 95 0.5 31.8 5.5 34.3 24.1 11.9 37.1
5 95 1.0 33.4 5.1 41.0 24.1 12.3 3I .5
E 1 - - 27.5 14.5 65.2
2 60 0.5 25.6 1.1 26.8 25.2 13.8 41.2
3 60 1.0 26.0 0.4 31.7 26.0 13.1 36.4
4 95 0.5 29.7 1.2 33.0 24.9 I4.1 33.5
5 95 1.0 31.1 1.0 37.8 25.0 13.8 30.7
F 1 - - - 27.6 14.0 62.8
2 60 0.5 23.3 0.7 27.0 27.5 13.7 42.8
3 60 1.0 23.7 1.3 28.5 26.1 13.0 40.3
4 95 0.5 29.1 3.5 32.4 26.2 13.1 36.1
5 95 1.0 30.1 3.9 34.8 26.2 12.7 33.2

a Alkali concentration expressed as g NaOH/100g water

All other results are expressed as g/100 g of oven-dried bark
A.I.R.: Acid-insoluble residue (relative to samples not treated with alkali)
c K.L. +U.P.: Klason lignin and unsolved polyflavonoids (relative to samples treated with alkali)

t e m p e r a t u r e is raised. T h e selectivity diminishes with rising studied here. W h e n the raffinates o f alkaline lixiviations are
alkali concentration. considered, their p r o p o r t i o n s rise to 38~J,3 weight % of the
The yields o b t a i n e d when coupling in cross-flow a second solid. This is promising for reaching a utilization o f Pinus
extraction stage, performed u n d e r the same conditions as the pinaster bark.
first, are within 4 - 1 0 % of the total o f dissolved polyphenols. Table 1 also shows o t h e r interesting facts: the non-reduc-
Nevertheless, the coupling o f stages would be interesting in ing fraction o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h acid hydrolysis ( a b o u t 34 g/
order to obtain b o t h , raffinates with low polyphenol c o n t e n t 100 g o f reducing c o m p o u n d s ) decreases to 19-23 g o f n o n -
(facilitating their acid or enzymatic hydrolysis) as well as reducing c o m p o u n d s / 1 0 0 g o f reducing c o m p o u n d s , w h e n
more c o n c e n t r a t e d extracts (Hall 1960). the raffinates from alkaline extractions are treated. Thus,
This m e t h o d is limited by the high viscosity of the con- over 1/3 o f undesired impurities are eliminated when the
centrated extracts (Ayla et al. 1981). alkaline t r e a t m e n t is carried out. In order to evaluate the re-
The polysaccharide losses in the solid p h a s e can be seen sults, it m a y be t a k e n into a c c o u n t t h a t they are o b t a i n e d
from Table 1 which c o m p a r e s the a m o u n t s o f reducing from acid hydrolysis performed u n d e r t i m e - c o n s u m i n g con-
sugars obtained t h r o u g h bark hydrolysis before and after ditions given in literature ( B r o w n i n g 1957). T h e use o f
alkaline extractions. The values determined are low a n d do shorter times, as p u b l i s h e d for o t h e r lignocellulosic residues
not show a clear dependence on the experimental conditions (Shah et al. 1984), could diminish the a m o u n t of impurities,
(4.5-6.8 g o f c a r b o h y d r a t e s lost/100 g o f initial c a r b o h y - but would also involve a decrease in the yield of polysac-
drates in samples as averages u n d e r the different conditions charide t r a n s f o r m a t i o n into sugars.
studied). These results are below the values ( 1 1 - 5 0 % ) pub- T h e extractions carried out at 95 "C with 0.5 or I g
lished by C h a n g (1955), which seems to be related to the N a O H / 1 0 0 g water (conditions c a n d d) seem to be the m o s t
short d u r a t i o n of alkaline extraction. The values determined favourable ones, because they provide extracts with highest
for glucose losses are in good agreement with the results p r o p o r t i o n s o f polysaccharides, w i t h o u t severe losses in car-
f o u n d for the total c a r b o h y d r a t e losses. bohydrates.
As an average value the reducing sugars o b t a i n e d by the U n d e r the latter two conditions, the effect of particle size,
acid hydrolysis o f b a r k c o u n t for 27 weight % o f the samples not considered u p to now, on the kinetics a n d yields o f alka-
418 Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff44 (1986)

Coupling a second lixiviation stage in cross flow, gives no

100 ~ c-
appreciable advantage. Although, this method could be in-
teresting to obtain more concentrated extracts.
The carbohydrates lost in the solid phase during alkaline
lixiviation are not important under any of the conditions
studied ( 4 . 5 ~ . 8 % of the initial polysaccbarides present in
40 samples). The sugars obtained through acid hydrolysis of the
raffinates from alkaline lixiviation have less impurities than
20 those obtained when hydrolysing bark which was not pre-
treated with alkali. These results are favourable for devel-
oping an industrial process where polyphenols and polysac-
charides from Pinus pinaster bark could be used.
~oo "O
The effect of particle size on the kinetics and on the yields
x Y of alkaline lixiviations was evaluated at 95 ~C with 0.5 or i g
NaOH/100 g water. The increase in extraction rate is high
60 POl title sizes for particles smaller than 0.25 mm. With these particles, ex-
o 0-0.25 mm traction percentages of 90% are reached in periods as short
L'O ,~ 0.25-0.50 mm as 8 min.
9 D.50-0.75 mm
20 v O.75-1.0 mm 5 Literature
I I ;
2o [o 6o t~o 1oo rain ;20 L,~O Anderson, S. B.; Wu, K. T.: Wong, A. 1974: Utilization of Ponderosa
Time pine bark and its extracts in particleboards. Forest Prod. J.
Fig.& Dependence between extraction percentage and time for dif- 24:48-53
ferent particle sizes, a) NaOH, 0.5 g/100 g water, 95 ~C; b) NaOH, Anderson, A.B. 1977: Bark extracts as bonding agent for particle-
1.0 g/100 g water, 95 ~C board. In: Goldstein, I. S. (Ed.) ACS Syrup. Ser. No. 43, pp. 235
Biid 3. Zusammenhang zwischen Extrakt-Anteilen und Behand- 42 Am. Chem, Soc.
lungszeit fiir untersehiedliche Partikelgr6Ben. a) NaOH, 0,5 g/100 g Ayla, C.: Weissman, G. 1981 : Utilization of polyphenols from Pinus
Wasser, 95 ~C; b) NaOH, 1,0 g/100 g Wasser, 95 ':C brutia bark for the production of wood adhesives, ttolz Roh
Werkstoff 39:91 95
Ayla, C.: Weissman, G. 1982: Gluing tests with tannin formaldehyde
resins from bark extracts of Pinus brutia ten. Holz Roh- Werk-
line extractions was studied using the methods previously
stoff40:] 3 18
described by V/tzquez et al. (1985 b). The initial interval of Browing, B.L.: Sell, L.O. 1957: The analysis of some fractions of
particle size ((~1 mm) was divided into subintervals given in slash pinc bark. TAPP1 40:362-65
Fig. 3, which shows the dependence between extraction per- Chang, Y.P.; Mitchell, R.L. 1955: Chemical composition of com-
centages and time. The increase in the extraction rate is mon North American pulpwood barks. TAPPI 38:315-20
higher.when working with particles smaller than 0.25 ram. Dix, B.; Marutzky, R. I983: On the extraction of polyphenols fi'orn
Using this bark fraction, the highest proportions of Stiasny softwood barks. Holz Roh- Werkstoff 41:45-50
polyphenols are obtained (41.5--49.4% against 27.9-39.5%, Hall, R. B.; Leonard, J.H.; Nicholls, G.A. 1960: Bonding particle-
values determined, using particles greater than 0.25 mm). boards with bark extracts. Forest Prod. J. 10:263-72
Hemingway, R.W. 1978: Adhesives from southern pine bark. A re-
This increae was already reported for extractions of Pinus
view of past and current approaches to resin formulation prob-
radiata bark (Hall et al. 1960). lems. In: McMillin, C.W. (Ed.): Complete tree utilizalion of
The final choice of the optimum conditions among those southern pine. Proc. Syrup., pp.443 57. Medison: Forest Prod.
studied here must be based on economic factors, and has to Res. Soc.
include aspects such as the technological characteristics of Shah, R. B." Clausen, E. C.; Gaddy, J. L 1984: Production of chemi-
the adhesives produced with bark extract and the facility of cal feedstocks from biomass. Chem. Eng. Prog. lr:76-80
obtaining and fermenting sugars from the polysaccharides Somogyi, M. 1952: Notes on sugar determination. J. Biol. Chem.
present in the raffinates. 195:19-23
VAzquez, G.; Antorrcna, G.; Paraj6, J.C. 1985a. Studies on the
utilization of Pinus pinaster bark. I. Chemical constituents.
Wood Sci. Technol. (accepted for publication)
4 Conclusions Vfizquez, G.; Antorrena, G.; Paraj6, J. C. 1985 b: Studies on the uti-
lization of Pinus pinaster bark. II. Kinetics and yields of alkaline
F r o m the alkaline extraction of Pinus pinaster bark four lixiviations. Wood Sci. Technol. (accepted for publication)
experimental conditions that allow the achievement of the Weissman, G.; Ayla, C. 1980a: Utilization of natural polyphenols
highest amounts of formaldehyde-condensable polyphenols for the production of wood adhesives. Holz Roh Werkstoff
(roughly 26-31 weight percent of the initial oven-dried 38:245-49
samples) were selected for a more detailed study. U n d e r those Weissman, G.; Ayla, C. 1980 b: Investigation ofextractives of Pinus
brutia bark. Holz Roh- Werkstoff 38:307-12
experimental conditions (alkali, N a O H ; concentration 0.5
Wissing, A. 1955. The utilization of bark. II. investigation of the
or 1 g/100 g water, 60 ~ or 95 ~>C, 15 min) the yields of poly- Stiasny reaction for the precipitation ofpolyphenols in pine bark
phenols from two stages coupled in cross flow as well as the extractives Svensk. Papperstidn. 20:745-50.
losses of carbohydrates from the solid phase were studied Yazaki, Y.; Hillis, W.E. 1977: Polyphenolic extractives of Pinus
using homogenized bark samples. radiata bark. Holzforschung 31:20-25

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